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“At the Supermarket”教学设计The 4thperiod第一课时教学内容Teaching content1 Making and responding to requests2 Quantities of food教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1.Understand the meaning of each word and pay attention to the pronunciations.2. Ask and answer the question according to the words.3. Enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.教学步骤Teaching Steps教学设计Teaching design设计意图purpose教学批注reflectionStep 1 Free talk & duty report.口语练习经典诵读西文经典诵读1.听CD跟读。2.小老师教读。3.齐读让值日生做好准备,积极主动的诵读和练习西文经典。训练学生的口语表达能力,培养学生自主学习能力、合作学习的能力。提前让每个孩子准备组上要卖的小食品。Step 2 Greeting and warm-up热身导入创设情境T:What can you see in the picture?( Describe the pictures, e.g. There is a sales corner in the supermarket. What do the people buy there?)T: What do the people want to buy?Ss: She wants to buy a can of sausages. He wants to buy a can of pineapples. This boy wants to buy a packet of sweets.1. 使用Teachers i-book第一个画面,创设情境,让学生讨论,练习口语表达,自然引出课题。Step 3 Presentation呈现问题启发诱导1 Draw pupils attention to the prices of the food items.2 Read the set of the conversation lines and invite pupils to read together.Woman: Can I have a can of sausages, please?Shopkeeper: Here you are. Thirteen dollars, please.让学生带着好奇心和极强的求知欲望去自主体验,自学拼读单词。老师提出自学单词的目标并讲明自学要求,让学生尝试自学。Step4 Students learning by themselves自主体验设疑质疑Pair up pupils. Have them take turns to role-play the shopkeeper and the people.学生根据教师的自学要求进行自学拼读并表演,老师巡视指导,下座位巡视帮助纠正学生的发音。Step 5 Pair work & group work合作探究解惑释疑Invite several pairs of pupils to act out the conversation in front of the class.让学生小组内互相读一读,互帮互助纠正发音,然后让请几组学生上台表演,老师评比指正。Step 6 Practice show & report展示交流评价反馈1 Tell the pupils that they are going to set up some sales corners. And add prices to the food that they want to sell.2 The team leader is the shopkeeper.The other pupils act as customers. Each pupil has 40 dollars to buy three things from the sale conners.3 Invite several pupils to show the class the things they have bought and tell the class how much they have left.A: Can I have a box of chocolates, please?B: Here you are. Ten dollars, please.在教师指导正音后再让学生在组内读一读,并训练小组展示,最后分小组全班轮流展示。板书设计Blackboard design3 At the SupermarketA: Can I have a box of chocolates, please?B: Here you are. Ten dollars, please. 此处为各小组比分教学反思What have you got after teaching?附:1 孩子们组上设计的价格标签,以吸引“顾客”。(外画花边,内写价格)2孩子们手中的账单。项目(items)支出(cost)结余(left)


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