高考英语作文 遣词造句与谋篇布局

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高考英语作文 遣词造句与谋篇布局一 英语作文常用的高级写作词汇1. sad(depressed; upset)2. happy(cheerful; delighted; thrilled)eg. Im absolutely delighted to hear from you.3. bad(annoying; awful;unpleasant)eg. Smoking in public is an annoying habit.4. important(vital; essential; significant; be of great importance )eg. Education is of much importance. A balanced diet is absolutely essential forto everyone. Parents play an important role in childrens learning. Chinese parents attach much importance to childrens education.5. surprising(astonishing; amazing; extraordinary)6. necessary(a must; essential)eg. A raincoat is a must in the rainy season.7. good(amazing; fantastic; impressive; splendid)eg. The view from my bedroom window was absolutely fantastic. This is a unique opportunity to learn about American culture.8. can(be capable of; have the ability to do sth)eg. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. He has the ability to finish the task on time.9. use(take advantage of; make goodfull of)eg. You are supposed to make good use of your time to improve yourself.10. do ones best(spare no effort to do)eg. We should spare no effort to make our city more and more beautiful.11. influence(have /make a +adj+effect/influence on)eg. The mothers behavior has a profound effect on the developing child.12. be good for(do sb good; be beneficial to) eg. A bit more exercise can do you good. We will benefit a lot from the activity.13. remember(keep sth in mind)Eg. You must always keep the rule in mind. You must keep it in mind that you should study hard.14. in order to do(with the intention of; with the aim of;)eg. He wrote the letter with the intention of asking for some advice. We started a campaign with the aim of helping those homeless children.15. I firmly believe that(I was convinced that; I have the firm/strong belief that)Eg. I firmly believe that you will be admitted into a key university.16. be bad for(be harmful to; do harm/damage to.)17. attract(appeal to; fascinate;)Eg. The idea of working abroad really appeals to me. The children were attracted by the toys in the shop. What fascinated/attracted me most was the beautiful scenery.18. cause(lead to; result in; account for; contribute to)Eg. His actions could lead to his failure. Several reasons may account for the strange phenomenon. His carelessness contributed to the accident.19. want to do(intend to; would like to do; feel like doing; have a strong desire to do)Eg. I intend to study abroad next month. The boy has a strong desire to win the match.20. decide(make up ones mind to do; make a decision to do)Eg. He made up his mind to study harder than before.21. pay attention to(attach much/great importance to; lay/put great stress on) 重视,关注Eg. Everyone should pay more attention to his own behavior in public places. The whole society should attach importance to protecting the environment.22. pay no attention to(overlook; neglect; turn a blind eye to)Eg. People always overlook/turn a blind eye to the problem.23. about(concerning; regarding; with regard to)Eg. I wrote a letter to him about/concerning/regarding/with regard to the problem.24. because of(thanks to/owing to/as a result of/as a consequence of+n/doing)Eg. Thanks to your help, weve reached our goal. The fishes in the river have died as a result/consequence of water pollution.25. Many(many a+单数名词;a large number of+复数名词; a great/good many +复数名词)Eg. Many a student is addicted to playing computer games. A good many students are crazy about playing computer games.26. In this way(by doing so; by this means; with this method) Eg. By doing so, we can face challenges from all aspects. Only in this way/by this means/with this method can we improve our ability.27. If(as long as/ provided/providing that/ on condition that/supposing that+句子)Eg. I will help you with your English as long as/provided that I have enough time. We shall go on condition that the weather is fine.28. not(by no means; in no way; under no circumstances; on no account)Eg. By no means/on no account should we lose heart when we face failures.29. many kinds of(various; a variety of; a wide range of)Eg. There are various/a wide range of after-class activities in our school.30. support(be for; be in favor/support of; subscribe to )31. oppose(be against; be opposed to; object to)32. very+(extremely; absolutely; considerably;more than; nothing but; anything but)Eg. Self-confidence is extremely vital to our success. Earthquakes are absolutely/considerably difficult to predict. The film we saw last night was nothing but/anything but interesting.33. thing(matter; affair)34. more and more+adj(increasingly+adj)Eg. Nowadays, studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular in China.35. should(be supposed to; be expected to)Eg. We are supposed to study hard in order to be admitted to a key university.重要句式1. 表示“重要性”1)It is important for sb to do 2)It is important/essential that sb should do sth.Eg. Itisimportantforyoutolearnsomeknowledgeaboutfirstaidinyourdailylife.It is essential that we should learn a foreign language.3)Sth/Doing sth is essential to sth/doing sth. Eg. Memorizing words is essential to improving our reading ability. 4)Sth undoubtedly plays an important/essential role/part inEg. Computers undoubtedlyplay an essential part in our daily life.5)Sth +be of great/much importance.6)Nothing is more important than +n/to do Eg .Nothing is more important than to receive education.2. 表示“益处”1) Sth is beneficial to sb/sth 2) Sth does good to sb/sth3) Sth +contribute to sth eg.Honesty and hard workcontribute tosuccess and happiness.4) Sb benefit a lot/a great deal from sth eg. We benefited a lot from the activity.5) As we know, cellphones bring many benefits and convenience to us.3. 表示“危害”1) Sth is harmful to sb eg. It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.2) Sth dose harm/damage to eg. Reading in bed will do harm to your eyes.4. 表示“原因”1)There are many reasons for this/why +句子Eg. There are many reasonswhy teenagers are addicted to playing computers games.2)The reasons for this/why+句子 are as follows.Eg. The reasonswhy teenagers are addicted to playing computers games are as follows.3) The reason for this/why+句子 is that +句子Eg. The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.4) The most important reason is that +句子5) 句子(结果);that is because+句子(表示原因)Eg.Tom was late for work this morning. That is because he overslept.6)Because/As/Since+句子,主句5. 表示“结果”1)句子(表示原因);as a result/consequence,句子(结果)Eg. He didnt work hard; as a result,he failed in his exam.2)句子(表示原因);that is why + 句子(表示结果)Eg. Tom overslept ; that is why he was late for work this morning3)句子(表示结果)+ because of/ as a result of/ on account of +n/doing6. 表示“目的”1)In order to do sth, sb should do sth/ sb did sthEg.In order to do great things, we have to perfect the small things.2) Sb should do sth/ sb did sth in order that/ so thatEg. My son saved his moneyin order that hemight buy a new car.3) The aim of sth is to do sthEg. The aim of the activity is to encourage students to read more books.4)Sb do sth/did sth with the aim/intention of doing sthEg. We started it mainlywith the aim ofhelping lonely people.5) Sth is intended to do sth7. 表示“号召”“希望”1)I sincerely hope that +句子 eg.I sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight.2) It is advocated that +句子Eg. It is advocated in China that a couple has two childen.3) I would like to appeal to sb to do sthEg. I would like to appeal to everyone to save electricity and water.8. 表示“建议”1) You had better/ should/be supposed to/be expected toEg. You are supposed to be responsible for them.2) I think it is a good idea to do sthEg.I think it would be a good idea to ask your mother for advice.3) Why not do sth? / Why dont you do sth?4) If I were you, I would do sth.Eg. If I were you, I should tell him the truth.5) I hope my suggestions will be of some help to you.9. 表示“感谢”1)Thank you for doing sth.Eg. Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting2) I would like to express my thanks/gratitude to you.3) I would appreciate it if you could do sth.10. 表示“歉意”1) I am sorry to do/ that + 句子Eg. I am sorry tosay I cannot come to the party.I am sorry thatyou failed in the examination.2)I would like to apologize to you for doing sthEg. I would like to apologize to you forthe inconvenience that I have caused you11. 表示“真实条件”1)If +条件句,主句(主将从现)2)主句+on condition that/ providing that/ supposing that/as long as+句子12. 表示“尽管”“虽然”1)Although/Though+句子,主句Eg. Althoughhe failed, he has done his best.2)Despite/ In spite of+名词,句子 或 句子+despite/ in spite of+名词Eg. Despite/ In spite ofthe bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.I went shoppingin spite ofthe rain.3) 形容词/名词+as+sb/sth is/was, 主句Eg. Young as he is, he knows a lot.13. 表示“时间”1)This is/was the first/last time that sb have done/had done sthEg. This is the first time that our whole class have gone out together for a picnic.2) It is high time that sb should do/did sthEg. It is time that the government took/should take measures to protect the rare birds and animals.3) There was a time when+句子Eg.There was a time whenthis song was very popular.4)It is/has been+时间段+since sb did sthEg. Its / has been three months since we met last time.5) It was not until+n/句子+that+sb did sthEg. It was not untilhe got seriously ill that he knew the importance of health.6) It will(not)be +时间段+before+句子(现在时)Eg. It will not be long before we meet again.14. 表示“比较”1)Compared to/with+ sb/sth, 句子Eg. Compared to/with his classmates, he studies much harder.2) 句子+while/whereas+句子Eg. Some students are in favor of it, whereas others are against it.3)In contrast to/with+ sb/sth, 句子 Eg. In contrast to his brother, he looks healthier.4) On one hand,句子. On the other hand, 句子(矛盾的两方面)Eg. On the one hand, theyd love to have kids, but on the other hand, they dont want to give up their freedom.15. 表示“列举”“举例”1)for example/for instance,句子(可换成插入语) 一般只以“一个”为例,可置于句首、句中和句末Eg. Noise, for example,is a kind of pollution. There are many kinds of pollution ,air pollution, for example.2) 句子(最后一个单词是名词复数)+such as/like+(两个或三个)名词、动名词Eg. There are many kinds of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution and light pollution.16. 表示“要求”“请求”1)Sb are requested/asked to do sthEg. You are requested to come on time.2) I wonder if/whether you would like to do/can doEg. I wonder if you would like to give a performance to us.17. 表示“遗憾”“懊悔”1)To ones regret, 句子 eg. To my regret, I cant attend your birthday.2)I regret to tell you that+句子 Eg. I regret to tell you that I cant attend your birthday.3)It is a pity/shame that+句子 Eg.It is a pity/shame that I cant attend your birthday.4)I feel ashamed of myself/that.Eg. I feel ashamed of myself that I made such a foolish mistake.18. 表示“最”1)Nothing is +比较级+than+n/doing sth.Eg. Nothing is more interesting than reading books.2) What impressed/ attracted/disappointed me most is/was +n/that+句子Eg. What impressed me most is the beautiful scenery .3) Sth is the+最高级+n+that sb have ever done Paris is the most romantic/beautiful city that I have ever visited.19. 表示“兴趣爱好”1)I like/enjoy/am fond of /am interested in/am addicted to/am crazy about doing2) I have/great interest in sth/doing 3) I have a preference for sth eg. I have a preference for playing football.20.表示“花费时间、金钱”1)Sth cost sb some money.2) Sb spend/spent some time/money on sth/in doing sth3) It takes/took sb some time to do21. 表示“变化、发生、出现”1)A problem came up.2) Sth occur/happen/break out +(地点+时间)3)Great changes have taken place in my hometown/city/school in the past 10 years.22. 表示“影响”1) Sth/Sb +have a +adj+ effect/influence on sthEg. Your words had a deep effect on me./Your words made a big difference to me.2) It doesnt matter/ makes no difference to me (+whether+句子)Eg. It makes on difference to me whether you will come or not.3) Sth makes/made a big difference to sb/sthEg. Changing schools made a big difference to my study and life.23. 表示“责任”1)It is ones duty to do sth.Eg. It is our duty to make our school clean and beautiful.2) The most important duty for sb is to do sthEg. The most important duty for us is to make our school clean and beautiful.3) Sb feel it his duty to do sthEg. We feel it our duty to make our school clean and beautiful.4) Sb should be responsible for sth/ to do sth24. 表示“代表、欢迎”1)You are welcome to China!2) On behalf of sb, I would like to express our warm welcome to you.25. There be句型1) There +be/will be/used to be+n+地点状语/时间状语Eg. There will be an important speech in our school next week.2) There be+n(doing/done后置定语/定从)+地点状语/时间状语Eg. There are a large number of students addicted to playing games in our school. There are a large number of students who are addicted to playing games in our school. A large number of students are addicted to playing games in our school. There are a large quantity of foreigners visiting The Great Wall every year. There are a large quantity of foreigners who visit The Great Wall every year. A large quantity of foreigners visit The Great Wall every year.3) There is no need to do 没有必要做什么Eg. There is no need for you to worry about this.4) There is a rise/an increase in 在方面有增长Eg. There is a rise/an increase in the number of the students who are addicted to playing games.5) There is no point doing 做没有意义6) There is no doubt/ There is no denying that 毫无疑问句型篇(几种重要句式)1. 强调句:可以轻松地将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语从句转变为强调句。It was not until I arrived home that I realized I had left the bag on the shop counter.It was then that I realized the importance of English.Itwasbecausehermotherwasillthatshedidntgowithus.It is the mobile phone that enables people to keep in touch anywhere and anytime.It is your jealousy of her that ruined your friendship. 正是你对她的嫉妒破坏了你们的友谊。It was his ability to cope with difficult problems at work that made him successful. 正是他处理工作中难题的能力他获得了成功。2. 倒装句Only in this way can we solve the issue properly.He can not only speak English, but also he can speak French./Not only did he speak correctly,but he spoke easily.Not only can he speak English, but also he can speak French.By no means/on no account should we lose heart when we face failures.3. with引导的伴随结构:可以将状语从句或并列句中的其中一个分句变成with结构。With the advance of the society/ technology/educationWith time going by/ With time permitting He always likes to sleep with the windows open.With the teachers helping us, we could make great progress in our study.With everything finished, we went home.With a lot of homework to do, I cant go to bed early.With Wechat becoming more and more popular, many students spend much time on it.4. 非谓语动词:可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。1.因为在这国家又没有朋友,她觉得要想找到工作是不可能的。Because she has no friend in the country, she found it impossible to find a job.Having no friend in the country, she found it impossible to find a job2.发现学生下午昏昏欲睡的样子,老师竭尽所能来激发(arouse)他们的兴趣。The teacher found students sleepy in the afternoonanddid everything he could to arouse their interest.Finding students sleepy in the afternoon, the teacher did everything he could to arouse their interest.3.尽管我承认他所说的,但我仍然怀疑他没尽力。Though I admit what he has said, I still doubt he didnt do his best.Admitting what he has said,I still doubt he didnt do his best.4.这本用简易英语写成的书很容易读懂The book, which was written in simple English, is easy to understand.The book , written in simple English, is easy to understand .5. Because I missed the bus, I went to school late.Missing the bus, I went to school late.6.If he was given another chance, he will do better.Given another chance, he will do better.7.The lady returned home, and she was followed by two policemen. The lady returned home, followed by two policemen.5. 独立主格:将主从句去掉连词,前句动词变为分词即可。The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. Time/Weather permitting, we will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.内容总结(1)高考英语作文 遣词造句与谋篇布局英语作文常用的高级写作词汇sad(depressed(2)句型篇(几种重要句式)1. 强调句:可以轻松地将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语从句转变为强调句


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