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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上尼克胡哲英文演讲稿Have you ever felt alone? Have you felt like giving up? Maybe you just lose motivation to live. I am nick vujicic. Welcome to no arms, no legs and no worries.I wasnt ready.On this DVD, I share my experiences in life and how to overcome challenges and see the new fresh perspective in life. To be thankful, to dream big and to never give up. I speak to children, youths and adults about key issues and principles that I have found in my life that give me strength to conquer all that comes before me. I hope you enjoy watching this DVD and I trust you gonna be encouraged, inspired and challenged to become all that you can become in life.第一部分“See the Body” Thank you, thank you very much. Good morning every body.Students: Morning!Morning, how are you doing?Students: Good.You are fine?Students: Yeah.Oh sweet, nice to see you. My name is Nick Vujicic and its a pleasure to be with you. I have a wheel chair over there. Its my BMW 7 series. I am gonna take it to “pick my ride” and get some spinning rings on it. and the.You know those full-picked cars you know with hydraulic stuff, you know how theyre downs and around stuff. I wanna give my wheel chair down stuff.(1:55) why? If I can cross the road and go bang bang bang! Its really cool to drive that thing around that I have no arms and no legs and I was actually born in this way. And There is no medical reason why these happen. So I have no limbs, but I have a little chicken drumstick. And we call this chicken drumstick, because first of all it looks like one and second of all sometimes my dog thinks its one. And I tell you man so funny it comes up to start biting on that. I push(象声词) him in the head a couple of times. Its nuts ,man. Its so cool man. I love to swim as well and I actually float like a life jacket. I float up right like this and I have my little motor down here,and I go bow-this right. And its so funny when people see me for the first time. Its so cool youre kids freaked out you know how to say? I tell you this little boy came up to me and he goes “what happened?” and I went up to him, and I goes:” cigarettes!”. and there was one girl who saw me and she goes “mummy! Look, its an alien!” So I went up to her and I went:” ah” she is like ah. I ran after her and said:” I am gonna eat you!” You know,Freak her out! So with my little foot here, I can also write. This is my pen here. I can actually write and type with my foot but I learn how to draw and all this a lot things. Thats pretty cool. I learn how to type 43 words in a minute on the normal computer. So its like heeling-toe heeling-toe combination and I am learning sign language with my foot I mma learn it ready? Peace. Is that cool? Very cool. Anyway, we gonna have some fun today. And I just gonna tell you the funny story of all. Its so funny. I was in a car one day. When you see me from the outside of the car, you have no idea that I have no arms and no legs right? You just see my gorgeous face. when the traffic lights one day, and this car comes up next to us. And this girl looked at me and I am like:” cool! Lets have some fun here.” I know that she has no clue that I have no limbs so I looked at her, I grabbed the seat belt in my mouth and loose it like this and did it in the car seat, I just did this and she was like ,she was like“you freak me out man!” Its very cool. Anyway, I have a couple of things to show you. I play drums. Do you believe me?Students: yeah! I actually play drums; I get the drumstick in my teeth. I am just joking. Look I have drum machine up here and we just gonna. So what it is? Basically its a pad right? In this like 16 buttons and so each button represents a sound right? So I am not pressing player or anything like that. You see my foot? All right, its like serious. (强悍, solo时间)Do you like that?Students: yeah! (大家长时间的鼓掌)So thats sort of more like your rocking, you know, sort of pop. Whatever, but then you got ah ah. Can I have some more volume? Please give me some.*(难道是juice?) right here we go. So Its like. Do you like that? That would be very cool if I can get this on my wheel chair and play while I am driving? And I get some “tech” online here we go.1,2,3,4(又是一段强悍的solo)Hey guys, do you like that?Is that cool?Beautiful. So I have a tennis ball here. I just want to show you how far I can kick this thing. And a lot of people are like freaked out, you know, how can you do that! And I just want to show you. Its very very cool. Can I have a volunteer please to catch the ball for me? Ah lets see, lets see, lets see, sure, I will get you. How are you doing? Yes, you, my finger point at you. Stand up. How are you doing? Beautiful. Whats your name?Student: Jack.Was it?Jack: Jack.Jack, nice to meet to you today. Now can I get you to do me a favor? And probably just go up that way , see my finger point that way? Up that way a little bit. Can you guys make a little bit path for him to go in the path a little bit? Beautiful, now just face me Jack. Now I just want to show every body how far I can actually boot this thing. I am a big fan to David Beckham. I love David Beckham. I love how he curves that ball. So I am practicing this thing. You know what I mean? Just move back, keep moving back, keep on back backkeep on back back I am joking, I cant give that far. Come forward. Its all good. I was just joking. Right, there is good. Right, there is good. Now thats a pretty big kick so I am gonna take a little bit of run-up here. Oh I think its so good. I just want to see if I can get you scared a little bit. All right. Here we go. Are you ready right now when you get this ball, dont throw it back because I cant catch, do you understand me? Are you ready? Here we go, when you get this ball just come up here on the stage. Is that cool,Ready, 1, 2. Look at that Jump up right, on this side. Beautiful, now Jack, have you had a good day today? Yeah.Thanks good,I will get you to hold the ball for me. WaitI havent done with you yet right?All right,you just Stand here ,face the crowd. So anything new happened in you life today? School, out school, boring, learn anything? No.Is school or there something cool? did you homework? No. All right,here we go.I just want to be real with you. Theres a cool game I wanna play with you. Thats cool. I am gonna get your right hand on the table. All right thats a cool ring. I gonna give me a toe ring. You know what I mean? One day I am gonna give me a swiss watch too. Anyway, just put the whole hand on here. Beautiful, now, what we gonna do, we gonna play a game called slapers. Ok? Now I dont know if you know this game. Basically, I am gonna slap you,Ok?and if you.when I go like this, you should move away this before I get you, so its a race between your hand and the chicken drumstick. All right?So what gonna happen if you got 5 shocks?Ok? If I miss one out of the 5, you win. So that make sense? You only beat me once to win. Are you ready? You said you are having a good day today yet?Thiss good.This gonna change. I am joking. Are you ready? Are you scared? You are not scared. Are you ready? No.1. so when I go like this, you go like? Exactly. Ok you should be quicker. itsNo1.No2.No.3. I make it easier for you. I even look away and Ill close my eyes. Ok, now is his hand still there? I have done this a couple of times. You cant cheat on it. All right. Now I close my eyes. Your hand there? Is his hand there? Are you ready? All right. No.4. I will let you win, ok? Give me a hug, I love you. Give him applause guys. Thank you very much Jack. I have got a phone up here. It is not my cell phone. Its a normal phone. I just ripped it out from the wall. I am gonna show you how I can actually flick this phone onto my shoulder. Its very cool. Its actually not always guaranteed that it gonna happen the first time. So what happens when you fail?Students: Try again.Very good! Very good! So can someone give me a sound for ringing phone please.Students: ding-ling-ling.Thank you, thank you. I am coming. ready? Hey, is that cool? Awesome!第二部分I want to talk about.when I started, you know, go to school and lots of people put me down. You know people tease each other I mean people come up and say, ”Hey! you are fat, you are fat , you are fat , you are fat ,.you know, you need to lose some weight” when you go home you look at yourself in the mirror and go “em Im fat!”right?So many people tease each other. As you know, youre too short, too high, you look like whatever, different hair and all that, It doesnt matter.Seeing thing is, when youre at school, when you grow up in life, you actually saw it matters to people how you look.And then it matters to you because it matters to others.Why? why does it matters how you look?Because, if they dont like you, then who will?If they dont accept you, then who will?And the fear that have is that we gonna be alone, that were not good enough.Were going to change ourselves.You know so many people put me down and say “Nick, you look so weird!No one is really your friend. You cant do this, You cant do that.”And I couldnt change anything, I couldnt change /fix my hair one day and everything goes fine.It isnt like you know whatever, I couldnt change my circumstance!I couldnt just one day wake up and say“Hey!Give me arms and legs.I need arms and legs.”You know mean like, I went to a body builder, you know, can you give me arms and legs.Im joking. Hehe, Body builder cannot get it. Right ? I get to people and ask them to give a hand you know I was joking.But It was so hard because people put me down.I started believing that I was not good enough.I started to believe that I was a failure, thus never ever be somebody who people will like and people will accept.And it is so hard, man, I say to myself: ”I cant go on soccer like everybody else. I cant ride on my bike ,I cant skate on this or that things .”I start getting depressed.I thought what kind of purpose I have to live, I just here to live to die? I mean.Isnt there a purpose for me ?Isnt there a purpose in life?And i have questions that are no answers. I asked my mom and dad why this happened. I asked doctor why this happened. They dont know.There is something in life that is of out of your control, that you cannot change and youre going to live with.The choices we have is either to give up or keep on going.I gonna to ask you what youre gonna to believe?Are you going to believe in yourself? Are you going to believe everybodys judgement on you?Are you going to believe people when they say that you are a failure and no one really likes you or cares about you?Hey, I dont mean that you dont need someone who really come up and say to you “Hey, I really like you and care about you.”No, it is not that, it is the fact that people put you down.People dont even look you in the eye. People ask how you are and you say fine but actually you are not fine and they dont know that, they never know that.Ill tell you that life is interesting, life is a journey.See this phone here. Lets say that I wanna go to the phone and I start from moving here. Now to get to the phone, is that i cannot start from meditating(冥想)and going hum ,right? And float across the air, right? It is some kind do not work. Hmm and wuu, It is some kind do not work. I have to take one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time.You can only take one step at a time.I dont care how big your step is. Because it is only one step at a time .You cant do two steps in one, understand? So it is like one step at a time.You take this step in this direction and you take that step in that direction. So sometimes you get lost in the way and sometimes you fell down.To illustrate my point, I gonna jump off the table and drop back twist and land in the floor. Ok, is that cool? Are you ready? There is a clock down there, can you move the clock away for a little second? Beautiful, beautiful, all right, are you ready? Just let me know when youre ready. Are you guys ready, Ok, 1,2, Im joking man. Is that serious?Please put that back. If I do that I broke my arms or something, you know what I mean?But honestly, along the way you might fall down like this. Ready? 倒下!Hello!So what will you do when you fall down? “Get back up!” everybody knows about get back up. Because I stop walking I cannot get anywhere.But I gonna tell you sometimes in life when you fall down, you feel lacking strength to get back up. So you put on a mask in your face when you go to school. Pretend that everything is OK when it is not. And you go home, land your bag when no one is looking at you.You dont have to oppress anybody. You are yourself.And fear comes in. You know the feel is there when you walk into your house.Maybe it is a broken home. Maybe you have doubt in your life? Maybe you dont know for sure what is gonna happen in the future and it scares you. Maybe worry about what people think of you, what people say about you.You see that fear will paralyze (瘫痪) you.I just wanna ask you today “Do you think you have hope?”Because I tell you, I am down here, face down, and I have no arms and legs.It should be impossible for me to get back up.I mean when you go home and you tie the arms and legs of your brothers and sisters. And like push them down and see how long it is gonna take them to get back up. You know what I mean. You see, you can tell them “See you tomorrow”.As for me, you may think It should be impossible for me to get back up, but actually it is not.You see i will try one hundred times to get back up, and if i fail i give up, do you think i can ever get back up? No. But if i fail, i try again, and again and again. For as long as i try, there is a chance i can get back up. Do that make sense?It is not the end until you give it up.And just the fact that you are here, it should persuade you that you have another chance to get back up. There is still hope. Im not here today to tell you that i understand your pain. I dont know how it feels to be abused. I dont know how it feels to feel so fat and you just gonna eating disorder. I dont know how it feels with a broken home. I dont know how it feels.But i know how it feels with a broken heart and i know how it feels to be alone.And I want you to know that I found my strength from Jesus Crisis .Youre gonna to find your strength from where you could find it in.And i just want you to know that this is not the end, it matters that how youre gonna to finish it. Are you gonna to finish it strong? And you will find that strength to get back up. like this. (爬起!鼓掌!)How did i get from depress to who i am today because I tell you I was depressed.When i was 8, I used to concentrate on things i didnt have.I wished I could have arms and legs. I wished I could do this. But what can I do? You see I have a choice. Thats what were gonna to talk about today. Choices!I can either to be angry for not having arms and legs or be thankful for my little chicken drumsticks. You see I can still do a lot of things. At home I can brush my teeth, comb my hairs, get myself ready in the morning. I am traveling around the world. It is amazing!But I have to ask myself a couple questions.And the first question is really “who am i? who am I? ” I am Nick Vujicic. But who is that? And it is funny that how the friends around you should determine who you are. You change yourself. You come to school and everybody swears around me at high school and I started swearing. Why do I do so? Because it is so cool thing to do, everyone swears. So I dont wanna be left out. And I wanna be accepted so I started swearing. You go to a party and everybody is drinking so you drink. Why? Because everybody around me is doing so. Big deal! And you start losing yourself and you start putting you security on temporary things. You start putting your happiness on things that will not last.You can get drunk all your life, but in the morning , you gonna be sober with a headache, with the same problems.You wanna be high the rest of your life on drugs. Everybody says Dont do drugs why? Why even we go with them? So that is of curiosity or teens pressure?Or try to escape reality.Basically, 3 reasons just why we go to sex, drugs, alcohol. Why you do? Because it feels good.Ok, that is why you do that.I mean when you want something, you go and get it.You wanna buy something, you save up money you go and get it.Why? Because that will make you happy.And we take this step in a wrong direction and it will take you away from your dreams.You may say that ”Nick, dont worry, drugs and alcohol will not take me away from my dreams and my purposes and sex all that no! ”But I will tell you, it actually will.Because you go to level in drugs, you go to level in drinking. It isnt enough, you will find it out. You will try something new. And you also go to school and people put you down.Parents will say that youre a failure because you fail in a test.And you start to believe the lies around you. Saying that youre not good enough, no one will want you and you never ever doing anything good in your life and you never ever achieve your dreams and goals that you wish you have done or wish you could do.And it is the step that takes you closer to that voice saying ”youre not good enough, youre not good enough!” You know you just need one more step to fall.See you have choice, to know which step youre gonna take today.Let me ask you “do you know who you are? You wanna know who I think you are?”You care about what your friends think who you are. You know you care about their opinion.Do you know who I am? You wanna know what I think who you are I will tell you now.I didnt care how you look. Honestly, if you are 400kg, I will come up to you and give you a hug and say “I love you!”I dont care if youre fat short tall and thin I didnt care. I really dont care how you look. I dont care what you good at ,I dont care what you not good at. I dont care whether you like rock music or not. I dont care! I dont care youre good at mathematical or good at PE or even not good at anythingBut Im gonna tell youre awesome just the way you are!I know so many teenagers who look at them in the mirror and wish they have a different body. Girls, youre beautiful just the way you are! You are gorgeous! You are gorgeous! I love you just the way you are! And the boys, you are the men!Because it not how you look.When you see me for the first time ,many of your feel sorry for me. Do you feel sorry for me anymore ?No! Why? Because you know who I am. But dont you remember I have no arms and no legs? Would you wanna be my friends? Of course ,you would. Why? Because you like who I am. But I have no arms and no legs and you gonna say, “So what?”So when you say “I dont have this I dont have that”, I would say ”So what? I dont care!”You are worth more than diamonds, all the diamonds in the world. You are so precious every single one of your heart. You can do something not just something you can do but you can live .life!Life is not always good, life is always not gorgeous.But life is worth living when you find purpose.“Nick, I dont know what my purpose is. I dont know! My parents want me to do this, my teachers want me to do that, my friends think I should do this.i really dont know what to do ”And youre tore, man! You dont know what to do. You have to make important decision, man. You dont know what to do. Who do you believe?Follow your heart.if that is what you wanna beif that is what you wanna do in life, then walk toward it.One day at a time.That phone might seem so far away,


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