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南通高等师范学校外语系 综合英语课程单元总体规划: Unit 1 School life内容预览School life is the theme of this unit. The purposes of this unit are to learn about school life in the UK, to identify the differences between school life in the UK and in China, to enlarge the vocabulary about school facilities, and to recognize attributive clauses, including designing a poster for a new school club. In Welcome to the unit, the students will be presented with four different aspects of school life in the UK and are asked to compare the differences between high schools in the UK and in China. The Reading text deals with an article from a school magazine, which gives us specific information about what school life in the UK is really like. Word Power focuses on words and phrases related to school facilities, with relevant exercises to strengthen the students ability to use these phrases. In Grammar and Usage, the students will learn what an attributive clause is and what relative pronouns and relative adverbs function as in this clause. They will learn in what circumstances that, which, who, whom or whose are used. Following is the Task section dealing with reporting school activities, in which students will practice the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They will learn how to talk about school activities and write a notice about one of them. In the Project section, students will be asked to read two texts about school clubs and design an attractive poster for a new school club. In the self-assessment section, the students are supposed to rank their confidence level on different skills with the help of the chart on page 20 first, and then they can make plans to improve some parts, with which they have some difficulty. If possible, the students can turn to the teacher or their classmates for help.This unit not only provides a chance for students to get an idea of school life in the UK and asks them to identify the differences between school life and in the UK and in China, but also intends to teach the students the two of the basic reading skills, skimming and scanning, which are important to improve the students reading ability. This unit will practice topic-related skills. Students are expected to participate fully, in order to develop both their language skills and overall abilities. Also this unit enables students to compare different information given to them and choose useful information needed, and lastly, to make correct decisions. They are expected to apply what they have learnt to practical use by designing a poster for a new school club. A series of activities are designed to develop the students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, together with the purpose of getting the students to learn to be cooperative and helpful when taking part in class-activities.三维目标1. To introduce and develop the theme of school life.2. To identify the differences between school life in different countries.3. To develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning.4. To learn some words about school facilities.5. To learn about attributive clauses and how to use relative pronouns.6. To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task and a project.7. To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation.8. To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together. 课时安排Period 1 Welcome to the unitPeriod 2 ReadingPeriod 3 Word PowerPeriods 4-5 Grammar and usagePeriods 6-7 TaskPeriods 8-9 Project(Starting a new school club)课时: Period 1 Welcome to the unit教学设计一整体设计教材分析In this section, the students will be asked to talk about their junior school life, which they have experienced and the high school life they are facing, as well as the differences about school life in different countries, with the purposes of enriching students imagination and improving the students speaking ability.School life is the topic of the unit, which is a proper subject for students who just enter high school from junior school. At the beginning of the term, the students in senior one may feel very curious about the fresh school environment. High school is a time that will be treasured and kept in our memories forever. Therefore, it is a good chance for the teacher to lead in this topic. First of all, teachers can let the students recall their junior life, and ask what high school life they think will be like. The teacher can encourage them to show their opinions about the differences between high school and junior school. Later, the teacher can take different measures to enable them to compare school life in the United Kingdom with school life in China. In this section, four pictures and texts representing school life in the UK are given. Each text gives a brief description of the subject. The teacher can divide the students into groups to discuss the four topics: school buildings; school facilities; class teaching and the number of students in each class; the relationship between teachers and students. There are also some questions presented to cause the students to consider further, such as,What kind of school activities do you enjoy?What is your dream school life like?What is your favorite subject?Among all the subjects we are learning now, which do you like least? Why?What do you think we can do with the subjects we dont like?Students are to fully participate in the discussion and brainstorm by combining what they have already known about the high schools in the UK with the help of the information in the text. The related topics and activities are designed to grab and attract students attention by involving their full participation. Students are expected to be active in the discussion, practice their spoken English and express their opinions by comparing and discussing the differences between school life in the UK and in China. The purpose of this period is to give the students some impression of the school life in the UK and inform the Ss of the differences between schools in China and the UK as well as the differences between high school life and junior school life, and to enlarge the students knowledge and make them know the importance of school life in ones life. 三维目标1. To introduce and develop the theme of school life, especially to get the students to know of differences between high school life and junior school life as well as to identify the differences between school life in different countries.2. To help the students enlarge their vocabulary, especially those related to the topic.3. To develop listening and speaking by talking about life in the new school.4. To enable the students to know how to compare.5. To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together. 重点难点1. To find out the differences of their life between senior high and junior high.2. To learn something about the high school life in the UK.3. To encourage the students to talk about their former school life and about their dream school life.4. To know how to get on well with high school life/study.5. To ensure every student to have a chance to express himself/herself. 教学方法1. Discussion in pairs or in groups.2. Task-based in-class activities.3. Explanations of some language points. 教具准备A tape recorder and the multimedia. 课前准备1. The topics we are going to deal with in our next periods are not only very interesting and attractive, but also a bit challenging as well. Ask the students to prepare for a free-talk for about two or three minutes. They can introduce themselves to their classmates or say something about their junior middle school life, or even make a plan for their high school life. This will help all the students to take part in in-class activities and help them adapt to high school life quickly.2. Encourage the students to prepare for the following topics. It is best for all of us to make preparations first, either by searching for information on the Internet or looking through background information in some books and so on. They can also be divided into several groups to get some information about high school life in different countries as they like.3. Prepare the following questions in advance.Questions: 1)Do you know of any differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students?2)What differences exist between high school life and junior school life?3)What is your dream school life like?4)What should we prepare for the new high school life in order to succeed?5)What can you find in these four pictures?6)How do you find school life in Britain?7)What do you want to know by learning this unit?4. Ask the students to read the following passage to help them know something about high school. High SchoolHigh school sounds like a scary time for everybody. But when you really get to high school, it doesnt seem that bad.What high school is likeHigh school is a lot like middle school. Of course you might get lost the first few days looking for your classes. But after a while, you learn that what seemed like a large school really isnt.One thing that is really cool about high school is that there are more classes to choose from, Some are even unavailable in middle school like photography or psychology. If you happen to like art, there are many art classes. So there are many things that are new in high school, but often, its these new things that make high school so much better.What to look for in high schoolIn high school, some things are really similar to those of middle school, while new opportunities occur as well. There are more clubs, sports and other activities you can join in.The activities you join in can help you make new friends who have the same interests as you. These activities also give you a chance to learn something you might not have had the opportunity to learn before.What to expect in high schoolThe high school experience is different for everyone-depending on what classes you take or what clubs you decide to join in. But there is one thing that is certain. More than likely, you are going to have just as much fun in high school as you did in middle school. And if middle school wasnt that great for you, high school is a chance to make up for it.High school isnt just fun, though. At the same time, you are growing up and have to be responsible. Teachers arent going to chase you down to do your homework or beg you to complete all your tests.Everything changes when you get older. The changes between high school and middle school arent that bad. So you shouldnt worry about it. 教学过程Step 1 Greetings and self-introductionActivity 1 GreetingsTeachers can have a short talk to welcome them to the senior high English class. Teachers may start like the following: “Its the beginning of a new term. You have just finished junior school study and are about to enter a new period in your studies. I am very happy to have all of you in my class and I hope we can be friends. ”This is the first semester of the high school and most students are not familiar with each other, so it is necessary for them to introduce themselves to know about each other. Students may feel nervous to speak English in public, especially to the strangers. In order to encourage the students to make a self-introduction, teachers had better introduce themselves, and ask them to take it easy. Let the students know it doesnt matter even if they may make mistakes, because it is hard for people to avoid making mistakes when speaking. After one student finishes his or her free-talk, other students or teachers can ask him or her some questions. If students are nervous to introduce themselves, teachers can ask them some questions to help them to express herself or himself. Teachers may use such questions as the following: Q1: Whats your name please?Q2: Which school did you graduate from? /Which school are you from?Q3: Do you have any hobbies?Q4: How do you often spend your spare time?Q5: What subjects did you study when you were in your junior school?Q6: Which subject do you like best? Why?Q7: Who is your favorite teacher? Why do you like her or him?Q8: What kind of school life did you dislike in your junior school? Why?. . .Activity 2 TalkingThen the teacher can ask the students to talk about high school life in their mind. High school time is very important and it is often considered as golden time in our life. However, some of them may feel nervous and uncomfortable when they first come here. Teachers may ask the following questions: 1. What difficulties have you had since you came to this high school?2. What do you think you can do to overcome these difficulties?3. If you have difficulty, who do you think you can turn to for help first? why?Activity 3 ListeningListen to dialogues and find out where the dialogues may take place and what has happened. Meanwhile, ask the students to pay attention to how to start a conversation and how to ask the way.Sample answers: This dialogue may take place on the street. A person lost his way.Activity 4 SpeakingTeachers may start this part like this: Just now, we listened and knew he lost his way. He asked the way for help. Such things also often happen to us. When you came to our campus on the first day, you might be lost. You didnt know how to get to your destination. Then you had to ask the way. Please discuss the following questions: 1. What is the best way to get someones attention when you need help to find the way?2. What should you do if you have difficulty in following the speaker?3. Which expressions can be used to ask the way?After their discussion, teachers should offer them chances to show their opinions. The answers are various, not fixed.Sample answers: 1. The best way is to say Excuse me first. This expression can be used regardless of sex and age. In this way you will never make a mistake about their titles.2. You can repeat the key words you think you heard like three blocks. In this way, the speaker will realize that he has been speaking too fast and will probably slow down for you.3. Role ARole BExcuse me. Would you like to tell me how to get to. . . ? Could you tell me the way to. . . ? How long will it take to get to. . . ? How far is it from. . . to. . . ? Whats the best way to get to. . . ? What is the schools address? Could you tell me where there is. . . ? How many miles is it to the nearest. . . ? Does this bus go to. . . ? Please tell me which bus should I take for. . . ? Hello, I cant find my way back to. . . Can you give me a hand?It is a long walk. To take a left turn. Go down. . . A ten-minute walk. A four-hour drive. Keep straight on till you come to. . . and you will see it. Turn left/right at the traffic lights there. Walk back to the corner. Take a No. 1 bus to the end of. . . You can catch the subway just across the street. You will have to change buses at least twice. . . . is in the southwest/northwest. . . of the city.Then ask the students to imitate the dialogue they heard and use the expressions mentioned above to make a dialogue with their partners to share their experiences, which they have had, especially the difficulties they had in finding out the way when they just came to this high school. In order to help them make a successful dialogue, teachers first introduce some school facilities, such as, library, car park, classroom, lecture hall, art room, science laboratory, stores, offices, garden, swimming pool, dormitories, medical center, gym, canteen, classroom.In order to help the students practice their speaking ability about how to ask for help, teachers should prepare some situations to help the students to make a proper dialogue in advance.Suppose students may have met the following puzzling problems.1)On the first day, you suddenly felt sick and wanted to see a doctor. But you did not know how to get to the school medical center.2)If you were to buy food in the school canteen, you didnt know where the school canteen was and you got lost.3)You found your golden watch lost, and you felt very worried, so you wanted to go to the school Lost and Found Office and look for a lost watch.4)Fix a date with your teacher for a face-to-face talk about one of your problems.Teachers should give the students some minutes to prepare for it. If they have some difficulty, teachers will help them smooth them away. After some minutes, encourage the students to act out their dialogues. Step 2 PresentationActivity 1 BrainstormingAccording to the given passage titled “High School” and their opinions on high school, ask them to present any expression on it. Teachers may ask the following question: “When we are talking about our school life, what will we probably think of? ”.Try to encourage all of them to be active in this activity, and teachers had better write down some wonderful expressions on the blackboard. Or draw the picture as the following. It is also a good time for teachers to help the students to form the right views on school life.Activity 2 DiscussionAfter the students show their understanding about high school, teachers can ask them to tell the differences between school lives between junior schools and high schools.After the students show their opinions on the differences between school lives in junior schools and high schools. Teachers may start like this: As we all know, there are differences in school lives between junior schools and high schools. So there must be differences in different cultures. Some of us must be eager to know what the school life in other countries is like. For example, we have studied English for three or more years, what is the UK school life like? How different is it from that in China? You know, there are many famous schools and universities in the UK. Today, we will pick up this subject.1. What have you known about schools in the UK?2. If you were offered a chance to study in the UK, would you like to attend school there? Why or why not?Teachers should give the students enough time to consider and discuss these questions, and then encourage them to share their opinions with others.Activity 3 Talking about the picturesAfter the discussion, students have already known something about the differences in school life between junior schools and high schools. At that time, ask them to talk about the pictures on page 1. Teachers may ask in this way: Look at the pictures, what can you learn from them?Which picture leaves the deepest impression on you? Why do you appreciate it the most?Later, ask the students to express her/his opinion. The following is for reference.In picture 1, we can see very low-rise houses and huge campus. They are very different from those in China. In China, students usually have large buildings and campus to make sure students have enough space to study in and play in.In picture 2, we can see lockers for every student. In China, students dont have lockers.In picture 3, we can see a larger classroom with fewer students in it. The students sit in two lines face to face. There is a narrow passage between the two lines. The students are putting up their hands eagerly. Maybe they are answering the teachers questions. This is quite different from that of China. Students always have a full classroom with students sitting in several lines facing a blackboard. And in most cases, students are not so eager to answer the teachers questions.In picture 4, two students are discussing something with their teacher. They look quite at ease with their teacher as if they were staying with their friends. In China, it is quite different. Children or students often feel embarrassed when they are with their teachers.Activity 4


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