七年级英语上册 Module 8 Different habits教学课件 外研版

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Module 8 Different habitsdifferent habitCard presentalways usuallyNever send get OKcardMatch the words with the pictures cake present party card food drinkMatch the words: eat get give have send go make a present a cake a birthday card to Tonys party a present a birthday party a cakebirthday:party present cake card SamWang DongGets presentHave a partyMake a cakeGet a card+-+-+alwaysalwaysusuallyusuallyoftenoftennevernever+ +- - always/ usually/ often/ never do on your birthday.eat get give go have make e.g:He usually has a party. e.g:He usually has a party. eats a cake eats a cake always gets a present always gets a present usually gives a birthday card usually gives a birthday card He/She often has a birthday party He/She often has a birthday party never goes to Tony never goes to Tonys party s party makes makes Its Tonys birthday on Saturday. We usually send him a birthday card. Lets send him a birthday card. And we often make a cake for his birthday. Yes. Lets make a cake. He loves cakes. OK, and what about a birthday present? Lets give him a computer game. No, he never plays computer games. He often listens to music. Lets give him a CD. He often watches football. Lets go to a football match on Saturday.No, we usually play basketball on Saturday, and we always go to a football match on Sunday.OK,lets have a birthday party. A birthday party! Thats a great idea! Tony always likes parties! 1 Tony usually gets a birthday card. 2 He often has a birthday cake. 3 He usually likes computer games. 4 He never listens to music. 5 He always watches football on Sunday. 6 Listen and repeat./h/ he him his have /r/ read7 Listen and repeatlikes plays watches8 Say these verbs aloud.eats gets likes makes drinksplays loves reads listens does goesWatches washes finishesHomework:1 Put the word in brackets in the correct place in the sentence.1 My uncle makes a cake. (usually)2 She remembers his birthdays. (always)3 She buys presents for all her family. (Often)4 My aunt sends cards. (always)5 My aunt and uncle remember our birthdays. (usually)2 Work is pairs . Check your answers to activity 2.Unit 2 His birthday presents is a cinema ticket. Say these words aloud /ts/ eats gets /s/ likes makes drinks works /z/ plays loves reads listens does goes /iz/ watches washes finishes studies /dz/ readsMatch the words with the pictures a box of chocolates a CD a cinema ticket a magazine a concert ticket A novel A B C D F GMatch the words with the pictures a T-shirt a pair of jeans a pair of trainers a silk shirtA BCD Ea concert ticketa cinema ticketa CDa novela magazinea pair of trainersa silk shirta pair of jeansa T-shirta box of chocolates Choose the correct answers:1. Danings uncle A. watch the football on TV 2. Tonys sister B. wear trainers3. Linglings father C. read books4. Bettys aunt and uncle D. wear silk shirts5. Damings mother E. play the piano1._.2_.3_.4._5._CA/CEBD1.How many people are there in the text?2.Who likes Music?SixTonys sisterListeningNamelikesdoesnt likeoften/always donever doDamingsuncleDamingsmotherTonyssisterLinglingsfatherBettys aunt and uncleReadingfilmsfootballReads books and magazines/Goes to the cinemaCandy clothestable tennis basketballwears silk shirtsgoes to the cinema/wears jeans or trainersmusicgoes to concerts/buy CDsreading novelswatches football on TVgo to a football match/cinemajeans and T-shirts.wear trainers/listen to music/go to concerts/watch TVgo to the cinemaPlease choose presents for them1. Damings uncle: His birthday present is _.2. Damings mother: Her birthday present is _.a cinema ticket / a magazine/a novela box of chocolates /a silk shirt/clothes3. Tonys sister: Her birthday present is _.a CD / a concert ticket4. Linglings father: His birthday present is _.a novel5. Bettys aunt and uncle: Their birthday presents are _ _.a pair of jeans / a T shirt / a pair of trainers and a CD / a concert ticketWrite these sentences with (apostrophe) Damings uncle likes books, but he doesnt like football. Bettys aunt and uncle like the cinema. Their favourite film is Lord of the Rings. Tonys sister often buys CDs by her favourite singers. Linglings father doesnt go to football matches.A test: Damings mother likes_. She never_, and she doesnt like_. She likes_ and she usually_. She never _.candygoes to the cinemaTable tennis or basketballclotheswears silk shirtsWears jeans or trainersDont forget your help in difficult times will also be a wonderful present! 不要忘记在困难时候的帮助也是份极好的礼物!a lot of /lots of(许多许多,大量大量)+可数名词或不可数名词可数名词或不可数名词*但但a lot of /lots of 不能用于否定句。不能用于否定句。否定句中可用否定句中可用many/much1.She loves books. She reads _(大量大量)books.2.Look out! There is _(大量大量) water on the floor.3.I dont have _(大量大量) novels .a lot ofa lot ofmany课堂反馈课堂反馈1.He often does his homework in the evening.(否(否)He _often _his homework in the evening.1.She reads _ _ _(大量大量)books. (同义句(同义句) = She reads _(大量大量) books. There is _ _ _(大量大量) water on the floor.=There is _(大量大量) water on the floor.3.I dont have _(大量大量) novels .4.Lucy usually sends me a birthday card.(同义句(同义句)Lucy usually _a birthday card _me.doesntdoa lot ofmanyalotofmuchmanysendsto Unit 3 To be the best seller To be the best sellerI always listen to music .She usually wears silk shirts.we often make a cake for his birthday.He never plays computer games.Do you often /always/ usually?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. / No, I neverplay the pianoHave a try: 1.I like Britney Spears. Shes _favourite singer. 2.She likes Lord of the Rings. Its _ favourite film.3.We often read. There are a lot of books in _ home.4.Lets make a cake for Tony. Its _birthday.5.Bettys aunt and uncle live in the USA. _home is in Los Angeles.6. This is your cat! Whats _name? myherourhisTheiritsPut the word in brackets in the correctplace in the sentence. I often go to the cinema. He usually plays football on Saturday. She always gets up at 7:00.1. They never speak English at home.频度副词放在行为动词的前面。频度副词放在行为动词的前面。主格主格宾格宾格形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词I memy weusouryouyouyoursheherherhehimhisitititstheythemtheir主格:主格:作主语,后面直接加谓语动词,放在句子开头。作主语,后面直接加谓语动词,放在句子开头。宾格:宾格:作宾语,放在动词或介词后面。作宾语,放在动词或介词后面。形容词性物主代词:形容词性物主代词:后面后面+名词名词 in the UK and the USA people often give flowers , cakes and candy as birthday presents. They dont usually give money or fruit .They always open their presents at once .Talk about your family.My _ likes _. He/She never _ ,and he/she doesnt like _. He/she likes_ and he/she usually _. He/shenever _. Have a try1.My friend _(like) birthdays.2.I always _(invite) her to my parties.3.She always _(invite) me to her parties.4.I _(go) to her parties.5.She _(come) to my parties.6.We _(play) music.7.I _(play) the piano.8.She _(sing).9.We _(have) a good time.likesinviteinvitesgocomesplayplaysingshaveExercises Exercises 1.Kate is a student. 2. Im thirteen.3. They can swim.4. She gets up at 6:00 every morning.5. She doesnt get up at 6:00 every morning.6. Does she get up at 6:00 every morning?表示经常或习惯性的动作、现在的状态、客观存在表示经常或习惯性的动作、现在的状态、客观存在的普遍真理等,常与下列词语连用:的普遍真理等,常与下列词语连用:always / usually / often / sometimes / neveron Sundays / Monday afternoonevery day/ morning / week / month / yearin the morning/ afternoon/evening Grammar 一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时的动词变化形式:一般现在时的动词变化形式:stop usewatch wash go do study carryhave1. 动词动词+ s 2. 以以s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾结尾 + es 3. 以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾改结尾改y为为i +eshas stops uses watches washes goes does studies carrieseat _ say _ wash _ fix _ go _ pass _carry _ fly _ study _ arrive _ believe _ check _cross _ cry _ cut _ develop _ enjoy _ hurt _have _ be _ spend _ eatssayswashesfixesgoespassescarriesfliesstudiesarrivesbelieves checkscrossescriescutsdevelopsenjoyshurtshasisspends用动词的适当形式填空:用动词的适当形式填空: My friend _ (study) in a middle school.2. He _ (go) to bed at nine every day.3. Miss Green likes _ (dance).4. She _ (teach) us English.5. Tony often _ (watch ) TV.6. There _ (be) some meat on it.7. His sister and I _ (have) lunch.8. Do you finish _ (read) the book?9. He _ (not like) the bag.10. Mary _ (buy) many books. studies goes dancing teaches watches is have reading doesnt like buys 用括号所给词的一般现在时形式完成下列句子,并把句用括号所给词的一般现在时形式完成下列句子,并把句子改成否定句。子改成否定句。 I _(live) in Beijing. I dont live in Beijing.2. He _(watch) TV every evening. He doesnt watch TV every evening.3. Li Hong often _(listen) to the music. Li Hong doesnt often listen to the music.4. She _ (feel) happy. She doesnt feel happy.5. They _ (can) play chess. They cant play chess.6. Lily _ (be) from England. Lily isnt from England. livewatcheslistensfeelscanisalways(总是总是), usually(通常通常), often(经常经常) , never(从不从不) 是频度副词,不可以加是频度副词,不可以加s,放在行,放在行为动词之前。为动词之前。1. 我经常在六点半起床。我经常在六点半起床。2. 他通常在星期六上午打篮球。他通常在星期六上午打篮球。3. 他们从来不玩电子游戏。他们从来不玩电子游戏。4. 我们总是在下午踢足球。我们总是在下午踢足球。I often get up at half past six .He usually plays basketball on Saturday morning. They never play computer games .We always play football in the afternoon .1. 我们在八点半吃晚餐。我们在八点半吃晚餐。We _.2. 他们在星期五没有上英语课。他们在星期五没有上英语课。They _ Friday.3. 老师经常跟我交谈。老师经常跟我交谈。The teachers _ .4. Tony 和和Betty 在六点钟起床。在六点钟起床。Tony and Betty _.5. 我在星期天没有做作业。我在星期天没有做作业。I _Sunday.6. 让我们休息一下吧。让我们休息一下吧。Lets _. have dinner at half past eight dont have English on often talk to me get up at six dont do my homework on have a break 1. 我们通常送我们通常送他他一张生日卡片一张生日卡片。 2. 妈妈为妈妈为她她做了做了一个蛋糕一个蛋糕。3. 他给他给我我2份礼物份礼物。We usually send him a birthday card.We usually send a birthday card him.Mother makes her a cake.Mother makes a cake her.He gives me two presents.He gives two presents me.1. 一张卡片,怎样?一张卡片,怎样?2. 去打篮球,怎么样?去打篮球,怎么样?3. 开一个生日晚会,好吗?开一个生日晚会,好吗?4. 他们呢?他们呢?What about a card?What about playing basketball?What about having a birthday party?What about How about“怎么样?怎么样?” “好吗好吗 ”+名词名词+人称代词人称代词宾格宾格+动词动词ingWhat about them?1. _ see a film. A. What about B. Lets C. Would you like2. We often send _ a cake. A. her B. we C. your3. She _ a kite for her sister. A. sends B. makes C. gives4. How about _? A. playing football B. apple C. to watch TV5. Can you give the book _ me? A. of B. for C. to 根据汉语提示完成句子:根据汉语提示完成句子:1. 让我们送他们一些礼物。让我们送他们一些礼物。 Lets_ some presents.2. 在星期天做一个蛋糕怎样?在星期天做一个蛋糕怎样? What _ on Sunday?3. Tony 通常得到一个生日蛋糕。通常得到一个生日蛋糕。Tony _.4. 我妹妹从来不在家里听音乐。我妹妹从来不在家里听音乐。My sister _at home.5. 他哥哥总是喜欢开不同的晚会。他哥哥总是喜欢开不同的晚会。 His brother _ _ . send them about making a cake usually gets a birthday cake never listens to music always likes having different parties6. 我们通常在八点钟上课。我们通常在八点钟上课。 We _ eight.7. 他总是在星期六看足球比赛。他总是在星期六看足球比赛。 He _ Saturday. 8. 她从来不在星期日看电影。她从来不在星期日看电影。 She _ Sunday.9. 我的叔叔不喜欢打乒乓球。我的叔叔不喜欢打乒乓球。 My uncle _ table tennis.10. 他们不去公园。他们不去公园。 They _.usually have lessons atalways watches football matches onnever sees films ondoesnt like playing dont go to park一盒巧克力一盒巧克力一张光盘一张光盘一张电影票一张电影票一张音乐会票一张音乐会票一本杂志一本杂志一本小说一本小说一条牛仔裤一条牛仔裤一对软运动鞋一对软运动鞋一件丝绸衬衫一件丝绸衬衫一件一件T恤恤 a T-shirt a concert ticket a box of chocolate (s) a pair of trainers a pair of jeans a cinema ticket a CD a silk shirt a magazine a novellots of = a lot of manymuch许多,许多,大量大量+可数名词可数名词+不不可数名词可数名词+ 所有名词所有名词1. 他读许多书。他读许多书。 He reads _ books. He reads _ _ books. He reads _ _ _ books.2. 我们有许多水。我们有许多水。 We have got _ water. We have got _ _ water. We have got _ _ _ water.manylots oflots ofmucha lot ofa lot of He makes a cake _ his mother. A. for B. to C. at2. There are a _ apples in the box. A. lot of B. lots of C. /3. How many _ do you have? A. pair of jeans B. pairs of jeans C. pairs of jean4. Give _ that book . A. her B. I C. his 5. Is there _ food in the fridge? A. some B. many C. much 6. She often buys CDs _ her favourite singers. A. to B. on C. by 按要求改写句子。按要求改写句子。 She sends me a card. She _ a card _ me.2. They give some potatoes to us. (同上同上) They _ _ some potatoes.3. She makes them two cakes. (同上同上) She _ two cakes _ them.4. Tom often goes to the concert. (变成否定句和一般疑问句变成否定句和一般疑问句) Tom _ often _ to the concert. _ Tom often _ to the concert?5. We play football on Monday. (就划线部分提问就划线部分提问) _ _ we _ football? (同义句转换同义句转换)sends togive usmakes fordoesnt goDoes goWhen do play根据汉语提示完成句子:根据汉语提示完成句子:1. 她通常穿丝绸衬衫。她通常穿丝绸衬衫。 She _ silk shirt.2. 我们经常为他生日做蛋糕。我们经常为他生日做蛋糕。 We _ his birthday.3. 他总是在他总是在6:00起床吗?起床吗? _ he _ 6:00?4. Bill不喜欢听音乐。不喜欢听音乐。 Bill _.5. 你有多少对鞋子?你有多少对鞋子? _ do you have?6. 你可以把那本小说给我吗?你可以把那本小说给我吗? Can you _ the novel _? usually wears a often make a cake for Does always get up atdoesnt like listening to musicHow many pairs of shoes give to me单词拼写单词拼写1. Lily has two _ (双双) of shoes.2. Tom gets different 礼物礼物) on his birthday.3. He washes his _ (衣服衣服) on Sunday.4. She often _ (发送发送) emails to us.5. Can I buy three _ (票票)?6. There are two _ (音乐会音乐会) this week.7. There are lots of _ (杂志杂志) in the library.8. Do you like listening to _ (音乐音乐)?pairspresentsclothessendsticketsconcertsmagazinesmusicComplete the sentences.1. I like Britney Spears. Shes _ favourite singer.2. She likes Lord of the Rings. Its _ favourite film.3. We often read. There are a lot of books in _ home.4. Lets make a cake for Tony. Its _ birthday. 5. Bettys aunt and uncle live in the USA. _ home is in Los Angeles.6. Hello, whats _ name?myherourhisTheiryour根据汉语提示完成句子:根据汉语提示完成句子:1. 他给他们一些花作为礼物。他给他们一些花作为礼物。 He _ some flowers _ them _ a present .2. 他们总是马上打开他们的礼物。他们总是马上打开他们的礼物。 They _ their presents at once.3. 她想出一个主意。她想出一个主意。 She _.4. 李先生叫我听他讲。李先生叫我听他讲。 Mr. Li _ him.5. 我邀请他们去晚会。我邀请他们去晚会。 I _ the party.6. 他们送她一张卡片。他们送她一张卡片。 They _ a card _. gives to as always open thinks of an idea asks me to listen toinvite them to send to her7. 她通常在星期天弹钢琴。她通常在星期天弹钢琴。 She _ on Sunday.8. 桌子上有许多杂志。桌子上有许多杂志。 There _ of _ the table.9. 他爸爸通过电视看足球比赛。他爸爸通过电视看足球比赛。 His father _ TV.10. 他从不去音乐会。他从不去音乐会。 He _.11. 他哥哥不喜欢听音乐。他哥哥不喜欢听音乐。 His brother _ music. usually plays the piano are lots of magazines on watches football matches on never goes to concerts doesnt like listening to ThanksThanks


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