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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上第六单元检测卷时间:120分钟满分:120分题序总分得分听力部分(25分).听句子,选择恰当的应答语。听两遍。(5分)( )1.A.I agree with you. BYes,she can.CYes,she could.( )2.A.At Mr.Cools bookstore. BLast Friday.CI bought it.( )3.A.Yes,he could. BIts interesting.CI read it yesterday.( )4.A.I like it.BWhen I was young.CIt sounds fun.( )5.A.Because she took away the white stones along the way.BBecause she planned to kill the two children.CBecause she ate up the bread on the ground.听五段短对话及问题,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分)( )6.A.On June the fifth. BOn July the fourth.COn July the fifth.( )7.A.She was watching TV. BShe was writing a story.CShe was reading a story.( )8.A.John. BMike. CAlan.( )9.A.In a park. BAt school. CIn a clothes store.( )10.A.Tony. BMary. CSun Wukong.听两段长对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分)听第1段材料,回答第1112小题。( )11.Who watched the TV play Sleeping Beauty last night?AMark. BSue.CSue and her elder sister.( )12.How did Mark watch the TV play Sleeping Beauty?AOn TV. BOn the Internet. COn an MP4.听第2段材料,回答第1315小题。( )13.What is the boy doing?AHe is buying a book. BHe is telling a story.CHe is reading a story.( )14.What does the boy think of the story?ALong. BEasy. CInteresting.( )15.When can the boy finish reading the story?ATomorrow afternoon. BThis afternoon.CThis evening.听短文,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(10分)( )16.Where did the little mouse look for food?AIn the forest. BOn the farm. CIn a zoo.( )17.What did the lion want to do when he met the mouse for the first time?AHe wanted to give some food to the mouse.BHe wanted to have the mouse as his meal.CHe wanted to play a joke on the mouse.( )18.When did they met for the second time?AThe next day. BThe next week. CThe next month.( )19.Where was the lion then?AIn a net(网) of strong ropes(绳子)BIn the forest.CIn a box.( )20.What happened at last?AThe lion helped the mouse.BThe mouse helped the lion.CThe lion ran away.笔试部分(95分).单项选择。(15分)( )21.Gretel heard their stepmother _ kill them.Ato plan Bplanning Cplanning to Dto plan to( )22.The girl sang a beautiful song in a sweet _.Asound Bvoice Cnoise Dsounds( )23.My family always go somewhere interesting _ the holiday begins.Aas soon as BsoCso that Deven though( )24.In warm weather he often reads under a tree_ in the library.Ainstead Binstead of Cdoesnt Dno( )25.Dont give up.Things will be fine soon.Yes.We should learn to be _ when we are in trouble.Abrave Bquiet Csad Dangry( )26.Does the dress _ her?Yes,she is very beautiful in it.Akeep Bfit Chit Dfix( )27.Sally wanted to _ Bob,so she went to the country with him.Aget married BmarryCmarry with Dget married with( )28.Dont be silly.Youll never turn yourself _ Ultraman(奥特曼)Ato Bover Cinto Don( )29.I think Im right.He is wrong._ of you is wrong.There are two sides to everything.ANeither BNone CEither DBoth( )30.Superman kept _ against bad people and he _ our hearts.Afight;won Bfighting;wonCfought;won Dfight;winning( )31.She bought a chair made _ bamboo.Aof Bfrom Cin Dby( )32.The stepmother made the girl _ chores and didnt allow her to rest.Adid Bdo Cdoes Ddoing( )33.I couldnt stop_ photos when I saw the amazing views.Ato take Btook Ctake Dtaking( )34.Do you want to go to the beach?Yes,but I cant go there _ my mother comes back.Asince Balthough Cunless Dif( )35.The emperor was _ stupid _ everyone laughed at him.Aso;that Bsuch;thatCtoo;to Dso;to.完形填空。(10分)Once upon a time,there was a king in southern India.He wanted to know the people in his kingdom,so he said to his courtiers(侍臣),“Go to _36_ how the people of my kingdom are and bring me the person who _37_ the secret(秘密) of work.”The next day,the courtiers went around the kingdom.They saw a man who was _38_ trees and asked,“Do you like your work,Sir?” The man replied,“No,I do it _39_ my parents ask me to do it.” Soon they saw a washerman and asked,“Do you like your work,Sir?” The man answered angrily,“No.Its _40_ to do it.When I was young,I didnt show much interest in studying and I _41_ listened to my parents.So I have to wash clothes now.”Then the courtiers _42_ to go back and tell the king the _43_But suddenly,they saw a teacher studying a science book.So they asked him the same question.The teacher replied,“I love my work and it gives me _44_ and happiness while teaching so many children.”Hearing this,the courtiers were very happy.They took him to the king.The king talked with him _45_ a long time and later built a big school for him.( )36.A.accept Bchange Creport Dfind( )37.A.wonders Bknows Closes Drisks( )38.A.cutting down Bcutting upCcutting off Dcutting out( )39.A.until Balthough Cbecause Dunless( )40.A.brave Bstupid Cdangerous Dserious( )41.A.never Bjust Conce Deven( )peted Brefused Cdecided Dforgot( )43.A.skill Bobject Cgrade Dresult( )44.A.question Bsatisfaction Ctruth Dpressure( )45.A.of Bfrom Cabout Dfor.阅读理解。(30分)AMomotarOne day,an old woman found a peach(桃子) in the river and took it home.She and her husband found a child in the peach when they were trying to eat it.They called him Momotar.When Momotar grew up,he started to fight against bad men.With the help of a dog,a monkey and a bird,Momotar beat them and went back home safely.PinocchioA kind old man created(创造) Pinocchio from wood and treated(对待) him as his son.Instead of doing right things like going to school,Pinocchio liked hanging out.One day,a whale(鲸) ate the old man.Pinocchio went into the sea and risked his life to save his father.The brave act made him become a real man.( )46.Who found the peach in the river?AAn old woman. BAn old man.CAn old couple. DMomotar.( )47.What did Pinocchio enjoy doing?ACutting wood. BGoing to school.CHelping others. DHanging out.( )48.Pinocchios _act made him become a real man at last.Afriendly BbraveCfunny Dbad( )49.What did Momotar and Pinocchio have in common?AThey both came from a peach.BThey didnt love their fathers.CThey were not born humans.DThey both loved to fight against bad men.( )50.What do we know from the passage?AMomotar loved eating peach.BMomotar got hurt in the fight.CPinocchio had three animal friends.DPinocchio saved his father from the whale.BAh Seng was a poor farmer.Every day,he worked in the field to look after his crops.One hot afternoon,Ah Seng felt very tired.He went to have a rest under a tree.He sat down under the tree and enjoyed the cool breeze.Suddenly he saw a rabbit running to him quickly.It hit its head right against the tree and fell dead.Ah Seng was happy when he saw the dead rabbit.He went to pick it up and brought it home.He ate it for dinner that evening.From that day on,Ah Seng went to the field.But he didnt work.He just sat under the same tree every day.He hoped to pick up more dead rabbits.He waited and waited but there were no rabbits.Soon,all of Ah Sengs crops died and he became poorer.( )51.Ah Seng had a rest _.Aunder the tree Bunder the bridgeCat his home Don a farm( )52.Why did Ah Seng sit under the same tree?AHe liked the tree very much.BThere was only one tree in his field.CHe wanted to wait for more dead rabbits.DHe wanted to save the rabbit.( )53.The underlined word “it” refers to(指的是) _.Athe field Bthe cropCthe rabbit Dthe tree( )54.After reading the passage,we can know Ah Seng was _.Aclever BsillyCkind Dhardworking( )55.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAh Seng became richer.BAh Sengs crops grew better.CAh Seng found more dead rabbits.DAh Seng didnt find more rabbits.COnce upon a time there was a fisherman and his wife living by the sea.They were very poor and they only had an old wooden house.One day,the fisherman caught a goldfish.The goldfish could talk and she asked the fisherman to set her free.The_goldfish_said_if_the_fisherman_did_so,he_could_get_anything_he_wished_for.The_kind_fisherman_didnt_ask_for_anythingAnd he put the goldfish back into the sea.After the fisherman told his wife about this strange thing,the old woman got angry.She wanted his husband to ask the goldfish for a new wooden tub(木盆)The man had to go back and told the goldfish his wifes wish.When the fisherman arrived home,they really had a new tub.But from then on the old lady got so greedy(贪婪的) that she wanted more.The goldfish made all of them true again and again.Some time later,the old woman asked the old man to tell the goldfish that she wished to be the king of the world.After the goldfish heard that,she swam into the deep sea without saying anything.When the fisherman returned home,again,he,surprised,poor,find,was,to,they,were任务一:根据英文释义找出在短文中出现的同义词。56not rich _e or go back _58任务二:把文中处翻译成中文。_59任务三:写出文中处的同义句。_60任务四:把文中处连词成句。_.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)61Yesterday the young man _(shoot) a deer(鹿)62Our class _(begin) at 7:50 last Monday morning.63The cat _(hide) itself behind the door.64Many _(west) people like Beijing Opera.65Mr.Lee _(lead) us to the Childrens Palace last weekend.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)66她出生在美国。She _ _ in the USA.67这个人有点傻。The person was _ _ _ _68他一到上海就爱上了它。He _ _ _ with it _ _ _ he came to Shanghai.69这部电影将于下个月上映。The movie will _ _ next month.70这对夫妻试图欺骗皇帝。The couple _ _ _ the emperor.根据短文内容及首字母提示写出所缺的单词,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。(10分)A boy left his home to find Bird of Happiness.He wanted the bird to 71.b_ peace,flowers and trees to his village.On his way,he met a monster(怪物) 72.w_ a black beard.The monster said,“Ill tell you where Bird of Happiness is,but you must kill someone for me.If you wont,Ill take all your food and drink.” The boy 73.r_ the monster.Several days later,the boy was 74.h_ and thirsty.Then he met a monster with a white beard.The monster said,“Ill tell you where Bird of Happiness is,75.b_ you must blind someone for me.If you wont,Ill blind you.” The boy refused,and the monster blinded him.At last,the boy 76.f_ Bird of Happiness.He lay before the bird and he was dead.The bird touched the boy and he was alive.His 77.e_ could see again.As soon as the bird landed in the boys 78.v_,it suddenly turned green.Flowers and other plants grew and everyone 79.l_ in peace.It was all 80.b_ the brave boy brought Bird of Happiness home to them.书面表达。(15分)假如你们班要举行一次看图讲英语故事比赛。请你根据下面图片内容写一个故事来为你的发言做准备。70词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。图一图二图三图四参考词汇:乌龟turtle;兔子rabbit;比赛raceOnce upon a time,a turtle and a rabbit had an argument about who could run faster._第六单元检测卷听力录音.听句子,选择恰当的应答语。听两遍。1The story tells us that we should keep trying and never give up.2Where did you buy the book Journey to the West?3What do you think of the story of Hou Yi?4When did you read the story The Emperors New Clothes?5Why do you dislike Hansel and Gretels stepmother?.听五段短对话及问题,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。听两遍。6M:Was Gina born on June the fifth?W:No,she was born on July the fourth.Q:When was Gina born?7M:What were you doing from eight to ten yesterday evening?W:I was reading a story named Little Red Riding Hood.Q:What was the girl doing from eight to ten yesterday evening?8M:Did Jane get married to John?W:No,she got married to Mike.Q:Who got married to Jane?9W:Can I help you?M:Yes,Id like some underwear made of silk.Q:Where are they?10M:I wish to have a magic stick like Sun Wukongs.What about you,Mary?W:Oh,Tony.Thats just a dream for you.I hope to have a gold ring.Q:Who wishes to have a magic stick?.听两段长对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。听第1段材料,回答第1112小题。M:Sue,did you watch the TV play Hou Yi Shoots the Suns last night?It was so good.W:No.I watched the TV play Sleeping Beauty with my elder sister instead.M:So what do you think about the story of Sleeping Beauty?W:I like it.Did you watch it,Mark?M:Yes,I did.I watched it on the Internet last Sunday.听第2段材料,回答第1315小题。W:Hey,Tony.What are you reading?M:I am reading a story.W:Whats the name of the story?M:Three Little Pigs.W:Is it interesting?M:Yes,it is.W:Can I take a look after you finish it?M:OK.You can take it this afternoon.听短文,选择正确的答案。听两遍。Once upon a time,a little mouse went out to look for something to eat in a forest.He was so unlucky that he met a scary lion.The lion caught him and want to eat him.“Please let me go,Mr.Lion.”said the mouse,”One day,Ill help you.”“How could a little mouse help a big lion?”said the lion.”Ill let you go,but be careful next time.”The next week,the mouse was looking for something to eat again,when he saw the lion in a net of strong ropes.He broke the ropes with his teeth.Soon the lion was free.He was so happy that he said thanks to the mouse.参考答案.15A A B B B.610B C B C A.1115C B C C B.1620A B B A B.21.Chear sb. doing sth.“听见某人正在做某事”;plan to do sth.“计划做某事”。22Bvoice指说话声或歌声。23Aas soon as一就。24Binstead of代替,连接两个对等的成分。25A答语句意:是的。当我们处于困境中时,我们要学会勇敢。brave“勇敢的”,符合句意。26Bfit sb.指衣服的大小、形状适合某人。27Bmarry sb.嫁(娶)某人。28Cturninto把变成。29Aneither指“两者都不”,作主语时谓语动词一般用单数。30Bkeep doing sth.持续/保持做某事。后一空与kept构成对等结构,用过去式形式。故选B。31Abe made of由制成,制成品中看得出原材料。32Bmake sb. do sth.使/让某人做某事。33Dcouldnt stop doing sth.不能停止做某事;情不自禁做某事。34Cunless如果不。符合句意。35A“so形容词/副词that”如此以至于.3640D B A C B4145A C D B D.A)4650A D B C DB)【主旨大意】本文讲的是“守株待兔”的故事。51A由短文第二段第二句可知。52C由短文第三段倒数第二句可知。53C由上文可知此处“it”代指“the rabbit”。54B综合全文可知Ah Seng很傻。55D综合全文可知。C)56.poor57.return58金鱼说如果渔夫那样做的话,他就可以拥有他所希望得到的任何东西。59The kind fisherman asked for nothing.60he was surprised to find they were poor again.61.shot62.began63.hid/hides64.Western65.led.66.was born67.a little bit silly68.fell in love;as soon ase out70tried to cheat.71.bring72.with/wearing73.refused74.hungry75.but76.found77eyes78.village79.lived80.because.One possible version:Once upon a time,a turtle and a rabbit had an argument about who could run faster.They decided to have a race.The race started.The rabbit ran very quickly but the turtle walked slowly.“The turtle is so slow.I will have a rest under the tree.”said the rabbit.After a while,the rabbit woke up.At this time,the turtle was far away.The rabbit ran quickly but it was too late.In the end,the turtle won the race.专心-专注-专业


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