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分发的相关英语短语One is if you have to coordinate how youre going to give this vaccine to two million children across the U. S.首先必须协调合作,如何才能将疫苗,分发给全美国二百万孩子And kind of student groups gather there to like, hand out flyers and stuffs.有一些学生组织聚在这里,分发传单之类的。The earnings, you understand, are kind of a theoretical concept but dividend is the money that we send out.你们都知道,收益是个理论概念,但股利是我们分发出去的钱Pretty quickly, though, different churches, probably Pauls churches,initially, started sending around copies of Pauls letters.很快,不同的教会,最先可能是保罗的教会,开始分发保罗书信的副本。You have to test it by giving the vaccine to a large population of people, and then watching and seeing if youve reduced the incidence of the disease.这样的测试的做法只能是,给大量人群分发疫苗,接分发观察和了解,这种疾病的发病 率是否有所降低that can be distributed to people in maybe Third World countries or然后分发给第三世界国家的人,You try to design actually Im going to come back to that in a second. Its like youre trying to use a hash function that spread things out pretty evenly. But the places you store into inthose lists may have to themselves have a small list in there, and when you go to check something, you may have to do a linear search through the elements in that list.你尝试分发去设计,实际上过会儿我会回头讲解这个问题,类似于你需要用一个哈希函 数,非常平均的将物体分发出去,但是在列表中你数据,映射到的地方可能会有自己的一小 段列表,当你回头查找数据的时候,你可能需要在那一小段列表中做线性查找。And we were issuing those.我们分发了那些。So, you want to give it to them because the biology of children is different than adults, and so you need to make sure it works in that population.你希望将疫苗分发给孩子们,因为儿童与成人在生物学上不尽相同,要确保疫苗对儿童 有效Plus it makes it, as I talked about last time, much easier to think about distributing the vaccine around the world because shots require skilled medical personnel, whereas, an oral vaccine could be self-administered.而且,这会使得,就像我上次谈到的,这会使得疫苗更容易在世界范围内分发,因为注射 需要专业医疗人员,但是,口服疫苗自己就可以服用Its-thats a very different process than testing a drug, where if you had a drug for heart disease, you would give it to patients that had heart disease and see if you had an impact.这与药物的临床试验截然不同,如果对一种治疗心脏病的药进行临床试验,你可以将药 分发给,心脏病患者并观察药效If youre trying to prevent a disease that only occurs at a rate of 20 per 100,000 people you have to give the vaccine to millions in order to see if the number goes down.如果你尝试去防治一个,发病概率为十万分之二十人的疾病,那么就必须将疫苗分发给 数百万人,以观察疫苗能否降低发病率Now, notice that means that some people would say that they use that 367 date, when Bishop Athanasius sent around his Easter letter. And they say thats when the Christian canon of the NewTestament was set.有些人会说,它写于主后367年,即阿萨内修斯主教,分发复活节书信的时候,据说那 就是确定基督教新约正典的时间。They did this in 1, 800 elementary school children, so these are about eight year-olds.于是科研人员给一千八百名,八岁左右的小学生分发疫苗You want to give it to children because its children that are susceptible, and that* s where you would like the vaccine to be useful is in children.你想把疫苗分发给孩子们,因为他们最易受到感染,同时你也希望,疫苗可以对孩子有 效What you would like to is everybody in the community exactly the same preparation so that you could predict what everybody,s response to the vaccine would be.最好是把完全一致的制剂,分发给每个人,这样才能预测每个人,对疫苗的反应The CDC can buy this from the manufacturer for a lower price, and when you hear about government organizations distributing vaccines to different parts of the world, theyre buying at a reduced rate but its still not inexpensive.疾控中心可以从工厂拿到较低价格的疫苗,当你听到,政府组织向世界各地,分发派送 疫苗时,他们确实给的是折扣价,但却并不那么廉价So, thats what a vaccine is, and vaccination is the process of taking that vaccine that youve developed and giving it to people, either individual people or groups of people, or as we 11 talk about today, people all over the world.这就是疫苗,接种疫苗的过程就是生产疫苗,并把它分发给大众,不论是给个人还是给 群体,或者就像我们今天所说的,给全世界的人民You used to get checks in the mail; now you go on a website and you 11 see that your dividends are credited to your account, but money is growing in your account as companies pay out dividends.你过去习惯于通过挂号信取得支票,现在你登陆网站,就能看到股利自动分发到你的账 户,公司支付了股利,帐户中的金额就会增加这个系统需要一种被称之为“冷藏链”的东西,之所以如此命名是因为在把它从生产 厂家分发到需求者的手中这个过程中需要一系列的冷藏疫苗的设备。The system required to deliver a vaccine is called the “cold chain, so named for the set offacilities that keep a vaccine cold as it is distributed from the manufacturer to the people whoneed it.对于典型的代理服务器,您可以在集群的级别配置插件路由文件的生成和分发设置。With the classic proxy server, you can configure the plug-in routing file generation and distribution settings at the cluster level.虽然您可以配置事件组概要使用多个分发队列资源,但在本场景中仅创建一个。Although you can configure an event group profile with multiple distribution queue resources,this scenario creates only one.对手本例,如果您已经完成了映射任务,那么现在就可以开始在超级集群间分发客户 机请求了。For this example, if you have completed that task, then you re ready to distribute client requestsacross the super cluster.随分发我们走进一个内容创造和分发变得近乎无限廉价的时代,最珍惜的资源将不再 是存储容量或带宽,而是注意力。As we move into an era where content creation and distribution become almost infinitely cheap,the scarcest resources will no longer be storage or bandwidth, it will be attention.在一些矿井,矿工妻子组成的团体在矿工复工当天在矿井门口组织了分发康乃馨的活 动,康乃馨象征了罢工英雄。In several pits, miners, wives groups organised the distribution of carnations at the gates on theday the miners went back, the flower that symbolises the hero.尽管本文并没有考虑分发系统,但是也展示了一些可以构建在其上的公共事件基础架 构的配置功能。Although this article does not consider distributed systems, it demonstrates some of theconfiguration capabilities of the Common Event Infrastructure that can be built upon.如果架构文档模型文件同其他的模型文件一并被分发到读者的话,这一技术将会很好 的发挥作用。This technique will work well if the architecture document model file is to be distributed toreaders along with the other model files.然后,可以方便地放上这个文件以进行分发。You can then easily put this file up for distribution.您要将所生成的代码分发给其他人吗?Will you have to distribute the resulting code to others?应明确申明进一步使用或分发这些材料是否合法的信息。Information on the legality of further use or distribution of materials should be clearly posted.应明确申明进一步使用或分发这些材料是否合法的信息。Information on the legality of further use or distribution of materials should be clearly posted.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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