高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Section Ⅰ Warming Up Reading 课件 新人教版必修4

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话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点Unit 4 Body language话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点 When you use a foreign language,it is very important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country.Following the customs will help you communicate with people and make your stay there much more pleasant and comfortable.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点1佳句仿写make yourself easily understood.他提高声音以便学生能听清楚。仿写:_。Nodding the head means.早睡早起对你的健康有利。仿写:_答案He raised his voice to make himself heard by the students.Going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点2佳句翻译_答案遵守别国的习俗会帮助你与他人交流,也会使你在那个国家过得更加愉快舒适。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点Unit 4 Body language Section Warming Up & Reading 课件(人教版必修课件(人教版必修4,课标通用),课标通用)话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点.阅读理解(根据Reading内容选择答案)1Where is Tony Garcia from?ABritain. BJapan.CColombia. DCanada.2From Paragraph 2 we know that Japanese prefer to _ when they are introduced to others.Abow Bshake handsCkiss each other Dtouch others shoulders话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点3According to the text,men from the Middle East often _.Anod heads and wave hands to girlsBtouch others heads when they first meetCkiss each other twice on each cheek when they are introduced to othersDstand quite close to other men when they talk话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点4From the text,we can know that _.Apeople are likely to keep the same distance in different countriesBmen from Muslim countries often stand close to others to shake handsCpeople from the same culture may greet each other in different waysDbody language has nothing to do with our life and communication话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点5From the text,we can infer that people _.Aare facing multicultural communication problemsBare trying to make progress in English learningCneed to know more people and make friends with themDare doing business with each other答案1.C2.A3.D4.C5.A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点.短文填词(根据Reading内容完成短文) The first person to arrive is Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.When they are introduced to each other,Tony _1_Julia Smith,touches her shoulder and kisses her on the_2_.She steps back _3_ surprised and puts up her hands,as if _4_.There is a _5_.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点As I get to know more international friends,I l e a r n m o r e a b o u t t h i s c u l t u r a l “ b o d y language”Not all cultures _6_ each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with _7_ or distance between people.In the same way that people _8_ with spoken language,t h e y a l s o e x p r e s s t h e i r f e e l i n g s u s i n g unspoken“language” through _9_,actions or _10_.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点答案1.approaches2.cheek3.appearing4.in defence5major misunderstanding6.greet7.touching8communicate9.physicaldistance10.posture话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点.阅读表达(根据Reading内容完成下列各题)1Whats the main idea of the fourth paragraph?(Please answer within 10 words.)_2Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one.Tony came close to Julia,placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a kiss!_话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点3Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Akira Nagata from Japan _ to George Cook from Canada and his nose _ George Cooks _ hand.4Can we expect people everywhere to act the same?Why?_话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点答案1.Different cultures have different body languages.2Tony approached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!3bowed,touched,moving4No.Because people from different cultures or countries act quite differently sometimes.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点.教材研读一、重点单词熟记1_vt.代表;象征2_ n社团;联系;联想_ vt.结交;联合3_ adj.好奇的4_ vt.& vi.接近;靠近5_ vt.保护;保卫_ n防御;保卫6_ adj.主要的7_ vt.误解;误会_ n误解;误会8_vi.猛冲;突进9_adj.口语的10_ n十字路口话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点答案1.represent2.association;associate3.curious4approach5.defend;defence6.major7misunderstand;misunderstanding8.dash9.spoken10.crossroads话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点二、重点短语探究1kiss sb _ the cheek 吻某人的脸颊2_ defence 在防守,在保卫3on the _ 相反地4be _ to. 很可能;有希望5_ general 总的来说,通常6defend._. 保卫以免受7be curious _ 对感到好奇8an approach _ doing sth 一个做某事情的方法答案1.on2.in3.contrary4.likely5.in6against/from7.about8.to话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点三、教材佳句背诵1The first person _ was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅史密斯。2_ cultures greet each other the same way,_ comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点3However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and _.但是,来自像西班牙、意大利或南美等国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能(用身体)接触对方。4She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,_.她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫。5These actions are not good or bad,but are simply _.这些行为都无所谓好与坏,只不过是文化发展的不同方式而已。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点答案1.to arrive2.Not all;nor are they3.are more likely to touch them4.as if in defence5.ways in which cultures have developed话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点1represent vt.代表;象征Yesterday,another student and I,representing our universitys student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students.昨天,我和另一个同学代表我们大学的学生会去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。 He will represent his school at the meeting.他将代表学校出席会议。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【辨析】represent用来表示用来表示“代表某人代表某人/某个团体某个团体/政府等政府等”,“某种标志代表什么某种标志代表什么”,“某物某物(书、塑料书、塑料等等)表示的是什么表示的是什么”和和“把某人把某人/物描绘成物描绘成什么什么”stand for往往用来表示往往用来表示“(字母、数字符号等字母、数字符号等)代表代表/象征什么象征什么”话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】选词填空(represent/stand for)The competition attracted over 500 students _8 different countries.What does“VIP”_?答案representingstand for话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点2association n社团;联系;联想Many associations are breaking up for lack of money.许多社团因缺乏资金而纷纷解散。He has an eye for beauty and a heart for associations.他有审美的眼光和富于联想的心。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】一句多译他所做的与他的教育有关。_.(associate)_.(association)答案What he has done is associated with his educationWhat he has done is in association with his education话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点3curiously adv.好奇地Curiously enough,a year later exactly the same thing happened again.说来奇怪,同样的事情一年后又发生了。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点 The little boy is curious about everything he meets with. 这个小男孩对遇到的任何事情都感兴趣。 The curiosity has driven me to put forward my resume. 好奇心驱使我提交我的简历。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】用curiously的适当形式填空The children entered the cave _,which was dangerous.The reporter is _ to know whether the official is involved in the case.With _,he followed the man in the dark.答案curiouslycuriouscuriosity话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点People have always been _ about exactly how life on earth began.(2010天津高考)Acurious BexcitedCanxious Dcareful解析考查形容词词义辨析。句意:地球上的生命到底是如何起源的,人们对此一直颇感兴趣。curious好奇的,感兴趣的;excited兴奋的;anxious焦虑的;careful细心的。答案A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点4approach vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近nU接近;C方法;途径Tony approached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!托尼走近朱莉娅,摸了摸她的肩,并亲了一下她的脸颊!With winter approaching,birds flew to the south.随着冬天的来临,鸟儿都飞到了南方。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点Our approach drove away the wild animals.我们一走近,野兽全都跑开了。All approaches to the town were blocked.通往这座城镇的所有道路都被堵塞了。His approaches to the problem are wrong.他处理这个问题的方法是错误的。名师点睛:approach(方法)常与介词to连用,即approach to(doing)sth。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】对比填空With _,the weather becomes cold._ brings the cold weather.冬天临近,天气转冷。答案winter approachingThe approach of winter话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点5defence n防御;保卫She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in defence.她后退几步,看上去有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是自卫。Most countries have armies for their defence.大多数国家都有用于防御的军队。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点in defence(of) 为辩护/为保卫defend vt.保护;保卫;辩护defend sb from /against 保护某人免受 He gave his life in defence of his country.他为保卫祖国而献出了生命。He made a long speech defending his views from objection.他作了长篇演讲来保护他的观点不遭反对。【拓展【拓展】话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【辨析】defend用在军事上,指防御、保卫、抵御或击退外用在军事上,指防御、保卫、抵御或击退外来威胁或攻击;用于非军事意义时,指保护、来威胁或攻击;用于非军事意义时,指保护、辩护。其宾语可具体也可抽象辩护。其宾语可具体也可抽象guard指守卫、监视或戒备潜在的危险指守卫、监视或戒备潜在的危险protect指设置障碍或掩护,以保护某人、某物免遭指设置障碍或掩护,以保护某人、某物免遭危害、损失等。常用于防御风雨、寒冷、烈危害、损失等。常用于防御风雨、寒冷、烈日、疾病或保护经济、法律权益等日、疾病或保护经济、法律权益等话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【助记】学会多种“保护”话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】根据句意选词填空(defend/guard/protect)Soldiers are on _ to _ our country while our government _ their legal rights.战士们在站岗保卫我们的国家,政府也在保护他们的合法权利。答案guard;defend;protects话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点6be likely to很可能;有希望However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.不过,来自西班牙、意大利和南美等国的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且更可能(用身体)接触对方。Which are you more likely to have with you at any given momentyour cellphone or your wallet?哪一个你更有可能随身携带手机还是钱包?话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【辨析】likely指从外表、迹象上进行指从外表、迹象上进行判断,有可能发生。既判断,有可能发生。既可以用人也可以用物作可以用人也可以用物作主语主语It is likely that.或或sb/sth is likely to.possible指客观上有可能,但往指客观上有可能,但往往含有希望很小的意味。往含有希望很小的意味。不能用人作主语不能用人作主语It is possible(for sb)to do sth或或It is possible that.probable可能性比可能性比possible大,表大,表示示“很可能,十有八很可能,十有八九九”。也不能用人作主。也不能用人作主语语Its probable that.,不,不能用于能用于Its probable for sb to do sth这一结构这一结构话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】根据句意选词填空(likely/probable/possible)It is _ for him to set a world record in 2014.It is _ that he will set a world record in 2014.He is _ to set a world record in 2014.他在2014年有可能创造一项世界纪录。答案possiblelikely/probable/possiblelikely话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点单项填空Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.Alikely BpossibleCprobable Dsure解析句意:研究表明人们如果总是长时间地坐在电脑屏幕前面就更有可能出现背部问题。根据语境,这里表示“更有可能”,所以排除sure,其他几个形容词只有likely能够用人作主语。答案A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点7in general总的来说;通常;一般而言;大体上In general,though,studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads!但总的来说,在当今文化交融的世界,学习不同国家的习俗肯定能帮助我们避免交往中的困难!In general,his speech was a success.总的来说,他的演讲很成功。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】一句多译总的来说,我同意你说的话。_答案In general,I agree with what you said.Generally speaking,I agree with what you said.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点8After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive,I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.【分析】话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点【即境活用】将上面句子翻译成汉语_答案半个小时的等待之后,他们的班机终于到了,我看到几个年轻人走进等候区,他们好奇地向四周张望。


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