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名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词有单复数之分,前面可加可数名词有单复数之分,前面可加数词数词( (oneone、twotwo、threethree-)-)或或冠词冠词(a a、anan、thethe)。)。an apple an apple 一个苹果一个苹果 four apples four apples 四个苹果四个苹果a booka book 一本书一本书 three books three books 三本书三本书可数名词包括:可数名词包括: (1) 普通名词:普通名词:boy 男孩男孩 girl 女孩女孩 apple 苹果苹果 book 书书 (2) 集体名词:集体名词:people 人们人们 人民人民 (3) 少数专有名词少数专有名词: China 中国中国 不可数名词不可数名词 不可数名词主要包括两大类:物质名不可数名词主要包括两大类:物质名词与抽象名词。词与抽象名词。 物质名词无法表示为个体的实物,物质名词无法表示为个体的实物,如如:rice大米大米 、 food食物食物 、coffee 咖啡、咖啡、 meat肉肉 、 bread面包面包 、water水、水、 tea茶茶. 抽象名词为动作、状态、品质等无法抽象名词为动作、状态、品质等无法计数的抽象概念,计数的抽象概念, 如:如:happy开心开心、sad伤心伤心、love爱爱.名词的单复数变化:名词的单复数变化:规则:规则:1.1.一般情况加一般情况加 - -s s如:如:mapsbagscars2. .以以s s, , shsh, , chch, , x x等结尾的词加等结尾的词加 - -es如:buses watches3. 3. 以不发音的以不发音的e e结尾的单词,直接加结尾的单词,直接加- -s s如: oranges4. 4. 以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y y结尾的词,变结尾的词,变y y为为i i 加加eses如:baby-babies5. 5. 以以o o结尾的单词:结尾的单词:1.1.加加- -eses的词:的词: 英雄在土豆地里吃西红柿。英雄在土豆地里吃西红柿。heroheroeses potato potatoeses tomato tomatoeses2. 2. 加加- -s s的词:除了上面的词:除了上面3 3个单词,其他以个单词,其他以o结尾结尾的词都加的词都加- -s spianopianos s radio radios s 3. 3. 即可加即可加s s也可加也可加 - -eses zerozeros s/eses6. 6. 以以f f或或fefe 结尾的名词变复数时,变结尾的名词变复数时,变f/fef/fe为为v v加加-es-esknifeknife-knivesknivesleafleaf-leavesleaveswolfwolf-wolves wolves wifewife-wiveswiveslifelife-liveslivesthiefthief-thievesthieves; 名词变复数的不规则变化名词变复数的不规则变化:1. 1. 变单词中的元音部分。变单词中的元音部分。footfoot-feetfeettoothtooth-t teeeeth th mousemouse-mic cemanman-menmen womanwoman-womwome en n 2. 2. 加加-ren-renchildchild-childchildrenrendumpling dumpligssoup soups/fi/fishes/fiiz/fishfishfishes种类种类鱼肉鱼肉ricericesorange juiceorange juicesporridgeporridgesoniononionsUnit 24 A light dinnerLesson47Love me, love my dog.salmon/smn/鲑鱼a nice piece of salmona piece of paper/cake/woodstrawberry/ str:bri/草莓lettuce/ letis/生菜cucumber/ kju:kmb/黄瓜dessert/di zt/甜点Thats fantastic!the first, the second,the third,the fourththe fifth基数词基数词 序数词序数词 基数词是表示数量多少和大小关系的词。如:基数词是表示数量多少和大小关系的词。如:one, two, three, four,-, thirty-one. 序数词是表示顺序和次序的词,与基数词相序数词是表示顺序和次序的词,与基数词相对应。如:对应。如:first, second, third, fourth, , thirtieth, thirty-first 请将请将基数词基数词转换成转换成序数词序数词one twothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenfirst 1stsecond 2ndthird 3rdfourth 4thfifth 5thsixth 6thseventh 7theighth 8thninth 9thtenth 10th eleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteentwentythirtytwenty-onethththth twelfth twentieth thirtieth twenty - first一、请填入合适的元音字母或字一、请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合母组合:请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 1. s _l m _ n请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 2. p _ _ce请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 3. m _ _ l请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 4.c_c _m b_ _请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 5. h _ _ lth_请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 6. c r_ _ m请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 7. p _ ck请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 8. d _s s_ t请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 9. t _ night请填入合适的元音字母或字母组请填入合适的元音字母或字母组合合: 10. f _ n t_ s t _ c请填入合适的字母或字母组合请填入合适的字母或字母组合: 11. str _ b_ rry请填入合适的字母或字母组合请填入合适的字母或字母组合: 12. p _t_ t_请填入合适的字母或字母组合请填入合适的字母或字母组合: 13. l _ veListen to the radio and Listen to the radio and the fill the following the fill the following blanksblanksPicture 1 Claire, do you like _? Yes, I _ fish. I _ like _. Good! Ive got a nice _ _ salmon for dinner tonight.Picture 2 Do you like _? Yes, I _ _ too. Ive got some _ _ and _ _ .Picture 3 Theres some _ and some _. Is _ _? Thats_ , Karen! Its my _ _ _ food! Well, heres a _.You and Paul can pick some _ from the _ .Then we can have some _ for _ .Picture 4Picture 5 This is _, Karen! A _ _ _ ! But Im _ _ ! _ _, Paul! Ive got _ _ potatoes in the _!Picture 6 And you can _ _ _ with your _. Just _ them _!Watch the video and do the following exercises1. Robert, _ you like salmon? A. are B. do C. is D. Can 2.You can have some cream with your _ . A. rice B. hamburger C. chicken D.strawberries 3. Ive _ lots of potatoes in the kitchen! A. go B. got C. like D. want have got /has got “有有”4. This is great, Keran! A really _ meal! A. hungry B. happy C. healthy D. surprise 5. Mum! Im very _ . Have we got any bread? A. angry B. hungry C. thirsty D. sorry 6. Dad! Have we got any cucumber in the _ ? A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom D. study 7. You and Paul can _ some strawberries from the garden. A. go B. pick C. pull D. eat 8. Thats fantastic, Karen! Its my _ kind of food! A. like B. own C. favourite D. worry 9. I love fish. I really like _.A. cucumber B. fruit C. salmon D. ice-cream 10. Ive got a nice _ of salmon for dinner tonight.A. part B. piece C. kind D.lot Karen: Claire, Do you like fish ?Claire: Yes, I love fish. I really like salmon .Karen: Good! Ive got a nice piece of salmon for dinner tonight.Yes, I do. / No , I dont.What do you like ?Karen: Do you like vegetables?Claire: Yes. I like vegetables, too.Karen: Ive got some new potatoes and some salad指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西,因此有复数。 指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西。 规则变化:名词单数变复数,直接加-s占多数;s,x,z,ch,sh,来结尾,直接加上-es;词尾是f或fe,加-s之前变ve;辅音+y在词尾,把y变i再加-es.shirt -shirtsbus buses; box -boxeswife - wivesbaby - babies 以o结尾的名词分两种:+es Negro hero potato tomato 黑人和英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿2) +s 除了上面四个单词,其他以o结尾的词都加-s pianos radios 不规则变化,常见的有: man men ; woman women ; foot feettooth teeth ; mouse mice ; child children ; fish fish ; deer deer ; sheep - sheepcity- country- book-pencil- knife- photo-photo- tomato- wolf-radio- leaf- dog-party- box- table-family- toy- piano-Karen: Theres some lettuce and some cucumber. Is that OK?Claire: Thats fantastic. Karen! Its my favourite kind of food./fn tstik/极好的 Karen: Well, heres a bowl. You and Paul can pick some strawberries from the garden. Then we can have some fruit for dessert.Paul: This is great , Karen. A really healthy meal. But Im very hungry.Karen: Dont worry, Paul. Ive got lots of potatoes in the kitchen./ heli/健康的Karen: And you can have some cream with your strawberries. Just pick them first.Lesson48下列字母可以组成哪个单词? first i r f s t cream e a c r m worryw r r o y meale l a m healthye a t h y h l dessertt d s s e r e strawberryystawrberr pickc k i p fantasticf t a a n s c t i cucumberc u b e r c u m lettucel t t e u e c potatoo p a t t o tonight g h t i t o n t piece p c e i e salmon m n o s a l love v e o l/u/ poor sure jury duri/ju/ pure cure Europe jrplate 助动词:do 否定式:dont Do you like vegetables?Yes, I do.Do you like fruit?No, I dont.比较:助动词 are Are you a teacher ?Yes, I am.Are you a policeman?No, Im not.比较:助动词 is Is he a driver ?Yes, he is.Is he a postman?No, he isnt.I love vegetables! Do you like them?.No, I hate them. But I like fruit.Do you want any vegetables?No, thank you, but I want some fruit.What do you want ?I want some vegetable, please.And do you want any fruit?No, thank you. I dont like fruit very much.Do you like ? Yes , I do. / No, I dont.I love ,but I hate .Do you want any ?What do you want ? I want Listening Page 73See you next time!


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