高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Module 1 Life in the Future课件 外研版必修4

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必修必修4 4Module 1Module 1Life in the FutureLife in the Future-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12341.alternative n.可供选择的事物adj.可供替代的;非传统的,另类的领悟高考究考法翻译或完成句子Do you have an alternative solution to the problem?你有没有解决这个问题的别的办法?Natural gas is a good alternative to coal in providing heat for households.重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234天然气在为家庭提供热量方面是煤的一个不错的替代品。We have no alternative but to go with you.= We have no choice but to go with you.= We cant help but go with you.= We cant but go with you.除了跟你走,我们别无选择。重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234-20-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训mand n.C命令;指令U掌握vt.命令;指挥;支配;博得;赢得领悟高考究考法诵读句子,体会黑体部分的含义/完成句子Give your commands in a loud confident voice.下命令声音要洪亮、坚定。Besides,I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.(2015陕西)-21-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234我英语这么好以至于被推选为英语老师的助手。He commanded the boy to close the door.他命令这个男孩子把门关上。The command was that the meeting room should be cleaned thoroughly.命令要求会议室要彻底清扫。-22-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234-23-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12343.attach vt.&vi.系上;缚上;贴上;使附属领悟高考究考法完成或翻译句子Long-ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand.(2015四川)很久以前,建造者们可能把木头柱子绑在石头上然后在沙地里滚动To be honest,a large number of people attach great importance to having power.说实话,很多人认为有权很重要。Status is the honor or respect attached to a persons position in society.(2013陕西)身份就是对一个人的社会地位的崇尚和尊重。-24-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234-25-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12344.charge n.费用;责任;主管vt.控告;指控;充电;索价;要价领悟高考究考法翻译句子/语段改错Admission is at normal charges and you dont need to book.(2015全国课标)门票按照正常的收费,无须预定。The baby was in Marys charge.这个婴儿由玛丽照看。He is charging a battery.他在为电池充电。-26-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234Do you think the museum should charge for admission?你认为博物馆应该收入馆费吗?My brother,who is a Harvard graduate,work in a multinational company.Recently,the company had failed several times in its attempts to break into the Chinese market.As a new manager in the charge of the sale department,he is trying every possible mean to promote their products.(2015银川月考二)workworks;hadhas;去掉in the charge of中的the;meanmeans-27-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234-28-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.She is not optimistic(optimist)about the future.2.Smoking can increase the risk(risky)of developing heart disease.3.There is a middle school attached(attach)to the famous university.4.I cannot predict(prediction)when to meet her again.5.He was disabled(disable)from walking by the accident.6.The tribunal commanded(command)that all copies of the book be destroyed.7.They loaded(load)the ship with coal.8.There is a limit(limited)to the amount of pain we can stand.-29-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.健康专家认为有规律的锻炼很重要。Health experts attach great importance to regular exercise.2.司机被控超速驾车。The driver was charged with speeding.3.你要多少钱补双鞋?How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?4.格林先生管理这家工厂。Mr Green is in charge of this factory.-30-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训5.她对英语不精通。She didnt have a good command of English.(2013浙江)6.学校命令任何学生不准将手机带入校园。The school commanded that no students carry cell phones to campus.7.我恐怕没有选择,只能亲自去那儿。I am afraid I have no alternative but to go there in person.8.因为他长久的不活动,所以他身体处于不良的状况。He was really out of shape due to long inactivity.-31-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1231.rely on依赖;依靠领悟高考究考法完成句子/用所给单词的适当形式填空That is,you shouldnt always rely just on the Internet for your research.(2015湖南)也就是说,你不应总是仅依赖互联网来完成你的研究。You may rely on it that he will come to meet you.你放心好了,他会来见你的。Dont rely on me/my seeing(see)you off.不要指望我为你送行。Dont rely on him to do (do)anything.He is just a talker.什么事都不要依靠他,他光会说空话。-32-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-33-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1232.instead of代替;而不是领悟高考究考法用instead或instead of 填空/翻译句子Well,instead of watching TV all day,you could do more exercise.(2015四川)He would have to go home too,carrying the papers instead of money.(2015湖北)Surprisingly,Sally was not driven out like the former teachers;instead,she won respect from the students.(2015广东)令人吃惊的是,莎莉并没有像从前的老师那样被赶出去;相反,她赢得了学生们的尊敬。I will go there instead of Mr.Wang.我将代替王老师去那里。-34-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-35-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1233.get rid of除掉;处理掉;摆脱领悟高考究考法指出句中get rid of 的意思Gradually,this noise began to appear during a show,and to get rid of it,I had to change to another channel and then change it back.(2015全国课标)摆脱 Its time that we got rid of all these old toys.处理掉 I had to get rid of my assistant because he was always late.开除 -36-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-37-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123用以上get构成的短语的适当形式填空I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to get away.(2013天津)People still use their bicycles to get around.(2013陕西)Hes not very good at getting his new ideas across.Its time that I got down to thinking about that essay.I think the problem can be gotten over without too much difficulty.How to get rid of these things is a big problem.Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr.Bernie and his CDs again to get through my own cancer experience?-38-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.介、副词填空1.People already take too many pills instead of adopting a healthier lifestyle.(2013上海)2.Ive been trying to phone Charles all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network;I cant seem to get through.(2014湖北)3.Many of the shops outside the city centre relied on passing car drivers for some of their trade.(2014山东)4.With smart phones getting popular,traditional cell phones are on the way out.5.The game was already in progress when we took our seats.-39-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.我们需要修理我们的物品而不是将它们扔掉。We need to repair our possessions instead of throwing them away.(2015安徽)2.汤姆可以被信赖为你保守秘密。Tom can be relied on to keep your secret.3.坏习惯一旦染上就难以改掉。Bad habits are hard to get rid of once you pick them up.-40-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训4.这学期我要认真学英语了。Im going to get down to studying English this term.5.燃料在我们到达目的地之前就已用光了。Fuel had been used up before we got to the destination.6.一项关于健康的调查正在全国范围内展开。A survey on health is now being carried out nationwide.-41-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训Im too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future!我现在忙于享受生活无暇担心将来!分析提炼究考法句式too+adj./adv.+to do sth.表示“太以至于不能做某事”,是一种肯定结构表达被动意义的结构。在下列含有too的几种情况下,也可表示肯定意义:(1)too.to与never,not连用表示“非常,再也不为过”;“not+adj./adv.+enough”也有此意。(2)在too.to.这一结构前有just,but,only,all等词时,这一结构的意思也为肯定意义,常常带有赞赏的感情色彩。-42-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训(3)too 后为 anxious,eager,easy,glad,happy,pleased,excited,ready,satisfied,kind,willing,difficult等表示态度、心情、倾向等方面的形容词时,too 相当于very much,表示肯定意义。领悟考法用考点完成或翻译句子Upon hearing the teachers talk,the children probably felt that it sounded too good to be true.(2015浙江)-43-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训听到老师的话后,孩子们觉得这个想法太棒了而难以置信。When its in my turn,Im too excited to speak.当轮到我时,我太兴奋以至于讲不出话来了。Its never too old to learn.活到老学到老。You cant be careful enough while driving.开车时怎么小心也不为过。We are all too pleased to listen to the opinions of others.我们非常乐意听取别人的意见。-44-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训翻译句子1.他说的话太复杂,我理解不了。What he said was too complex for me to understand.2.我相信由太阳能提供动力的汽车在不久的将来会流行起来的。Im sure cars powered by solar energy will be popular in the near future.3.记着下次写信的时候给我寄一张你的照片。Remember to send me one of your photos next time you write to me.4.无论他说什么,我都不会相信他的话。No matter what he says,I wont believe him.5.为了实现梦想,他努力工作。To realise his dream,he works hard.


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