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(一)A Letter for Making Friends假设你是李雷, 你收到英国朋友Jack的一封信,他希望交一些中国笔友。你给他写一封回信,将你的笔友魏华介绍给他。内容应包括他的出生年月、生活地方、父母情况,他的兴趣爱好、最擅长的科目、你们一起常做些什么和他长大后准备干什么。根据以上要求,请你用6070个单词来完成这封信。要求意思连贯、符合逻辑。信的开头和结尾已写出。 No.9 Minzu Road Zhongshan City Guangdong 528400, China June 22nd , 2007Dear Jack,I am glad to receive your letter and know you want to have some pen friends in China . Now let me tell you something about my friend , Wei Hua , a student of Class 3, Grade 2 in Yucai Middle School ._He would like to know something about your school life and your country . I am sure you will be good friends soon . Yours , Li Lei No.9 Minzu Road Zhongshan City Guangdong 528400, China June 22nd , 2007Dear Jack,I am glad to receive your letter and know you want to have some pen friends in China . Now let me tell you something about my friend , Wei Hua , a student of Class 3, Grade 2 in Yucai Middle School . He was born in Hunan in April 1987, but now he lives in Zhongshan City . His father is a doctor and his mother works in a factory .Wei Hua enjoys playing ball games and we often play basketball together at weekends . His favorite subject is math and it is his best subject . He often helps me a lot because I am not good at it . He hopes to be a scientist when he grown up . He would like to know something about your school life and your country . I am sure you will be good friends soon . Yours , Li Lei(二)假设今年夏天你幸运地应邀参加在一座大山脚下一个小山村附近举行的夏令营,请根据提示写一篇80词左右的短文。提示:1、你们举行登山、旅游、参观等活动了吗? 2、你们帮农民干活了吗?和他们进行交谈了吗?了解他们的生活了吗? 3、最令你兴奋的事情是什么?你感觉如何?要求:1、不得在作文中出现人物和学校的真实的名称; 2、语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。This summer , I was lucky enough to be invited to a summer camp . It was set up near a small village at the foot of a big mountain . We held many activities there ._This summer , I was lucky enough to be invited to a summer camp . It was set up near a small village at the foot of a big mountain . We held many activities there .We went climbing and swimming and we also visited a factory and a school there . Sometimes we spent time helping the farmers with their farm work . Besides , We talked a lot with them there and got to know much about their life . Even more , one day we flew in the sky in a small plane from an airport nearby .How proud and happy I felt then ! It was the first time in my life to travel in the blue sky , and I will never forget the experience .(三)六月六日是“全国爱眼日”。为此,某中学生英文报拟组织一次征文活动。请你结合生活实际写一篇题目为如何保护眼睛的征文稿,内容要点包括:1、 眼睛的重要性;2、 保护眼睛的措施:、不要长时间看书报;、不要在太强或者太弱的光线下看书;、坚持做眼保健操;注意:词数:80100 ;不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥。How to Protect Our Eyes_How to Protect Our EyesEye is the window of our mind . We use our eyes to see everything around us . Without eyes , nothing is left beside you but darkness .How to protect our eyes ? Its not right to keep your eyes working for a long time . Youd better not read in a strong or poor light . Dont read in bed or on a moving bus . Remember to keep your books away from your eyes for about a foot and do eye exercises every day . Whats more , a balanced diet is necessary .Follow my advice and form a good habit . Its time to say goodbye to thick glasses .(四)你们班将在下周举行一场题为“What Can TV Bring Us Students and How Should We Deal with It?”的英语演讲比赛。请你根据下表内容,写一篇80词左右的书面演讲稿。优点缺点你的观点1、使我们快乐、放松;2、有助于我们获取最新的信息,了解世界,学到更多的知识1、看电视对眼睛有害;2、看太多电视,就没有足够的时间学习;3、一些电视节目乏味,甚至有些节目对青少年有坏的影响注意:演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hello , everyone ! I think TV has both advantages and disadvantages ._Thats all . Thank you !Hello , everyone ! I think TV has both advantages and disadvantages.Watching TV can make us happy and relaxed . It helps us get the latest information , know about the world and learn more knowledge . But its bad for our eyes to watch too much TV . If we spend too much time on TV , we will not have enough time to study . Some TV programmes are boring and even some have bad effects on teenagers .So I think when we are tired of very free , we should watch some interesting TV programmes but never watch too much .Thats all . Thank you !(五)请以“How to Get on Well with My Parents ?”为题,根据以下提示写一篇词数不少于60的英语短文。短文中不允许出现本人及父母的真实姓名。提示要点:1、说明你与父母相处的情况。 2、举例说明原因。 3、你认为怎样与父母相处的更好?How to Get on Well with My Parents ?_How to Get on Well with My Parents ?Like a lot of middle school students , I have a problem . I dont get on well with my parents .I really want to be my parents little boy/girl . But it seems that they just dont believe me .One day , when I got home , I saw my mother reading my diary . I said nothing , but I was very angry . From then on , I didnt like talking much with my parents . I wasnt happy at home .Here are some ways to get on well with my parents . First , we should respect each other. Second , we should talk to each other and we may often go out for a walk together and so on .(六)初三年级是初中生活的最后一年,在这一年中,学生们要面临着沉重的升学压力。很多学生下课后也坐在教室里用功,但学习效率和成绩并不理想。因此你想告诉他们:适当的休息很有必要。现在就请你以“A Ten-minute Break ”为题,按下列要点写一篇短文,让这些同学从中有所启发。要点:1、十分钟的课间休息很有必要; 2、要注意适当的休息方式; 3、你是怎样利用这十分钟的。注意:1、开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2、词数100左右。A Ten-minute BreakAs a Junior Three students , time seems much limited . As a result , more and more students try to study from early morning till late afternoon , even during the tenminute break ._As a Junior Three students , time seems much limited . As a result , more and more students try to study from early morning till late afternoon , even during the tenminute break . In my opinion , to take a tenminute break between classes is definitely necessary . Otherwise we will feel tired both physically and mentally . During the tenminute break , we do something to get rid of tiredness . What we need is to have a real rest , instead of getting more tired . So doing nothing tiring in that period is really good for us .My tenminute break is always pleasing . Sometimes I do some simple exercises . Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take a walk outside . When the next class begins , I feel fresh again .7题目:根据以下内容,用英语记叙一次有趣的课外活动。词数90左右。活动时间:上星期三下午 活动内容:1.体育类;2.兴趣小组或俱乐部;3.英语角。 益处:1.有利于学生的全面发展;2.激发学生的学习兴趣;3.促进师生之间的相互理解。An Interesting Out-class ActivityLast Wednesday afternoon, our class had an interesting out-class activity. We had different kinds of activities. Some students were interested in sports. They played basketball, soccer or table tennis. We also had some interest groups and clubs such as drawing, music, dancing and computer groups. Most of the girls took part in drawing and dancing groups. Those who learn English well went to the English corner. They talked in English and practiced their English there.All my classmates felt we had a wonderful time. This kind of activity is good for our development and makes us more interested in our lessons. Besides, the students and the teachers can understand each other more easily.I hope our class should have more activities like this. What a helpful activity.一次有趣的课外活动上个星期三下午,我们班进行了一次有趣的课外活动。我们有各种不同的活动。一些学生喜爱运动。他们打篮球、踢足球或打乒乓球。我们还有兴趣小组和俱乐部,如绘画、音乐、舞蹈和电脑方面的。大部分女生都参加了绘画和舞蹈小组或俱乐部。那些英语学得好的同学去了英语角,他们在那里用英语谈话和练习英语。我所有的同学都感到过得非常愉快。这种课外活动对我们的发展很有利,而且让我们对功课更加感兴趣了。除此之外,学生与老师之间能也更容易互相沟通了。我希望我们班能多举行这类课外活动。多么有益的一次活动啊!8请你描述一下自己的业余生活。要点提示: 1课余喜欢做什么?为什么喜欢做? 2.举例说明课余时间做过的或准备做的一件有益的事。注意:1.短文必须包括所列要点;2.文中不能出现真实的校名和姓名。My Free TimeI have lots of things to do in my free time. I often play basketball, listen to music, and go to the English corner after school. Among them I like going to the English corner best. At the English comer, I often make many friends with people who have the same hobby as me.And at the same time, I can improve my English. During the coming summer vacation, I want to have a change. Id like to do something useful. I will join a summer camp to the countryside. There we will learn something about the environment and learn how to stop the pollution. I am looking forward to that day!我的业余时间我在业余时间有许多事情要做。放学后我经常打篮球、听音乐、去参加英语角。在它们当中我最喜欢去参加英语角。我去参加英语角的时候,我经常和很多与我有相同爱好的人交朋友。同时,我还可以提高我的英语水平。在即将来临的暑假期间,我想改变一下。我想做一些有用的事情。我想参加一个去农村的夏令营。在那里我们将了解一些有关环境的知识以及学习如何防治污染。我期盼着这一天的到来。9题目:丰富多彩的课外活动可以减轻压力、充实校园生活;同学们还可以在活动中强身健体、在合作中增进友谊。但是一些学生认为参加课外活动浪费时间、分散精力;特别是活动后容易感到疲劳,从而影响学习 请你围绕九年级学生在复习备考期间该不该参加课外活动(after-class activities)这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。多参加课外活动现今学生学习很努力,他们通常处于很大的压力之下。青少年的健康也被忽视了。事实上,多参加课外活动对他们有好处。丰富多彩的课外活动能够让他们的大脑和眼睛得到休息,这样他们就可以减轻压力。通常,多参加课外活动可以强身健体,并且他们将会在活动中学会合作,同时也增进了友谊。多参加课外活动是一个多好的主意!多参加课外活动,你将会有更多的学习时间。这样,你就能在学习上取得更大的进步。More After-class ActivitiesNowadays students work hard and they are always under a lot of stress. The health of the teenagers is also ignored. In fact, its good for them to have more after-class activities. Colorful after-class activities can rest their brains and eyes so that they can ease stress.Usually, taking more exercise will build up their bodies. Besides, they will learn to do teamwork. At the same time, students can also gain friendship in the activities. What a helpful idea to take more after-class activities!Take more after-class activities and youll get more time to study. In this way, you can make more progress in your study.10友谊在我们的日常工作中朋友是很重要的。当我们陷入困境时,我们需要朋友。当我们成功时,我们需要朋友来分享。当我们痛苦时,我们也需要朋友来分担。然而,我们可能有各种各样的朋友。真正的朋友在我们需要帮助时会给我们很多帮助。而假朋友在我们需要时通常会弃我们而去。当然,真正的朋友是能真正提供帮助的,但生活中这种朋友变得越来越少了。因此,我们应该尽量结交真正的朋友。如果你本身就是一个真正的朋友,那么真正的朋友将会永远围绕在你身旁。FriendshipFriends are very important for us in our everyday life. When in trouble, we need our friends. When were successful, we need friends to enjoy. When were sad, we also need friends to share.However, we may have all kinds of friends in our real life. True friends can give us much help when we are in trouble. While bad friends usually go away when were in need.Of course, real friends always help us indeed. But such friends are becoming fewer and fewer in our life. So, we should try our best to make true friends.True friends are always around you if you are true friends to them.11假设你校即将开展读书活动,请你向全校同学发出倡议。请根据表中所给的信息,用英语写一篇倡议书。读书的意义获取知识,增长见识,使人聪明,使人快乐,有助于学习,有助于成长目前的状况听音乐,看电视,上网等占去了学生大部分的读书时间发出倡议多读书,读好书注意:1. 词数90词左右。2. 倡议书的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总次数。3. 倡议书须包括所有内容要点,行文连贯,表达清楚,书写规范。参考词汇:gain knowledge 获取知识; open the mind 增长知识My dear friends ,Reading is very important in our life .We can gain knowledge through reading . It can not only open our mind but also make us clever and happier . Our study can be improved if we read more books . Reading also helps us grow a person . However , its a great pity that many activities such as listening to music , watching TV and going online take up much of our reading time . So here , I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books . It will do us good ! Lets start reading now !12请用英语表达以下内容,要点如下:1. 本周六是王红的生日。许多同学将去她家参加生日聚会;2. 王红爱好广泛、为人友善;经常帮父母做家务;3. 一些同学打算向父母要钱,买礼物送给她;4. 你对同学们花钱买礼物一事的看法及理由。要求:1. 不要逐词翻译;2. 词数90词左右。Wang Hong is a friendly girl and has a lot of hobbies. She often helps her parents with the homework. Its her birthday this Saturday. Many classmates will go to her home for her birthday party。Some of them will ask their parents for some money to buy her gifts。But I don t think it is a good idea,because it will cost our parents money。I am going to make a birthday card for her by myself。I am sure she will like it。


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