九年级英语全册 随堂特训 知识手册课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 随堂特训 知识手册课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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1.制作单词卡片2.听录音3.向某人求助4.小组合作5.大声朗读6.首先7.英语口语8.因为;由于9.爱上Unit 1make word cards短语速记短语速记listen to tapesask sb.for helpwork with a groupread aloudat firstspoken Englishbecause offall in love with10.也;还11.查找12.做笔记13.写日记14.小菜一碟15.你自作自受16.犯错误17.加入英语俱乐部18.与交谈Unit 1as well短语速记短语速记look uptake noteswrite a diaryIts a piece of cakeIt serves you rightmake mistakesjoin an English clubtalk to19.生而具有20.依靠;取决于21.共有22.注意;关注23.把和连接(联系)起来24.即使25.感到紧张26.一点点Unit 1be born with短语速记短语速记depend onin commonpay attention toconnect .witheven ifbe stressed outbit by bit1 你怎样为考试而学习?通过小组学习。2.英语口语太难了,我听不懂。3.听录音怎么样?4.你读得越多,你就读得越快。Unit 1How do you study for a test?句型透视句型透视I study by working with a group.Its too hard to understand spoken English.How about listening to tapes? The more you read, the faster youll be.5.老师讲的太快以至于多数时候我没听懂。6. 我也意识到只听关键词也能够弄懂含义。7.我不知道如何增加我的阅读速度。8. 他不能正确发音。9.我没有一个可以练习英语的搭档。Unit 1The teacher spoke so quickly that I didnt understand her most of the time.句型透视句型透视I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words.I dont know how to increase my reading speed.He cant get the pronunciation right.I dont have a partner to practice English with.10.但是你是否能够把这件事做好取决于你的学习习惯。11.好的学习者考虑他们所擅长的和他们所需要更多练习的。Unit 1But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.句型透视句型透视Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.1.最喜欢 2.一点儿3.返回4.在外吃饭5.增加(体重);长胖6.听起来像7.和相似8.冲走 9.以形状Unit 2likebest短语速记短语速记a littlebe backeat output onsound likebe similar towash awayin the shape of10.民间故事11.射下12.拒绝做某事13.呼唤;叫喊14.摆开;布置15.与分享16.认为;想起17.打扮;装扮18.不给糖就捣乱Unit 2folk stories短语速记短语速记shoot downrefuse to do sth.call outlay outshare withthink ofdress uptrick or treat19.捉弄某人20.了解21.带领参观22.关心;在乎23.赚钱24.过去经常25.(以)结束; 最终成为26.就提醒某人27.醒来;叫醒 Unit 2play a trick on sb.短语速记短语速记learn abouttakearoundcare aboutmake moneyused toend up remindof wake up 1. 玛丽认为那些队是极好的。2. 比尔想知道明年他们是否会再吃粽子。3. 两周后我将要去清迈。4.因为新年是把坏的事物清洗走的时间。Unit 2Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic.句型透视句型透视Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year.Im going to Qiang Mai in two weeks.Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things.5.中国人庆祝中秋节和品尝月饼已有几个世纪了。6.它们承载了人们对所爱和所思念的家人的祝愿。7.香港的食物多美味啊。8. 多美丽的城市啊!9.吴宇认为这个节日怎么样?Unit 2Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.句型透视句型透视They carry peoples wishes to the families they love and miss.How delicious the food is in Hong Kong! What a beautiful city it is!What does Wu Yu think of this festival? 10.我认为装扮成卡通角色很有趣。11.圣诞的真正含义和精神是什么?12.圣诞颂歌是由查尔斯狄更斯所写的一部著名小说。 Unit 2I think its fun to dress up as cartoon characters! 句型透视句型透视Whats the true meaning and spirit of Christmas? A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens.1.吃晚餐2.一双3.在右边4.沿着走5.左/右转6.经过 7.来吧;加油8.快餐9.在去某地的路上Unit 3have dinner短语速记短语速记a pair ofon the rightgo alongturn left/rightgo pastcome onfast foodon ones way to10.经过11.请再说一次12.寄信13.购物中心14.询问15. 的拐角16.当然17.大/小女孩Unit 3pass by短语速记短语速记pardon memail a letter shopping centerask aboutthe corner ofof courseolder/younger girl18.例如19.求助20.引入到21.在某方面更擅长Unit 3for example/ such as短语速记短语速记ask for helplead intobe better at1. 打扰一下,请告诉我如何到达书店好吗?2.你知道书店今天什么时间关门吗?3.只要沿着主街走直到你经过中心街。4.我想知道我们接下来应该去哪里。5.我开始害怕,但是叫喊真的很有用。Unit 3Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?句型透视句型透视Do you know when the bookstore closes today? Just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.I wonder where we should go next.I was scary at first, but shouting really did help.6.直到你尝试一些东西你才会知道。7.你能告诉我哪里有吃东西的好地方吗?8.你喜欢哪种食物?9.知道如何礼貌的求助很重要。10.他们使用的词语取决于他们和谁讲话或者他们彼此有多熟。Unit 3You never know until you try something.句型透视句型透视Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat? What kind of food do you like? Its important to know how to ask for help politely.The expressions the use might depend on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.1. 过去经常2.害怕3.取得好成绩4.时常5.在课堂上6.开始从事7.处理;解决8.一直9.对小心Unit 4used to短语速记短语速记be afraid ofget good gradesfrom time to timein classtake updeal withall the timebe careful about10.再也不11.闲逛12.很多,大量13.继续战斗14.至少15.公开地16.做演讲 17.体育课18.绘画Unit 4notanymore短语速记短语速记hang outtons of / a number offight onat leastin publicgive a speechPE classpaint pictures19.对感到紧张20.在过去21.放学以后22.在足球队23.引起麻烦24.为感到骄傲25.再也不26.缺席Unit 4be nervous about短语速记短语速记in the pastafter classon the soccer teamcause troublebe proud of/ take pride inno longerbe absent from27.寄宿学校28.亲自29.令某人吃惊的是30.感到自信Unit 4boarding school短语速记短语速记in personto ones surprisefeel good about oneself1.玛利亚,你过去很矮,是吗?2.他现在长什么样?3. 从我最后一次见到我的小学同学到现在有三年了。4. 现在她不再害羞而且喜欢在众人前唱歌。Unit 4Maria, you used to be short, didnt you?句型透视句型透视Whats he like now? Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.5.过去我在学校不受人欢迎,但是现在我走到哪里都受到很多关注。6.你永远难以想象成功之路是多么的困难。7.我过去不喜欢测验。8.我过去步行去学校。Unit 4I didnt use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.句型透视句型透视You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.I didnt use to like tests.I used to walk to school.9.我过去一直对考试感到紧张。10.作为一个小孩,他很少给父母难题,他们也为他感到自豪。11.他经常旷课,考试不及格。12.他一直很努力,而且现在是班上最优秀的学生之一。Unit 4I used to be nervous about tests all the time.句型透视句型透视As a child, he seldom gave his parents any problems, and they were proud of him.He is often absent from classes, and he failed his examinations.He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class.1.由制成2.环境保护3.因而出名4.据5.在边上6.遍及全世界7.对有利8.在某地制造 9.无论Unit 5be made of/from短语速记短语速记environmental protectionbe famous/known foras far ason the sides ofall over the worldbe good forbe made inno matter10.日常用品11. 实际12.被允许做某事13.飞机模型14.交通事故15.放风筝16.查明;弄清楚17.度假18.各种各样的Unit 5everyday things短语速记短语速记in factbe allowed to do sth.model plane traffic accidentsfly a kitefind outgo on a vacationdifferent kinds of19.风筝节20.学做某事 21.变成22.根据;通过23.被所使用24.处于麻烦中25.被所覆盖Unit 5kite festival短语速记短语速记learn to do sth.turn intoaccording tobe used by26.剪纸27.中国陶艺28.童话in trouble be covered withpaper cuttingChinese clay artfairy tale1. 这个耳环看起来很漂亮,是银质的吗?2.在中国哪里制造茶?3.当叶子都准备好了,他们都是手工采摘,然后送去处理。4.他发现当地商店如此多的产品由中国制造很有趣。 Unit 5The ring looks nice.Is it made of silver?句型透视句型透视Where is tea produced in China? When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.He found it interesting that so many products in local shops were made in China.5.他意识到美国人几乎不能避免购买中国造的产品。6.劳拉正想弄清楚郑云在假期做了什么。7.劳拉想学会放风筝。8. 我参加了国际风筝节。Unit 5He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.句型透视句型透视Laura is trying to find out more about what Zheng Yun did on his vacation.Laura wants to learn to fly a kite.I went to an international kite festival.9.中国每个不同的地方拥有自己独特的传统艺术形式。10. 他们被视为幸福和美好的祝愿的光明的象征。11.剪纸已经存在了一千五百多年了。Unit 5Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.句型透视句型透视They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.Paper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years.1.被发明2.在黑暗中3.很乐意4.在某人的日常生活中5.有道理6.在那时候7.偶然8.落入9.一段时间Unit 6be invented by短语速记短语速记in the darkmy pleasurein ones daily lifehave a pointat that timeby accidentfall/drop intosome time10.不到;少于11.发生12.毫无疑问13.翻译成14.突然15.错误地16.最后17.很久 18.奥林匹克运动会Unit 6less than短语速记短语速记take placewithout doubttranslateintoall of a suddenby mistakein the endfor a long timethe Olympics19.把分开20.合作21.与此同时22.阻止做某事23.梦想24.钦佩25.决定26.想出 Unit 6divide into短语速记短语速记work togetherat the same timestop (from) doing sth.dream oflook up todecide oncome up with1.电话是什么时候发明的?2.它们是用来做什么的?3.不同发明的先驱者在那儿被列举出来。 4.据说一位叫神农的中国统治者第一次作为饮料发现了茶。Unit 6When was the telephone invented ?句型透视句型透视What are they used for?The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.Its said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.5.它也讨论最好的茶叶产自哪里以及什么样的水被使用。6.薯片是意外的发明的。7.顾客说他们不够咸。8.乔治想使顾客高兴。Unit 6It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.句型透视句型透视Potato chips were invented by mistake.The customer said they were not salty enough.George wanted to make the customer happy.9.人们相信历史上第一场篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日进行的。10.同一个队的运动员必须合作使球进入对方的篮筐。11.今天,篮球的普及已经上升到全世界。Unit 6It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21, 1891.句型透视句型透视Players on the same team must work together to get the ball in the other teams basket.Today, the popularity of basketball has risen around the world.1.购物中心2.驾照3.决不4.兼职工作5.穿耳朵6.理发7.对很激动8.确信9.拥抱某人Unit 7shopping center短语速记短语速记drivers licenseNo waypart-time jobget ones ears piercedcut hairbe excited aboutmake suregive sb.a hug10.举起11.回想起12.顶嘴13.远离14.自己做决定15.搬出16.上课迟到17.考试不及格18.参加考试Unit 7lift up短语速记短语速记think back totalk backkeep .away frommake ones own decisionmove outget to class latefail the testtake the class19.通过考试20.对要求严格 21.妨碍22.长大23.同意/不同意24.结束25.不反对26.花费在上27.担心;在乎Unit 7pass the test短语速记短语速记be strict withget in the way ofgrow upagree/disagree withend uphave nothing againstspend oncare about1.青少年应该被允许选择自己的衣服。2.青少年不应该被允许吸烟。3.我认为十六岁的青少年不应该被允许驾驶。4.当我还是一个小婴儿整夜哭闹时妈妈给我唱歌,陪伴在我身边。Unit 7Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.句型透视句型透视Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.5.当我摔倒了受了伤,她给我拥抱并把我抱起来。6.你有没有担心考试及格?7.父母不应该对青少年太严格。8.彼得应该被允许稍后参加考试。Unit 7When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.句型透视句型透视Do you ever worry about failing a test? Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.Peter should be allowed to take the test later.9. 但有时这些可能会妨碍他们的功课。10.然而,他的父母不允许他训练太多。11.只有那时我才有机会实现我的梦想。Unit 7But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork.句型透视句型透视However, his parents wont allow him to train so much.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.1.属于2.在野炊3.发带4.参加音乐会5.去野炊6.余下的7.捡起8.给打电话9.制造噪音Unit 8belong to短语速记短语速记at the picnichair bandattend a concertgo to a picnicthe rest ofpick upcall sb.make noise10.首先11.玩得开心12.不知道13.走开14.感到困倦15.淋浴16.追赶17.在天空中18.赶公汽 Unit 8at first短语速记短语速记have fun have no ideago awayfeel sleepytake a showerrun afterin the skycatch a bus19.穿西装20.看日出21.与交流22.指出23.不但而且24.保持健康25.一群Unit 8wear a suit短语速记短语速记see the sun risecommunicate withpoint outnot only but alsokeep healthya group of1. 这是谁的排球?2.它一定是玛利亚的。3.那个人不可能是个男孩。4.然而,这几天有一些不同寻常的事在我们小镇周围发生着。5.我妻子认为可能是一个动物,但是我朋友和我认为一定是青少年们在玩乐。Unit 8Whose volleyball is this? 句型透视句型透视It must be Marias.The person cant be a boy.However, these days, something unusual is happening around town.My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun.6.外星人正在追那个人。7.我一定是在做梦。8.他可能在跑步锻炼。9.斯通亨奇,一个巨石阵,不仅是英国最著名的历史古迹也是最大的谜团之一。Unit 8The alien is running after the man.句型透视句型透视I must be dreaming.He could be running for exercise.Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of the greatest mysteries.10.许多年以来,史学家们相信斯通亨奇是一个古代领导者试图与神交流的庙宇。Unit 8For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.句型透视句型透视1.和一起跳2.和一起3.如果是那样4.有空 5.想要6.坚持7. (使)高兴8.尽某人最大努力做某事9.关掉Unit 9dance to短语速记短语速记along within that casehave spare timefeel likestick tocheeruptry ones best to do sth. shut off10.及时11.有时;偶尔12.大量;充足 13.电影海报14.民乐15.演奏乐器16.结婚Unit 9in time短语速记短语速记once in a whileplenty ofmovie poster folk musicplay musical instrumentsget married17.到末端18.总共19.查阅20.在过去by the end of in totallook upin the past1.我喜欢能随着跳舞的音乐。2.我喜欢能跟着一起唱的音乐。3.我更喜欢能给我们一些思考的东西的电影。4.当我感到沮丧和疲惫的时候,我更喜欢能使我高兴起来的电影。5.笑两个小时是放松的好办法。Unit 9I like music that I can dance to.句型透视句型透视I like music that I can sing along with.I prefer movies that give me something to think about.When Im down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up.Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax.6.我总是带一个不害怕这种电影的朋友.7.他喜欢把事情解释得很清楚的作家。8.我不喜欢恐怖的电影。9. 在二胡上演奏的那一曲尤其令我感动。10. 这曲音乐是由阿炳,1893年出生在无锡市的一位民族音乐家所写的。Unit 9I always bring a friend who isnt afraid of these kinds of movies.句型透视句型透视He like writers who explains things well.I dont like movies that/which are scary.The piece that was played on the erhu especially moved me.The music was written by Abing, a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893.1.应该做某事2.握手3.第一次4.下一次5.伸出6.一就7.令某人惊讶的是8.被期待做某事9.顺便拜访Unit 10be supposed to do sth.短语速记短语速记shake handsfor the first timenext timehold outas soon asto ones surprisebe expected to do sth.drop by10.定计划11.毕竟12.在正午13.气愤14.作出努力15.出国16.把擦掉17.脱下 18.把放在上Unit 10make plans短语速记短语速记after allat noonget madmake an effortgo abroadcleanofftake offputon19.插进里面20.指向 21.格外努力22.使某人感到宾至如归23.玩得很开心24.切碎25.习惯于26.感觉很好Unit 10stickinto短语速记短语速记point atgo out of ones waymake sb.feel at homehave a great timecut upget used tofeel good about1. 在你们国家,第一次见面应该怎么做?2. 你们应该握手。3.所以我只是伸着手站在那儿。4. 我所来自的地方对时间看得很轻松。5.如果有人邀请你在中午和他(她)见面,那么你就被期望中午到那儿。Unit 10In your country, what are you supposed to do when you meet for the first time?句型透视句型透视You are supposed to shake hands.So I just stood there with my hand out.Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time.If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon, then youre expected to be there at noon.6.在印度,你应该用手吃。7.在中国,用筷子敲击空碗是不礼貌的。8. 在韩国,年龄最小的人被期望先开始吃。9.我现在在法国参加学生交流活动很开心。Unit 10In India, youre supposed to eat with your hands.句型透视句型透视In China, its impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl.In Korea, the youngest person is expected to start eating first.I am having a great time on my student exchange program in France.10. 我现在讲法语讲的很舒服了。11. 我最大的挑战是学会如何在餐桌上表现。Unit 10Im very comfortable speaking French now.句型透视句型透视My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.1.宁愿2.使人发疯3.越越.4.成为某人的朋友5.忽略6.首相7.召来;叫来8.既不也不9.起初;开始时Unit 11would rather短语速记短语速记drive sb.crazy/madthe morethe morebe friends with sb.leave outprime ministercall inneithernorto start with10.搜索;寻找11.在街上12.即使;尽管13.返回14.使失望15.开除某人16.对某人苛刻17.而不是18.齐心协力 Unit 11search for短语速记短语速记on the streeteven thoughreturn toletdownkick sb.offbe hard on sb.rather thanpull together1.我宁愿去蓝色海洋因为我喜欢在吃的时候听安静的音乐。2.但是那种音乐使我昏昏欲睡。3.我对朱莉了解越多,我就越意识到我们有许多共同的地方。4. 但是他发现他的身体没有什么问题。Unit 11Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.句型透视句型透视But that music makes me sleepy.The more I got to know Julie, the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common.But he found nothing wrong with his body.5. 他需要的是一个快乐的人穿的衬衫。6.我总是担心失去我的权利。许多人正努力地夺取我的位置。7.将军找不到一个快乐的人,国王永远保持不开心。8. 将军寻找了三天并找到了一个快乐的人。Unit 11What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear.句型透视句型透视Im always worried about losing my power.Many people are trying to take my position.The general cannot find a happy person and the king remains unhappy forever.The general searched for three days and found a happy person.9. 尽管那个穷人没有权力,金钱和名声,是什么使他如此快乐?10.但不管结果怎样,不要对自己要求太苛刻。11.第二天,皮特并没有害怕,而是勇敢的参加足球训练。Unit 11What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power, money or fame?句型透视句型透视But whatever it was, dont be too hard on yourself.The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.1.在以前2.捎一程3.(闹钟)响4.迟到5.至少 6.(与) 成一排7.赶到;露面8.在(某时间点)以前9.满怀疑惑的Unit 12by the time短语速记短语速记givea liftgo off be late forat leastin line with show upby the end ofin disbelief10.将要11.化妆舞会12.穿衣服13.熬夜14.整夜15.愚人节 Unit 12be about to短语速记短语速记costume partyget dressedstay upall nightApril Fools Day16.卖光 17.开某人的玩笑18.结束19.结婚 sell outplay tricks/jokes on sb.end upget married1.在我起床之前,我哥哥已经进了浴室。2. 我一直睡觉,当我醒来的时候已经八点钟了。3. 我甚至没有刷牙和洗脸。4.当我和其他的办公室工作人员一起排队等候的时候,我听到了大的响声。Unit 12By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.句型透视句型透视I kept sleeping, and when I woke up it was already 8:00 am.I didnt even brush my teeth or wash my face.As I was waiting in line with other workers, I heard a loud sound.5. 我们直愣愣地盯着燃烧着的大楼升起的黑烟,无法相信(这一切)。6.上个星期五晚上,我的朋友邀请我参加她的生日聚会。7.愚人节晚上戴维发上了什么事?8.他已经把钟调早了一个小时。Unit 12We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.句型透视句型透视Last Friday night, my friend invited me to his birthday party.What happened to Dave on April Fools Day? He had changed the clock to an hour earlier.9.许多人跑向当地的超市尽可能多的买意大利面。10.许多愚人节玩笑的结局并不是那么有趣。11. 威尔斯使它听起来如此真实以至于成百上千的人都相信了这个故事。Unit 12Many people ran to their local supermarkets to buy as much spaghetti as they could.句型透视句型透视Many April Fools jokes may end up being not very funny.Welles made it sound so real that hundreds of people believed the story.1.打扫;清洁2.过去(经常)3.减少;砍倒4.(对)产生影响和作用 5.对有害6.在顶部7.食物链8.参加9.关掉Unit 13clean up短语速记短语速记used tocut downmake a difference (to) be harmful toat the top offood chaintake part inturn off10.付费11.采取行动 12.挽救地球13.关掉14.乘汽车15.骑自行车16.匆忙17.扔掉18.好好利用某物Unit 13pay for短语速记短语速记take actionsave the earthturn offride in carsride a bikein a hurrythrow awayput sth.to good use19.拆下;摧毁20.恢复;使想起21.因而为人所知22.用建造/制作Unit 13pull down短语速记短语速记bring backbe known formake/buildout of1.这个镇每个人都应该为清洁它发挥作用。2. 因此,我能齐心协力就能带来变化,创造美好的未来。3.如果他们(鲨鱼)的数量降至过低,会给所有海洋生物带来危险。4.没有科学研究表明鲨鱼的鳍对健康有利。Unit 13Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up! 句型透视句型透视So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future!If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life.No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.5. 回收利用纸真的很容易。6.但是停止乘坐汽车很难。7.举例来说,你应该在洗头发时关掉淋浴。8.她住在英国,房子是她自己用废弃物建造成的。9. 艺术不但可以给他人带来快乐,而且因为说明只需要一点创造力,即使是冰冷,坚硬的铁也可产生活力。Unit 13Recycling paper is really easy.句型透视句型透视But its hard to stop riding in cars.For example, you should turn off the shower when youre washing your hair.She lives in a house in the UK that she built herself out of rubbish.Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.1.连续几次的2.做调查3.对有耐心4.花时间5.无论 6.回首;回忆7.弄得一团糟8.沉住气9.高中Unit 14in a row短语速记短语速记do a surveybe patient withtake the timeno matterlook back atmake a messkeep ones coolsenior high (school) 10.(时间)逝去 11.信任;信赖12.在将来13.进入14.擅长15.提建议16.期待;盼望 17.首先Unit 14go by 短语速记短语速记believe inin the futureget intobe good atgive advicelook forward tofirst of all18.渴望;渴求19.对某人心存感激20.在前面21.连同22.对有责任23.出发24.分离;隔开 Unit 14be thirsty for短语速记短语速记be thankful to sb.ahead ofalong withbe responsible forset outseparate from1.我记得在七年级遇见你们所有的人。2. 老师建议有的人在跑步后休息一下。3. 回忆过去的三年,我记得许多事情。4. 从你开始上初中起你有怎样的变化?5.将来你希望做什么?Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.句型透视句型透视Someone was advised to take a break from running by the teacher.Looking back at the past three years I remember many things.How have you changed since you started junior high school?What do you hope to do in the future? 6.我希望获得工商管理学位并成为管理者。7.他们邀请陈老师来,她高兴地接受了邀请。Unit 14I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.句型透视句型透视They ask Mrs.Chen to come, and she is happy to accept the invitation.8. 感谢你们今天来参加第三中学的毕业典礼。9.虽然你们在过去的三年里都很努力,但是你们没有一个人是孤军奋战。Unit 14Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior School.句型透视句型透视Although youve all worked very hard over the last three years, none of you did it alone.


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