高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion reading reading课件 新人教版选修8

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高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion reading reading课件 新人教版选修8_第3页
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Warming up Tell the story in three stages using pictures .Picture 1Pygmalion ,an artist ,dislikes women . One day he makes a statue of a beautiful woman with ivory .Picture 2When he finishes the statue , he falls in love with it and goes to the Greek goddess , Aphrodite , to ask her to make the statue into a real woman . Picture 3As a result of his prayers , Aphrodite agrees to help him and makes the statue into a woman . The two marry and live happily ever after . Pygmalion Pygmalion,King of Cyprus,was a famous sculptorHe m_ an ivory image of a woman so l_ that he fell in love with itEvery day he tried to make Galatea up in gold and purple,for that was the name he had g_ to this mistress(女主人) of his heartHe embraced and kissed it,but it r_ a statueIn despair he went to Aphrodites shrine(神殿)for h_Offering rich sacrifice and sending up a passionate prayer,he b_ the goddess to give him a wife as graceful as Galateaadeovelyivenemainedelpegged Back home,he went s_ up to the statueEven as he gazed at it a change came over itA faint colour a_ on its cheeks,a gleam shone from its eyes and its lips opened into a s_ smilePygmalion stood speechless when Galatea began to move towards himShe was simple and sweet and a_ !Soon the room was ringing with her sliver v_ The work of his own hands became his wifetraightppearedweet liveoicePygmalion Effect - A study by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) in which children aged six to twelve years, all drawn from the same school, were given an IQ test. Children were then assigned to an experimental or control group. When teachers were told that the children in the experimental group were high achieves, these children showed significant IQ gains over the course of one year, despite allocation(分配) to group having been in fact random(随意).(1856-1950)playwright, born in Ireland,moved to London in 1876G. Bernard Shaw (he hated the George and never used it, either personally or professionally) was b_ in 1856 in Dublin, in a lower-middle c_ family of (新教徒) ancestry(祖先). His father was a failed corn-merchant, with a drinking p_ and a squint(斜视) (which Oscar Wildes father, a leading Dublin surgeon, tried unsuccessfully to correct); his m_ was a professional singer, the sole disciple(信徒) of Vandeleur Lee, a voice teacher claiming to have a unique and original approach to singing. ornlassroblemother After the war, Shaw found his dramatic voice again and rebuilt his reputation, first with a series of five plays about creative evolution, Back to Methuselah, and then, in 1923, with Saint Joan. In 1925 he was a_ the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw lived the r_ of his life as an international celebrity( 名人), t_ the world, continually involved in local and I_ politics. In 1950, Shaw fell off a ladder w_ trimming(清理) a tree on his property at Ayot St. Lawrence in Hertfordshire, outside of London, and d_ a few days later of complications(complication (并发症) from the injury, at age 94. wardedestravellingnternationalhile ied窈窕淑女窈窕淑女 Pygmalion (1938)剧情简介:剧情简介:The snobbish(势利的) & intellectual(有智力的) Professor of languages, Henry Higgins makes a bet with his friend that he can take a London flower seller, Eliza Doolittle, from the gutters(贫民区) and pass her off as a society lady. However he discovers that this involves dealing with a human being with ideas of her own.演员表:演员表:奥黛丽赫本 Audrey Hepburn . Eliza Doolittle雷克斯哈里森 Rex Harrison . Professor Henry Higgins第三十七届(1964年)奥斯卡窈窕淑女获十三项提名夺得最佳影片,最佳男主角,最佳导演,最佳摄影(彩色片),最佳艺术指导(彩色片),最佳服装设计(彩色片),最佳音响,最佳音乐(配乐)共八项奖。) Audrey HepburnUnderstanding ideasThere are three main ideas in this Act :that Eliza shows her l_ social position every t_ she speaks that Henry can analyze e_ where she c_ fromthat he knows how to I_ her English so that nobody would k_ that she came from a poor p_ of London and was a working-class girl.owimexactlyomesmprovenowart Character Quote from the playWhat it showsHenryHigginsElizaColonelPickeringCharacterQuote from the playWhat it showsHenry Higgins.Look at the girl with her terrible English. The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days .1. Henry is arrogant(傲慢的).2. He thinks the use of correct English grammar matters .3. He thinks she can never overcome this problemCharacter Quote from the playWhat it showsElizaThankou ,sir . Hey ! I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman . Ive a right to sell flowers .v1. Eliza is respectful to people of a higher social class than her ( calls the man “sir”) .v2. She is aggressive when defending herself .v3. She is sensitive about how she appears to others .CharacterQuote from the playWhat it showsColonelPickeringThats quite brilliant ! How did you do that , may I ask ?1. Modest . It is not till later we find out he is an authority on Indian languages .2. He is prepared to learn from others .3. He ignores Eliza but speaks to Henry as they are social equals. Comprehending Ex1 (P30)Character Position in society Evidence in the playLower classLanguage: calls gentleman” sir” and “capin” which is a complimentBehaviour: respectful to people of higher classElizaCharacter Position in society Evidence in the playHenryHigginsMiddle classLanguage: calls Eliza “ you silly girl ” and Pickering “ my dear man”( an equal and friend)Behaviour: rude (and patronizing)to lower class ;polite to same or upper classCharacter Position in society Evidence in the playColonelPickeringUpper classBehaviour : generally confident and polite ; but ignores ElizaLanguage : prepared to begin a conversation with Henry , whom he does not know ; generous with praise to him 1. _ for the screen 为拍电影而改编的作品 _ from literary works 自文学作品改编而成的作品 adaptedadaptadaptationsadaptationsmake to fit in a new place; make fit for He _ his old car engine to the boat. 他把他的旧汽车上的引擎用到那只船上。 _ oneself to a new job 使自己适应新的工作 _ ones thinking to the new situation 使思想适应新形势adapt2. a) small piece of land b) what happens in a story or play c) make a secret plan for doing wrong 菜园 a garden plot 情节渐渐复杂起来了。The plot thickens. 盖伊福克斯策划要炸毁国会大厦。Guy Fawkes plotted to blow up parliament. 3an expert in phonetics , convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his/her position in society.一位语音专家,认定一个人的英语水平决定这个人的社会地位。 1) 我确信他有罪。 I am convinced of his guilty .= I am convinced that he was guilty . 2) 我不认为她的强作欢颜能使她父亲相信她在那个小孤岛上过得开心。 I dont think her forced smile will convince her father that she lives happily on that small lonely island .4. While watching , he makes notes . 他一边看,一边做记录.while watching 是一个省略了主语和be动词的时间状语从句.状语从句当中的省略必须具备两个条件:1)主句和从句主语一致.2)从句中含有be动词.Eg: When he was walking in the street , he met an old friend.Unless I am invited , I will not go to his party .Tough he was tired , he went on studying hard . 5. a)being safe from bad weather, danger, etc. a. When it started to rain we took _ under a tree. 天下起雨来,我们在树下躲雨。b)place where one can be safe from bad weather, danger,etcb)The old barn was a _ from the storm. 那个旧谷仓是个躲避暴雨的地方。sheltershelterc)make someone or something safe from bad weather, danger, etc. c) The wall _ the garden from the north wind. 围墙给园子挡住了北风。d)go where one can be safe from bad weather, etc. d) Lets _ under this tree until the rain stops. 咱们在这棵树底下躲到雨停了再走。 sheltersshelter6. to stop and consider before an action犹豫犹豫安德鲁拿最后一块点心之前犹豫了一下。 Andrew _before he took the last cake. He _ replying. 他在回答时吞吞吐吐。 He _ nothing. 他对什么事都毫不迟疑。 hesitatedhesitated inhesitates atv. 不愿;不欲不愿;不欲 not wish to do; be unwilling to do 我不愿冒这个险。 I _ to take the risk. be unwilling (to trouble somebody)怕麻烦别人怕麻烦别人如果你有什么问题,尽管问我。 If you have any questions, dont _ to ask me. hesitatehesitate7. 这是一扇门,但被伪装成一个书架。 This is a door, but it is _ as a bookcase. 他试图掩饰他真实的感情。He tried to _ his real feelings. 他表面上的友谊都是伪装的。His seeming friendliness was merely a _ . 尽管你乔装打扮,我们还是把你认出来了。We recognized you in spite of your _ . disguiseddisguisedisguisedisguisein need (of)他需要理发了。He is in need of a haircut .我们应该帮助贫困的人。We should help those in need .There is no need to hurry. 没有必要着急。 There is no need to send for the doctor. 不需要请医生来。 8. you come from the west end of London , born in Lisson Grove if Im not mistaken . 如果我没有猜错的话, 你来自伦敦西部,出生在里森格罗佛.该句中born in Lisson Grove if Im not mistaken 是过去分词短语在句中作状语.过去分词作状语多表示时间,条件,原因,伴随等,wrong, having understood incorrectly Youre mistaken. 你(搞)错了。He said so,if I am not mistaken. 如果我没弄错的话,他确是这样说的。 I am sorry, I was mistaken about you. 对不起,我错怪你了。 be decidedly mistaken 确实是误解 9. What if I was ?如果我是(那里来) 有怎么样? what if ? 是固定句式 .意为” 如果怎么办”eg: 火车晚点了怎么办?What if the train comes late ?10. We will _ these subjects under three topics. 我们将把这些问题分成三个主题。 Words are _ into parts of speech. 字被分成若干词类。 vt. 把把分分为为 We usually _ types of character as good or bad. 我们通常把 (人的) 性格之类型分为善与恶。 classifyclassifiedclassify11. a) be untrue to someone who is your friend b) tell a secret, etc. c) be false to 1. She betrayed her promise. 2. He who betrays his country must be punished. 3.He betrayed his friends to the enemy. 4.He betrayed the news to all his friends. 5.The enemy betrayed himself. c不忠;违背不忠;违背 a出卖;背叛出卖;背叛a出卖;背叛出卖;背叛 bb泄漏(秘密);暴露泄漏(秘密);暴露 make some one leave his job 我不得不把他解雇,他浪费的时间太多。 I had to dismiss him; he lost so much time. 我们把他开除出校。 We dismissed him from (the) school. allow people to go away from a place 放学了,你们走吧。 The lesson is over, you are dismissed. put away from ones mind Mother dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand. 母亲把手一摆,表示不考虑这个想法。 12. a) disapprove of; blame b) pass sentence on; doom c) to force into an unhappy state of affairs d) declared not sound or suitable for use 1). The judge condemned the criminal to ten years in jail. 2). Although this house is condemned (as unfit), an old lady still lives here. 3). We condemned him for his bad conduct. 4). His bad leg condemned him to a wheel chair.b 判定 d 声称不能使用声称不能使用 a遣责遣责 c迫使处于某种状态迫使处于某种状态 13. Once educated to speak properly , the girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party .一旦得到合适的教育 ,这个女孩就能使自己在三个月内变得像一个女公爵,可以去参加大使的花园聚会.Once educated= Once she was. 14. 终止;停止;终止;停止; to stop The pain will soon_ . 很快就会不痛的。 逐渐消失逐渐消失 disappear gradually The storm has_ . 风暴已经过去了。 进行;举行;完成进行;举行;完成 take place ; last through to completion The meeting _ very well. 会议进行得很顺利。 给给以假冒的身分或性格;使假冒以假冒的身分或性格;使假冒 give a false identity or character to He _ his sister _ as a doctor. 他让妹妹装扮成一个医生。pass offpassed offpassed offpassedoff 15. He is not a friend, only an acquaintance. 他不是朋友,只是熟人。 have a wide acquaintance 交游广阔; 交际圈广 have personal acquaintance with. 与某人有私交 have a slight an intimate acquaintance with. 对稍有 十分 知悉 了解 gain acquaintance with. 得以认识 make ones acquaintance/ make the acquaintance of 结识 cut drop ones acquaintance with. 与绝交 cultivate a persons acquaintance 设法与某人互相更熟悉 a persons acquaintance 结识某人 设法结识某人 Are you acquainted with the rules of chess? 你熟悉国际象棋的规则吗? With the help of Comrade Liu, I acquainted myself with my new duties. 在刘同志的帮助下,我熟悉了新职务。 16. generally speaking 一般说来一般说来,付出越多,得到的就越多.Generally speaking , the more you pay , the more you get .大致/粗略/相对/坦率/诚实/确切地说broadly/roughly/relatively/frankly/honestly/ exactly speaking大致说来,做这件事有两种方法.There are , broadly speaking , two ways of doing this .17. in terms of . 就.来说;从角度Eg: 就薪金而言这工作不错,但也有一些不利之处.The job is great in terms of salary , but it has its disadvantages .他正谈论开创全新的事业.Hes talking in terms of starting a completely new career .他对你的工作大加赞赏。 He referred to your work in terms of high praise .1. imagine, suppose We cannot fancy a life without electricity. 我们不能设想生活中没有电。 He fancied he heard somebody following him. 他觉得好象(听见)有人在跟踪。think you would like something What do you fancy for supper? 晚饭你喜欢吃什么? exclamatory style, expressing surpriseFancy seeing you! I am surprised! 想不到会见到你!真是出乎意料!a liking, a desire I have a fancy for fishing. 我爱好钓鱼。She wants to buy a handbag, not fancy but strong. 我想买一个手提包不要花俏,而要耐用。 fancy cakes 花式蛋糕 fancy goods 华丽精巧的小商品fancy birds 珍种禽鸟based on or formed by the fancy; fanciful; imaginary. a fancy picture 想像画 2. look down at something from above 从我的房间可以俯视大海。 My room overlooks the sea.这个城堡俯瞰全市。 The castle overlooks the city. vt. 忽略;漏看忽略;漏看 forget, not see something important 我忽略了这个事实。 I overlooked the fact. 我第一次看你的卷子时没有看出这个错误。 I overlooked this mistake in your paper the first time I read it. not be angry about a bad thing He decided to overlook her mistake. 他决定原谅她的错误。 I will overlook your late arrival because it is the first time. 我可以宽容你迟到,因为这是第一次。 Ex2(P31)Relastionships between characters Evidence from the playHenry HigginsEliza Colonel Pickering1 respects his professional work as a phonetician;calls him sir and my dear man2 watches her ; notes her reactions; talks about her in front of her; calls her silly girl1 Yes2 yes1 appreciates his expertise ; praises him; asks his opinion; happy to be friends2 ignores her ; does not stop Henry when he talks about Eliza in front of her ( which is very rude)2 Unclear1 Yes1) Yes2) Yes1 anxious ; eager not to do the wrong thing ; ambitious to improve herself ; respectful and curious about Henrys expertise2 resents not being included in the conversation when talked about Ex4 P31 Henry Colonel Eliza Higgins Pickeringimpatient , rude , confident, superior, self-importantkind , polite , generous,enthusiastic,eager , confidentanxious , eager ,emotional , ambitious ,unsure Ex1 (P32) 1 education 2 mistaken 3 status 4 congratulated 5 hesitated 6 reactions 7 authentic 8 confused Ex2 (P32) 1 in disguise 2 in delight 3 in amazement 4 in shock 5 in pain 6 in return 7 in trouble Ex4 1 determined 2 Forced 3 Knowing 4 accepted 5 disappointing Ex1(P71) by means of : by using in need of : need in favour of : in support of in terms of :as regards 1 in terms of 2 in favour of 3 by means of 4 in need of 5 in favour of Ex 2 1 fortune 2 effective 3 in disguise 4 handful 5 mistaken 6 superior 7 status 8 brilliant 9 overlookedEx 4 (P71)1 The next day Michael went to a party in disguise as a policeman . 2 When Fred was mistaken for an ambassador , many people tried to make his acquaintance . 3 The outcome of the conversation is a compromise agreement reached by both sides . 4 Eliza had her disgusting clothes burned so that she could begin a new life as a lady . 5 Dont pass my work off as your own . It isnt fair .


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