高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 The world of our senses课件 牛津译林版必修3

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高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 The world of our senses课件 牛津译林版必修3_第1页
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高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 The world of our senses课件 牛津译林版必修3_第3页
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模块三模块三Unit 1Unit 1The world of our sensesThe world of our senses-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234561.observe vt.观察;遵守;庆祝派生observation n.观察;观测observer n.观察者;观察员领悟高考究考法诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)He observed that Homer was still admired after two thousand years.(2015天津,阅读理解)他看到两千年后,荷马依然受到钦佩。(2)The speed limit must be strictly observed.速度限制必须严格遵守。(3)Do they observe Christmas Day in that country?那个国家的人过圣诞节吗?78-13-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-14-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456体会语境辨词义用watch,notice,observe,see,look填空He observed stars all his life.You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long rest.You sit there and watch the sea.If you notice that someone is missing,tell your teacher immediately.(2014四川,短文改错)Dear me! Somebody has left the lab door open.Dont look at me.(2014江苏,单项填空)When she opened her eyes and saw her dog standing beside her.(2012陕西,完形填空)The old people in the village still observe the custom of mourning for those who have been dead for three days.78-15-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-16-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456782.approach vi.&vt.靠近;着手处理n.方法;靠近;入口领悟高考究考法诵读或完成句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)Many people dont dare to approach nature any more.(2014天津,阅读理解)许多人不敢再接近自然了。(2)Im not sure how to approach the problem.我不能确信如何解决这个问题。-17-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-18-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456783.hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决派生 hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇hesitant adj.迟疑的,踌躇的领悟高考究考法诵读或完成句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)But I wouldnt hesitate to spend on a good haircut.(2013课标全国,阅读理解)但是花钱弄个好发型我是不会犹豫的。(2)A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation.一个男子立刻冲到女孩那儿对她进行急救,我毫不犹豫地加入其中。-19-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-20-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456784.relief n.宽慰;减轻;救济派生 relieve v.解除,减轻领悟高考究考法诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)At last we got to a Russian town.To our relief,they spoke English.最后我们到达了一个俄罗斯小镇,令我们感到庆幸的是,他们说英语。(2)The professor looked at the childrens works with relief.教授欣慰地看着那些孩子们的作品。(3)A secretary was hired to relieve him of the paper work.已雇用了一名秘书来减轻他的文案工作。-21-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-22-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456785.reduce vt.&vi. 减少;减缩派生 reduction n.减少;缩小领悟高考究考法诵读句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)The EP will not reduce oxygen in the room.(2013北京,阅读理解)这种EP手提加热器不会减少房间里的氧气。(2)The UK promises to reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050.(2014湖南,阅读理解)英国许诺到2050年为止其碳排放量要降低80%。-23-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-24-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456786.recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认派生 recognition n.认出;认识;公认领悟高考究考法诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)Thinking more about Kens words,I gradually recognized the root cause of such disagreement.(2014辽宁,完形填空)仔细考虑肯说的话,我逐渐认识到了这种争执的根本原因。(2)It is recognized that environmental pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.人们一致认为环境污染已经成了人们面临的最严重的问题之一。-25-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678(3)She suggested that Dale join the debating team,believing that practice in speaking could give him the confidence and recognition that he needed.(2014江苏,完形填空)她建议戴尔参加辩论小组,认为通过练习演讲可以让他获得他需要的自信和认可。-26-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-27-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456787.ignore vt.忽视,不顾派生ignorance n.无知ignorant adj.无知的,愚昧的领悟高考究考法诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)Out of a total of 17 groups,only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees.(2014安徽,阅读理解)在总共17组中,只有一组忽视愤怒蜜蜂的声音。(2)He had completely ignored her remarks,preferring his own theory.他完全不理睬她的话,更喜欢他自己的理论。-28-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678(3)His behaviour showed his ignorance of/about law.他的行为表明了他对法律的无知。(4)Many school-leavers are ignorant of/about the range of job opportunities.许多毕业生对工作机会的范围无知。-29-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-30-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678体会语境辨词义用ignore,neglect,overlook填空We overlook the church from our house.If he tries to start an argument,just ignore him.It is easy to overlook the role that your body plays in influencing your mood.(2013重庆,完形填空)You neglected to mention that they had a second album released during 1991.-31-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-32-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123456788.attach vt.使连在一起;认为重要;把附在上领悟高考究考法诵读句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)I admitted he was right and in a few minutes,the two devices were attached to the handlebars of my bicycle.(2012湖北,完形填空)我承认他是正确的,而且几分钟之内,这两种装置就附在我自行车的把上了。(2)Status is the honor or respect attached to a persons position in society.(2013陕西,阅读理解)身份就是对一个人的社会地位的崇尚和尊重。(3)To be honest,a large number of people attach great importance to having power.说实话,很多人认为有权很重要。-33-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345678-34-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.单句语法填空1.She observed a man walking on the opposite side of the road.(observe)2.She answered without a moments hesitation.(hesitate)3.He devoted himself to relieving the famine.(relief)4.The country will be recognized as an independent state.(recognize)5.I regret my ignorance on the subject.(ignore)-35-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.根据汉语意思完成句子1.她对定期锻炼极为重视。She attached great importance to regular exercise.2.我如此痛苦、如此愤怒,以至于忽视了房子的问题。I had been so sad and angry that I completely ignored the house.3.我们都认为他是一个好老师。We all recognize him as a good teacher.-36-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训4.如果你碰巧出差到北京,别犹豫给我打电话,我们可以聚聚。If you happen to come to Beijing on business,dont hesitate to call me and then we can get together.5.暴风雨即将来临时,许多昆虫在空中飞舞。At the approach of the storm large numbers of insects fly in the sky.-37-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1231.glance at 扫视领悟高考究考法完成或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)Glancing at the watch,she told him the time.她看了一下表,告诉他几点钟了。(2)Before going to work,I used to glance at the newspaper headlines.过去上班之前,我习惯浏览一下报纸的大标题。-38-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-39-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-40-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1232.set off 出发;前往;引爆领悟高考究考法诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)The four-year-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields.(2015陕西,阅读理解)那只四岁的狗开始跟在绵羊的后面跑过了几片地。(2)Having said goodbye to their friends,they set off for Paris.他们向朋友告别后,就动身去巴黎了。 (3)The enemy tank truck caught fire and set off a chain of explosions.敌人的油罐车着了火,引起了一连串的爆炸。-41-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1233.pay back 报答;偿还(债款)领悟高考究考法翻译或诵读句子,体会黑体部分含义:(1)I must remember to pay you back for the concert tickets.我必须记住把买音乐会票的钱还给您。(2)Have I paid you back the $50 you lent me for those books?你借给我买那些书的50美元我还了没有?-42-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-43-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.用恰当的介词或者副词填空1.I didnt read the whole paper.I just glanced at the headlines.2.How can I pay you back for all your kindness?3.I just happened to run into an old friend in a hotel.4.I was sitting quietly reading when all of a sudden a stone came through the window.5.When I could find no way out,he reached out a helping hand.6.I spoke slowly but I cant get my meaning across.-44-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.短语填空1.She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better.2.I said I should be sick,and that I must watch out for symptoms.3.Many shareholders stepped out when the business was at a low point.4.We should make the most of our spare time.get acrossset offwatch out forwarm upstep outtake ones advicereach outin sightwish formake the most of-45-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训5.Lets do some exercises to warm up a bit.6.If you take my advice,you wont tell anyone about this.7.If you want to catch that train youd better set off for the station immediately.8.Dont you want to just reach out and pinch it?Its so cute.9.The bridge was destroyed so we couldnt get across the river.10.The land came in sight after we had sailed for ten days.-46-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1231.Once out in the street,she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.一来到街上,她就迅速地走向平时去的公交车站。分析提炼究考法(1)once 可作从属连词,意为“一(旦)就”,可以引导条件状语从句。从句中常用一般现在时或现在完成时表将来。(2)once也可引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”,相当于as soon as。-47-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123领悟考法用考点分析句子结构,体会黑体部分含义:(1)No matter how attractive they look in the store,once I get them home theyre unfailingly dry,hard,and tasteless.不管它们在商店里是多么的吸引人,一旦我买到家,它们永远又干又硬、没有味道。(2)I believe you will have a wonderful time here once you get to know everyone else.(2015陕西,单项填空)我坚信,一旦你认识了所有的人,你在这会很开心的。(3)Once people begin to volunteer,what leads them to remain in their positions over time?(2015江苏,阅读理解)一旦人们开始参加志愿活动,什么会使得他们一直这样下去呢?-48-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123完成句子(1)一旦出版,这本词典将会非常畅销!Once printed,this dictionary will be in great demand popular!(2)一旦失去,你就再也得不到它了。Once it is gone,you will never get it back.-49-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1232.Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人。分析提炼究考法(1)find表示“发现”时,其后可接各种形式的复合结构:宾语+名词/形容词/副词/不定式/现在分词/介词短语。其后有时可接that从句。(2)find oneself主要用法:后接宾语补足语,含有出乎意料的意味,表示(突然)发现自己处于某种状态或来到某地方。表示发现自己的真实能力、性格、愿望等。指某人身体方面的自我感觉。-50-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123领悟考法用考点分析句子结构,体会黑体部分含义:(1)Being fond of someone seems to have a number of factors,including seeing something we find attractive.(2015上海,完形填空)喜欢一个人似乎有许多因素,包括看到了我们觉得吸引人的东西。(2)Like ancient sailors,birds can find their way using the sun and the stars.(2015重庆,单项填空)就像古代的水手一样,鸟儿可以利用太阳和星星来找到自己的路。(3)You wont find paper cutting difficult as long as you keep practicing it.(2015北京,单项填空)只要你坚持练习,你就不会觉得剪纸很难了。-51-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123完成句子(1)你会发现它是一本难懂的书。Youll find it to be a difficult book.(2)我们发现这个故事很有趣。We find the story very interesting.(3)我到她家发现她不在家。I went to her house but I found her out. (4)他发现这个城市发生了巨大的变化。He found the city much changed.(5)他醒来时发现自己在医院里。He woke up and found himself in hospital.(6)今天你觉得身体怎样?How do you find yourself today?-52-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1233.In the second type,the shark pushes you with its nose to find out if you are fit to be eaten,and then bites you if it thinks you are.在第二种情形中,鲨鱼会用鼻子推搡你,以弄清楚你是否适合被食用,如果它觉得适合,便会咬你。分析提炼究考法(1)if引导宾语从句时,作“是否”讲,常放在动词ask,see,say,know和find out等后面。从句应和主句的时态保持一致。(2)由if引导的条件状语从句表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生。if从句还表示一种虚拟的条件或假设,从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时。-53-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123(3)其他表示条件的连词:unless conj.除非,若不,除非在的时候on condition(that).在条件下,如果supposing 如果,假如provided假如,除非,以为条件-54-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123领悟考法用考点分析句子结构,体会黑体部分含义:(1)If we fail to do so,well live to regret it.(2015课标全国,短文改错)如果我们没有这样做,会抱憾终生的。(2)I really dont know if the public is ready for this.(2015陕西,阅读理解)我真的不知道公众是否为此做好了准备。(3)It is so cold that you cant go outside unless fully covered in thick clothes.(2015江苏,单项填空)外面很冷,你不能出去,除非裹上厚厚的衣服。-55-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123完成句子(1)没有人知道明天是否下雨。Nobody knows if it will rain tomorrow.(2)我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保守秘密。I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.(3)除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。Unless it rains,the game will be played.(4)如果没有堵车,我会到得早一点儿。I would have arrived earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic.-56-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训单句语法填空1.While driving(drive),dont forget the traffic lights.2.When I woke up,I found myself lying(lie)in a bed.3.He is known to have been(be)very curious about different kinds of machines.4.If you ask him,he will help(help)you.5.If I were(be)you,I would go with him.


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