广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 Will books be replacedthe Internet教学课件 (新版)外研版

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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 Will books be replacedthe Internet教学课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 Will books be replacedthe Internet教学课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 Will books be replacedthe Internet教学课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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Unit 2How often do you use computers?How do you get information? Reading books? Or surfing the Internet?Do you think books will be replaced by the Internet? Can books be replaced by the Internet?Work in pairs. Read the title of the passage in Activity 2.1P74Will books be replaced by the Internet?Discuss and make a list of the advantages of books and the Internet. Advantages of books Advantages of the InternetBooks are inexpensive.Books can go with you anywhere and be read everywhere.Books can help you keep your brains sharp.You can get information quickly.You can get a great amount of information at a time.The machine is smaller and lighter.Read the passage and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.2P74Task 1 a) The world before printed books b) The world after the invention of printing c) Life with paper and printing d) Technology and books e) The future of books para. 1 para. 2 para. 3 para. 4 para. 5Look through the passage again and complete the table.3P75Task 2When What About 2,000 years ago paper createdDuring the Sui and Tang DynastiesToday printing inventedthe Internet growing fast, computers and the Internet used in classrooms, newspapers and magazines read onlineRead the passage again and answer the questions.1.Why were books expensive before the invention of printing?2.Why did knowledge and ideas spread faster when books became cheaper?3.What does the writer think of the Internet?Because they were produced by hand.Because more people learnt to read.The Internet is still young, but it is growing very fast and may become more powerful than printing. Books were expensive after paper was invented because they were made by hand, but (1) _ in printing made it cheaper and faster to make books. A(n) (2) _ in books resulted, and knowledge (3) _ more quickly than ever before. The (4) _ of the Internet has changed the world in a similar way, and the Internet is much more (5) _. With more and more people using the Internet, the (6) _ that traditional printing will take in the future is uncertain, and computers may (7) _ books one day. developments direction introduction powerful replace spread trade developmentstrade spread introduction powerful direction replaceComplete the passage with the words in the box.4P75Task 3Language pointsMy mother is looking through todays newspaper.1. Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home.look through: 快速阅读;浏览快速阅读;浏览2. In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand. 1)at a time: 每次每次;一次一次 ,常和数词连用。常和数词连用。 Please come in one at a time, not all together. 2)at one time: 曾经曾经 They used to be good friends at one time. 3) at times= sometimes: 有时有时 I visited my grandparents at times.4) by hand:用手;手工地;亲手地用手;手工地;亲手地 All these toys are made by hand. 所有这些玩具都是手工制作的所有这些玩具都是手工制作的 on the other hand:另一方面另一方面 lend a hand:帮助帮助 hand in hand:手拉手;共同地手拉手;共同地3. As a result, there were not many books, . 1) as a result:结果结果;因此因此,常用作插入语,位于常用作插入语,位于 句首单独使用。句首单独使用。 He worked hard. As a result, he passed the exam. 2) as a result of = because of: 由于;因为由于;因为 As a result of the earthquake, many people become homeless. He was late as a result of the heavy snow. 4. Later, developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply. A 1) make it +形容词形容词 to do sth.: 使得做某事使得做某事 Spaceships make it possible to travel to the moon. 2) make sb./ sth. + 形容词形容词 / 名词名词/ 过去分词过去分词 使得某人或某物处于某种状态使得某人或某物处于某种状态 The bad news makes the boy sad. (形容词)(形容词) We made Jack our monitor yesterday. (名词)(名词) He soon made himself understood. (过去分词)(过去分词) 3) make sb. do sth.: 使某人做某事使某人做某事 The boss makes his workers work all day.B 1) develop: v. 发展,开发,养成发展,开发,养成 We should develop good living habits. 2) development: n. 发展,进步发展,进步 Many foreigners are surprised at the rapid development of China. 快速的快速的 许多外国人对中国的快速发展感到吃惊。许多外国人对中国的快速发展感到吃惊。 5. A trade in books resulted, 1) result:v. “ (因因而而)产生;发生产生;发生”Ignore the early warnings and illness could result. 忽略早期征兆可能会导致疾病。忽略早期征兆可能会导致疾病。 2) result in: 后面跟的是后面跟的是导致的结果导致的结果; The bad weather resulted in traffic accident. 坏天气导致了交通事故。坏天气导致了交通事故。3) result from: 后面跟的是后面跟的是导致的原因导致的原因。 His failure resulted largely from his laziness. 他的失败主要是懒惰所致。他的失败主要是懒惰所致。6. In a way, we can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet 1) in a way:在某种程度上;在某种程度上; 从某一点上看从某一点上看 In a way, youre right.。 The article is well written in a way. 从某种程度上来说,这篇文章写得不错。从某种程度上来说,这篇文章写得不错。 2) in this / that / easy / simple way:用某种方法用某种方法 He worked out the problem in a simple way. 3) on ones way to sp.:在某人去某地的路上在某人去某地的路上 by the way:顺便问一下顺便问一下7. 1) 不要总是和别人不要总是和别人相比相比。 Dont always _ yourself _ others. 2) 孩子们经常把月亮孩子们经常把月亮比作比作盘子。盘子。 Children often _ the moon _ a plate. comparewithcompareto8. A much larger amount of information can be stored in more varied forms on the Internet 1) amount:n. 量;数量量;数量 He gave her a fifth of the total amount. 他给了她总量的五分他给了她总量的五分 之一。之一。 2) a great / large amount of +不不 可数名词可数名词:大量的大量的 She spent a great amount of money on that coat. 3) a great/ large / small number of +可数名词复可数名词复数数, 其作主语时其作主语时,谓语动词用谓语动词用复数复数形式。形式。 A large number of students have finished the homework.4) the number of + 可数名词复数可数名词复数,其作主语时,其作主语时,谓语动词用谓语动词用单数单数形式形式, 指指“的数目的数目” The number of the students in our school is2,000. 9. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future?Direction: n. 方向方向He ran away in the direction of the river. 他向河的方向逃跑。他向河的方向逃跑。 After school the children separated in all directions. 放学后孩子们四散分开。放学后孩子们四散分开。 in all directions =in every direction 四面八方四面八方 in the direction of: 朝朝方向方向10. Will books be replaced by the Internet? 1) replace sb. / sth. v. 替换替换 / 取代某人或某物取代某人或某物 Jack has replaced Tom as monitor of our class. 杰克接替汤姆当了我们的班长。杰克接替汤姆当了我们的班长。 2)replace with:用用代替代替/取代取代 Weve replaced the old machine with a computer. 我们用电脑取代了那台旧机器。我们用电脑取代了那台旧机器。 3) be replaced by:被被代替代替/ 取代取代 The broken chair was replaced by a new one. 那把坏椅子被一把新椅子取代了。那把坏椅子被一把新椅子取代了。5P75Read the sentences and notice how we give reasons and results.1. Books were only produced one at a tie by hand. As a result, there were not many books.2. Because there were not many books, few people learnt to read.3. These machines are smaller and lighter than books, so they are easy to carry. ( give result ) ( give reason ) ( give result )Now work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Write full sentences with as a result, because or so.1. Why is it hard to imagine a world without printing?2. What was the result of few books being produced?Its hard to imagine a world without printing because we have so many printed things now.Few books were produced and, as a result, few people could read .Now work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Write full sentences with as a result, because or so.3. What happened after the printing technology developed?4. What will happen to books in the future? Why?After printing technology developed, books were cheaper, so more people learnt how to read.Books might not be needed in the future because the Internet is growing quickly.6P75Write full sentences with the notes in Activity 3.About 2,000 years ago, paper was first created.Printing was invented during the Sui and Tang Danasties.Today, the Internet is growing very fast. Computers and the Internet are used in classrooms now, and newspapers and magazines are read online.南京先锋书店南京先锋书店What do you think about the future of traditional printing? Will it be replaced by the Internet?What do you think about the future of traditional printing? Write a passage using although, but, and, etc.7P75Write a passage about traditional printing and its future. Use the sentences you have written in Activity 5 and 6 to help you.Its hard to imagine a world without printing because we have so many printed things now, for example, menus, comics and schoolbooks. Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, but books werent printed at that time. They were written by hand, so few books were produced, and, as a result, few people could read.Printing was invented during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. After printing developed, books became cheaper, so more people learnt how to read. Today, the Internet is growing very fast. A much larger amount of information can be stored in more varied forms on the Internet than in books. As a result, in the future, the Internet will probably be more important than printing.1. look through2. at a time3. by hand4. in a way5. Books were only produced one at a time by hand.6. Will books be replaced by the Internet?本课时主要短语和句型本课时主要短语和句型 总结回顾总结回顾Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1. English-Chinese printing development trade spread introduction store form2. Chinese-English (因因而而)产生产生; 发生发生 把把比作比作 替换;取代替换;取代 每次;一次每次;一次 浏览浏览When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.QuizI. 用方框中所给词的正确形式填空。用方框中所给词的正确形式填空。1. With the _ of the Internet, great changes have taken place.2. My handwriting can not be _ with my fathers.3. The news _ through theschool very quickly.4. The early books were produced _.introductioncomparedspread by handspread introduce by hand compare. 根据汉语及提示完成句子。根据汉语及提示完成句子。1. 昨晚这个时候他正在翻阅几份文件。昨晚这个时候他正在翻阅几份文件。(look through) _ _2. 我们努力学习,结果考试获得了好成绩。我们努力学习,结果考试获得了好成绩。(as a result) _ _3. 他的新毛衣是手工织的。他的新毛衣是手工织的。(by hand) _He was looking through some papers at this time last night.We worked hard. As a result, we got high grades in the exams.His new sweater is made by hand.Homework请介绍一下互联网的优点和缺点。70词左右。


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