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+VE positiveAAR After Action ReviewABL Alternate Borehole LinerABR Additional Budget RequestAC Alternating CurrentACD Above chart datumACS Anti-Collision SystemACT Accident Control TechniqueACV Approved Contract ValueAD Assistant DrillerAEA Asia Emergency AssistanceAELB Atomic Energy Licensing ActAEOS All Employees Opinion SurveyAFE Authorisation for expenditureAFE Approval for ExpenditureAGA American Gas AssociationAH Along holeAHBDF Along hole below derrick floorAHBRT Along Hole Below Rotary Table Datum line from which measurements are takenAHBTHF Along hole below tubing head flangeAHBTHF Along hole below tubing head flangeAHD Along hole depthAHORT Along hole original rotary tableAKO Adjustable kick-off sub (directional drilling tool)ALARP As Low As Reasonably PracticableALARP As Low As Reasonably PracticableAnn AnnulusANSI American National Standards Institute (previous ASA)AOB Any Other BusinessAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPL Annulus Pressure LossAPP As per programmeAR Automated RoughneckARP Asset Reference PlanARPR Annual Review of Petroleum ResourcesASA American Standards Association (now ANSI)ASA Anchor Seal AssemblyASAP As Soon As PossibleASCL Acoustic Super Combo LogASME American Society of Mechanical EngineersASR Appraisal & Strategy ReviewASS Asset ManagementAssy AssemblyAssy AssemblyASTM American Society-for Testing MaterialsAVG AverageAzim Azimuth (compass bearing)B/D Barrels per dayB/H Bent housing (directional drilling tool)B/HSG Bent housing (directional drilling tool)B/O Break outBA Breathing ApparatusBAA Business Alignment AreaBALS Baker Atlas Logging ServicesBBL Barrelbbls/d Barrels per daybbls/min Barrels per minuteBCD Below chart datumBCOT Bintulu Crude Oil TerminalBDF Below derrick floorBDO Baram Delta OperationsBG Back groundBGG Background gasBGT Borehole geometry toolBHA Bottomhole AssemblyBHA Bottom hole assemblyBHC Borehole compensated sonic logBHCT Bottom-Hole Circulating TemperatureBHD (Type of packer)BHP Bottom Hole PressureBHP Brake horsepowerBHP Bottom-Hole PressureBHST Bottom-Hole Static TemperatureBHT Bottom hole temperatureBIF Bintulu Integrated FacilitiesBIM Business Interface ManagerBJ Blast jointBLC Big Lever ClubBO Explosive service (back-off)BOE Barrel of Oil EquivalentBOP Blowout PreventerBOP Blow out Preventor Prevention of gas blow out from wellBOP Blowout preventerBOPD Barrels of oil per dayBOPs Blowout PreventersBP Bridge plugBP Business PlanBPC Bean performance curveBPD Barrels per dayBpf Blow per footBPH Bbl per hourBPM Barrels per minuteBPR Bottom Pipe RamBPV Back Pressure ValveBPV Backpressure valveBS Base sedimentBS & W Base sediment and waterBSP Brunei Shell PetroleumBTI Big Ticket ItemBTM BottomBTM Business Technology MappingBTU, Btu British thermal unitBU Business UnitBU Bottoms up (circulating)BU Build up (pressure, temperature, inclination)BU Business UnitBUPs Business Unit PlansBUS Build up section (of a deviated well)BV Ball valveBWPD Barrels of water per dayC&C Circulate & ConditionC/w Comes withC2V Capital to ValueCA Capital AllocationCA Corporate AffairsCALM Catamery anchor leg mooringCAO Computer applications for operationsCAO Computer assisted operations (Obsolete)CAPEX Capital ExpenditureCAPO Computer assisted production operationCAPS Corrective Action Preventive SystemCAR Campaign Action RegisterCART CAM ActuatedCAT Corrective Action TeamCBBL Core BarrelsCBD Competency Based DevelopmentCBHP Closed in bottom hole pressureCBHT Closed in bottom hole temperatureCBL Cemented Bond Log To test the integrity of the cementingCBP Country Business PlanCCL Casing collar locatorCD Chart datumCDPP Circulating Drill Pipe PressureCE Chief EngineerCE Capital EmployedCEP Current Estimated PotentialCERP Capital Expenditure Review PanelCET Cement evaluation toolcft Cubic feetCG Casing gun (shaped charge perforator)CHH Casing head housingCHP Casing head pressureCHS Casing head spoolCHT Casing head tensionCI Close(d) inCIBHP Closed in bottom hole pressureCIBHT Closed in bottom hole temperatureCIIP Condensate Initially In PlaceCirc CirculateCIS Customer instrument serviceCITHP Closed in tubing head pressureCITHT Closed in tubing head temperatureCL, C/L Control lineCLFL Choke Line Friction LosssesCM Capability Management/ ManagerCMC Crisis Management CentreCMC Carboxy methyl celluloseCMT CementCMT Crisis Management TeamCNL Compensated neutron logCNPC China National Petroleum CorporationCOB Close Of BusinessCoEs Centres Of ExcellenceCompl Complete(d), completionCONT, ContdContinuedCORAL Cost Reduction Alliance MalaysiaCOSHH Control of substances hazardous to healthCP Casing pressureCP Conductor pressureCP Conductor Pipe, Casing PressureCPC Computer production controlCPH Baker Oil Tools tie back packerCR Company RepresentativeCRP Commercial Review PanelCSA Customer Service AgreementCSC CORAL Steering CouncilCSES Cable Sidedoor Entry SubCSF Critical Success FactorCsg CasingCSO Complete Shut OffCSR Company Site RepresentativeCST Casing seat testCT Coiled tubingCT Check tripCTC Central Tender CommitteeCTD Coiled Tubing DrillingCTHP Closed in tubing head pressureCTHT Closed in tubing head temperatureCTT Cup type testedCTT Cup type testerCTU Coiled Tubing UnitCW, C/W Complete withCWOP Completing the well on paperCYA Cover your arse (political astuteness and insurance)D & I Diversity and InclusivenessD & O Development & OperationsDC Drill CollarDC Drill collarDCCS Drilling Cost Control SystemDD Directional DrillerDD Depth determinationDDM Data & Document ManagementDDOR Daily Drilling Operations ReportDF Drilling floorDFE Derrick floor elevationDIL Dual induction laterologDIMS Drilling information management systemDIMS Drilling Information Management SystemDirectional ( OOrientate Same as sliding drillingDirectional ( RRotateDLL Dual laterologDLS Dogleg SeverityDM Drillers MethodDO Drop off section (in a deviated well)DOE Department of EnergyDOE Department of EnvironmentDOSH Department of Occupational Safety & HealthDP Drill PipeDP Dynamically PositionedDP Drill pipeDPP, Pdp Drill-Pipe PressureDR DrillerDROPSDRT Dual ram tension tubing headDS Drilling supervisorDS DownstreamDSA Double Studded AdapterDST Drill Stem TestDST Combination DLL and MSFLDST Drill stem testDSV Drilling SupervisorDTI Department of Trade and IndustryDTL Drilling the Limit (Shell Trademark for Technical Limit methodology)DtL Deliver the Limit (term for pursuit of Technical Limit)DTL Drilling The LimitDTU Double tilted universal joint (directional drilling tool)DTU Double-Tilt UnitsDW, D/W Drill WaterDWCH Docking HeadDWOP Drilling the well on paperDWOP Deliver Well On PaperDWT Dead weight testerDWT Dead weight tonEAR Event assessment reportECC Emergency Control CentreECC Emergency Control Co-ordinatorECD Equivalent circulation density, Equivalent column densityECD Equivalent Circulating DensityECP External casing packerECT Emergency Coordination TeamEDMS Electronic Document Management SystemEDP Electronic data processingEDR Expectation Developed ReservesEETP Emulsion and effluent treatment plantEGP External gravel packEI Employee InformationEIA Environmental Impact AssessmentEIA Environmental Impact AssessmentELT Extended Leadership TeamELTSR Extra long tubing seal receptacleEMA equivalent of methane in airEMA Equipment material administration system (ordering and tracking software)EMD Equivalent mud densityEMG Equivalent mud gradientEMS Electro magnetic surveyEMW Equivalent Mud WeightEOR Enhanced Oil RecoveryEOR Enhanced oil recoveryEOS Earliest On SiteEOS Economies Of ScaleEP Managing Director SECLEPA Environmental Protection AgencyEPAC Exploration & Production Audit CommitteeEPBC Exploration & Production Business CouncilEPBM Exploration and Production Business ModelEPCC Engineering, Procurement, Construction & CommissioningEPF Finance Manager SECLEPG Geological ManagerEPIS Exploration & Production Issues & StrategyEPMI Esso Production Malaysia IncorporatedEPO Operations Manager SECLEPO/1 Senior Drilling Engineer SECLEPO/2 Contracts and Procurement Manager ERPEPQR Exploration & Production Quarterly ReviewEPSEC Secretarial SupportEPT Electromagnetic propagation toolEPU Economic Planning UnitEQPT EquipmentER Emergency ResponseERD Extended Reach DrillingERD Extended Reach DrillingERP Emergency Response PlaES Equalizing subESA Environmental Site AssessmentESD Emergency Shut DownESM Enhanced Safety ManagementESP Electrical Submersible PumpESS Electronic (magnetic) single shotESS Expatriate Senior StaffESV Emergency shutdown valveETA Estimated Time of ArrivalETD Estimated Time of DepartureETR Effective Tax RateEU External upsetEUE External upset endsEWMS Engineering Work Management SystemEXPRO Shell UK Upstream businessEZSV Easydrill PlugF FlowingF & BU Flowing and closed in pressure build up surveyF/C Float collar Collar at the end of a casing used to land plugF/S Float shoeF/S Float shoeFA First AssignmentFAC First Aid CaseFAC First Aid CaseFBG Formation breakdown gradientFBHP Flowing bottom hole pressureFBHT Flowing bottom hole temperatureFC Flow couplingFC Flowcheck To ensure that there is nothing flowing prior to POOHFC, F/C Flow checkFCP Fracture closure pressureFCP Final Circulating PressureFD Flexible DeploymentFDC Formation density log compensatedFDP Field Development PlanFGIIP Free Gas Initially In PlaceFH Full holeFIG Formation intake gradientFIG Formation intake gradientFIS Financial Information SystemFIT Formation intake testFIT Formation Integrity TestFLP Flowline pressureFMC Fine Medium CoarseFMEA Failure Modes and Effects AnalysisFMS Flush Mounted SlipFMT Formation Micro Tester Can only take one sample at a time, whereas RCI canpump many timesFNL Legal CounselFPI Free Point IndicatorFPI Free point indicatorFPP Fracture propagation pressureFPSO Floating Production Storage & OffloadingFRD Focused result delivery (90 day intense team effort to realize an opportunity)FST Formation strength testFT Formation testerFTHP Flowing tubing head pressureFTHT Flowing tubing head temperatureFUBAR F*d up beyond all recognitionFWKO Free water knock outG&G Geological & GeophysicalGBP Group Budget ProposalGDC Gas District CoolingGDT Gas down toGfb Formation breakdown Press. GradientGHP Gas horsepowerGHV Gross Heating ValueGIST Global Information Sharing & TeamworkingGL GasliftGLR Gas liquid ratioGLV Gaslift valveGm Pressure gradient of mudGM General ManagerGMS Gyro multi shotGMS Gyro Multi Shot Gyros are used to determine the current location inside the wellGN Grid NorthGNs Global NetworksGO Global OptimisationGOC Gas oil contactGOR Gas oil ratioGP Gravel Pack ?GP Gravel packGPA General Platform AlarmGPG Grains per gallonGPM galons per minuteGPS Gradient pressure surveyGR Gamma rayGR/CCL Gamma Ray/Casing Collar LoggingGRL Gamma ray logGS Gradient surveyGSA Gas Sales AgreementGSP Generalise Screen PropagatorGSS Gyro single shotGSS Giro Single ShotGTL Gas-to-LiquidGTS Gradient temperature surveyGWC Gas water contactGWDC Great Wall Drilling ContractorGWP Global Warming PotentialsGWR Gas water ratioH/O Hang-off (point), reference landing-off point in the wellhead.H2S Hydrogen SulphideHACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control PointHAZID Hazard IdentificationHAZOP Hazard And OperabilityHAZOP Hazard and Operability StudyHC HydrocarbonsHCR Hydraulic Controlled Remote OperatedHDHO Heavy Duty Hole OpenerHDT Dipmeter (high resolution digital)HEMP Hazards And Effects Management ProcessHEMP Hazards & Effects Management ProcessHEP Horizontal Entry PointHGR HangerHHP Hydraulic horsepowerHIA Health Impact AssessmentHI-VIS High viscousHP Horse powerHP High PressureHP/HT High Pressure/ High TemperatureHPHT High Pressure High TemperatureHPHT High Pressure High TemperatureHR Human ResourcesHR Human ResourceHRA Health Risk AssessmentHRM Human Resource ManagerHRS Human Resources StrategyHRT High resolution thermometer (temperature log)HS & E Health, Safety and EnvironmentHSE Health, Safety, EnvironmentalHSE MS Health, Safety and Environmental Management SystemHSEC Health, Safety & Environment CommitteeHSE-MS Health, Safety & Environment Management SystemHSES Health, Safety,Environment & SecurityHSSE Health, Secure, Safety, EnvironmentalHUD Hold up depth Deepest depth you can go, as limited by the equipment availableHUET Helicopter Under Water Escape TechniqueHVAC Heat Ventilation & Air-ConditioningHWC Hydrocarbon water contactHWDP Heavy weight drill pipeHWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe heavier than normal drill pipeHWDP Heavy Weight Drill PipeHZGP Horizontal gravel packIADC International Association Of Drilling ContractorIAP Integrated Audit PlanIBA Integrated Business ApplicationsIBOP Inner blow out preventerIBOP Inside BOP, Gray ValvesIBV Intrinsic Business ValueICP Initial Circulating PressureID Inside DiameterID Internal (inside) diameterIDD International Direct DialIDWG Import Duty Work GroupIES Induction electrical surveyIF Internally flushIGP Internal (inside) gravel packIHP Indicated horsepowerILT Invisible Lost TimeINCL InclinationINT IntervalIOEM Inverted oil emulsion mudIOR Internal Open ResourcingIP Institute of PetroleumIPC Intake pressure curvesIPP Integrated production planIPP Integrated Planning ProcessIPR Inflow performance relationshipIPS Improved Plow SteelIPS Improved plow steelIRIS Incident Reporting Information SystemIS Integrated ServicesISF Induction-resistivity spherically focussed logISG Infrastructure Steering GroupISO International Standards for OilIWCF International Well Control ForumIWCF International Well Control ForumIWRC Independent Wire Rope CoreJ JouleJB Junk basketJG Job GroupJHA Job Hazard AnalysisJHA Job Hazard AnalysisJMC Joint Management CommitteeJNTS JointsJOA Joint Operating AgreementJSA Job Safety AnalysisJSA Job Safety Analysisjts JointsJV Joint VentureKips kilo poundsKips kilo poundsKISS principleKeep it simple, stupid!KKOB Kota Kinabalu Operations BaseKMW Kill Mud WeightKOIV Knock out isolation valveKOIV Knock Out Isolation valve Made of ceramic and therefore, you can knock it out toactivate. Opposite of a BPVKOP Kick Off PointKPI Key performance indicatorKPI Key Performance IndicatorL/D Lay DownLC Lettered CategoryLCM Lost circulation materialsLCM Low Choke Method, Lost Circulation MaterialLCM Lost circulation materialLCOT Labuan Crude Oil TerminalLDA Learning & Development AdvisorLDT Litho-density logLE Latest EstimatesLH Left handLIB Impression tool (Lead Impression Block)LIF Labuan Integrated FacilitiesLIT Limit intake testLM Lock mandrelLMRP Lower Marine Riser PackageLN Landing nippleLND Learning & DevelopmentLNDG LandingLNG Liquefied natural gasLNGC Liquefied natural gas carrierLo/Hi-vis Low and High Viscous mud used in conjunction with sea water in order to liftcuttings up to surfaceLOA Letter of AuthorisationLOI Letter of IntentLOS Latest on SiteLOT Leak off testLOT Leak-Off TestLOT Leak off test To determine the formation strength. Technique: Pressure up well andsee at what pressure it starts to leakLPEB Liaohe Petroleum Exploration BureauLPG Liquefied petroleum gasLPM Liters Per MinuteLPR Lower Pipe RamLS Long stringLSA Low specific activity (Radio active scale)LSA Locator seal assemblyLSB Labuan Supply BaseLTA Lost Time AccidentLTI Lost Time IncidentLTI Lost time injuries (safety)LTIF Lost time injury frequency (safety)LTIF Lost Time Injury FrequencyLWC Lost workday cases (safety)LWD Logging While DrillingLWD Logging while drillingM ThousandM/M MudmotorM/T EmptyM/U Make upM/U Make upMAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Surface PressureMCM Management Committee MeetingMCOT Miri Crude Oil TerminalMCUGP Milled casing under reamed gravel packMD Measured DepthMD Measured depthMDC Management Development CommitteeMEDEVAC Medical Emergency EvacuationMEE Minimum Environmental ExpectationsMEMW Maximum Equivalent Mud WeightMER Maximum efficient rateMF Marsh funnelMFV Management Facilities VisitMGR ManagerMHB Miri Heli BaseMHS Malaysian Helicopter ServicesMIC Man in chargeMIL One thousandth of an inchMIP Maximum inflow performanceMIR Management Information ReportMIS Management Information SystemMJTC Main Joint Tender CommitteeMLL Multi-Level LeadershipMLNG Malaysia Liquefied Natural Gas Sdn BhdMLNG Dua Malaysia LNG Dua Sdn BhdMM MillionMME Management of Major EmergencysMMscf Million Standard Cubic FeetMMstb Million Stock Tank BarrelsMOA Manual of AuthoritiesMOD Money of the DayMODU Mobile Offshore Drilling UnitMOM Minutes of MeetingMOPO Manual Of Permitted OperationsMPHS Max. Expected Pressure in Next Hole SectionMPI Magnetic Particle InspectionMPP Multiphase PumpMPR Middle Pipe RamMRA Mini Risk AssessmentMRC Modified Reference CaseMS Management SystemsMSDS Material Safety Data SheetsMSFL Micro spherically focussed logMSL Mean Sea LevelMSS Malaysian Senior StaffMSSC Malaysian Senior Staff CouncilMTAB Measurement, Testing, Allocation & BalancingMTB Major Tender BoardMTB Managing The BusinessMTC Medical Treatment CaseMTC Medical Treatment Case (safety)MTC Medical Treatment CaseMTU Master terminal unitMUT Make-Up TorqueMV Master valveMW Mud weightMW Mud WeightMWD Measuring while drillingMWD Measuring while drilling Gives you GR and Resistivity readingsMWDP Max. Well Design PressureN/D Nipple downN/U Nipple upN/U Nipple Up AssembleNACE National association of corrosion engineersNBR Near Bit ReamerNBS Near Bit StabilizerNDT Non-Destructive TestingNEG NegativeNEP Non Essential PersonnelNGL Natural gas liquidsNGL Natural Gas LiquidNGS Natural gamma ray spectrometry logNGV Natural Gas VehicleNIAT Net Income After TaxNLL Neutron lifetime logNMDC Non magnetic drill collarsNMDC Non Magnetic Drill CollarsNML Nuclear magnetism logNo.1 DC No.1 Drilling CompanyNOP Notice of OperationsNPAC National Petroleum Advisory CouncilNPV Net Present ValueNSCC (Type of thread like BTC)NSDPP New Static Drill Pipe PressureNSTK Number Of Pump StrokesNTE New Technology EnvironmentNU Non upsetNWW New Ways of WorkingO/P OverpullO/pull OverpullO/SHOT OvershotOAWR Office Administration Work RequisitionOBM Oil based MudOBM oil-based drilling fluid (mud)OCM Operations Committee MeetingOD Outside DiameterOD Outside diameterODP Opportunity delivery processODT Oil down toOE Operations engineerOE Open EndedOH OpenholeOH Occupational HealthOHGP Open hole gravel packOIM Offshore Installation ManagerOIM Offshore Installation ManagerOIM Offshore/Onshore Installation ManagerOIW Oil-in-WaterOMW Original Mud WeightOOH Out of holeOP Oil Products (Downstream)OPCO Operating CompanyOPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting CountriesOPEX Operating ExpenditureOPS OperationsOR Open ResourcingOR Organisational ReviewOREDA Offshore Reliability DataOSHA Occupational Safety and Health ActOT OvertimeOU Operating unitOU


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