高中英语 Unit 3 Australia Grammar课件2 新人教版选修9

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The PredicativeThe PredicativeUnit 3 GrammarUnit 3 GrammarObjectives1. 明确表语的概念;明确表语的概念;2. 掌握系表结构;掌握系表结构;3. 辨认表语的形式。辨认表语的形式。Australia is the only country that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country in the world and is in the smallest continent Oceania.Australia is a popular destination with tourists from all over the world who come to experience its unique ecology.We call the red words Predicatives.Like the states in America, Australian states are autonomous in some areas of government.A popular attraction for active tourists is the 80-km walking track that joins the southern and northern ends of the park. 语法精解语法精解表语表语 Predicative表语是用来说明主语的身表语是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和份、性质、品性、特征和状态的状态的。在形式上,位于。在形式上,位于系动词后的就是表语。从系动词后的就是表语。从含义上讲,表语是回答主含义上讲,表语是回答主语语“是什么是什么”或或“怎么样怎么样”的语法成分。的语法成分。 什么是系动词:什么是系动词:系动词是表示不完全谓语关系的动词,系动词是表示不完全谓语关系的动词,常与后面的表语一起构成系表结构充常与后面的表语一起构成系表结构充当谓语。当谓语。表语的位置:表语的位置:表语位于系动词之后,与之构成系表表语位于系动词之后,与之构成系表结构。结构。 1. be 动词是最常见的系动词,可以有多动词是最常见的系动词,可以有多 种表语。种表语。2. 表示结果表示结果 become 成为,当成为,当3. 表示状况,样子等:表示状况,样子等: seem, appear, look 看起来,看上去看起来,看上去4. 表示变化:表示变化: go, get, turn, fall, run, grow 变得,变成变得,变成5. 感官系动词表示感觉:感官系动词表示感觉: feel 摸起来,感觉;摸起来,感觉; smell 闻起来;闻起来; taste 尝起来;尝起来; sound 听起来;听起来; look 看起来看起来6. 表示状态:表示状态:prove 证明是;证明是; remain 保持,仍然;保持,仍然; stay 保持,停留;保持,停留; keep 保持;保持; stand 位于;位于; lie 位于位于 充当表语的成分有名词、形容词、充当表语的成分有名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、介词短语、词副词、代词、数词、介词短语、词组、不定式、组、不定式、-ing形式、过去分词形式、过去分词和从句等。和从句等。Africa is a big continent. He finally became a successful pianist. Who is your best friend? She was the first to learn about it. 1. 名词,代词,数词用作表语:名词,代词,数词用作表语:He become a doctor.Boys are boys.Hes not the right man for the job.She seemed an ideal wife for him.名词或名词词组作表语,一般用来确名词或名词词组作表语,一般用来确定主语的性质,或者表达主语的看法,定主语的性质,或者表达主语的看法,例如:例如:Time is precious to everybody.In time of danger, he remains calm.I feel much better today. The price sounds reasonable.They stood still, saying nothing.2. 形容词用作表语:形容词用作表语:形容词作表语,用来修饰说明主语。形容词作表语,用来修饰说明主语。e.g. the fast asleep children 熟睡的孩子们熟睡的孩子们大部分的形容词既可以作定语,又可以大部分的形容词既可以作定语,又可以作表语,但有少数形容词只能作表语,作表语,但有少数形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,如不能作定语,如alone, afraid, alike, alert (警惕的警惕的), aware (知道的,有意识的知道的,有意识的), alive, ashamed (惭愧的,羞耻的惭愧的,羞耻的), content (满足的满足的), unable等。但是有些这等。但是有些这一类的形容词,在有一状语修饰时,也一类的形容词,在有一状语修饰时,也能用作定语。能用作定语。 Are you there?The manager is out to dinner withthe customers.He has been away from his hometown for many years.The sun is up. 3. 副词用作表语:副词用作表语:4. 介词(短语)用作表语:介词(短语)用作表语:Are you on duty today?Everything is in good order.She is in good health.They appear out of breath.Its surprising that you havent met.Im so much surprised at it.They seemed disappointed at the news.Are you well prepared?5. 分词用作表语:分词用作表语:All I could do was to wait.His job is to feed the animals.Our aim is to hold the 2008 OlympicGames in China successful.He seemed to be very tired. 6. 不定式用作表语:不定式用作表语:that引导表语从句(在从句中不作句引导表语从句(在从句中不作句子成分,没有意义)子成分,没有意义)7. 从句用作表语:从句用作表语:The reason why he failed the exam is that he played too much.whether是否是否(在从句中有意义,常(在从句中有意义,常和和or not连用,不可用连用,不可用if)The question is whether he will come or not.疑问代词和疑问副词疑问代词和疑问副词(在从句中作句(在从句中作句子成分,有意义)子成分,有意义)The problem is how many people will take part in the game.This is where my parents used to work.It looks as if a storm is coming. 1. Australia is made up of six states and two territories. ( )2. Australia is a young nation on an ancient continent. ( )3. After the Second World War, Australias economy grew rapidly. ( )Tick the sentence if its underlined part is the predicative.4. Before baby kangaroos grow strong enough, they feed on their mothers milk. ( )5. When it turns cold in Northern China, the hot summer in Australia has just begun. ( )6. If you go near Koala bear, it will get very upset. ( )7. Australia keeps about one sixth of the worlds sheep. ( )8. Australia has got the biggest iron mines in the world. ( )9. The milk has been kept for too long; it has gone sour. ( )1)As a nation, Australia has a history of only one hundred years. It _.2) Australia produces metals, precious stones, coal and iron. It _.Read the facts about Australia and write an “S-V-P” sentence to describe each subject.is a young nationis rich in natural resources3) Australia has an area as large as the USA. It _.4) Australians mostly use English as their national language. English_ _.is almost as large as the USAis the first language inAustralia5) You may find many differences between Australian English and British English. Australian English _ _.6) The Koala bear has large ears, small eyes and a big nose. It _.is different from British Englishlooks very funny / is a lovely animal7) You may often see Australians drinking beers or lemonade together. Australians _ _.8) Most Australians love outings. Outings _.are fond of drinkingbeers and lemonade togetherare popular in Australia Read through this paragraph and underline all the predicatives. 1. A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he was a good jumper, the zoo authorities increased the height of the fence around him, but, the next morning, the kangaroo was out of his enclosure again. Revising useful structures So the keepers solution was to build an even higher barrier. However, the next morning, the result was disappointing - the kangaroo was not in his enclosure. The authorities, being desperate, increased the height of the fence again and again and it was soon over forty metres high. A camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, “How high do you think theyll go?” The kangaroo said, “ Thats a good question. It seems to me, theyll just keep going higher until somebody remembers to shut the gate at night!” Underline the predicatives in this conversation and then practise it with a partner.2.KIM: The meat seems to be shrinking!SAM: Maybe theres too much fat in it. KIM: What can I do?SAM: Its probably the wrong kind of meat for a barbecue. The best thing is to cook it very slowly.KIM: You know, it smells strange too.SAM: Is it rotten? Lets smell. Hey! This isnt steak! KIM: So, what is it?SAM: Where did you get it?KIM: It was in the bottom of the fridge.SAM: Oh, no! Thats the dogs meat!KIM: Are you sure?Ex.1 on P701. The only thing he can do is _ as far away as possible and never return. (run)2. My problem is _ someone who could fix my computer. (find)3. Her first job was _ the walls in the kitchen. (paint)runfinding / to findpainting / to paint4. You cant go that way because the bridge on highway 19 is _. (close)5. The table at the front of the room was _ for the brides family. (reserve)6. In an emergency, the most important thing is _ calm. (stay)closedreservedstaying / to stayEx.2 on P701. As she watched them arguing, they _ to get more and more angry.2. Please _ in your seats until the plane stops. remain keep sound fall seem become prove begin appear be remainappeared / seemed3. I dont know why I did it but it _ a good idea at the time.4. I am sure he will _ to be an excellent student.5. Her cough _ serious and I decided to call a doctor.seemedprovesounded6. The room _ so hot I found it difficult to stop myself _ asleep.7. Playing basketball _ an excellent way to _ fit.8. Everybody _ to be having a good time at the wedding breakfast.keepbecamefallingseemedisReview复习表语:复习表语:1. 表语的定义、位置;表语的定义、位置;2. 可以用作表语的有名词、代词、数可以用作表语的有名词、代词、数 词、形容词、副词、介词短语、词词、形容词、副词、介词短语、词 组、动词不定式、组、动词不定式、-ing形式、过去形式、过去 分词和从句等。分词和从句等。Individual activity1. It isnt socially _ for parents to leave children unattended at that age. (2007山东山东) A. accessible B. adorable C. adaptable D. acceptable2. Do you need any help, Lucy? Yes, The job is _ I could do myself. (2007福建福建) A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more thanQuiz I: Multiple choice 3. This magazine is very _ with young people, who like its content and style. (2007湖北湖北) A. familiar B. popular C. similar D. particular4. The traditional view is _ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so. (2007上海上海) A. when B. why C. whether D. that5. The last time we had great fun was _ we were visiting the Water Park. (2008天津天津) A. where B. how C. when D. why 6. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop. (2009四川四川) A. seated B. seating C. to seat D. seat 7. So sudden _ that the enemy had no time to escape. (2009山东山东) A. did the attack B. the attack did C. was the attack D. the attack was 8. The little girl who got lost decided to remain _ she was and wait for her mother. (2009山东山东) A. where B. what C. how D. who 9. Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. (2010陕西陕西) A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure10. I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. Thats _ I dont agree. You should have a more active life. (2010江苏江苏) A. where B. how C. when D. what Quiz II: Translation(be ) on a course (be) out of work (be) of interest (be) in ones 30s (be) with me (be) on ones hands and knees (be) at ones best (be) of help 1. 桑迪已经失业半年桑迪已经失业半年, 没有能力养家糊口没有能力养家糊口了。了。2. 这是一本各类读者都会感兴趣的小说。这是一本各类读者都会感兴趣的小说。Sandy has been out of work for half a year and is unable to support his family.This is a novel that will be of interest to a wide range of readers.3. 如果我能帮上什么忙如果我能帮上什么忙, 就告诉我。就告诉我。4. 阿瑟已经三十多岁了阿瑟已经三十多岁了, 还没有开始自还没有开始自 己的事业。己的事业。Let me know if I can be of any help to you.Arthur is already in his 30s and hasnt started a career yet.5. 下一步把这个放在机器的这个位置。下一步把这个放在机器的这个位置。你们听明白了吗?你们听明白了吗?6. 我认为五月的颐和园是最美的。我认为五月的颐和园是最美的。Next you put this into the machine here. Are you with me?In my opinion, the Summer Palace is at its best in May.The last time I saw him was Friday night. He was on his hands and knees searching for something in his laboratory.8. 这个月凯西一直在上缝纫课。这个月凯西一直在上缝纫课。Cathy has been on a sewing course all this month.7. 我最后一次见到他是周五晚上我最后一次见到他是周五晚上, 当时他当时他 正趴在实验室的地上在找什么东西。正趴在实验室的地上在找什么东西。Review the Grammar.


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