广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle教学课件 (新版)外研版

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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle教学课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle教学课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle教学课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle. cause a lot of pollution stop pollution a recycling centre waste products save energy be worried about spread over cities and villages造成大量的污染造成大量的污染制止污染制止污染回收中心回收中心废弃物废弃物节约能源节约能源为为忧虑忧虑/烦恼烦恼遍布城乡遍布城乡Translate the phrases into English.make sb. ill a danger to ones healthIts no use such ascollect wastenice / good / great idea使得某人生病使得某人生病对对健康是一种危害健康是一种危害是没有用的是没有用的比如比如收集废弃物收集废弃物好主意好主意RecyclingWhat does this symbol mean?RECYCLE BOTTLESPAPER-RECYCLING ReuseUse low-flow shower heads.Use energysaving light bulbs.replacewithReduceRemember these three words:reducereuserecycle1. Understand the main idea of the passage and predict what the passage will include 2.To learn some key words and useful expressions about environment 3. To make suggestions and give reasons using because, so and so thatObjectives: Words: divide bottle repeat rubber rapid grandson/granddaughterPhrases:throw away take steps tons ofPatterns:Look after them so that they will last.It is better to use china cups and cloth bags because they can be used many times.1P98Look at the pictures below and describe them. Say which ways are good for the environment and why.These are some bowls and spoons made of china.We shouldnt use disposable food box or disposable chopsticks. good for the environmentWe can use them many times.There are three rubbish bins for recycling, so please divide the waste before you throw things into them. Someone threw an empty bottle in a river.good for the environmentWe can save energy.2P98Look at the title of the passage. What suggestions do you think the passage will make? Use the words in the box to help you. china divide necessary plastic policy reuse Possible answers: It is better to use china cups and bowls because they can be used many times. It is better to divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away. It is necessary to use less plastic bags. You should make a recycling policy for your classmates and yourself. * Do you walk or ride a bike to school?* Do you buy new clothes just because they are modern?* Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room?* Do you take your own bag when shopping and not ask for a plastic bag?* Do you buy drinks in bottles? And what do you do with the bottles when they are empty?* Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away?Task 14P99Read the suggestions. Look through the passage and check() which suggestions are mentioned in the passage.1. Order food that you can finish.2. Use less electricity at home.3. Learn ways to recycle rubbish.4. Use paper cups and paper bags.5. Repair things.6. Divide rubbish into different groups.7. Collect waste or rubbish to raise money.8. Burn things to save money.Task 2 Reasons Two things you should doTwo things you should not doWalk or ride a bike to school.Use china cups and cloth bags.Buy new clothes just because they are modern.Throw things away without recycling.Walking or riding a bike doesnt burn oil or cause air pollution.China cups and cloth bags can be used many times.Old things can be as good as new ones.Its better to change things into something else than throwing them away or burning them.Task 35P99Find two things you should do and two things you should not do in the passage. Give reasons. Complete the table.For example:We should recycle rubbish because it can help us protect the environment.Use your answers to write sentences. We throw away (1) _ of rubbish every year. If we want a clean world for our grandsons and (2) _, we have to reduce, reuse and (3) _. (4) _ these three words every day. The first (5) _ is to use less. The second is to use things as long as possible. Then (6) _ your rubbish into (7) _, paper, rubber and glass. Finally, draw up a recycling (8) _ for your community. We cannot hope for (9) _ change, but every little bit helps! divide granddaughter plastic policy rapid recycle repeat step ton tons granddaughters recycleRepeat step divide plastic policy rapid6P99Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.Task 4A nation destroying its environmentdestroys itself.- F.D. Roosevelt (小罗斯福)1. How green are you? In a green school, everyone is careful about theenvironment. The young man is still green at his job. These tomatoes are still too green to pick. 无经验的无经验的未成熟的未成熟的green:环保的环保的 2. Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room?1) turn off: 关掉关掉(水源、煤气、电源等水源、煤气、电源等)”, 反义词是反义词是turn on Please turn off the radio. Be quick. Turn off the gas. 2) turn up: 调高调高(音量音量) turn down:调低(音量)调低(音量)3. Do you take your own bag when shopping and not ask for a plastic bag?1) ask for sb.:找某人;求见某人找某人;求见某人 Someone is asking for you at the door.2) ask for sth.:要某物要某物 He wants to ask for some water.3) ask sb. for sth.: 向某人要某物;向某人要某物; Look! She is asking a policeman for help.4) plastic: adj. 塑料的塑料的These plastic bowls are very light. Plastic: n. 塑料;塑料制品塑料;塑料制品The bags should be made of plastic. 4. And what do you do with the bottles when they are empty?1) do with: 处理,常与处理,常与what连用。连用。 I dont know what to do with the letter.2) deal with: 处理,常与处理,常与how连用。连用。 How will you deal with the naughty boy?5. Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away? 1) divide into 把把划分为划分为/分成分成 Divide the cake into four parts. Our class are divided into four groups.2) throw away:把把扔掉扔掉The meat smells bad and youd better throw it away.6. And it is harmful to our environment.be harmful to = do harm to: 对对有害有害 Smoking is harmful to your health.=Smoking does harm to your health.7. Reduce means “use less”.1) reduce v. 减少;减低;缩小减少;减低;缩小 The driver reduced the driving speed. 2) reduce to: 下降到下降到 I will buy the coat if it is reduced to 20 yuan. 如果那件衣服降到如果那件衣服降到20元,我就买。元,我就买。3) reduce by: 下降了下降了 The price was reduced by 10 percent. 价格降低了价格降低了10%。8. Use things for as long as possible.as as possible: 尽可能尽可能We have to run as fast as possible.9. Repair them if possible.If possible = if it is possible 如果可能如果可能Ill go with you if possible.10. clothes 统指各种衣服,谓语动词是统指各种衣服,谓语动词是复数复数; cloth指布,为指布,为不可数名词不可数名词; She has a lot of _ in her bedroom. She bought some _ to make herself a dress.clothescloth一块布:一块布:_a piece of cloth11. Although it takes energy to change things into something else,1) change into / turn into 把把变成变成/ 换成换成 On hot days, we can change ice into water.2) Change A for B: 用用A换换B Id like to change the books for the photo. 12. We throw tons of rubbish away each year, 1) ton n. 吨;吨;Each stone weighs about two tons. 每块石头重约二吨。每块石头重约二吨。I have tons of things to do. I bought tons of fruit while it was cheap.2) tons of: 大量大量, 许多的许多的, 一大堆一大堆 (口语)(口语)13. We cannot hope for rapid change, but lets take these simple steps 2) rapid adj. 快速的;迅速的快速的;迅速的He made rapid progress in English.3) step n. 步骤;措施步骤;措施 take steps to do sth.:采取措施做某事采取措施做某事 We should take steps to protect ourselves.4) step by step: 一步步地一步步地, 逐渐地逐渐地 watch ones step: 小心行事小心行事, 当心当心1) hope for sth.: 盼望某事盼望某事 We are hoping for good weather. hope to do sth.: 希望做某事希望做某事Make a list of things you can do to make your school greener.7Never destroy the flowers and trees in our school.Keep the school environment neat and clean.Dont throw away the waste everywhere.Save water. Turn off the lights in the daytime or when the classroom is empty.8P99Write a passage on how to make your school greener and give reasons. Use the list you have made in Activity 7 to help you. Use because, so and so that.Dont throw bottles away because it is a better to recycle them.Dont throw bottles away because itsbetter to recycle them.Do turn off lights so that you useless energy.Try to use recycled paper because itsaves energy.希望源于绿色,美丽的地球是我们唯一希望源于绿色,美丽的地球是我们唯一的家园的家园, 爱护地球爱护地球, 保护环境是我们的责保护环境是我们的责任。让我们一起行动起来,共同创建一任。让我们一起行动起来,共同创建一个绿色校园。内容要点个绿色校园。内容要点:1.从我做起从我做起,从现在做起从现在做起,积极参与校园绿积极参与校园绿化化;2.保持校园干净保持校园干净,不乱涂乱画不乱涂乱画,不随地扔垃不随地扔垃圾等圾等;3. 提倡绿色生活提倡绿色生活, 减少浪费。减少浪费。 (80词左右词左右)How to make a green school? As we know, the school is like our home. Protecting it is our duty. Lets try our best to build a green school! First, protect the school environment from now on. We should take an active part in making our school greener. Second, we should keep our school clean. Never draw everywhere and never throw litter about. Third, we should live a kind of green life. Reducing the waste is important to protect the environment. In a word, everyone should make a contribution to making our school more beautiful.Quiz.用方框中词的适当形式填空。用方框中词的适当形式填空。reuse plastic necessary reduce1. Its _ to protect our earth right now.2. Lets _ these old newspapers to make some decorations. Thats a good idea.3. We can all help _ air pollution.For example, walk or ride a bike to school.4. _ bags are bad for the environment for many reasons.necessaryreusereducePlastic . 根据提示翻译句子。根据提示翻译句子。1. 他们正在使沙漠变为农田。他们正在使沙漠变为农田。(change into) _ _2. 我们一定要采取措施使这样的事不再发生。我们一定要采取措施使这样的事不再发生。(take steps) _ _3. 电池能被回收,不要扔掉它们。电池能被回收,不要扔掉它们。(throw away) _ _They are changing desert into farmland.We must take steps to prevent this from happening again.Batteries can be recycled. Dont throw them away.Homework1. Preview the rules of word building.2.Write a passage about how to make a green world?


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