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Exercises: I.While she was gett ing me settled in to a tiny but clea n room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometers awaywhere there was garage. (0年 高考)where 2.Ja ne paused in front of acoun tersome attractive ties were on display.(0年 高考 3.He filled his leathercontainer so that he who could bring some back to an elderhad bee n histeacher.(10 高考)whom 4.Behi nd him were other people tohe was tryi ng to talk, but after someminu tes they walked away and sat n ear me, looki ng anno yed.(年高考)5.0f course whe never they turned to look at which him, they had to look at Mary,made her feel like a star. (12年 高考)语法填空-定语从句语法填空考点分析?语法填空考查的形式主要有两种:?一是纯空格(无提示词),根据语法结构和文意直接填写;主要涉及:冠词、介词、代词(反身复合句的引导词代词)、并列连词以及复合句的引导词等。?二是括号给出提示词,根据所给词的正确的形式填空。主要涉及:动词、不定式、时态、语态、比较级、词形变化等。考点分析定语从句是每年必考的题目,其中考得比较多的是引导定语从句的关系副词(where)和关系代词(who/which).?定语从句的概念?关系词分为两大类,即关系代词和关系副 ?定语从句的概念?由一个句子作定语,修饰句中一个名词或 ?什么是先行词?词,其作用:?什么是先行词?代词,有时也可以修饰整个句子或句中的 ?关系词的作用?引出一个定语从句,?关系词的作用?部分内容,这样的从句就是定语从句,被 代替其所修饰的先行词, 其修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。在从句中充当某个成分。(主/宾/状)关系词that所指先行词事,物,人,时间,地点,原因在从句中所担成分 主,宾关 which 系 代 who 词 whom whose as关 when 系 where 畐寸 why 词事,物,人,时间,地点,原因人人事,物,人事,物,人时间地点原因主,宾主,宾宾定主,宾状状状考点重现It got its n ame duri ng the in dustrial revoluti on,factory polluti on whe n turned thelocal skies black and coal dust from the mines made the soil the same colour.(2011 广一模)when引导定语从句并在从句中作时间状语。考点重现后置定语修饰houseAnd he added that the fine new house being built on the mountain sideevery one was won deri ng which/that about was his.(201 茂一模)which/that引导定语从句并在从句中作宾语。考点重现However, being naturally curious, Pandora opened the box, and all the evils of the world such as war, disease, fami ne and floods whichthat werecontained within itescaped and spread over the earth.(2012-20期末珠海题) whichthat引导定语从句并在从句中作 主语。考点重现At that mome nt an attractive young lady who/that no ticed my book cameup tome and in troduced herself. (0旷一模) who/that引导定语从句并在从句中作主语。考点重现who The boy,had rema ined sile nt and deep in thought on the jour ney home,replied in a way that shocked his father. (0广一模)who引导定语从句并在从句中作主语。考点重现It is one of the few places in the worldwhere the bones and footpri nts of dino saurshave bee n found together. (201广一模)where引导定语从句并在从句中作地点状语。Summary:纯空格的解题步骤: 步骤一:找谓语 谓语动词纯空格的突破点之一:即一个句子中如果有2个谓语动词,那其中一个有可能是从句;步骤二:判断从句 代词名词定语从句一般位于 或 后,并对其进行修饰;步骤三:选用正确的关系词关系代词若从句中缺主、宾、表之一,填对应的 ,关系副词若从句中缺状语,则填对应的 。学习好资料欢迎下载定语从句与并列句?用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正 确。? Mr Li has three daughters, none ofis an engin eer whom ? Mr Lihas three daughters, but none of themis a dan cer? Mr Li has threedaughters; ; none/ theyare doctors? He wrote a lot of no vels, and many ofwere tran slated into foreig nIan guages. themwhich ? He wrote a lot of no vels, many ofwere tran slated


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