安徽省高中英语总复习 M3Unit 8 Adventure(2)课件 北师大版 新课标

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安徽省高中英语总复习 M3Unit 8 Adventure(2)课件 北师大版 新课标_第3页
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Part1 M3.Unit8Unit8Unit8Adventure Adventure Module38、get across 使理解(某事), 讲清楚The young scientist tried to get his new theory across. 这位年轻的科学家设法让人们理解他的新理论。Your meaning didnt really get across. 你的意思并未真正为别人理解。 get about/around/round (消息)传播, 走动 get along 进展, 与相处 get down to 开始认真(干某事) get rid of 摆脱, 除掉 get through 做完, 通过(考试), 拨通(电话), 到达 get used to 适应, 习惯于汉译英。1. 在辩论中我无法清楚地表明自己的观点。 I couldnt get my point across in the debate. 2. 他发现他难以使他们了解他的想法。 He found it difficult to get his idea across to them. 3. 我给你打了几次电话, 可是没打通。 I rang you several times but couldnt get through. 9、in turn 又做同样的事;依次, 轮流(by turns)I told the secret to my younger sister who, in turn, told it to mum later. 我把秘密告诉了妹妹, 她随后又告诉了妈妈。All of us will speak at the meeting in turn/by turns. 我们所有的人都将在会上轮流发言。 take turns (at sth.)/to do sth. 轮流做某事 take a turn/turns doing sth. 轮流做某事(已发生并将继续发生) Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 wait ones turn等着轮到完成句子。1. 学生们逐一报出自己的名字。The students called out their names in turn/by turns. 2. 山姆先骑自行车, 然后轮到我骑。Sam had a ride on the bike and then it was my turn. 3. 你们不能两人同时用这辆自行车得轮流使用。You cant both use the bike at once youll have to take turns. 10、有关、有关break的短语的短语 break away (from sb./sth.) 脱离, 挣脱 break down (因故障等)失灵, 失效 break in 强行进入屋内;打断 break into 强行进入某处 break out 突然发生 break through 突破, 强行穿过 break up 解散, 瓦解 完成句子。1. 他们摆脱看守逃跑了。They broke away from the guards. 2. 机器坏了。The machine broke down. 3. 注意听, 别老是插嘴。Listen attentively; dont break in so often. 4. 我们把钥匙丢了, 只好破门而入。 We had to break into the house as we had lost the key. 5. 昨天此地附近发生了一场火灾。A fire broke out near here yesterday. 6. 科学家们说, 他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。 Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 7. 警察制止了这场斗殴。The policeman broke up the fight. 【提示】 英语中表示“爆发, 发生, 进行”等意义的词或词组均属于不及物, 因此均不能用于被动语态。常用的有:burst (感情等)突然发作;burst forth 向前迸发;burst out 突然发作(后常接doing);burst into 突然发作(后常接名词);break out 爆发;happen 发生;take place 发生;go on 发生, 进行;get on 进行。11、prove vt. 证明, 证实 linkv. 证明是 prove sth. prove (to sb.) that/what/where It is proved thatclause prove sb./sth. (to be) n/adj. prove (to be) n/adjproof n. 证据,物证;证明;检验 He decided to do something to prove his courage before everybody. 他决定做些事情在众人面前证明自己的勇气。 The old methods proved best after all. 采用老方法结果反而是最好。汉译英。1. 这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多。 The task proved(to be) more difficult than wed thought. 2. 现在证明他是清白的。 It is now proved that he is innocent. 3. 结果证明我的意见是错的。 My opinion proved (to be) wrong. 12、run out of/use up 用完, 耗尽What can we use as fuel if we run out of/use up all the energy?如果所有的能源都用完了, 我们能用什么作燃料? run out (某物)用完, 没有了 run across 偶然碰见 run at 向冲去, 突然攻击 run away 逃走, 迅速离开 run over 溢出,压过;复习用run的合适的短语填空。1. Youd better run over these texts before you go. 2. He ran at me and grasped my hair and my shoulder. 3. I ran across some old letters when I was looking for something else. 4. Oh, my ink is running out. 5. He has run away with my most valuable books. 6. The water ran over the edge of the basin. 13、carry on继续进行, 坚持下去They carried on in spite of the difficult conditions. 尽管条件困难, 他们仍坚持下去。 carry out 进行, 实行We must carry out the plan to the full. 我们必须不折不扣地执行计划。 carry through 完成, 实现;使某人渡过难关Having made a promise, you must carry it through. 既已许下承诺, 你必须履行它。完成句子。1. 继续做你的针线活儿, 我来给你读一个故事。 Carry on withyour sewing while I read you a story. 2. 他们坚决地执行了交给他们的任务。 They resolutely carried out the tasks assigned to them. 3. 他的勇气会帮助他克服一切困难。His courage will carry him through all difficulties. 4. 进行这个实验有些困难。 There is some difficulty in carrying out the experiment. 5. 我们明天继续谈。Well carry on our talk tomorrow. 14、aim n. C 目标, 目的;U 瞄准, 射击目标His aim was to swim across the strait. 他的目标是游过海峡。 vi. 目的是, 打算;vt. & vi. 瞄准 We aim at developing/to develop new models of machines. 我们打算发展新式的机器。 take aim at sb./sth.The hunter took aim at the tiger. 猎人瞄准了老虎。 with the aim of为了 aim () at be aimed at 目标是, 目的是(旨在);针对完成句子。 1. 她去伦敦是为了见一个朋友。She went to London with the aim of visiting a friend. 2. 他瞄准了军官。He aimed (the gun) atthe officer. 3. 要达到这些目标需要齐心协力。Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims. 4. 他们力求做到在年底前人人得到培训。 Theyre aiming at training everybody by the end of the year. 5. 这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime. 15、observe vt.(1) 观察,注意到 observe sb./sth. observe sb./sth. doThe police observed a man enter the bank.警察注意到一个男人走进了银行。 observe sb./sth. doing observe sb./sth. done observe thatclauseShe observed that all the chairs were already occupied.她发现所有的椅子都有人坐了。(2) 遵守(规则、法律等)Will the rebels observe the ceasefire?叛乱者会遵守停火协议吗?(3) 庆祝;庆贺;欢度Do they observe Christmas? 他们过不过圣诞节?(4) to make a remark 说话;评论She observed that it was getting late. 她说天色晚了。汉译英。1. 最近你注意到什么变化没有? Have you observed any changes lately?2. 有人看到他紧跟着她。 He was observed to follow her closely. 16、But its worth_waiting_for.(P25) 但是这值得等待。worth n. 价值; 用处worthy n. 要人;知名人士 adj. 值得尊敬的;值得赞赏的worthless adj. 无价值的;不重要的worth, worthwhile与worthy worth表示“价值”时,后接价值数量词;当表示“值得”时,后接名词、代词或动名词(不能接不定式),常用well修饰,不用very。 worthwhile意为“值得的”,指花时间、精力、金钱等去做某事是值得的。常见搭配:Its worthwhile doing sth.; Its worthwhile sb. doing sth.; Its worthwhile for sb. to do sth. worthy表示“有价值的;可尊敬的”时,常作定语;表示“值得”时,常作表语,结构为 worthy of sth., worthy后面还可接动名词或不定式,结构分别是worthy of being done和worthy to be done。用worth/worthy/worthwhile填空。1. This vase was worth five hundred francs at the most. 2. Everybody has roots. It is worthwhileto search for his roots. 3. She proved herself a worthy successor of the former champion. 4. This book is well worth reading and it is worthy of being read a second time. 单项填空。()5. The scenery of Huangshan Mountain is so fantastic that its worth_. A. to visit B. visiting C. being visited D. to be visited ( )1. (2010四川卷)After graduating from college,I took some time off to go travelling, _turned out to be a wise decision.A. that B. which C. when D. where Bwhich引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句或主句的一部分,意为“这一点,这件事,这一切”。 And our porters carry your luggage,which means that you can simply enjoy the experience.(P22)()2. (2007上海卷)Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _ size and shape.A. on B. from C. by D. in DA differs from B in sth.How do the tourists_differ from local people?(P23)


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