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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上物业管理英语专门词汇汇编Unit One专心-专注-专业1. property management物业管理2. close friend密友3. hit subject热门话题4. trade行业5. commercial building商业大厦6. residential building住宅楼7. sports and recreation centre康乐中心8. first-class hotel一流宾馆9. first-class ticket头等票10. efficient高效的11. bonds and stocks债券和股票12. personal property动产13. multi-functional facility多功能设施14. cash现金15. term术语;话16. shopping center购物中心Unit Two1. hotel lobby宾馆大厅2. check in登记入住3. check out退房;结账4. standard room标准房5. superior room高级房6. deluxe room豪华房7. registration card登记卡8. credit card信用卡9. receipt收据10. luggage行李11. starred hotels星级酒店12. business scope业务范围13. real estate agency房地产代理14. commercial trade商业贸易15. management personnel管理人才16. top 16十六强17. image形象18. customer priority顾客第一Unit Three1. advanced 先进的;高级的2. skyscraper摩天大楼3. water supply供水4. power supply供电5. lighting照明6. air-conditioning空调7. elevator(lift)电梯8. escalator自动扶梯9. cleaning facilities清洁设施10. recreational facilities娱乐设施11. transport facility运输设施12. fire-fighting equipment消防设施13. communication facility通信设施14. outline列举15. tip建议;提示16. security安全17. blackmail讹诈18. kidnap绑架19. community社区20. bus line公共汽车线路21. cheque支票22. neighborhood邻里Unit Four1. residential estate住宅小区2. carpark停车场3. covered stadium室内体育馆4. body-building健身5. private houses私人住房6. water tower水塔7. gas company煤气公司8. swimming pool游泳池9. badminton field羽毛球场10. public utilities/services公用设施11. design设计12. construction建造13. earlier involvement前期参与14. smooth operation正常运转15. resident居民16. operating charges管理经费17. funds资金18. benefit好处19. housekeeper管家20. measure衡量Unit Five1. procedure手续2. (in)convenience(不)方便3. superintendent保安4. management office管理处5. expert专家6. (microwave) cooker(微波)炉7. handle procedures办手续8. handbook手册9. client客户10. electrical appliances(家用)电器11. counsel咨询12. maintenance维修Unit Six1. clerk职员2. deadline最后期限3. rent an apartment租房子4. accommodation住宿5. sign an agreement签合同6. fix rates定价7. stipulation/regulation规定8. factor因素9. notice通知10. accounting office会计处11. deadline最后期限12. sign a contract签合同13. sign an agreement签协议14. lease租约15. end a lease终止租约16. renew a lease续约17. provisions条款18. redecoration重新装修19. hidden charges隐藏收费20. advisable明智的Unit Seven1. handle a complaint处理投诉2. tenant租户3. famous brand名牌4. faucet水龙头5. leak漏(水/气)6. repairman修理工7. competitor竞争对手8. regular customer常客;回头客Unit Eight1. section部,区2. supermarket超市3. sales clerk售货员4. recommend推荐5. purchase购买6. discount折扣7. fixed price定价8. on the installment plan分期付款9. down payment定金10. spread out dues分摊费用11. pack装(进袋/盒子)12. shopping car购物推车13. checkout counter结账处14. total cost总费用Unit Nine1. ball room舞厅2. tennis court网球场3. snooker桌球4. sauna room桑拿室5. massage room按摩室6. golf course高尔夫球场7. vacancy空缺8. physical education体育Unit Twelve1. owners committee业主委员会1391. Residential Flat For Sale1. 出售住宅物业2. Residential Property for Purchase购买住宅物业房地产词汇大全1. property 物业,资产2. interest 产权3. subsidiary 附属机构,子公司4. valuation 评估5. open market value 公开市场价值6. leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)7. on a residual basis 剩余法8. capital value 资本价值9. cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)10. professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)11. finance costs 融资成本(指利息等)12. sale proceeds 销售收益13. on the basis of capitalization 资本还原法14. floor area 建筑面积15. title document 契约文书16. plaza 购物中心17. land use certificate 土地使用证18. commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼19. land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)20. Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同21. plot ratio 容积率22. site coverage 建筑密度23. land use term 土地使用期24. project approval 项目许可25. planning approval 规划许可26. commission 佣金27. permit 许可证28. business license 营业执照29. strata-title 分层所有权30. public utilities 公共设施31. urban planning 城市规划32. state-owned land 国有土地33. fiscal allotment 财政拨款34. grant or transfer 出让或转让35. the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局36. infrastructure 基础设施37. financial budget 财政预算38. public bidding 公开招标39. auction 拍卖40. negotiation /agreement协议41. land efficiency 土地效益42. location classification 地段等级43. projecting parameter 规划参数44. government assignment 政府划拨45. administrative institution 行政事业单位46. key zones for development 重点开发区47. tract 大片土地48. biding document 标书49. prerequisitioned land 预征土地50. competent authorities 主管部门51. construction project 建设项目52. planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证53. go through the formalities 办手续54. comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区55. reconstruction of old area 旧区改造56. purchasing power 购买力57. property trust 物业信托58. equity 权益59. cash flows 现金流量60. appreciation 增值61. disposition 处置62. hedge 保值措施63. income tax shelter 收入税的庇护64. downturn (经济)衰退65. wealth maximization 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比)66. forecast 预测67. rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法68. mortgage lender 抵押放贷者69. vacancy 空房70. discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型71. expectation 期望值72. letting 出租73. equity reversion 权益回收74. bad debts 坏帐75. depreciation allowances 折旧费76. supplies 日常用品77. utilities 公共事业设备78. allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费79. unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额80. stamp duty印花税81. recession 衰退82. overproduction 生产过剩83. glut 供过于求84. high-technology 高科技85. investment strategy投资策略86. circulation 发行量87. entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家88. coliseum 大体育场,大剧院89. chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所90. arena 室内运动场91. socioeconomic status 社会经济地位92. amenities 便利设施93. condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权94. income bracket 收入档次95. tenement 分租合住的经济公寓96. area code (电话)地区代码97. community 社区98. assessment 估价99. downzone 降低区划规模100. housing residences住宅


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