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2021/6/31Company benefits2021/6/322a company carflexible working hoursparental leavean important job titlea pension2021/6/33Is working for Xerox too good to be ture? What a lovely place Xerox is to work! Kim Moloney, a client services executive, cant say enough nice things about her employer. “Its a very special environment,” she says. “People describe Xerox as a family and I was amazed at the number of people who have worked here for so long.” 1.对感到惊奇,感到不可思议2021/6/34Its tempting to take Moloneys comments with a pinch of salt, especially considering that when youve been working somewhere for only two years, as she has at Xerox, everyone seems old and established. But theres truth behind her enthusiasm. 2.tempt to 倾向于3.take with a pinch of salt 对将信将疑4.old and established 资深的,历史悠久的2021/6/35Take Carole Palmer, the group resources director. She joined Xerox in 1978 as a temp and has been in her present role for seven years. “Xerox has been good to me over the years,” she says. “It has supported me through qualifications . . . and last year I took part in the vice-president incumbent programme.” 5.take: takefor example 以为例6.take part in: 参加7. incumbent programme: 岗位培训2021/6/36Human resources is taken seriously at Xerox, Palmer says, and the company has a policy of promoting from within (which would explain Moloneys amazement at her colleagues longevity). The company takes on only 15 to 20 graduates each year and Moloney was part of an intake who joined having already acquired a couple of years work experience. 8. take seriously 认真对待9. from within 从公司内部10. longevity: 长久11. take on : 招聘12. intake: take form within 从内部招聘2021/6/37She started as a project manager for Xerox Global Services before moving into sales. Now her responsibility is to “grow and to maintain customer relationships”. 2021/6/38Moloney is based at the head office in Uxbridge. “Its great in terms of working environment”, she says. “Weve just got a new provider in the canteen and . . . we have brainstorming rooms and breakout areas.” 13. in terms of 关于,在方面14. brainstorming rooms and breakout rooms 会议室,专题室brainstorm 集思广益breakout 突破2021/6/39Much of Moloneys role is visiting clients, so she doesnt have a permanent desk at head office. “Im a hot-desker, which is good because you get to sit with different people in the hot-desk areas. And youre given a place to store your things.” 15. hot-desker 实行办公桌轮用的工作人员2021/6/310Head office staff numbers between 1,200 and 1,500 people, Palmer says. The company has other main offices in the UK. The nature of the organisation, which encompasses sales and marketing, global services (the biggest division), developing markets, research and development and manufacturing, means that the opportunities at the company vary from service engineers to sales roles and consultants. 16.number: v. 数量是17.emcompass v. 包含18. division n. 分支,部门19. vary fromto从到变化2021/6/311Perks include a final-salary pension scheme and various discount schemes. The reward and recognition scheme is a little different, and rather nice: “Each manager has a budget every year to recognise and reward staff,” Palmer says. “It can be in the form of a meal for two, or a bottle of wine. It can be up to 1,000. Theres recognition, and then theres putting money behind it.” 20.perks n.好处21. a final-salary pension scheme按最终薪水支付的养老金制度22. discount scheme 折扣制度23.the reward and recognition scheme 嘉奖制度2021/6/312Moloney, however, likes the non-cash rewards. “Xerox takes care of all its staff but it also recognises the people who put in the added effort,” she says. “It offers once-in-a-lifetime incentive trips, and recently I organised a sailing trip for my team.” 24.non-cash rewards: 非现金奖励25. take care of 照顾26.added effort 额外劳动27. once-in-a-lifetime incentive trips 机会难得的旅游奖励2021/6/313The idea of working abroad with the company appeals to her, and she says that her career goal is to be part of the senior management team. Heres another employee, it would seem, who is in it for the Xerox long haul.28.appeal to: 吸引29. haul 长途运输long haul 长久2021/6/3144BACBC2021/6/3155takewith a pinch of salttake care oftaketake part in take on take seriously2021/6/316How long have you been working for the company?When did you join the company?What was your first job?What are you responsible for?Where are you based?What would you like to do in the future?2021/6/3171. have been working2. joined3. have had4. have been considering5. has expanded/has been expanding6. completed7. have been studying8. has agreed部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!


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