高考英语一轮复习语法精讲系列 讲座七 主谓一致课件

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语法精讲系列讲座七主谓一致讲座七主谓一致语 法 精 讲英语中的主谓一致主要遵循三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。这三个原则常常发生矛盾,但当发生冲突时,意义一致原则为优先考虑的原则。语法一致原则单数单数He is talking with his brother.复数复数The boys are playing football.就近一致原则由or,either.or.,neither.nor.,not only.but (also).等连接与最近的主语在单复数上保持一致Either I or they are responsible for the result of the matter.Neither I nor he is in favour of her marriage.由there,here引起的主语不止一个时和最邻近的主语保持一致There is a pen,a knife and several books on the desk.意义一致原则clothing,furniture,traffic,jewellery,baggage,equipment,luggage等不可数名词单数Clothing is badly needed in this flooded area.以s结尾的表示学科、国家、机构、书籍、报刊等名称的词Politics is often a topic for discussion.表示时间、重量、距离、价格、金钱、体积等复数名词表达一个整体概念Forty miles was covered in a single night.由every,any,some,no和one,thing,body等构成的不定代词Is everybody here today?动词ing形式、动词不定式和名词性从句Persuading him to join us seems really hard.Whatever was left was taken away.意义一致原则由连词and连接的并列成分指的是同一概念,兼具身份或匹配出现单数War and peace is a constant theme in history.The singer and dancer is to attend our evening party.no/each/every/many a单数名词and(no/each/every/many a)单数名词Many a teacher and(many a) student has seen the film.one/every one/each/either/the numberof/the variety of复数名词The number of students from the north is small.由and连接两个并列成分表不同概念复数Steam and ice are different forms of water.一些常用复数或只有复数形式的名词如arms,stairs,goods等。The goods are sold out.以s结尾的专有名词如山脉、运动会、群岛等。The Olympic Games are held once every four years.a number of名词A number of students are from China.意义一致原则all,none,some,any等不定代词作主语,根据其指代的内容而定单复数视情况而定All is going on very well.All are present besides the professor.“half/most/enough/part/the rest/the last/lots/plenty/分数/百分数of名词”作主语,谓语要和of之后的名词单复数保持一致Only 60 percent of the work was done yesterday.About 20 percent of the students are absent today.means,fish,sheep,deer 等单复数同形的名词Every means has been tried.All possible means have been tried.集体名词company,class,population,minority,enemy,party,crowd,crew,audience,public,committee,government,majority,family,team,army,group等强调整体时谓语用单数,指个体成员时谓语用复数The class consists of twentyfive boys and twenty girls.The class are doing experiments.特别提醒由两部分构成的表示物体的名词,如trousers,pants,jeans,compasses(圆规),glasses,shorts等作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。但如果这类名词前用了 a pair of或two/three.pairs of来修饰,谓语动词在数上要与pair保持一致。Your glasses are very nice.This pair of glasses is mine.Here are some new pairs of shoes.“名词with,along with,together with,as well as,rather than,as much as,but,except等名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要与第一个名词保持一致。Tom as well as two of his friends was invited to the party.Dr.Smith,together with his wife,is to arrive on the evening flight.特别提醒由“kind(或form,type,sort,species,portion,series) of”等修饰的主语,其谓语形式常取决于这些词的单复数。This new type of bus is now on show.Some new forms of art were discussed at the meeting.a quantity of后既可接复数名词,亦可接不可数名词。如果a quantity of接不可数名词,则谓语动词用单数形式;如果接复数名词,则谓语动词通常要采用复数形式(偶尔谓语动词用单数,属非规范用法,宜慎用)。quantities of后接复数名词、不可数名词,后面的谓语动词都用复数形式。There is a small quantity of water left in the bottle.A large quantity of books are on sale now.Great quantities of fish were caught that day.特别提醒若用and连接两个动名词、不定式短语或主语从句,表示两个不同的概念则谓语动词用复数形式。若表示同一概念,则谓语动词用单数形式Riding on the elephants and rowing the boats were the childrens favourite games.Getting up early and going to bed early is a good habit.what和whatever引导主语从句时谓语动词的单复数根据从句所表达的意义上的数确定What he says and does do not agree.What he says and does does not concern me.


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