【小学 一年级英语】2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(一) 共(6页)

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【小学 一年级英语】2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(一) 共(6页)_第1页
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【小学 一年级英语】2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(一) 共(6页)_第2页
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【小学 一年级英语】2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(一) 共(6页)_第3页
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2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(一) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. Whats your English name? 2. How old are you? 3. What day is it today? 4. Do you have a sister? 5. What time do you get up every day? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. duck 2. horse 3. dictionary 4. a white umbrella 5. my grandma III. Talk about the picture ( 10 points) Please say something about the picture. 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(二) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. Its a nice day, isnt it? 2. What class are you in? 3. What does your father do? 4. How old is your mother? 5. Do you like hamburgers? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. clock 2. pencil 3. teacher 4. on the desk 5. go to school III Passage (10 points) Read the passage, then answer the questions. Most tree frogs are very small. They are about as long as your finger. Tree frogs are not like other frogs. Most tree frogs live in trees. They do not live in water. Tree frogs are green or brown. They can change their colour to hide from other animals. Questions: 1. Are tree frogs very big? 2. What colour are tree frogs? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(三) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. What time do you get up every day? 2. Do you have a lovely cat? 3. Whats your favourite food? 4. Can you count from 1 to 10 in English? 5. Do you like English? Why? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. cake 2. sharpener 3. excuse 4. a big fish 5. close the window III. Talk about the picture ( 10 points) Please look at the picture, then answer the questions. Questions: 1. How many frogs are there in the picture? 2. Are there seven cats in the picture? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(四) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. How are you today? 2. Does your mother like dogs? 3. What class are you in? 4. Whats your father? 5. Whos your English teacher? Do you like him or her? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. sing 2. fork 3. family 4. in the park 5. a tall tree III. Talk about the grid ( 10 points) Please say something about the grid(表格). 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(五) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. Its a hot day, isnt it? 2. Whats three and two? 3. What do you usually do after school? 4. Can you swim? 5. How many girls are there in your class? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. uncle 2. blackboard 3. elephant 4. get up 5. over there III Dialogue (10 points) Read the dialogue, then answer the questions. Lily: Lucy, look at my new dress. Lucy: Oh, its very nice! Lily: I like the colour. Lucy: I have a new dress, too. Lily: What colour is it? Lucy: Its orange. Questions: 1. Does Lily have a new dress? 2. What colour is Lucys dress? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(六) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. Do you like noodles? 2. What does your mother like to eat? 3. What day is today? 4. How do you go to school every day? 5. What sport do you like best? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. box 2. house 3. student 4. a big cat 5. in English III. Talk about the picture ( 10 points) Please look at the picture, then answer the questions. Questions: 1. Who is Peters grandfather? 2. Who is Lilys aunt? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(七) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. What grade are you in? 2. Which school are you from? 3. How many boys are there in your class? 4. Whats your favourite colour? 5. Does your father like milk? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. park 2. hand 3. badminton 4. take a photo 5. sit down III Passage (10 points) Read the passage, and answer the questions. Cherry and her friend are playing. They put the doll in the box. The teddy bear and the rabbit are on the floor. The dog is under the desk. The cat gets on the shelf. There are pencils, erasers and rulers on the bed. Questions: 1. Where is the teddy bear? 2. What is in the box? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(八) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. Whats the weather like today? 2. Do you have a computer? 3. How many people are there in your family? 4. Whats your favourite fruit? 5. How old is your mother? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. goose 2. dress 3. balloon 4. excuse me 5. in the box III. Talk about the picture ( 10 points) Please look at the picture, then answer the questions. Questions: 1. Who like eating chicken? 2. Do Mike and Lisa like dancing? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(九) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. May I know your name, please? 2. Can you sing an English song? 3. Whats the date today? 4. What time do you go to bed? 5. Do you like reading? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. egg 2. ruler 3. pineapple 4. go to bed 5. come on III Dialogue (10 points) Read the dialogue, then answer the questions. Jim: Whose watch is this? Is it yours? Bob: Yes, it is. Jim: What time is it by your watch? Bob: Let me have a look. Its ten to seven. Jim: When does the cartoon begin? Bob: At seven. Ah, we are going to be late now. Please hurry up! Jim: OK! Questions: 1. Whose watch is this? 2. When does the cartoon begin? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低年级组口语试题(十) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计分) I Free Talk (5 points) 1. Whats your name? 2. Whats your favourite sport? 3. What does your mother do? 4. How do you go to school every day? 5. Do you like chicken? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the following words and phrases. 1. apple 2. robot 3. basketball 4. have a look 5. a thin monkey III. Talk about the picture ( 10 points) Please say something about the picture. 浅谈小学生如何学英语 英语作为国际通用的语言,随着世界经济的发展和中国加入wto,英语所起的作用越来越大,因此,英语亟待于在我国普及。为了更快、更好地让更我的人学好英语,国家教委决定从小三年级开设英语这门课程。当然,一些城市的幼儿园和小学早已开设了英语课,而大部分农村小学还没有开设。再因为我对英语有着浓厚的兴趣,所以去年我在所教的四年级班开设了英语这门课程。针对农村小学,结合教学中的经验,我认为要使小学生学好英语,教师应该做好以下几个方面的工作:第一,激发和保持小学生学习英语的兴趣。小学生在刚接触英语时,有着强烈的好奇心,产生浓厚的兴趣,所以教师要抓住这生的这种心理进行教学。我在上课之前,事先没有告诉学生要上英语课,则是首先用英语对学生说?quot;Do you know the English?Do you like English?Do you want study the English?学生听后觉得很有趣,不知老师讲的是什么,急忙问我是什么意思,当我翻译了后,学生就向我提出要求,要我教他们学英语。那么,这就比老师提出学要好得多。但是因为学生没有接触过英语,也许有的学生认为很难学,可能学着学着就没有了兴趣,所以,老师在教学中还要注意保持学生英语的兴趣-从教学内容入手。第二,教学的内容要由浅入深,由易到难,进行系统的进行教学。我们都知道,任何事情都要从简单的学起,小这生学英语更要如此,应该从最基本的学起。我在英语教学时,首先教学生学习英语里的26个字母,先让学生跟我读,再让学生跟着录音一起读。学了字母就学音标和一些简单的单词。而学习这些单词时,最好是选一些接近生活的词,先分类,再一类一类的学。比如,各种水果、10个数字,不同的颜色、学习用品而且一节课只须让学生掌握几个单词就可以了。如果一开始就学48个音标,学生难免觉得枯燥无味,学起来就没有兴趣了。第三,在游戏活动中进行英语教学。也就是把英语贯穿于各种游戏中,起到练习巩固的作用。我在教学生用英语说10个数字时就曾经做了一个游戏:我先教学生用英语读1-10这十个数字,然后请十个学生到台一排成一行,先让每个学生记住自己的排序数,然后我用英语念一个数字,排序是这个数的学生就站出来,再反过来,我又用中文点数字,排序数的那个学生就要站出来用英语说出这个数字。这样,从玩、听、辩、读中,学生很快地掌握了这10个数字的读音。当然,教师还可以根据所教单词容,自己编制一些有趣的活动,使学生和玩中学好英语。第四,尽量运用实物真景,进行生动、有趣的英语教学。其实,这就好像低年级的老师上课一样,采用直观教学法。比如,有教水果这类词时,苹果的音、形、义,学生早已听明白了,但教他们用英语说:apple时,也许当时读几遍记住了,但过不了几天又忘记了。为了加深印象,我拿来一篮子水果,先拿出一个苹果,教学生读:apple,再拿出一个桔子,教学生读orange这样,学生把看到的不同种水果与听到的单词连在一起记忆,就不容易忘记了。第五,结合音乐和美术,穿插于英语教学中,把美术运用在课堂中,主要针对个别形象的英语单词的学习,因为一时可能找不到实物,所以我们就可以画出来,使小学生加深印象。例如:有一次上课,我准备了一些图片教学生用英语说各种动物,这时,有个学生提问:蝴蝶用英语怎么说,我告诉学生读butterfly,但我没有准备这张图片,所以我就在黑板上画了一只美丽的蝴蝶,接着,我让学生利用剩余的时间边画边读边记这些单词。至于音乐主要运用于同类较多的单词学习中。字母歌就是一个很明显的例子,当我教了26个字母后,就教唱字母歌,学生很快就掌握了26个字母了。显然,唱歌是提高学生记忆力的最有效的方激法,所以,我教了10个数字以后,我又教学生唱数字歌,教了各种颜色,我又教学生唱颜色歌,还有星期歌、月份歌这些都是一些简单的英语歌曲,学生一唱就会。当然教师还可以自己编一些英语歌曲,只需套用学生学过的一些简单的或者是熟悉的曲子就可以了。这样学生既唱了歌,又学了英语,一举两得,何乐而不为呢?其实,小学生学习英语,主要是学习口语。如果基础没有打好,以后学起来就会带来很多麻烦,所以,教师在教学时,一定要让学生发准每个音,读准每个单词。而且针对不同的年级要采用不同的方法,如低年级就要以游戏活动为主,在各种有趣的活动中让学生学好英语,而中、高年级要在课堂中多听录音读,多练习说。简单的讲,学好英语的方法不外乎四多:多读、多听、多说、多写。


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