期末考试卷 (2)

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控江二村小学2012学年度第一学期三年级新世纪英语期末测试样卷 Part I Listening一、 听音,給下列图片编号:10% ( )( )( )( )( )二、 听音,选出听到的单词或词组:10%( ) 1.A. presentB. peanutC. picture( ) 2.A. lightsB. letsC. like( ) 3.A. thirdB. thankC. thirsty( ) 4.A. planeB. playC. plate( ) 5.A.wakeB.walkC. when( ) 6.A. writeB. rightC.white( ) 7.A. twinB. twelveC. tell( ) 8.A.July 15thB. June 5thC. July 5th( ) 9.A. make lunchB.make dinnerC. make breakfast( ) 10.A. spring rollB. Spring FestivalC. nice spring三、 听音,选出你听到的句子:10%( ) 1.A. My mother gives me rabbit toys.B. My mother gives me rabbitsC. My mother gives me toys.( ) 2.A. Its the Year of the Tiger.B. Its the Year of the Rabbit.C. Its the Year of the Pig.( ) 3.A. Why do you write a card to Santa Claus?B. When do you wirte a card to Santa Claus?C. What do you write to Santa Claus?( ) 4.A. Heres a plate for you.B. Heres a model plane for you.C. Heres a paper plane for you.( ) 5.A. My birthday is on December 2nd.B. My birthday is on September 3rd.C. My birthday is on October 1st.四、 听上句,选出正确应答句的编号:10%( ) 1.A. Its on Sep. 1st.B. Its great.C. Its in September.( ) 2.A. Here you are.B. Thank you.C. Thats all right. Class _ Name _ No. _( ) 3. A. All right.B. OK.C. Thank you.( ) 4.A. Im sorry.B. Never mind.C. Great!( ) 5.A. These are kiwi fruit.B. Its a kiwi fruit.C. Theyre kiwi fruit.五、 听小对话和问题,选出正确的答句的编号:5%( ) 1.When is Toms birthday?A. On Nov. 22nd.B. On Nov. 2nd. C. On Nov. 12th.( ) 2.What can Sandy do?A. Touch his toes.B. Touch the ball.C. Jump up high.( ) 3.Where are they?A. In the fruit shop.B. In the toy store.C. At the supermarket.( ) 4.What festival is it?A. The Spring Festival.B. New Years Day.C. Christmas.( ) 5.Whats Janes favourite?A. The dragonfly.B. The butterflyC. The bee.六、 听短文判断下列句子是否符合短文,符合的用“T”,不符的用“F”表示:5%1.Its a card to Hong Wei.( )2.The Spring Festival is coming.( )3.Hong Weis family have dinner at home on Chinese New Years Eve.( )4.Hong Weis brother can use chopsticks to eat food.( )5.Hong Wei loves Chinese New Year.( )Part II Reading一、 照样子抄写下列单词、词组和句子:8%1. January Spring Festival Santa Claus2. How many gifts have you got in the Spring Festival?二、 判断下列单词划线部分是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”:2%1.cat cake( )2.rooster foot( )3.bowl coat( )4.father water( )三、 按要求写单词:6%tall (反义词)_cinema(同类词) _dress(复数) _two (序数词)_June (同类词) _knives(单数)_四、 用“am, is, are, have, has, can, cant”填空:6%1. I (are, am) a pupil of Grade Three. I (have, can) sing English songs. 2. Tony and Alice (has, have) got many story books.3 Here (is, are) some coffee for you.4. (Have, Has) your brother got a gift?5. We (have, can) draw and write with our hands.五、 选择填空:10%( ) 1 Childrens Day is _ June 1st.A. in B. on C. at( ) 2 Heres a letter _ an English friend.A. for B. to C. of( ) 3 We can see many books in the _.A. bank B. hospital C. library( ) 4-May I have some dumplings? _.A. Thats all right. B. Certainly. C. Never mind.( ) 5 Do you like _ football?A. play B. playing C. plays( ) 6 Whats wrong _ your pet?A. with B. to C. for( ) 7 Come play basketball. with me. OK!A to B and C or( ) 8 Do you look _ your mother? A at B like C out( ) 9 I have got alarm clock. A a B an C the( ) 10 Here two chocolates for you. A is B are C am六、 按要求改句子:10%1. Is that a big sandwich? (复数句)_2. I have got some toys. (一般疑问句,否定回答)_ _3. They have got some red flowers.(主语改成she)_4. My fathers birthday is in June.(用when提问_5. I can write letters with my hands.(划线提问)_六、 按实际情况回答问题。(4%)1. Can you cook? 2. How many people are there in your family? 3. When is your birthday? 4. Do you look like your father or mother? 七、 阅读短文,判断句子内容是否符合短文,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示:4%Little Rabbit wants to build a house. He meets three sellers. Theyre the straw(稻草) seller, the stick seller and brick(砖) seller. He thinks the bricks are strong. So he buys the bricks and builds his house slowly and carefully. A big fox is coming. He wants to eat Little Rabbit. But he cant go into Little Rabbits house, because the house is strong. It is made of bricks. Little Rabbit is happy and safe.( ) 1. Little Rabbit wants to build a hospital.( ) 2. Little Rabbit meets two sellers.( ) 3. Little Rabbits house isnt strong.( ) 4. Little Rabbit is happy.3A Unit9-10测验听力文字一、 听音,給下列图片编号:5%Look at the calendar. Today is February 10th. Its Spring Festival. Its also my birthday. Ive got a lot of presents. My favourite present is the model racing car. In the evening, my family have a big dinner together. We eat food with chopsticks. How happy we are!二、 听音,选出听到的单词、词组:1. My favourite food is the peanut. B. .2. The fish is delicious. Lets try some.B3. Im thirsty. May I have some tea? C4. I like to play football. B5. The alarm clock can wake me up in the morning. A6. March on. Left, right, left,right,leftStop. B7. Its twelve oclock. Its time for lunch. B8. My birthday is on July 5th. C9. I can make lunch with my sister. A10. When is the Spring Festival? B三、听音,选出你听到的句子:1. A. My mother gives me rabbits toys. 2. C. Its the Year of the Pig 3 B. When do you wirte a card to Santa Claus?4. B. Heres a model plane for you.5. A. My birthday is on December 2nd.四、听上句,选出正确应答句的编号:1. When is Teachers Day? C2. May I have some milk? A3. Here are two chocolates for you. C 4. I cant use forks and knives. B5. What are these? C五、 听小对话和问题,选出正确的答句的编号:1. A:Today is November 2nd. Is it your birthday, Tom? B: Yes, it is. A: Happy birthday. B: Thank you.(When is Toms birthday?) B2. A: Norman, Watch me. I can jump up high. I can skip the rope. I can run fast. B: Can you bend forward and touch your toes, Sandy? A: Uh-oh, I cant. (What can Sandy do?) C3. A: May I have some oranges, Mum? B: Of course. Do you like hotdogs? A: No, I like sandwiches. B: OK. Lets buy some. Look there, What about that rabbit toy? A: How lovely! (Where are they?) C4. A: Happy new year, Grandpa. B:Happy new year, Mingming. Heres a Snoopy for you. A: Thank you. But why do you give me a Snoopy? B: Because its the Year of the Dog. (What festival is it?) A5. A: Whats your favourite insect, Jane? B: Guess. Its beautiful. It can dance. A: Oh, I see.(What is Janes favourite?) B六、 听短文判断下列句子是否符合短文,符合的用“T”,不符的用“F”表示: Dear Sue, Chinese New Year is coming. On Chinese New Years Eve, my family always go to my grandmas home. We say “Happy new year!” to my grandma. And she gives me a red packet. Theres much gift money in it. In the evening, We have a big dinner together. Therere so many nice dishes. I like to eat fish, chicken and peanuts. We eat food with chopsticks. My little brother is 3 years old. He cant use chopsticks well. So he use a spoon to eat food. I love Chinese New Year. Its the Year of the Snake. So heres a snake toy for you. Can you tell me something about your Christmas? Im waiting for you.Love,Hong WeiFTFFT答案一、 正确抄写下列词组和句子。8(略)二、 判断下列单词划线部分是否发音相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。2三、 按要求写出单词。6short 略 略 knife dresses second四、 选词填空。61. I am (are, am) a pupil of Grade Three. I can (have, can) sing English songs. 2. Tony and Alice have (has, have) got many story books.3 Here is (is, are) some coffee for you.4. Has (Have, Has) your brother got a gift?5. We can (have, can) draw and write with our hands四、选词填空。6B A C B B A B B B B五、 改写句子。101) Are those big sandwiches?2) Have you got any toys? No, I havent.3) She has got some red flowers.4) When is your fathers birthday?5) What can you do with your hands?七、 按实际情况回答问题。4(略)八、阅读短文并判断,对的用T表示,错的用F表示。4F F F T


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