高中英语Unit2The Olympic GamesLanguage points课件人教版必修2

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Unit 2 The Olympic GamesLanguage points高一人教新课标版必修二高一人教新课标版必修二By: Xiong Lijuan1 take part in, join, join in, attendtake part in 指参加某种活动,如指参加某种活动,如体育、比体育、比赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等,赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等,并积极地起着作并积极地起着作用。用。join指参加指参加某组织并成为一员。某组织并成为一员。join in 指指参加活动或游戏,参加活动或游戏,和和take part in 相当。相当。但但join sb. in (和某人一起做某事)(和某人一起做某事),不等不等于于take part in。attend表示表示参加会议(聚会)参加会议(聚会)等。等。By: Xiong LijuanMay I _ the game? _ the Party/ League/ army/ a club Why not _ playing basketball? take part (in) 参加,参与(活动)参加,参与(活动) join 加入加入(某党派、某组织或某社会团体某党派、某组织或某社会团体) join in 参加,参与(活动)参加,参与(活动) join sb. 和某人一起和某人一起 join sb in sth./doing sth. 和某人一起做和某人一起做take part in/join injoinjoin us inBy: Xiong Lijuan1. Our headmaster will_ us in the discussion this afternoon. A. take part in B. join in C. join D. attend2. How many _ will you _? A. incidents, join B. events, join in C. accidents, attend D. games, enterCB即学即练即学即练By: Xiong Lijuan3. My grandpa was in the Red Army, and he _ the Long March. A. joined B. took part in C. attended D. join4. There will be a lecture tomorrow; all those who want to _, please raise your hands. A. join B. attend C. take a part D. take part in BBBy: Xiong Lijuan I hope all of us can compete _race / running.2. compete (v.)competition (n.) competitor (n.)competitive (adj.)incompete in sth 参加参加比赛比赛compete with/against sb 与某人竞争与某人竞争compete for sth 角逐角逐 By: Xiong LijuanI know my English cannot compete with/against his. They are competing with each other for the champion of the basketball match.By: Xiong Lijuan 1. She decided to compete _ the model contest.2. Several companies are competing _ each other for the contract. 3. We dont only compete _ medal, but friendship. inagainst/with for即学即练即学即练By: Xiong LijuanThe students competed _ the honor of winning _ each other _ the school sports meet.A. for, against, in B. in, with, against C. against, for, at D. about, in, with ABy: Xiong LijuanDo you like watching boxing _.I prefer to play a _ of chess.She took the first place in the speech _.matchesgamecontest/competitiongame / match /contest / competitionThey are both in _ with each other for the gold petitionBy: Xiong Lijuan区别区别:game 游戏游戏,比赛比赛,运动运动, 球赛为美式英语球赛为美式英语, 指棋指棋类、桥牌类;复数为运动会;类、桥牌类;复数为运动会;match 球赛为英式英语球赛为英式英语, 指预先安排好的正式指预先安排好的正式比赛比赛,如摔跤如摔跤, 拳击等拳击等;By: Xiong Lijuancontest 指智力和知识竞赛指智力和知识竞赛 (=competition)competition 通过个人体力通过个人体力, 智力智力,技能等获取名次。技能等获取名次。By: Xiong Lijuan(1) Its certain that he will win a silver _ for racing.(2) He did win the first _ in the 100 meters race.medalprize3. prize / medal / reward / awardBy: Xiong Lijuan(3).The winner received a gold medal as an _.(4). A large _ will be offered to whoever finds the missing ring.awardrewardBy: Xiong Lijuanmedal 奖牌奖牌/章章; prize 奖金奖金, 奖励奖励, 获奖名次获奖名次;award 奖品奖品, 奖金奖金; reward 报酬报酬, 回报回报By: Xiong Lijuan(1) Its so boring to wait here, John, go to _ when the plane will arrive, will you?(2) On the way home I _ a watch lying on the road.find outfound4. find /find out / discoverBy: Xiong Lijuan(3) Theyre trying to _ the secret.(4) Columbus _ America in 1492.(5) Can you _ Mr. Lius address for me?find outdiscoveredfind outBy: Xiong Lijuanfind 指偶然发现指偶然发现; find out 指有意识地去发现指有意识地去发现, 打听打听或者询问或者询问;discover 强调新的发现或科学的强调新的发现或科学的发现。发现。注意注意:By: Xiong Lijuan5. interview (n./v.) 采访采访, 会见会见, 面试面试 interviewer(采访者采访者) interviewee(被采访者被采访者) Tomorrow Ill have an interview for a new job. I interviewed 20 people for the job. a job / telephone / TV interviewBy: Xiong Lijuan6. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 点拨点拨 what you call “Ancient Greece”是介词是介词in的宾语。介词的宾语为一个的宾语。介词的宾语为一个句子时,其引导词根据这个句子的句子时,其引导词根据这个句子的意思决定。如:意思决定。如:By: Xiong Lijuan A modern gymnasium has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago. We havent settled the question of whether it is necessary for him to study abroad. Do you ever get confused about where you are heading?By: Xiong Lijuan1. After a long journey, they come to _ was called Chinatown. A. what B. that C. which D. the place2. At the dinner party they talked about the people and things _ they remembered in senior high. A. which B. that C. what D. whomA即学即练即学即练BBy: Xiong Lijuan7. be to do sth(1)表命令表命令, 义务义务, 职责职责 (应该应该, 必须必须 “长辈对晚辈长辈对晚辈”) You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.By: Xiong Lijuan(2) 表计划表计划, 安排安排, 打算打算 They are to get married on National Day.(3) 不可避免要发生不可避免要发生, 命中注定命中注定 This chance is to come.By: Xiong Lijuan every four years= every fourth year every other day = every two days every few days (不用不用a few) (注意注意:every 不能换成不能换成each)8 and both are held every four years on a regular basis.By: Xiong Lijuanevery 基数词基数词 + 复数复数名词名词 序数词序数词 单数单数名词名词 every four years= every fourth year每年,每隔年每年,每隔年每两周每两周/每隔一周每隔一周every two weeks/every second week/every other week每隔几每隔几: every few+复数名词复数名词By: Xiong LijuanUsually, medicine should be taken _.(每六小时)(每六小时)Some of you go back home _. (每隔两个星期)(每隔两个星期)He likes reading very much, so he goes to the bookshop_.(每隔几天)(每隔几天) every six hours / every sixth hourevery three weeks/ every third weekevery few daysBy: Xiong Lijuan1. These plants are watered _. A. each other day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two daysB即学即练即学即练By: Xiong Lijuan2. I go to see a film _. A. every two weeks B. every third weeks C. each three weeks D. each three weeksABy: Xiong Lijuan3. Bus No. 5 runs _. A. ten minutes once B. every ten minutes C. once ten minutes D. each ten minutesBBy: Xiong Lijuan9. admit sth. / doing sth. / that-clause 容许容许, 承认承认, 接纳接纳 (1)The thief admitted his crime. (2)I had to admit that I had done wrong. (3)She admitted having stolen the necklace.By: Xiong Lijuan(4)At last he was admitted to Beijing University.(5) I admit it to be true.By: Xiong Lijuan1. I am sure that he will be admitted to Beijing University this summer. be admitted as 作为作为被接受被接受 be admitted to 让让进入进入By: Xiong Lijuan2. Each ticket admits two people to the party.3. He was admitted to the club after his tenth try. 4. He was admitted as a member of the baseball team.By: Xiong Lijuan1. Her mother _ having read the letter. A. thought B. considered C. admitted D. advised2. He admitted _ a lie. A. telling B. to tell C. to telling D. tell3. It was lucky for him to be admitted _ the dream university he had longed for. A. as B. to C. with D. forC即学即练即学即练ABBy: Xiong Lijuan10. Earlier you said that athletes are invited from all over the world. 点拨点拨 earlier意为意为“先前,早些时候先前,早些时候”,表示在这之前发生的动作或存在的状态。表示在这之前发生的动作或存在的状态。它可放在它可放在this year, this month等前,表等前,表示今年年初、这月初等,也可以放在表示今年年初、这月初等,也可以放在表示一段时间的词后,意为示一段时间的词后,意为“在在前前”。By: Xiong Lijuan如:如: Earlier you told me that you would advertise the product in the newspaper. Earlier this year, we took part in the training run. He recalled a cold windy evening 24 years earlier. By: Xiong Lijuan When do you think China will host the World Cup?11. host v. 主办;举办主办;举办 host n. 主人主人 Mr Brown was our host at the party.By: Xiong Lijuan12. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 点拨点拨 as . as .意为意为“像像一样一样”,用于描述人与人、事与事之间在某一方用于描述人与人、事与事之间在某一方面相同;既可用于肯定句,也可用于否面相同;既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句。定句。so . as .只用于否定句中。使用只用于否定句中。使用时要注意:时要注意:By: Xiong Lijuan1)第一个)第一个as为副词,其后接为副词,其后接adj.或或adv.,也可接其他成分。第二个,也可接其他成分。第二个as为为连词。连词。2)表示倍数、几分之几等的词要放在)表示倍数、几分之几等的词要放在as . as .前。如:前。如:This competition is as interesting as that one.By: Xiong LijuanHe speaks English well indeed, but of course not as / so fluently as a native speaker.Teaching is as much an art as it is a science.Mr. Smith got twice as many medals in 2006 as the year before. By: Xiong Lijuan13. The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing, China. 考点考点 will be held 为一般将来时的被为一般将来时的被动语态。其一般结构为:动语态。其一般结构为:shall / will + be + 过去分词。过去分词。shall 用于第一人称,用于第一人称,will 用于各人称。用于各人称。By: Xiong Lijuan考例考例 Your job _ open for your return.Thanks. (北京北京2006)A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept 点拨点拨 本题考查时态和语态。由本题考查时态和语态。由your job和和keep之间是被动关系,排除之间是被动关系,排除B、C项。另由对话情景可知,此处可以用现项。另由对话情景可知,此处可以用现在完成时或将来时,故选在完成时或将来时,故选A。ABy: Xiong LijuanHOMEWORKGo over the useful words and expressions.


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