新概念英语第二册 第11-12课课件

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If you like this,welcome to add Bai Chuang English QQ group : two five two two seven three four five six YY group : eight zero six five five two five three一 Quiz deserve true Just do it. ABC neat guard pocketImpossible is nothing, 二 Ex. 1 The detectives waited inside the main building. This was the _ building. A most important B smallest C first D greatest 2 Ziv has a book. The book is _ (名词性物主代词)his=his book Him-He his- his book his 3 The precious parcel was _full (充满) of stones and sand. 4 He usually _ (get) up at 7 oclock, but this morning he _ (get) up at 6 oclock. 5 So far, we _have_ not had _ (have) a reply(回复). 到目前为止 Have+动词的过去分词 have not hadSo far到目前为止 是现在完成时的一个标志 6 Tony usually gets his salary at the end of the _ (C) A day B year C month D week 7 _ did he ask for?$20 ( C ) A How many B How C How much D How few 三 New words and expressions 1 luck good luck to you Adj. lucky a lucky dog kid-kids Child-children You are so lucky 2 captain 船长 The captain welcomed you aboard. 3 sail v.航行 She always wanted to sail around the world.Sailor Six British sailors drowned.Great Britain大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 United Kingdom 4 harbour 海港 港口 harbor AmE. They sailed into Southampton Harbour. Pearl Harbour 1 south PK month mouth mouse 5 proud be proud of 为.某人感到自豪 be full of 他的父母为他感到自豪(be proud of )His parents are proud of him. Proudest moment 自豪的时刻、骄傲的时刻 His proudest moment was winning that game. 他最自豪的时刻就是赢了那场比赛。Take pride in 为/以.为自豪 He takes pride in his childrens marks. 6 important adj. 一个非常重要的会议(meeting)an important meetingA very important meeting It (形式主语)is important to do sth. (做某事时很重要的) 动词不定式做主语It is important that +句子理解这句话是很重要的。 It is important to understand this sentence.To understand this sentence is important. (形式主语 to+动词原形 动词不定式 动词不定式做真正的主语 it只是一个形式主语)More important Where is Captain Alison going and how?Where are you going?1 Our neighbour , Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.One of the neighbors complained about (抱怨)the noise from the party.How far is it from Suzhou to Nanjing?Our next-door neighbors say that theyll look after(照顾) our cat for us while were away.我刚收到我哥哥Tim的一封信(同位语) have received a letter.2 Well meet him at the harbour early in the morning. At the airport 在机场 我爸爸在机场接了我。 (my dad met me ) 主谓宾地点时间 上星期我去电影院了。 Week-weekend(week+end)3 He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail His small boat-Topsail top-top students尖子生 Topsail is a famous little boat. Small-large 不带感情色彩 Its a small factory. Little-big 带有感情色彩 喜欢或者不喜欢 a useful little thing a boring little man /j/ honest an honest person Alone(客观的一种孤独)-lonely (感情色彩 表示孤单 孤零零的)4 It (the Topsail)has sailed across the Atlantic many times(很多次). 现在完成时 The Atlantic =the Atlantic Ocean The Arctic Ocean北冰洋 The Pacific Ocean 大西洋 The Indian Ocean 印度洋Across 横渡 横穿 他们跑着横穿这条马路(过去时态 ran across)They ran across this road.现在完成时 表示已经横渡过大西洋很多次了 Many times Do you know how many times we went to that hotel?12课补充(后半部分)It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alision will set out at eight oclock, so we will have plenty time. 表示时间 时分秒 我们会用介词atSo这里是连词 连词 后面需要跟句子 此处的so表示结果There are no buses, so youll have to walk. Well see his boat and then well say goodbye to him.See意思是visit say goodbye to sb. Say sth to sb What did you say to her? Say-said-says See-saw-seen Say cheese 微笑一下 。.dot dot dot/He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across (介词)the Atlantic.Away表示离开 不在 He is away-He will be away for two months Be proud of 为.自豪Take part in 参加 并且参与者在其中发挥重要作用(他是船长 自然要发挥很大的作用了)An important race (across the Atlantic) across介词 介词短语做后置定语 red pen red定语 限定修饰Ex.1 Well_ A say him good bye B tell him goodbye C tell goodbye to him D say goodbye to him say sth to sb said-says /s/-/z/2 Hes our neighbour so he lives _ us. A near B a long way from C in a different town from D next door near-far3 The Atlantic is _ A an ocean B a sea C a river D a lake Summer Palace颐和园 Palace-place 4 He gave him the money immediately. He gave him the money _. A soon 不久之后 B in a hurry 匆忙地 C once again 再来一遍 D at once Immediately=at once 立即 马上I will come soon.


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