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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上新概念英语第二册语法精粹十三、The Sentences知识要点:句子按使用的目的可分为四类:1、陈述句2、疑问句3、祈使句4、感叹句从结构上看句子可分为三种类型:1、简单句2、并列句3、复合句一、句子的种类(Kinds of Sentences)1、陈述句:(1)肯定句:We love our motherland. 我们热爱祖国。(2)否定句:They dont go to work on Sundays. 他们星期日不上班。说明:叙述或否定一个事实或看法。2、疑问句:(1)一般疑问句:Are you a worker? 你是个工人吗?Yes, I am. 是的,我是工人。Havent you seen the film? No, I havent. 你没看过这部电影吗?没看过。说明:以一个助动词,情态动词或动词be开始的问句。回答要用yes或no。(2)特殊疑问句:Who is the man? 这人是谁?When do you watch TV? 你什么时间看电视?What are they doing now? 他们现在正在干什么?说明:以一个疑问代词或疑问副词开头的句子一般要用倒装句语序(或称为疑问词加一般疑问句)(3)选择疑问句:Do you want tea or coffee? Either will do. 你要茶水还是要咖啡?哪种都行。Does he learn Japanese or French? He learns French. 他学日语还是学法语?他学法语。说明:提出两个或两个以上的情况,选择一个作为答案。(4)反意疑问句:They are going to the airport, arent they? 他们要去机场,是吗?You havent finished your homework, have you? 你没做完作业,是吗?说明:提出情况或看法问对方是否同意。在陈述句后附加一个简短的疑问句,即前面句子肯定,后为否定;前面句子否定,后为肯定。He seldom went to bed at ten, did he? 他很少在十点钟上床睡觉?是吗?He knows little Russian, does he? 他几乎不懂俄语,是吗?说明:当陈述句部分含有never, no, hardly, seldom, little等否定意义的副词时,附加问句用肯定形式。(5)祈使句:a陈述句:Be sure to get there at eight. 八点钟一定要到那儿。b否定句:Dont worry. Ill help you out. 别担心,我会帮助你的。说明:表示命令,请求,叮嘱,号召等,谓语动词用原形。(6)感叹句:what + n.:What great changes we have had these years! 这几年我们有了多么大的变化啊!What a fine day it is! 多好的天呀!how + adj.:How brave he is! 他多么勇敢呀!how + adv. :How hard they are working! 他们工作多努力呀!How time flies! 时间过得多么快呀!How + adj. + a (an) + n.How nice a boy (he is)!=What a nice boy he is! 多么好的孩子啊!说明:表示说话时惊异,喜悦,气忿等情绪。what修饰名词,how修饰形容词、副词或句子。二、句子的类型(Types of Sentences)1、简单句的句子的类型:一个主语+一个谓语,例:The girl plays the piano every day. 那女孩每天弹钢琴。两个主语+一个谓语,例:Tom and I are good friends. 汤姆和我是好朋友。一个主语+两个谓语,例:He opened the door and left. 他打开门出去了。两个主语或两个谓语或更多,例:Mr. and Mrs Smith went to the market, bought some fruit and visited their friends. 史密斯夫妇去市场,买了些水果,并看望了朋友。结构特殊:只含有一个词或一个词组,例:Hello! 喂!Help! Help! 救命啊!救命!Many thanks. 万分感谢。2、简单句的基本句型(The Basic Sentence Patterns)句型结构:(1)主语+不及物动词:S + Vi.,例:Birds fly. 鸟飞 They disappeared. 他们消失了。(2)主 + 连系动词 + 表语:S + V + P,例:She is a university student. 她是一名大学生。He has become a pilot. 他已成为一名飞行员。(3)主 + 及物动词 + 宾语:S + Vt + O,例:He likes swimming. 他喜欢游泳。We help each other. 我们互相帮助。(4)主 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语:S + Vt + O + O,例:I told my friend the good news. 我把好消息告诉了我的朋友。They sent us a telegram. 他们给我们拍了电报。(5)主 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 补语:S + Vt + O + C,例:They named the boy Jack. 他们给孩子起名叫杰克。I want everything ready by eight oclock. 我要求一切都要在八点前准备好。注:S = Subject(主语)Vi=Intransitive Verbs(不及物动词)Vt=Transitive Verb(及物动词)P=Predicative(表语)O=Object(宾语)C=Complement补语重点、难点:否定陈述句要注意下列几点:(1)否定陈述句主要是在肯定句中加not或no (= not a /any) 构成的,除not和no外,用具有否定意义的副词也可构成否定陈述句。常用的词有hardly, seldom, never, little, scarcely, barely, rarely等。(2)其他成分的否定形式有些句子的结构上属于肯定式,但含有否定意义的词,可分以下几种。否定的主语:Nobody will agree with you. 没人同意你的意见。None of the students like the novel. 没有学生喜欢这本小说。No student here studies Russian. 这里没有一个学生学俄语。否定的宾语:We saw nothing in the darkness. 在黑暗中我们什么都看不见。He will borrow the book from nobody. 他从谁那都借不来这本书。You must remember not to be late for class. 你必须记住上课不准迟到。否定的状语:They came here not by bike but on foot. 他不是骑车来的而是走着来的。We could find him nowhere. 我们什么地方也找不到他。(3)不定代词all, both, everyone或everybody用于否定句时,表示部分否定。All the trees here are not apple trees. ( = Not all the trees here are apple trees. )这里的树并非都是苹果树。(有的是苹果树,有的不是。)Both of the sisters are not nurses. ( = Not both of the sisters are nurses.)这姐儿俩并不都是护士。Everybody cant do it. (= Not everybody can do it. )并不是人人都能做这件事。【专项训练】:一、陈述句和疑问句:1、Theyhappy when they hear the news. AwillBwill beCwereDdont2、 “ Is your uncle a driver?” “.” ANo, but my aunt isBYes, but my anut is CNo, he doesntDYes, he does3、Wesatisfied with their work.AdontBare notCwontDwerent being4、Hecoffee at all. Hetea.Adoesnt like, prefersBlikes, doesnt preferCwould like, not prefersDprefers, is not fond of5、Sheme only twice since last year.AseesBwas seeingChas seenDhave seen6、My grandmain the country. Now shein the city.Aused to live, livesBused to living, lived Cuses to live, is livingDwas used to live, lives7、Youmake such mistakes again.Ashould neverBshould not always Cwould always notDwould not forever8、 “Can you drive a car?” “.”AYes, and Jim cant tooBYes, but Jim cant CNo, but Jim can, tooDNo, but Jim cant9、 “Are you going to the super market?” “ No, .”AI cycle thereBI walk there Cto the workDIve already been there10、In England teawith milk or sugar in it.Ausually drinksBis usually drunk Cusually is drunkDdrank usually11、 “Is she going to the post office?” “No, .”Ashe doesntBshe goes by bike Cto the shopsDshes on the bike12、Tomlike reading at all. Heinterested in playing basketball.Adoesnt, isBdoesnt, wereCis, doesDwas, is13、Whenhome from work?Ado your parents comeBdoes your parents come Chave your parentsDour parents come14、Which of the studentsthe examination?Anot passBdidnt passCpassDdidnt passed15、Theytrouble lifting the heavy box.Adidnt have manyBhadnt a lot of Cdidnt have much Dhavent a great deal of16、 “Did you have breakfast this morning? “.”AYes, I hadBYes, I didCNo, I hadntDNo, I didnt have.17、colour is the cover of the dictionary?AWhatBWhichCHowDWhose18、 “does he brush his teeth a day?” “Twice.”AWhat timeBHow longCWhenDHow many times19、There are many pictures on the wall.do you like best?AWhatBWhich one CWhich of the pictureDWhich one picture20、Since whenher?Adid you knowBhave you known Cdo you knowDyou know21、 “That ten pound note belongs to me.” “.”AYes, it isBYes, it belongsCNo it doesntDNo, it isnt22、 “Would you rather wait or come back later?” “.”AId rather come backBYes, Id rather not wait CNo, Id rather waitDto come back23、 “shoes do you take?” “Size 42.”AWhich numberBWhat number CWhat sizeDWhat24、 “is the weather like today?” “ Its windy.”AWhatBHowCWhat kindDWhich25、Would you read my composition and correct the mistakes, ?Aif haveBif anyCif everDif not26、is the distance between these two villages?AHow farBWhatCHow longDHow much27、do you go to the cinema? Twice a month.AHow many timeBHow much CHow longDHow often28、Howit in English?Ayou sayBdo you speakCdo you sayDto speak29、is the population of the city?AHow muchBHow manyCHowDWhat30、did she get this information?AWhomBWhoCWhereDWhat31、does your watch cost? Two hundred yuan.AHow manyBWhat priceCWhatDHow expensive32、Aboutdo you want to know more?AWhomBwhoCwhichDwhat33、We havent heard from Jane for a long time.What do you supposeto her.Awas happeningBto happen Chas happenedDhaving happened34、Have you heard the news about Jim?No. What?Ais itBit isCare theyDthey are35、Would you rather go there by train or by air? .AYes, I wouldBNo, I wouldnt CYes, by airDBy air36、I go oryou go yourself?AWillwillBShallshallCShallwillDWillshall37、Do you think the question easy or not? .AYes, I doBNo, I dontCIt is easyDYes, its easy38、Shall we stay at home orto the park?Ato goBgoingCgoDwill go39、writer is better known in China, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?AWhicheverBWhetherCWhatDWhich40、was the Nanjing-Changjiang Bridge open to traffic?It was open to traffic in 1968.AWhatBWhat timeCHow longDWhen二、感叹句、祈使句41、from Beijing to London!AHow long way it isBWhat a long way it isCWhat a long way is itDHow long a way is it42、Oh, John, you gave us!AHow a pleasant surpriseBHow pleasant surpriseCWhat a pleasant surpriseDWhat pleasant surprise43、terrible weather weve been having these days!AHow aBWhat aCHowDWhat44、girl she is!AWhat bright aBHow a bright CHow bright aDWhat a bright45、we have today?AHow fine dayBWhat fine day CHow a fine dayDWhat a fine day46、Howflowers are!AbeautifulBbeautifullyCbeautiful theDbeautiful that47、How!Adoes time flyBtimes flyCtime fliesDflies time48、Whatwork he does!AharderBhardChardlyDhardest49、careful our monitor is!AHow aBHowCWhat aDWhat50、advice he gave us!AWhat aBHow goodCWhat goodDHow51、picture it is!AWhat wonderfulBHow a wonderful CWhat wonderful aDHow wonderful a52、I wish to pay a visit to Hongkong!AHow doBWhat doCWhatDHow53、hardworking students they are!AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow54、long time it lasted!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a55、down the radio. The babys sleeping in the next room.ATurningBTo turnCTurnDTurned56、Letsfootball in the street.Anot to playBnot playCdont playDnot playing57、careful when you cross the street.ADont beBDo beCBeingDDo58、the childall day long!ALet, not to cryBNot let, cry CDont let, to cryDDont let, cry59、afraid of make mistakes!ADont beBNot to beCNot beingDBe not60、me again before coming.ACallingBTo callCDo callingDCall三、反意疑问句61、Youd like some coffee, ?Awerent youBwouldnt youChadnt youDshouldnt you62、I dont think he will come to the meeting, ?Awill heBwont heCdo IDam I63、Harry and his brother promised to work harder, .Ado theyBdont theyCdid theyDdidnt they64、His father knows little about it, he?AdoesBdoesntCis heDisnt65、We all like reading story books, ?Ado weBdo youCdont weDdont you66、My sister seldom goes to the theatreshe?AdoesntBdoesCisDisnt67、Your fatherpromised to buy a computer for you, he?Aoften, didBnever, didntCalready, didDnever, did68、Be sure to write to us, ?Awill youBarent youCwould youDcan you69、Dont smoke in the meeting room, you?Ado youBwill youCwouldDcan70、Its fine today. Lets go fishing, ?Awill weBshall weCdo weDdont we71、Mary has few friend in Japan, she?AhasBdontCdoesntDhasnt72、There is a beautiful lake in this city, ?Aisnt itBisnt thereCis itDhasnt it73、There is nothing wrong with my bike, ?Ais itBisnt thereCisnt itDis there74、He comes late sometimes, ?Aisnt heBcomes heCdoesnt heDis he75、You are not a new comer, are you?. I came here only yesterday.ANo, I amBYes, I amCNo, Im notDYes, Im not.76、She could hardly believe it,?Acouldnt sheBcould sheCdidnt sheDdid she77、You neednt go, ?Acan youBmust youCneed youDmay you78、You must work hard from now on, ?Acan youBwont youCmustnt youDneednt you79、After walking so long a way, you must have been tired, you?AwereBhave ChaventDmustnt80、He must have left home yesterday, he?AhasntBdidntCmustntDneednt81、You dont think Im going out in such wet weather, ?Aam IBdo youCdont youDdo I82、Youd better call in a doctor for your mother, you?AhadBwouldChadntDwouldnt83、You need to come earlier, you?Adont youBneedntCdontDwont84、You dare not go alone, you?AdontBdoCdareDdarent85、He shouldnt drink so much, he?AshouldBoughtCwouldDwill86、Nothing can stop us doing that, ?Acan weBcant weCcant itDcan it87、Im late for the meeting, ?Aamnt IBarent ICdont IDarent you88、Nobody but I knows Japanese in my class, ?Adoes heBdoesnt heCdo theyDdont they89、None of the workers attended the party, ?Adid theyBdid heCdidnt heDdidnt they90、Everything is right here, ?Aisnt itBarent theyCare theyDis it91、A lovely day, ?Ais itBdoes itCisnt itDdoesnt it92、He isnt a diligent boy, for it is the second time he has been late, ?Aisnt itBis heChas heDis it93、My sister often needs help with her study, ?Aneed sheBneednt sheCdoesnt sheDdoes she94、You should have watered the flower earlier, ?Ashouldnt youBdidnt youCdont youDhavent you95、Learning a foreign language well is not easy, ?Ais itBisnt itCdoes itDdoesnt it96、What a pretty girl, ?Aisnt itBis itCis sheDisnt she97、Wang Ping cant be in the bedroom, ?Acan sheBis sheCcant heDisnt he98、I wish to visit the Palace Museum next week, ?Ado IBShall ICmay IDcan I99、Let us do it for you, ?Awill youBwont youCshall weDshant we100、They have to face the difficulty, they?AdoBdontChaventDwont【答案】:1、B2、A3、B4、A5、C6、A7、A8、B9、D10、B11、C12、A13、A14、B15、C16、B17、A18、D19、B20、B21、C22、A23、C24、A25、B26、B27、D28、C29、D30、C31、C32、A33、C34、A35、D36、C37、C38、C39、D40、D41、B42、C43、D44、D45、B46、C47、C48、B49、B50、C51、D52、D53、A54、B55、C56、B57、B58、D59、A60、D61、B62、A63、D64、A65、C66、B67、D68、A69、B70、B71、A72、B73、D74、C75、B76、B77、C78、C79、C80、B81、B82、C83、A84、C85、A86、D87、B88、C89、A90、A91、C92、A93、C94、B95、B96、D97、B98、C99、A100、B专心-专注-专业


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