高中英语Unit4 Unforgettable experiencesReading课件旧人教第一册上

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floodEarthquakeearthquakefirelightningvolcanohill slideTraffic accidentDroughtTyphoonSCANNINGSequencesThe words and expressions that are used to describe the terrible floodThe words and expressions that are used to describe their struggle to escapeFirsta loud noise,a terrible roar,a wall of water,advance quickly towardsshout,run,wave ones arm,seize ones armNextThenwavesweep downswallowdrag . towardscold as ice,flow faster than a riverpull sb. up,hold onto,struggle,get on ones feet,fight forWhen getting to the stepsanother great roar shakeBoom! another wave strikethe water move up like a searun,get to the step,open the hall doorWhen getting to the stepslike a wild river sweep past water (3 meters deep) cut down the wild waterdestroy/sweep awayclimb stairs,run up,look for the chimneyFinallya terrible noise,go throughrush to/climb the chimney,get rescued (imagination)WORDSroarmass struggleadvancea very big noisea large but nonspecific amount or numberto move or progress with difficultyto move or cause to move forwardEXPLANATION1. before 还没来得及还没来得及就就e.g. Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. Before they reached the house, a new great wave came, sweeping down trees.2. There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. 在那里,她看见一堵墙似的洪水快速在那里,她看见一堵墙似的洪水快速 地朝她涌来。地朝她涌来。 1) wall of fire/water: a tall mass of something such as fire or water, that stops anything from getting past. The boat was hit by a wall of water. 巨浪击打着小船。巨浪击打着小船。2) advance n.(forward movement or development) 前进;进展;进行前进;进展;进行 in advance 预先,事先预先,事先 pay in advance 预先付款预先付款 stop the enemys advance 阻止敌军前进阻止敌军前进e.g. You cannot stop the advance of old age. China has made great advances in industry. There have been great advances in space travel in the last 20 years. v. (move forward or develop) 前进;进前进;进 步;晋级;进展步;晋级;进展e.g. The soldiers advanced toward the town. Scientific knowledge has greatly advanced since the 16th century. He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position. A month has passed and the work has not advanced. 3. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. 然而然而, 还没有来得及细想还没有来得及细想, 洪水就向洪水就向她扑来。她扑来。 think twice: have a think about what to do next 三思三思, 再三考虑再三考虑4. hold on to 1)to keep your hands or arms tightly around something so that it cannot move or you cannot falle.g. Hold on to the tree or youll fall!2) to keep something by not losing it, selling it, or having it taken from you. e.g. I think Ill hold on to the CDs, but you can have the tapes.5. pull up: to come to a stop e.g. The car pulled up at the traffic lights. pull up ones socks 奋发图强奋发图强6. look into into: in a particular direction e.g. Please speak directly into the microphone. look into: 调查;观察调查;观察 e.g. The police have received the letter, and theyre looking into it. 7. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three meters deep. 一棵一棵的树被起码有三米深的洪水一棵一棵的树被起码有三米深的洪水冲倒。冲倒。 1)句中句中“must have done”表对过去所表对过去所发发 生事情的推测。生事情的推测。 e.g. It must have rained last night, for the ground was wet this morning. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为今天早上昨晚肯定下雨了,因为今天早上地面全是湿的。地面全是湿的。 I must have been asleep when you called me last night. 昨晚你给我打电话的时候,我肯昨晚你给我打电话的时候,我肯定睡着了。定睡着了。 注意注意 1) 带有表示推测的带有表示推测的must构成反意疑构成反意疑问句时,在反意疑问句中不出现问句时,在反意疑问句中不出现must. 反意疑问句与其后的动词保反意疑问句与其后的动词保持一致。持一致。 e.g. You must be tied, arent you? 2) 如果是如果是must have done 结构,反意结构,反意问句的谓语动词常有两种情况:问句的谓语动词常有两种情况:didnt 或或have/hasnt?。若有过。若有过去时间状语一般用过去时。去时间状语一般用过去时。 e.g. Li Tao must have picked up English three years ago, didnt he? Smith must have got to London by now, hasnt he?2) must have done表对过去所发生事情表对过去所发生事情的肯定性推测的肯定性推测, 如果是否定性的推测如果是否定性的推测, 要用要用cant /couldnt have done。 e.g. You couldnt have seen the play last week. 你不可能在上周看了这部戏。你不可能在上周看了这部戏。3) may/might have done也是对过去事情也是对过去事情的推测,但把握性不大。的推测,但把握性不大。 e.g. They may have finished the work. 他们也许已完成了工作。他们也许已完成了工作。注意:注意: might have done 和和could have done还还有有“本可以做(实际没做)本可以做(实际没做)”之意。之意。e.g. You might at least have answered my letter. 你本可以给我回信。你本可以给我回信。 You could have made greater progress. 你本可以取得更大的进步。你本可以取得更大的进步。4) should (ought to) have done表示表示“本本应该做,但并没有做。应该做,但并没有做。”用用ought to语气强一些。语气强一些。 e.g. I should have thought of it. 我本应该想到这一点。我本应该想到这一点。 We ought to have given you more help. 我们本应该给你更多的帮助。我们本应该给你更多的帮助。 They shouldnt have left so soon. 他们本不该那么快离开。他们本不该那么快离开。5) neednt have done表示表示“不必做的事不必做的事情却做了情却做了” There was plenty of time. He neednt have hurried. 当时时间还很充足,他本没有必要那当时时间还很充足,他本没有必要那么匆忙的。么匆忙的。8. fright frighten vt.:to make someone feel afraidDont do that, you are frightening me. frighten sb. to death frightened adj.:feeling afraidIll be frightened to look out of the airplane window.frightening adj. : making you feel afraid or nervous e.g. It is frightening to think how easily students can be hurt.9. around the corner 在拐角处在拐角处; 即将到来即将到来 e.g. 1) - Where is the post office? - Just around the corner. 2) Our success is around the corner.10. strike 1) 打,敲,击打,敲,击 The boy struck the man with a stick. 2) 攻击,袭击攻击,袭击 We will strike the enemy at night. 3) (某种想法某种想法) 忽然出现忽然出现, 忽然想起忽然想起 It strikes us that you are wrong.4) 给(人)某种印象给(人)某种印象They were struck by its speed.5) 罢工罢工They are striking for higher pay.go on strike/be on strike6) (钟钟)敲敲(响响)The clock has struck twelve.Twelve has struck.发生发生失火失火倒塌倒塌砍倒砍倒把把往上拖往上拖指的是指的是为争取为争取而斗争而斗争 take place on fire fall down cut down pullup refer to fight for Key Phrases和和斗争斗争算出算出切断切断通过通过, ,经受经受失去家园失去家园抓住机会抓住机会struggle withwork out cut offgo throughlose ones homeseize the opportunity获得机会获得机会被困在被困在中中自然灾害自然灾害带着带着的神色的神色做做的最后期限的最后期限信不信由你信不信由你get the chancebe caught innatural disasterwith a look ofthe deadline forbelieve it or not1. Retell the story with the help of the table, using First, Next, Then and Finally.2. Focus on language problems and find out your difficulties and underline useful expressions.HomeworkHomework


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