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1 / 6阅读专项复习卷时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分题号一一一 -二二-三四五六七八总分得分()1. My dad and I like noodles.()2. My mum and I like fish.()3. My mum does nt like meat.()4. My dad likes pears.()5. My mum and dad like oran ges.二、阅读短文,给小伟的活动标序号。(10 分)Xiaowei goes to school with his brother on Mon days. He has Maths, Chin eseand En glish in the morning. In the after noon, he goes home by bike. Xiaowei playstable tennis with Mary on Saturdays. He watches TV on Sun days.Lily : rve got a new toy, Mike.Mike: Where is your toy?Lily: Its in my desk.Mike: Wow! It is ni ce. I have got new brow n trousers.、根据表格内容,判断正(T )误(F )。(10()()、根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。(10 分)()()()2/ 6Lily: Where are they?Mike: They arent in the bag.Lily: They arent on the bed.Mike: Oh! Here they are. They are on the chair. Have you got an orange dress? Lily:No, I havent. Ive got a white dress.Mike: Is white your favourite colour?Lily: Yes, it is. What is your favourite colour?Mike: My favourite colour is green.()1. Lilys toy is _ .A. on the deskB. in the deskC. under the desk( )2. Mikes brown trousers are _.A. in the bagB. on the bedC. on the chair( )3. Lily _ got an orange dress.A. hasntB. hasC. have()4. Lily has got a _ dress.A. blackB. blueC. white( )5. Mikes favourite colour is _.A. whiteB. greenC. brown四、阅读对话 , 将下列图片连线。 (10 分)Sam: I am Sam. I have got a yellow coat.Amy: I am Amy. I have got an orange hat.Daming: My name is Daming. I have got a blue shirt.Lucy: My name is Lucy. I have got a white Tshirt.Lingling: I am Lingling. I have got brown trousers.3 / 6五、 阅读对话,判断正(T )误(F )。(10 分)Rose Hi, Xiao yong.Xiao yong: Hi, Rose. Do you like wi nter?Rose: Yes, I do. I like skati ng in win ter.Xiao yong: I dont like win ter. I like summer. It is hot in summer. I like swim mingin summer.Rose: And I like autu mn too. I can fly a kite in autu mn.Xiao yong: Have you got a kite?Rose: Yes, I have.Xiaoyong: Lets(让我们)fly kites in the park now(现在).()1. Rose likes summer.()2. Xiao yong likes skati ng.()3. Rose has got a kite.()4. Xiao yong and Rose fly kites in the zoo.()5. Xiao yong likes summer.yellowwhitebrow norangeblueLin gling4/ 6六、 阅读短文,判断正(V)误(X)o(20 分)Betty is my frie nd. She is twelve years old. She is short and fat. She has a smallnose and two big eyes. She likes skipping and swimming. And she likes milk and5 / 6noodles. She has Science and Music on Mondays. She rides her bike on Saturdays.She has got a new book. Its about animals.()1. Betty is a boy.()2. Betty is eleven years old.( )3. She is short and fat.()4. She has a big nose and two small eyes.()5. She likes skipping and swimming.()6. She likes milk and rice.()7. She has Science and Art on Mondays.( )8. She rides her bike on Saturdays.()9. She has not got a new book.( )10. Her new book is about sports.七、阅读短文 , 选择正确的答案。 (20 分)John is an English teacher. He is tall and thin. His favourite colour is white. Helikes fish and milk. His favourite seasonis autumn. It is cool in autumn. He playsbasketball and goes fishing in autumn. He has got a brown sweater and a blue shirt.They are on his bed. He goes to work by car.()1. John is an _ teacher.A. Chinese()2. John is tall and _ .A. thin()3. John likes _ and milk.A. meat( )4. His favourite season is _A. summer( )5. It is _ in autumn.A. cool( )6. John _ in autumn.A. goes fishing()7. John has got _.B. EnglishB. fatB. fishB. autumnB. coldB. goes swimming6/ 6A. a new coatMr White is a teacher . He lives(居住)in the school. His house 房子)is n earthe school playgro un d (操场) .The childre n (孩子们) ofte n play football on the playground.Sometimes(有时)they break 打破,打碎)Mr Whites windows.One after noon, Mr White is at home. He reads 读)a book. Soon he closes 和上)his eyes and has a snooze 打盹丿儿).At thistime, a little boy knocks( 敲)at the door.Mr White opens the door and asks,“Oh, no, ” the boy answers, in your room. Can I get it back, please?1. Mr White is a _2. Mr White lives in _3. One afternoon, Mr White is _ .4. The children _ on the playground.B. a sweater()8. Johns sweater is _ .A. white( )9. John has got _ too.A. a blue shirt( )10. He goes to work by _ .A. bike八、根据短文 , 补全下列句子。 (10 分 )B. brownB. a blue T-shirtB. carDid you break my window again? ”Your windows are open this time. Our football is7/ 65. The childrens _ is in Mr Whites room.8 / 6阅读专项复习卷答案、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F、514 3 2、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B五、1.F2. F3.T 4. F5. T六、1.X2.X3.V4.X点拨发:短文中是小、 鼻子,大眼睛。5.V6.X7.X8.V9.X10.X七、 1. B2. A3 .B 4. B5. A 6. A 7. B8.B9. A10. B八、1. tea cher 2. the school3. athome4. play football 5. footballLin glingAmySamDaminLucywhiteyellowbrownorangeblue


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