初中英语第六册Unit 3课件3

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Xianhua Foreign Language School Ying Xianhong一教材内容分析一教材内容分析本模块我们可以领略到风景绮丽,物产丰本模块我们可以领略到风景绮丽,物产丰富的澳大利亚风光。我们可以走进雄伟壮丽的富的澳大利亚风光。我们可以走进雄伟壮丽的悉尼歌剧院,走近景色迷人的海滨浴场,走近悉尼歌剧院,走近景色迷人的海滨浴场,走近活泼可爱的的袋鼠。在欣赏美丽风光的过程中,活泼可爱的的袋鼠。在欣赏美丽风光的过程中,我们将要学习理解一个新的语法知识我们将要学习理解一个新的语法知识定语定语从句。掌握它,我们可以把家乡、把澳大利亚从句。掌握它,我们可以把家乡、把澳大利亚的风光描述的更生动,更形象。的风光描述的更生动,更形象。 二、学情分析二、学情分析1、学生对有关动物和旅行方面的话题已有所了解,在、学生对有关动物和旅行方面的话题已有所了解,在七年级就已经接触过澳大利亚的袋鼠,八年级已经学七年级就已经接触过澳大利亚的袋鼠,八年级已经学习了有关旅行方面的知识。所以学生对本模块的话题习了有关旅行方面的知识。所以学生对本模块的话题既熟悉又感兴趣。既熟悉又感兴趣。2、学生对句子结构有所了解,八年级掌握了简单句句、学生对句子结构有所了解,八年级掌握了简单句句型和一些状语从句。因此本模块的定语从句的语法教型和一些状语从句。因此本模块的定语从句的语法教学有一定的基础,可采用对比教学和整合教学的形式学有一定的基础,可采用对比教学和整合教学的形式来组织。来组织。三、设计思路三、设计思路 本模块教学我将按分层教学理念来设计。由浅入深,本模块教学我将按分层教学理念来设计。由浅入深,层层深入。由最简单的听力信息辨认向理解社会意义层层深入。由最简单的听力信息辨认向理解社会意义深入;由阅读的信息辨认向理解文中语用信息或社会深入;由阅读的信息辨认向理解文中语用信息或社会意义深入;由最简单的辨认向整体把握文章的主题思意义深入;由最简单的辨认向整体把握文章的主题思想发展,步步为营,逐步提高学生的综合运用能力。想发展,步步为营,逐步提高学生的综合运用能力。四、学习策略四、学习策略1. 先学后教,督促学生做好课前预习。鼓励学生积极参与,收集资料,提高动手能力。2. 语法教学注重观察、推理、归纳。通过观察建立感性认识,通过推理理解语法结构,通过归纳掌握语法规律。3.倡导活动中学习,以活动推动教学,丰富教学. 五、教学目标五、教学目标1、语言知识目标、语言知识目标(1)能够运用定语从句(关系代词能够运用定语从句(关系代词that)来形容和描述人和事物)来形容和描述人和事物的性状的性状。(2)能正确使用下列单词和词组能正确使用下列单词和词组 southern,hand , with, way, on, sheep, spend , few, both have a look at ,,a photo of,,write a letter to sb., in the south of, the next day, be used as, be/get used to , be proud to do , bothand 2、语言技能目标、语言技能目标 能听懂有关旅游话题的节目,获取对话中的主要信息和细节;能描述异国风光,发表看法,谈自己的喜好;了解风土人情;明白文章的主旨大意,提高理解文章结构的技能;能运用定语从句来描述对象。3、情感目标、情感目标 通过了解异国风情,来拓宽视野,丰富情感。4、文化意识目标、文化意识目标 了解不同国家的风土人情,领会民族精神。六、教学重点,难点六、教学重点,难点教学重点:教学重点: 学习和了解澳大利亚的风土人情,包括土著学习和了解澳大利亚的风土人情,包括土著人、生活方式、天气、语言等方面。人、生活方式、天气、语言等方面。教学难点:教学难点: 定语从句(关系词为定语从句(关系词为that)七、课时安排七、课时安排Period One: Unit 1 Period Two: Unit 2Period Three: Unit 3 (Activity 1- 6)Period Four: Unit 3 (Activity7-12)Period One Unit1 Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia.Step 1. Have a try Do you know which country it is and whereit is?AustraliaSouthernl What can you see there? What can you see there?l What else do you know What else do you know about Australia? about Australia?Step 2 Listen and check.Play the tape and check the answers to Activity 1. 1. Australia.2. Sydney Opera House.3. Sharks.STEP 3 LISTEN AND READ 1. Listen the whole conversation once and find out the main idea : (1) Who are talking ?(2) Which country are they talking about?Tony and his father. Tony and his father. Australia.Australia.2. Listen to the first part (from “the beginning” to “ writing a letter to mum and you”) and answer.(1) Why does Tony want his dads photos of Australia ?Because Tony is doing a project about Because Tony is doing a project about countries that they want to visit ,countries that they want to visit ,and hes going to write about Australia .and hes going to write about Australia .No ,he doesnt.No ,he doesnt.(2) Does he know where to find them? 3.Listen to the middle part (from “well” to “ no crocodiles” ) Finish Activity 4Photo1234NameUluruSydney Opera HouseShark Kangaroos Placein the centre of AustraliaIn Sydneyon the Great Barrier Reefon the way back from UluruDetailspecial huge rockIts like a huge sailing boat with water on three sides.amazingjump alongside the car4. Listen to the end of the conversation ,answer Q3-Q6 of Activity5(1) They are great(1) They are great.(2) There is a photo competition that he(2) There is a photo competition that he wants to win. wants to win.(3) Yes ,he is. (3) Yes ,he is. (4) Yes ,he does.(4) Yes ,he does.5.Books open ,listen to the whole conversation again, ask them to finish Activity 61. Tony is looking for the photos that his dad took in Australia because heis dong a project about countries that he wants to visit. 5.Books open ,listen to the whole conversation again, ask them to finish Activity 62. Tony is going to write a letter to his mum and dad that describeswhat he saw on the Great Barrier Reff.5.Books open ,listen to the whole conversation again, ask them to finish Activity 63. He likes the photo that showshe has been to Australia.5.Books open ,listen to the whole conversation again, ask them to finish Activity 64. The kangaroos that Tonys dad saw were jumping alongside the car on their way back from Uluru. What are you up to? Would you like a hand ? Have a look at these. On our way back I bet you do! Give me a hand. Give me a five.Step 4 Difficult Pattern .Were doing a project about countries that we want to visit.关系词关系词先行词先行词 定语从句定语从句 Theres a photo competition that I want to win. 关系词关系词先行词先行词定语从句定语从句Step 5.One student shows the photo of his/her favourite place, the other student helps him make notes about them. Its called Mount Tai.It lies in Shandong Province.It is one of the Five Mountains in China.Its our motherland. It lies in the east of the world. It has the largest population in the world.STEP 6 HOMEWORKThink of somewhere you have visited and which you liked .Make notes about the place you have saw there. Then make a short conversation with your partnerabout the place you have chosen . Period 2Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper.读前准备活动读前准备活动 布置学生查找、收集有关澳大利亚的资料,具体可从以下布置学生查找、收集有关澳大利亚的资料,具体可从以下方面入手:方面入手: 1.居民居民 2.物产物产 3.运动运动 4.地理气候地理气候 5.生活方式生活方式 6.名胜古迹名胜古迹 7.名人等名人等Step 1 Leadingin (prereading )1. Revise Dialogue 3 of unit 1.2. Guessing ( Group work )Guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. Show the photos and learn the new words.helicoptergrapehamwinelambsurfingcricketcricketrugbyAyers Rockcoast/beachcountrysideoutbackdesertSTEP 2 READING 1. Skimming (1)Where and when is Tony writing (1)Where and when is Tony writing his letter? his letter?(2)How long has he had his trip?(2)How long has he had his trip?(3) What about his trip?(3) What about his trip?Step IV Homework 1. Wb. Activity 3 2. What were your family doing at 7 yesterday evening ? 2. Reading in groups Every group reads each Every group reads each paragraph and search the paragraph and search the headings and notes. headings and notes. ParagraphsHeadingsNotesP1P2P3P4P5Uluru The AboriginesAustralian lifestyleWeatherLanguageEvents during the tripthe Aboriginal name for Ayers Rock the first people of Australiabe similar to English peoples life ,enjoy food and sport. the season is opposite and be full of sunshine Englishmeet a camel with a bad temper3. ScanningFinish Activity 5 Answers: (1) (3)(5)(6)(7) (2)(4)4. Careful reading Finish Activity 61.purple,red 2.helicopter ,plane3. sheep ,camel 4.grapes ,lamb ,ham and wine 5.football ,cricket, rugby, swimming and surfing 6. rocks, sand, desert, field ,hill, outback, beach5. USEFUL EXPRESSIONStake a helicopter tour over the rock be surprised atchange from purple to red be similar tosome special expressionshave a bad temper keep lying down Step 3: Competition timeEvery group reads one paragraph, then recite it out and try to express the main idea .Step 4: Make a surveyAsk the students to make a survey about our hometown , search the following information :the people the traditional life countryside foodspecial culture places of interestlanguageStep5 : Writing (Homework) Imagine our foreign teacher Jack Smith willcome to our hometown sometime next week ,please send an email to him to show him around our hometown. 1. Read the passage and check the main ideas of each paragraph. (Activity 3)2. Read the passage and answer the Qs. (Activity 5)ReadingUnit 3 ( Activity 16 )Step 1: Warmingup Revise Tonys letter ,retell it to the class with the following cluesl the people lifestyle l countryside food l language events during the trip.Step 2: Reading 1. Read the passage and underline all the examples of that. 2. Read the passage again and answer the following questions.(1)How many beaches are there in Australia ?(2)Which is the most famous ?(3)Why is it so famous? Step 3: Practice Finish Activity(23)Step 4 Grammar定语从句定语从句1. 修饰某一名词或代词,或修饰整个主句的从句叫定语从句,修饰某一名词或代词,或修饰整个主句的从句叫定语从句,它的作用相当于形容词,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫它的作用相当于形容词,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关系代词有系代词有that ,which,who ,whom,掌握它们在从句中,掌握它们在从句中作主语和宾语的用法即可。作主语和宾语的用法即可。2. 关系词关系词that既可以指人也可以指物,在以下情况下,先行既可以指人也可以指物,在以下情况下,先行词必须用词必须用that。(1)当先行词是不定代词时当先行词是不定代词时;(2)当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时;(3)当先行词被不定式修饰时当先行词被不定式修饰时;(4)当先行词被当先行词被the very ,the only等修饰时等修饰时;(5)当先行词既有人又有物时。当先行词既有人又有物时。 Step 5 Join the sentences with “ that”.Finish Activity 4 1. Uluru is the big rock that is also known as Ayers Rock.2. Sydney Opera House was a symbol of Australia that was used as the official symbol of the 2000 Olympics. 3. Australia is the country that most people would like to visit.4. Some of the words that Australians use are very different.5. Mr Li that came to our party has lived in Australia for 50 years.Step 6: Complete the conversation ,using that .A: Do you want to see my photos?B : What photos?A: The photos thatI took in Australia .1. A: What surprised you most in Australia ? B: The thing most was the weather!that surprised me2. A: What do you call that famous Australian animal ? The one B: Oh, you mean a kangaroo.that jumps about. 3. A: Whats the name of that dangerous animal? B: The one ? Thats a crocodile.that is dangerousAsk the students to do similar dialogues in pairs.Ask the students to do similar dialogues in pairs.Step 7 :Guessing Game This is an animal that you can find in the Great Barrier Reef.Look at the example. Fold it up after each clue.Then show it to your partner. How many guesses does This is an animal that lives in the sea.This is an animal that lives in the sea.heshe need?This is an animal that is often grey.This is an animal that has big teeth.Its a very big fish!Step 8 Group work Look at the example and make 23 puzzles about something you like every group , then show your puzzles to the class and let them guess . Step 9 :Homework Make a survey about your classmates or your family members.A: Where will you go for your holiday?B: Id like to go to places that . Period 4 Unit 3(Activity712) Step 1: Warming up AustraliafoodactivityanimalvisitorgrapelambhamsharkcamelcrocodileKangarooNational ParkoperaswimmingridingentertainmentComplete the conversation with the correct formof the phrases in the box. Step 2: Lets practise 1. over there2. as soon as 3. similar to 4. at once Step 3: Around the w rld Read the passage and discuss in groups.2. What kind of success did she get?3. What she did attracted most to us?1.Whos the passage about ?What did she do?4.What can we learn from her?Step 4: Module TaskDiscuss how to make a poster.1. 有一个鲜明的主题有一个鲜明的主题;2. 图文并茂图文并茂;3. 语言简练,画龙点睛语言简练,画龙点睛.Read through Activity 10 ,then ask the Ss to collect information after class in groups.Then make different posters of the English speaking countries.Display the posters of Australia to the class.Display the posters of Australia to the class.


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