【优化指导】高考英语课标全国一轮复习课件:必修 unit 4 新人教版高考

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【优化指导】高考英语课标全国一轮复习课件:必修 unit 4 新人教版高考_第3页
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Unit 4 Wildlife protection主干回顾夯基础 【基础单词】 1_ vt.& vi.咬;叮;刺痛 2_ n保护区 3 _ n事件;事变 4 _ n野生动植物 5 _ n仁慈;宽恕;怜悯bitereserveincidentwildlifemercy 【单词拓展】 1 _ n防御,保护 _ v防御,保护 _ adj.保护的,防御用的 2 _v减少;(使)变小;或变少 _ (反义词)增加 3_ n损失;遗失;丧失_ v丢失;遗失 4_v打猎;猎取;搜寻n.打猎_ n打猎者 5_vi.回答;响应,做出反应_n回应,回答,答复protectionprotectprotectivedecreaseincreaselosslosehunthunterrespondresponse 6_ adj.远的;远处的_n距离,路程,远距离;经过 7_n(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物_ v缓和(痛苦等),降低,减少,解除(负担);使快乐 8_ vt.包含;容纳;容忍_ adj.从容的;泰然自若的_n容器,集装箱 9_ vt.影响;感动;侵袭_ n影响 10_vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到_ n感激;评价;鉴赏(力)distantdistancereliefrelievecontaincontainedcontaineraffecteffectappreciateappreciation 11_ vi.成功 vt.接替;继往_ n成功;及格;成功者_ adj.成功的;及格的 12_ adj.安全的;可靠的_ adv.安全地;确实地_n安全;平安 13_ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等)_ n雇主_n雇佣者_n(人的)雇用 14_ vt.检查;视察_ n检查,审查;检阅_ n检查员,视察员 15_adj.凶猛的;猛烈的_ adv.凶猛地;猛烈地_n凶猛;激烈succeedsuccesssuccessfulsecuresecurelysecurityemployemployeremployeeemploymentinspectinspectioninspectorfiercefiercelyfierceness 【语境填词】 用适当的词填空。 The_1_and harm to the wildlife_2_3_the_4_of wildlife fiercely.Any_5_6_is_7_.To our_8_,man has realized the importance of wildlife_9_or has won great_10_. 答案:1.loss2.reserve3.affects4.security5.merciful 6response7.appreciated8.relief9.protection 10success 1_结果 2_灭亡;逐渐消失 3_和平地;和睦地;安详地 4_在危险中;垂危 5_如释重负;松了口气as a resultdie outin peacein danger ofin relief 6_突然笑起来 7 _ 保护不受(危害) 8 _ 注意 9 _ 形成;产生 10 _ 按照;根据所说 11_以至于;结果 12_纵然;即使burst into laughterprotect.frompay attention tocome into beingaccording toso thateven if/though 1_in the story nobody helped the dodo. 遗憾的是,在这个故事里没有人帮助渡渡鸟。 2_if wildlife protection is_? 野生动物保护要想成功,我们必须做些什么? 3They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,_humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. 千百万年前它们就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。并且那时它们的未来看起来是安全的。It is a pity thatWhat must be doneto succeedlong before 4It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but _help _. 这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我还是想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。 5This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but _. 这是红色疣猴的唯一栖息地,但是现在所剩无几了。Id like toas the WWF suggeststhere are very few left 在下列文段空缺处填入一个适当的词使句子连贯。 Many animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth.The most famous of these_1_are dinosaurs.They lived on the_2_tens of millions of years ago,long before_3_(machines,humans,plants,computers)came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.There were many different kinds of_4_and a number of them used to live in_5_(China,Japan,Australia,England) The eggs of twentyfive_6_ have been found in Xixia County,Nanyang,Henan Province.Not long ago a_7_new species of birdlike dinosaur was discovered in Chaoyang County,Liaoning Province.When scientists inspected the_8_,they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also_9_trees.They learned this from the way the bones were joined together. Dinosaurs died out_10_about 65 million years ago.Some scientists think it came after an_11_incident when a huge rock from_12_hit the earth and put too much dust into the air.Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.Nobody knows for sure why and how dinosaurs_13_from the earth in such a short time. We know many other wild_14_,animals,insects and birds have died out more recently.According to a UN_15_,some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years. 答案:1.animals2.earth3.humans4.dinosaurs5.China 6species7.rare8.bones9.climb10.suddenly 11unexpected12.space13.disappeared14.plants 15report核心探究 破疑难contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍;克制(强烈的感情等);抑制contain sth.包含contain ones anger抑制愤怒contain ones laughter控制发笑contain oneself克制自己 (朗文P431)I found it more and more difficult to contain my anger. 我发现越来越难控制自己的愤怒。 As far as I know,the hall can contain/hold/seat/admit 3,000 people. 据我所知,这个大厅可以容纳3 000人。 In 2035,“smart clothes”contain particles(粒子)much smaller than the cells in your body. 到2035年,“智能衣服”中会含有比人体细胞小得多的粒子。 【辨析】contain/include/including/includedcontain意为“包含,含有,容纳,里面装有”,指的是包含的全部内容或容量,也可指里面所含的成分,不用于进行时态include意为“包含;连在内,计入,算入,包括”,用于表示所包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分including 可以作介词,放在所包括的东西之前included过去分词性质的形容词,放在所包括的东西之后 学以致用 1语境填词:用contain,include的适当形式填空 The_many kinds of fruits,_ apples/apples_. 容器中盛着各种水果,其中包括苹果。 答案:container;contains;including;includedmercy n仁慈;宽恕;怜悯(1)ask/beg for mercy请求宽恕show mercy to sb.have/take mercy on sb.怜悯/同情/宽恕某人(2)with mercy仁慈地without mercy残忍地;毫不留情地at the mercy of任由摆布It is a mercy that.真是万幸 (朗文P1290)Having lost engine power,the boats crew found themselves at the mercy of the wind. 在失去引擎动力之后,船员们发现他们只能任凭风浪摆布了。 (牛津P1262)Its a mercy she wasnt seriously hurt. 幸运的是她伤势不重。 He went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪下来,乞求宽恕。 学以致用 2完成句子 他受到残忍的对待。 He was treated_. 法官对这个酒后驾车者毫不宽容。 The judge_little_the drunk driver. The judge_ little_ the drunk driver. 答案:without mercyshowed;mercy to;had/took;mercy onaffect vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭(1)be greatly/deeply affected by被深深打动be affected by heat/cold中暑/着凉be affected with high fever发高烧(2)effect n作用;影响have an effect on对产生影响be of no effect无效come into effect生效;实行take effect生效;起作用 (牛津P32)They were deeply affected by the news of her death.她死亡的消息令他们唏嘘不已。 Even below the drink driving limit,driving will be affected. 即使低于酒驾限度,驾驶也将受影响。 We want to know whether the drug has an effect on peoples health. 我们想知道这药对人们的健康是否有影响。 学以致用 3完成句子 在政府的援助下,那些受到地震影响的人们已经搬到新的定居点。 With the governments aid,those_ the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. 正是人类的好品质,如诚实,善良,勇气,影响了一代又一代人。 It is the fine quality of human race,such as kindness,honesty,courage,that_after another. 电视对年轻人有影响,这使许多老师很担心。 Television_young people,which many teachers worry about. 答案:(who were)affected byaffects one generationhas an effect onsucceed vi.成功;继承vt.接替;继任(1)succeed in(doing)sth.成功地做某事succeed to sth.继承succeed sb. as接替某人成为(2)successful adj.成功的be successful in(doing)sth.成功地做某事(3)success nU成功;成就;C成功的人或事物 (教材原句)What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed? 如果野生动物保护计划要想成功的话必须要做什么? They finally succeeded in finding a solution to the problem. 他们最终找到了解决那个问题的办法。 Who will succeed to his wealth? 谁来继承他的财产呢? John succeeded Tom as Chairman. 约翰继汤姆之后担任主席之职。 学以致用 4语境填词 After_his fathers company as president of it _,he _ making the company more _ in its field,which helped to make him_in turn. 在他成功地继承了父亲的公司并成为公司总裁之后,他使公司在它所在的领域里获得了更大的成功,反过来,公司的成功也成就了他的成功人士的地位。 答案:succeeding to;successfully;succeeded in;successful;a successdie out灭亡;逐渐消失(1)die away(声音;光线等)逐渐消失die of/from因而死die down减弱;平息die off相继死亡(2)be dying for很想要;渴望be dying to do sth.极想干某事 (教材原句)As a result these endangered animals may even die out. 结果,这些濒危动物甚至可能会灭亡。 The sound of their laughter died away. 他们的笑声渐渐远去了。 (牛津P552)This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. 因栖息地正受到破坏,这一物种已濒于灭绝。 学以致用 1完成句子 这种老虎正在一个一个死去,他们迟早会灭绝的。 Tigers of this kind are_,and they will _ in time. 尽管风势已经减弱,雨还是下个不停。 The rain remained steady though the wind had_. 在沙漠里走了很长时间,他非常想喝水。 After walking in the desert for such a long time,he _ a drink. 答案:dying off;die outdied downwas dying forcome into being出现;形成;产生come into effect/force/operation开始生效/执行/实施come into use开始使用come into existence开始存在;形成;产生bring.into being使形成;使产生come into sight/view看得见come into power当权come into action开始行动come into office就职 They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. 它们生活在千百万年前的地球上,比人类诞生早得多,而且那时它们的未来看似很安全。 A new system of taxation will come into effect next May. 新税制将在明年五月开始实行。 This method has come into wide use in this area. 这种方法在这一地区已被广泛使用。 Soon the train came into sight. 很快就看见火车了。【点津】 come into being为不及物动词短语,无被动形式,也不用于进行时态。 学以致用 2完成句子 没人知道这种风俗是什么时候开始形成的。 No one knows when such a custom_. 我们不确定这个法律是何时生效的。 We dont exactly know when the law_. 我们党成为执政党,这是一件值得庆祝的事情。 It was an event worth celebrating when our Party_. 答案:came into beingcame into effectcame into power protect.from.保护不受(危害) (教材原句)Im protecting myself from mosquitoes. 我保护自己不被蚊子咬到。 She protected her eyes from the sun with her hand. 她用手遮住太阳以保护她的眼睛。 This medicine will protect you against a return of the illness. 这种药会防止你的疾病复发。【点津】 以上短语中的from在被动语态中均不可省去,而在主动语态中,与stop/prevent搭配的from可以省略。 学以致用 3完成句子 必须采取措施保护环境免受污染。 Something must be done to _ the environment _. 如果一个保护河流免受污染的方案被找到,那么我们的生活环境将得到改善。 If a solution to _ pollution is found,then our living surroundings will be improved. 答案:protect;from being pollutedprotecting the rivers againstkept us from;stopped us (from);prevented us (from)pay attention to注意;留意(1)give ones attention to关注;注意catch/attract/draw ones attention to.吸引某人对的注意fix/focus/concentrate ones attention on.将某人的注意力集中于turn ones attention to.将某人的注意力转向devote ones attention to.专心致志于bring sth. to ones attention吸引某人注意某事(2)短语中to为介词的固定搭配:admit to doing sth.承认做了某事apply to doing sth.适用于做某事object to doing sth.反对做某事see to doing sth.负责做某事stick to doing sth.坚持做某事look forward to doing sth.渴望、盼望做某事be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be devoted to doing sth.致力于(献身于)做某事get down to doing sth.开始认真地做某事contribute to doing sth.促成做某事 (教材原句)You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together. 你应该多关注我居住的雨林并欣赏一下动物们是如何在一起生活的。 He stood there,with his a attention fixed on the map. 他站在那儿,注意力集中在那张地图上。 Ive got to try to focus/fix my attention on my work. 我必须努力把注意力集中在工作上。 学以致用 4完成句子 我们应该更加关注年长者的需求。 We should _ the needs of older people. 他站在那儿,集中注意力看墙上的布告。 He stood there,his attention _ the notice on the wall. 公司现在正把注意力转移到豪华轿车的市场上。 The company is now _ the luxury car market. 答案:give more attention tofixed onturning its attention toThere were many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China. 过去有许多种类的恐龙并且为数很多的恐龙曾经生活在中国。 there be句型表示“某处有某人、某物或某事”。(1)句型There ben.v.ing/v.ed中,v.ing,v.ed作主语补足语。如果名词与后面的分词存在主动关系,用v.ing形式,如果是被动关系,则用v.ed形式。 There were more than ten thousand athletes and coaches participating in the 2012 London Olympic Games. 一万多名运动员和教练员参加了2012年伦敦奥运会。 There seems to be a bank around here. 附近好像有一家银行。 I never dreamed of there being such a good chance. 我从没有想到过会有这么好的一个机会。 学以致用 1用所给动词的适当形式填空 There was no time_(leave),so we had to hurry up. We teachers dont want there_(be) any students staying in the classroom after school. There_(be)no bus,we had to walk home. 答案:leftto bebeing They learned this from the_way the bones were joined together. 他们根据(恐龙)骨骼的连接方式了解到这一点。 (1)句中way表示“方式;方法”,其后接in which或that引导的定语从句,此时也可以用连接词即关系代词that/in which或省略掉。(2)way表示“方式;方法”时,其后还可接不定式或of doing sth.的形式。 学以致用 2完成句子 诚实地说,我们钦佩他解决那个问题的方法。 To be honest,we admired _ _he solved the problem. 我觉得你嘲笑他说英语的方式伤害了他的自尊心。 I think you hurt his pride by laughing at the way_. 答案:the way in which/that/he speaks English点击按扭进入点击按扭进入WORD文档作业文档作业谢谢观看!


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