名师指津高三英语二轮复习 第一部分 阅读理解 四选一阅读 仿真模拟 第一组 应用文课件

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名师指津高三英语二轮复习 第一部分 阅读理解 四选一阅读 仿真模拟 第一组 应用文课件_第3页
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第一组:应 用 文 高考阅读理解中的应用文是指通知、高考阅读理解中的应用文是指通知、布告、公告、海报、广告等。这类文章布告、公告、海报、广告等。这类文章中可能有个别较难的词,也有省略句,中可能有个别较难的词,也有省略句,有的句子不好理解。但从历年高考真题有的句子不好理解。但从历年高考真题来看,一般是事实细节题,特别是直接来看,一般是事实细节题,特别是直接信息题,得分率相对较高。因此文难题信息题,得分率相对较高。因此文难题易,千万不要被纸老虎吓倒。易,千万不要被纸老虎吓倒。(一一)1. When can tourists take a visit to Neuschwanstein Castle?A. June 1st 9 a.m.B. March 10th 9 a.m.C. December 24th 10 a.m.D. October 15th 8 a.m.A 事实细节题。事实细节题。文中搜索文中搜索(寻读寻读)时间,在时间,在Opening hours and admission charges下面,下面,找到相关信息。找到相关信息。2. How much does it cost a group of three children?A. 36 Euros.B. 33 Euros.C. 18 Euros.D. Free.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。从从Opening hours and admission charges处的处的“Children and young people under 18 are free.”可知。可知。3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Tourists can park their cars in the village of Hohenschwangau.B. Tourists can drive directly to Neuschwanstein Castle.C. Tourists can buy tickets to Neuschwanstein Castle online.D. Tourists can arrive 5 minutes before the guided tour.B 事实细节题。事实细节题。从第一段的从第一段的“The path to the castle starts in the village of Hohenschwangau, and this is also your last opportunity to park.”可知。可知。situated adj. 位于位于的的opportunity n. 机会机会note v. 注意注意entrance n. 入口,门入口,门admission n. 入场,入场费入场,入场费charge n. 费用费用detail n. 详情详情reduced adj. 减少的减少的explicitly adv. 明白地明白地valid adj. 有效的有效的助读强化助读强化particular adj. 特别的特别的punctually adv.如期地,按时地如期地,按时地sufficient adj. 充足的,足够的充足的,足够的participate vi. 参加参加reserve vt. 预订预订general information基本资料基本资料sell out卖光,售完卖光,售完 in advance提前提前(=ahead of time)( (二二) )1. What can tourists do in the Mercedes-Benz Museum?A. Enjoy an automotive collection.B. Have dinner after 7 oclock p.m.C. Watch museum cake making.D. Experience the history on Mondays.A 事实细节题。事实细节题。根据第四段中的根据第四段中的“Experience the automotive legends in the Legend rooms on level 4 and cross-epochal (划时代的划时代的) topics in the Collection rooms on level 3.”可知答案选可知答案选A项。项。2. On which level can you buy gifts?A. Level 9.B. Level 4. C. Level 3.D. Level 0.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。根据第六段中的根据第六段中的“The museum shop in the passage on Level 0 offers more than 1,000 products and gifts.”可知答案选可知答案选D项正确。项正确。3. Where does this passage most probably come from?A. A science textbook.B. A tourist map.C. A museum guide.D. A news report.C 推理判断题。推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要是通读全文可知,本文主要是对梅赛德斯对梅赛德斯奔驰博物馆的基本情况介绍,奔驰博物馆的基本情况介绍,以及开馆时间、饮食、购物等方面的信息。以及开馆时间、饮食、购物等方面的信息。因此最有可能是在博物馆导游手册之类的地因此最有可能是在博物馆导游手册之类的地方看到。故选方看到。故选C项。项。助读强化助读强化passage n. 通道通道reservation n. 预订预订fascinating adj. 迷人的迷人的innovation n. 创新;变革创新;变革discover vt. 发现发现(=find out)height n. (物体位置物体位置) 高度高度automobile n. 汽车汽车(=car)pioneering adj. 首创的,开创性的首创的,开创性的invention n. 发明发明in comfort 舒适地舒适地regional dishes 地方小菜地方小菜automotive history 汽车历史汽车历史at first hand 直接地直接地(directly)(三三)1. Which place is NOT included if you want to see Hofburg?A. The Sisi Museum. B. The Silver Collection.C. The National Library. D. The Gloriette.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。由由Hofburg部分中的部分中的“Today, one can visit the Silver Collection, a special museum devoted to Empress Elisabeth, the Sisi Museum, the treasury, or the National Library”可知答案选可知答案选D项。项。2. Which of the following tours charges the lowest fee on March 17, 2015?A. Schnbrunn, with Vienna Card.B. Schnbrunn, under the age of 25.C. Hofburg, with Vienna Card.D. Hofburg, under the age of 25.C 事实细节题。事实细节题。仔细对比并由仔细对比并由Hofburg部部分中的分中的11,50 (students25 years: 11,00 or Vienna Card: 10,50)可知答案选可知答案选C项。项。3. Where does this text most probably come from?A. A science textbook.B. A tourist map.C. A museum guide.D. A news report.B 推理判断题。推理判断题。根据本文的语言特点和格根据本文的语言特点和格式不难知道是来自旅游地图或旅游手册之式不难知道是来自旅游地图或旅游手册之类的。故答案选类的。故答案选B项。项。助读强化助读强化imperial adj. 皇帝的皇帝的 residence n. 住处住处district n. 区区(域域) separate adj. 单独的单独的section n. 部分部分 namely adv. 也就是也就是dynasty n. 王朝;朝代王朝;朝代empress n. 皇后;女皇皇后;女皇treasury n. 金库;国库金库;国库counterpart n. 对应的地方对应的地方be located in 位于位于 date back to 追溯到追溯到World Heritage Site 世界遗产世界遗产former adj. 从前的,以前的从前的,以前的(四四)1. When will Lin Yusi stop his exhibition?A. On October 15. B. On October 16.C. On November 18.D. On September 29.C 事实细节题。事实细节题。根据根据Exhibition by Lin Yusi Another Way to Meet the Natural World部分部分中的中的“Time: October 16-November 18”可知答可知答案选案选C项。项。2. Where is the exhibition held that shows the history of Guangzhou?A. Fei Gallery.B. Yuge Art Salon No. 4 Building.C. Calligraphy and Painting Hall.D. Kam Pek Community Centre.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。用题干中的用题干中的the history of Guangzhou可以定位答案在可以定位答案在Exhibition for “Eight Scenes of Guangzhou in History”中中找。根据里面的找。根据里面的“The display in Macau now is free of charge in Kam Pek Community Centre and will run until October 5. The long scroll has lovely sections, representing the Song, Yuan, Ming, early Qing, and late Qing dynasties”可知答案选可知答案选D项。项。3. Which exhibition can you enjoy on this winter vacation?A. Exhibition by Lin Yusi.B. Ou Wus Solo Exhibition.C. Chinese Paintings Since the Song Dynasty.D. Exhibition for “Eight Scenes of Guangzhou in History”.C 事实细节题。事实细节题。用题干中的用题干中的on this winter vacation分析四次展览的时间,可知最符合分析四次展览的时间,可知最符合题干的展览时间是第四个题干的展览时间是第四个Chinese Paintings Since the Song Dynasty: Highlights of the Guangdong Museums Collection,它的持,它的持续时间到续时间到January 3, 2016。故答案选。故答案选C项。项。助读强化助读强化solo adj. 单独的单独的association n. 协会协会academy n. 学院,学会学院,学会fine arts 美术美术gallery n. 画廊画廊practitioner n. 从业者从业者present vt. 展示展示vivid adj. 生动的生动的sketch n. 素描素描lengthy adj. 冗长的冗长的display n. 展览展览represent vt. 代表代表reflect vt. 反映反映free of charge 免费免费(五五)1. Where will Van Goghs Still life, Vase with Daisies and Poppies be shown?A. New York.B. Hong Kong.C. Paris.D. Dutch.B 事实细节题。事实细节题。用题干中的用题干中的be shown在文中在文中搜索,可在第二段第二行找到搜索,可在第二段第二行找到“will be on show at an exhibition called Whats Art in Hong Kong.”。故答案选。故答案选B项。项。2. How much is the admission to the exhibition held by Wang Zhongjun?A. HK 61.8. B. US 61.8.C. US 29.9. D. Free of charge.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。根据首段第一句根据首段第一句“Hong Kong residents will have the opportunity to see the most expensive Still Life work by Vincent van Gogh for free”可知本次展览是免费的。故答可知本次展览是免费的。故答案选案选D项。项。3. When was the Still life, Vase with Daisies and Poppies produced?A. In the 17th century.B. In the 18th century.C. In the 19th century.D. In the 20th century.C 事实细节题。事实细节题。用题干中的用题干中的“was the produced” 在文中搜索在文中搜索/寻读,在倒数第三段寻读,在倒数第三段找到找到“It was produced by the Dutch artist in 1890”,也就是,也就是19世纪。故答案选世纪。故答案选C项。项。助读强化助读强化exhibition n. 展览展览work n. 艺术作品艺术作品record n. 记录记录masterpiece n. 杰作杰作describe vt. 形容;描述形容;描述majority n. 大多数大多数impressionist n. 印象派作家印象派作家productive adj. 多产的多产的still life 静物写生静物写生(六六)1. What can you do in the Universal Studios Hollywood?A. Enjoy an amazing sunrise.B. Experience world-class rides.C. Climb the Halla Mountain.D. Go to the Teddy Bear Museum.B 事实细节题。事实细节题。根据题干中的根据题干中的the Universal Studios Hollywood在文中找到相应部分,在在文中找到相应部分,在Los Angeles部分找到部分找到“The theme park allows you to experience world-class rides”可可知答案选知答案选B项。项。2. If your kids want to get close to nature, he probably will visit _.A. Teddy Bear MuseumB. Jeju Mini Mini LandC. the Great Barrier ReefD. the Universal Studios HollywoodC 推理判断题。推理判断题。题干是题干是want to get close to nature(喜欢亲近大自然喜欢亲近大自然),从,从Queensland部分可以找到部分可以找到“You can dive at the Great Barrier Reef and appreciate the creatures in the sea”(在大堡礁潜水和欣赏海底生物在大堡礁潜水和欣赏海底生物)以及以及“allow you to enjoy an amazing sunrise”(让让你享受令人惊叹的日出你享受令人惊叹的日出)可推知应该是去大堡可推知应该是去大堡礁。故答案选礁。故答案选C项。项。3. Where does the passage most probably come from?A. A tourist map. B. A science textbook.C. A library guide. D. A news report.A 推理判断题。推理判断题。本文三个小部分都是在介绍本文三个小部分都是在介绍世界不同地方的景点,由此可以推断最有可世界不同地方的景点,由此可以推断最有可能是选自旅游地图。故答案选能是选自旅游地图。故答案选A项。项。助读强化助读强化significance n. 重要性重要性destination n. 目的地目的地dive vi. 潜水潜水appreciate vt. 欣赏欣赏creature n. 动物动物diverse adj. 多种多样的多种多样的guarantee vt. 保证保证explore vt. 探索探索adventure n. 冒险冒险version n. 版本版本 (七七) 1. What activities can students join in the program?A. They can learn to make wine on their own.B. They can have French courses at college level.C. They can visit some world-known museums in Paris.D. They can visit Arcachon & Dordogne at weekdays.C 事实细节题。事实细节题。由文中表格信息得知,只由文中表格信息得知,只有有C项表述与原文信息一致,故选项表述与原文信息一致,故选C项。项。 2. If anyone wants to apply for the program, he needs to _.A. show interest in outdoor explorationB. be on good terms with team membersC. have a good knowledge of EnglishD. have GPA 3.5 or aboveB 事实细节题。事实细节题。由文中由文中Target Students信息可信息可知申请者必须知申请者必须“be a good team member”,故,故选选B项。项。3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Feb. 27 will be the deadline for applications.B. Applicants can apply for staying behind after the study trip.C. Itll cost an applicant at most HK 28,000 for the study trip.D. The College Scholarships Awards may offer financial support.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。由由Cost中中“Studentsmay apply for extra financial support from the College Scholarships”得知学生可以申请奖学金,故选得知学生可以申请奖学金,故选D项。项。助读强化助读强化self-motivated adj. 自励的自励的exploration n. 探索探索admit n. 费用费用tuition n. 学费学费accommodation n. 住宿住宿expense n. 费用费用excluding prep. 不包括不包括assignment n. 作业作业remarks n. 注意注意departure n. 离开离开briefing n. 简介会简介会album n. 相册相册reflective adj. 反思的;深思的反思的;深思的submission n. 提交提交(八八)1. In which section can we read this passage?A. FAQ section.B. Facts & Figures section. C. Shop section.D. Arena Tours section.A 事实细节题。事实细节题。从文章第一段第二句从文章第一段第二句“In response to the enormous public interest, weve updated our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.”可知答案选可知答案选A项。项。2. What can the visitors see during the guided tour?A. The changing rooms.B. The tunnel.C. The press club.D. All of the above.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。用题干中的用题干中的the guided tour在文中搜索,是文中的第三问在文中搜索,是文中的第三问“Can I take a guided tour of the Allianz Arena?”跳读该跳读该段可得出答案。段可得出答案。3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Tourists can take the guided tour every day.B. Visitors can buy tickets in this section.C. There are 700 bus and coach parking spaces.D. Fans can reach the stadium through cars or underground.D 事实细节题。事实细节题。由由FAQ中的最后一问可知中的最后一问可知D项正确。项正确。 助读强化助读强化enormous adj. 巨大的巨大的update vt.更新更新frequently adv.频繁地频繁地section n.部分部分souvenir n. 纪念品纪念品guided adj. 有导游的有导游的site n. 网站,站点网站,站点consult vt.查阅查阅responsible adj. 负责的负责的approximately adv.大概大概individual adj. 个人的个人的enquiry n. 问询问询the press club记者俱乐部记者俱乐部interior adj. 内部的内部的refer to参考参考parking spaces停车位停车位available adj. 可用的,可得到的可用的,可得到的stadium n.体育场体育场in response to回答回答home pages主页主页the underground station 地铁站地铁站transition route 换乘路线换乘路线THANK YOU!


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