(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SB1 Units 9-12 阶段评估(三)(详细解析)

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(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SB1 Units 9-12 阶段评估(三)(详细解析)_第1页
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(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SB1 Units 9-12 阶段评估(三)(详细解析)_第2页
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(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SB1 Units 9-12 阶段评估(三)(详细解析)_第3页
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SBUnits 912阶段评估(三)第卷 (选择题,共110分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1What does the man do?AA taxi driver.BA hotel receptionist.CA waiter.2What does the man mean?AHe really doesnt like any fruit.BHe likes both apples and oranges.CHe likes bananas more than any other fruit.3What career does the womans brother plan to follow?AInterpersonal relationship research.BArt and history.CBusiness administration.4Why did the man want someone to come up to his apartment?AHe needed an electrician.BThe water was running.CThere was no heat.5What does the man mean?AIts too far away to walk to.BIts within walking distance.CHe always walks to the train station.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。6What might be the relationship between the speakers?AWorkmates. BHusband and wife. CNeighbors.7What will the woman do if the telephone rings again?ACall the man home.BAnswer the phone herself.CGo to the neighbors.8How does the man feel?AAngry. BDisappointed. CAnxious.听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。9When does the woman usually watch TV?AAfter midnight.BWhen she is bored.CAfter she has dinner.10Why was the man unhappy?AHe lost his meal tickets.BThe food was terrible.CThe TV program was boring.11Why did the man feel even worse?AHe didnt sleep well.BHe wasted so much time.CThe woman had the same problem.听第8段对话,回答第12至14题。12What did Georges sister do yesterday?AShe looked after her baby.BShe stayed at home all day.CShe did some shopping.13What did the woman want to invite George to do last night?ATo a concert.BTo meet her friend Mary.CTo have dinner together.14Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation?AGeorge stayed at home for a whole day yesterday.BThe woman invited George to go shopping with her.CBoth of them knew about the concert.听第9段对话,回答第15至17题。15What does the woman do?AA policewoman. BA librarian. CA student.16When did the man borrow the book?AOn September 17.BOn a rainy day.COn September 7.17What do you know about the book?AThe man returned it.BIt was lost.CThe records on it were correct.听第10段独白,回答第18至20题。18What or who made Dick turn back to London? ASome bells ringing in London.BA rich merchant.CHis only friend,a cat.19How did Dick get a lot of money first?AHe sent goods to trade in Africa.BHe sold his cat.CHe found a job with a rich merchant.20Why did they say the bells of London had been right?ABecause Dick became rich.BBecause Dick was made Lord Mayor of London.CBecause Dick traded a lot of goods.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21Thats all I have to say.Is there anything youd like to_,Tom?AtalkBdemandCaddDdeliver22As we know,plastic is more_to the environment in that it wont break down for a long time.Auseful Bharmful Chopeful Dhelpful23Did the teacher say anything that really_you?Not really.Actually I slept through.Areferred to Badapted to Cappealed to Dattached to24The lion is considered to be the king of the forest,as in Chinese culture it is a(n)_of strength and courage.Aexample Bsign Csymbol Dmeaning25The police reassured us that all that was pure rumor and was_made up by some ill men.Aextremely Baccidentally Ctotally Droughly26The company had to_a number of workers because of the drop in sales.Asee off Btake off Ccut off Dlay off27To the great disappointment of the poor workers,a great part of their wages were_by the boss for no good reason.Akept away Bkept off Ckept up Dkept back28A young woman was found dead in her own apartment and the police_it was a case of murder.Acharged Bdoubted Csuspected Dconsidered29It is generally believed that a successful Olympic Games_relies on wellperformed IT services.Alargely Bnarrowly Cbadly Dsimply30Our vacation was totally ruined.Not only was the food terrible,but the weather was awful_.AThough Bas well Ceither Dhowever第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I was on my way to two job interviews.Not surprisingly,I was_31_,so before I got off my train,I took my phone out to_32_the direction to the first one.A short walk later,I reached the subway,but when I went_33_my purse for my wallet to buy something,my wallet and new glasses were missing.I_34_and ran to the courtesy counter (服务台) to ask_35_anyone had turned in my wallet and glasses.The woman in the booth (岗亭) told me the_36_was still in the station and urged me to hurry there_37_to check for my things.To make a long story short,no_38_.Heartbroken,I returned to the courtesy counter.Not only would I miss both my_39_,but also I was really_40_with no money.I burst into tears as I explained the_41_to the woman in the booth.She reached into her purse and_42_me $7!“Its all I have right now,” she said,“use it to get to your_43_.”I went to my interviews and_44_them both.When I came back to thank her,she was_45_,but she had already_46_me to the woman on the next shift who handed me a ticket home.That womans_47_was surprising.And just when the day couldnt get_48_,I received a call.A conductor had found my wallet and glasses and would_49_me on the train the next day.I just want to share that kindness which can happen when we least_50_it.When it happens,we should pay it forward.31. AfortunateBthankfulCnervousDhopeless32A.read Bcheck Creport Dguide33A.with Bafter Cinto Dagainst34. Awent on Bbroke downCgave up Dturned back35A.when Bwhy Cwhere Dif36A.cloth Bticket Ctrain Dwallet37A.immediately Bcarefully Csecretly Dpublicly38A.luck Bchance Ctime Dstory39A.parents Bfriends Cappointments Dglasses40A.interested Btroubled Csatisfied Dbored41A.situation Bmistake Cservice Ddream42A.paid Bhanded Clent Dawarded43A.home Bseat Cinterviews Dcalls44A.applied Bdirected Creceived Dpassed45A.glad Bsurprised Cgone Dunusual46A.recommended BdescribedCcompared Dled47A.happiness Bhonesty Ckindness Dcourage48A.longer Bworse Ccolder Dbrighter49A.meet Bremind Csupport Dcomfort50A.expect Bshare Cappreciate Dforget第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AIn Canada and the United States,there is a new group of children called“satellite kids”,who live in one place but whose parents live in another place.Asians are immigrating to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before.Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the West.In Asia,especially in China,Japan,and Korea,it is difficult to go to university.Students must first pass the strict national examination.However,in Canada and the United States,it is easy to go to university,and anyone who wants to go can go.As a result,Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.The problem is that when Asians arrive,they discover that finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West than in the East.Also,they find that they are very lonely,and that they miss their homes.Because of these two reasons,most Asian parents decide to go back to work while their children study in the West.Therefore,these children become“satellite kids”,and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a “satellite kid”Only until now are Canadians and Americans discovering the “satellite kids” problem.Because these children do not speak English and because their parents are not there to take care of them,they are often absent from school.To be a “satellite kid”means to grow up in a country where you know you are different and where you cannot make friends because you do not speak English well.Also,it means to grow up alone,because your parents are elsewhere.What these “satellite kids” will probably say to their parents is that its better to have parents around than to have a university education.51Some Asian parents send their kids abroad because_.Athey hope their children may easily find a job thereBthe kids may not be accepted by universities in their own countriesCall foreign universities are better than the ones in their own countriesDthe kids want to improve their English and make foreign friends52“Satellite kids” refer to Asian kids_.Awithout parents Bliving abroad aloneCwith university education Dspeaking no English53Some Asian immigrant children become“satellite kids” because their parents_.Awant to leave their own countriesBwant them to go to universityCreturn to their countries to workDwant them to be independent54What is the main idea of the passage?AParents want better education for their kids.BParents feel lonely and miss their families.CCanadians and Americans begin to notice the“satellite kids”problem.DKids in foreign countries alone are badly in need of care from family.BOne stormy night many years ago,an elderly man and his wife entered the hall of a small hotel in Philadelphia.Trying to get out of the rain,they came the front desk hoping to get some shelter for the night.“Could you possibly give us a room here?”the husband asked.The clerk,a friendly man with a winning smile,looked at the couple and explained that there were three conventions in town.“All of our rooms are taken,”the clerk said.“But I cant send a nice couple like you out into the rain at one oclock in the morning.Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? Its not exactly a suite,but it will be good enough to make you folks comfortable for the night.”When the couple declined,the young man pressed on.“Dont worry about me;Ill make out just fine.”the clerk told them.So the couple agreed.As he paid his bill the next morning,the elderly man said to the clerk,“You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United States.Maybe someday Ill build one for you.”The clerk looked at them and smiled.The three of them had a good laugh.As they drove away,the elderly couple agreed that the helpful clerk was indeed exceptional,as finding people who are both friendly and helpful isnt easy.Two years passed.The clerk had almost forgotten the incident when he received a letter from the old man.It recalled that stormy night and enclosed a roundtrip ticket to New York,asking the young man to pay them a visit.The old man met him in New York,and led him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.He then pointed to a great new building there,a pale reddish stone ,with turrets and watchtowers thrusting up to the sky.“That,”said the older man,“is the hotel I have just built for you to manage.”“You must be joking,” the young man said.“I can assure you I am not,”said the older man,a sly smile playing around his mouth.The older mans name was William Waldorf Astor,and that magnificent structure was the original WaldorfAstoria Hotel.The young clerk who became its first manager was George CBoldt.This young clerk never foresaw the turn of events that would lead him to become the manager of one of the worlds most glamorous hotels.55The purpose of the following author writing this story is to_.Agive people a good laughBcover some factsCpromote the business of WaldorfAstoria HotelDdeliver a lesson56Which of the following statements about the story is NOT true?AThe story took place at about one am.BThe old couple was too poor to afford a luxurious room.CThe clerk was willing to help those in need.DThe clerk received an unexpected invitation from the old man.57The underlined word “conventions” in Para 3.can be replaced by_.Arooms Bsuites Cmeetings Dhotels58Which of the following proverbs suits the story the best?AEvery little thing helps.BMake hay while the sun shines.CMan proposes; God disposes(处理,决定)DOne good turn deserves another.CIn New South Wales you can keep a number of smaller native animals,such as snakes,lizards,turtles,frogs,birds,and two mammals called the plains rat and the spinifex hopping mouse.Hopping mice are quite unique animals.You dont find them in the average pet shop and they dont behave much like normal mice at all.They like to dig and they can jump just like kangaroos.Their native habitat is the sandy desert of Western Australia,the Northern Territory and South Australia,and they can survive with very little water for long periods of time.Native animals like hopping mice are used to living in the wild,so they need a special enclosure.You really need to try to create a little bit of Australian bush in your backyard or home.Theyre very active,they jump very high and they move very quickly,so they need a nice big enclosure with a bit of sand for them to dig.Theyre very clean but their digging can make a big mess.They love to dig and will shift the sand from one side of the enclosure to the other.Hopping mice can be fed on the same food that you can get in any pet store.They also like fruits and vegetables,but nothing too acidic like oranges or tomatoes.They love things like grapes,apples,carrots and corn.The best way to pick up small animals like mice is by the base of the tail,which is the strongest part of their body.Dont grab these little guys around their bodies or you may hurt them.59The passage is written mainly_.Ato tell people how to raise hopping miceBto tell people more about hopping miceCto explain why hopping mice like to hopDto show how hopping mice are unique60It can be inferred from the passage that hopping mice_.Alike to live in the sand on the beachBoften make a mess if raised in a wrong wayClive on other rats and vegetablesDcan live better in a place that is more natural61Hopping mice are quite different from other pets because_.Athey are native animals like kangaroosBthey can jump very high and can move quicklyCtheir diet is quite different from other petsDtheir behavior is quite different from other mices62If you want to keep hopping mice,it is important to_.Aprovide them with a special place to liveBgive them very little waterCallow them to live on other rats and miceDgive them lots of fruits and vegetablesDUganda is a country in East Africa and,as in many such countries,a high percentage of the population,about 80 percent,are village-dwellers living in huts,which are often no bigger than a garage.The walls of the huts are marie of mud,which is held together by reeds and sticks,and the roofs of the older ones are thatched (覆盖) with grass,although an increasing number of newer village houses have roofs made from corrugated (波纹形的) iron.Several generations of the same family live together in the huts,which are usually divided into two sections by a curtain.The inner section,the one furthest from the open door of the hut,is where everyone sleeps and food is prepared and served in the outer part.If the family owns chickens or goats,they are kept in a small room attached to the main house.Food is usually prepared on open fires although some people prefer to cook inside.However,this is quite dangerous and also means that the walls of the hut are stained by smoke and the atmosphere is acrid.The family sit in a circle on mats while they eat.Newer village houses are almost always made of corrugated iron and are bigger,with one or two separate bedrooms and the kitchen in a smaller building beside the main house.But,old or new,the houses are not powered by electricity,and all homes are lit by paraffin (石蜡) candles called “tadobba”Nor is there any running water in the houses.Some villages have their own well,but in many cases,collecting water involves a long walk to a river or spring,carrying plastic containers or pots made of clay.Children are the ones who have to fetch water,and they have to do this early in the morning before they go to school,or in the evening when they come home.They often have to climb high hills or walk through valleys with narrow paths through dense vegetation.It is no surprise that they grow up strong and fit after such daily exercise,walking for several kilometres carrying such heavy weights.63Most Ugandans live_.Awith their whole family in large mud houses in the countrysideBin towns in small houses made of mud and ironCin villages in small houses made of wet earth,grass and woodDwith their parents and children as well as their chickens and goats64Where is food usually prepared?AIn the kitchen.BOn the floor in the middle of the house.COn fires in front of the hut.DIn a small room attached to the main house.65How are the old and new houses the same?ABoth of them have roofs made of corrugated iron.BNeither of them have a garage or kitchen.CNeither of them have electricity,lights or running water.DBoth of them have water inside but no electric light.66The majority of Ugandan children have to_.Ago to a well or a river and often carry water for a long distanceBdo a lot of work cooking and carrying waterCcollect water on the way home from schoolDget water out of their own wellEA girl became a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care,which meant visiting and taking care of a patient suffering from an incurable disease with days numbered.The girl was assigned to look after an old man suffering from cancer whose children lived abroad.Their living conditions were not satisfactory while the old man had a lot of savings.She was expected to comfort him and keep up his spirits.Every Saturday the girl came on time to keep him company,telling him stories.When he was having an intravenous drip (静脉滴注),she would help massage his arms.The doctor found the patient much improved mentally.The old man began to involve himself actively in the medical treatment and he seldom shouted at others.But something that happened made the doctor uneasy and puzzled.Each time the girl left,the old man would give her some money.The doctor did nothing to interfere (干涉),unwilling to offend the old man.A month later the old man showed evident signs of decline after suffering coma (昏迷) a few times.When rescued from the latest coma,the old man told the doctor his last wish,“I have deep sympathy for the girl.Will you be kind enough to help her finish her studies?”But the doctor knew that her family was welloff and she had no difficulty pursuing her studies.Sometimes she even came to the hospital in her father s car.When the girl came at the weekend after the death of the old man,the doctor told her the bad news.She was very sad and burst into tears.Then she handed $500 to the doctor,saying,“The old man had all along thought I came to do the job because of poverly.He gave me money so that I could continue my schooling.”Now he got the answer to the puzzle.In the last period of his life,the old man found it a real pleasure to be able to help a girl badly in need.67If youre a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care,what kind of people do you have to attend to?AThe patients in need of help.BThe people suffering from cancer.CThe patients without many days left.DThe people suffering from diseases.68What can we infer about the old man?AHe had a lot of savings.BHe was suffering from cancer.CHe often lost his temper before meeting the girl.DHe asked the doctor to help the girl finish her study.69What can we know from the


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