广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year教学课件 (新版)外研版

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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year教学课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year教学课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year教学课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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Unit 11. Do you like travelling?2. Where did you go? 3. Have you ever been to Beijing / Hainan / England / Australia?Beijing, ChinaHainan, ChinaLondon, EnglandSydney, AustraliaSydney University Sydney Harbour Bridge Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁大堡礁 The Great Barrier Reef is the worlds largest coral reef system. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space. Ayers Rock艾尔斯岩艾尔斯岩Ayers Rock (also called Uluru) is a striking monolith (独块巨石独块巨石) which is 3.6 km long and rises almost 350 meters above the vast pancake-flat surrounding red sandy plain. Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院 座落在悉尼座落在悉尼市区北部市区北部 ,是一,是一座贝壳形屋顶下座贝壳形屋顶下方是结合剧院和方是结合剧院和厅室的综合建筑。厅室的综合建筑。kangaroocamelcrocodilesharkkoala What animals can you see in Australia?Listen and check your answers.1. Where were the Olympic Games held in 2000?2.What is the largest English-speaking country in the southern part of the world?3. What famous things can you see there?They were held in Sydney, Australia.Australia.Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock, Great Barrier Reef, etc.1 Answer the questions. Use the pictures on Page 80-81 to help you.Sydney Opera HouseAyers Rock/UluruGreat Barrier ReefNow listen and check.1. The country that Tony would like to visit is _.2. In Tonys opinion, Australia is famous for _.3. Ayers Rock is a huge rock in _ Australia.4. Australia is _ English-speaking country in the southern part of the world. Australia the Olympic Games in 20002 Listen again and complete the sentences. the centre of the largestTony and his father are talking about Australia. Listen and read. Finish the tasks.3 Complete the table.Facts about AustraliaNameLocationDetailsAyers Rockthe centre of Australiaa special huge rockSydney Opera HouseSydneylike a huge sailing boatGreat Barrier Reefoff the northeast coastover 2600km long4 Answer the questions.1. What is Tony going to write about?2. Why does Tonys dad show his photos of Australia to Tony?Hes going to write a letter about Australia.Because they may help Tony.3. Who are the people in some of the photos?4. Why do many Australians speak English?5. What did Tonys dad not like about Australia?His Australian friends. Theyre sheep farmers.Because many Australians came from Britain.The ants. Tony is going to write a letter about Australia. His dad helps him. He shows Tony some photos. Tony sees a photo of Ayers Rock in (1) _ Australia. Ayers Rock has a(n) (2) _ of 348 metres, and (3) _ the local people, it is a magical place. Tony also sees some photos of sheep farmers with special (4) _ to keep away flies. The farmers use (5) _ to cut the wool off sheep. Tonys dad says Tony can read his (6) _. He also says he (7) _ the (8) _ that he had to (9) _ off his clothes! according to ant brush central diary hat hate height scissorscentralheight according tohatsscissorsdiaryhatesantsbrushTask 3Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression in the box.5P81定语从句:在句中定语从句:在句中作定语作定语,修饰某一,修饰某一名词名词或代词或代词的句子叫的句子叫定语从句,定语从句,该该从句放在所从句放在所修饰名词或代词修饰名词或代词后面后面。定语从句:先行词定语从句:先行词 +关系词关系词 +定语从句定语从句 请看下面两个例句:请看下面两个例句:Language points修饰修饰1). I have some photos (that I took in China last year.)我有一些去年在中国拍的照片。我有一些去年在中国拍的照片。 I have some photos. I took some photos in China last year.2).The horse (that I rode was very lazy.) 我骑的那匹马很懒。我骑的那匹马很懒。 The horse was very lazy. I rode a horse.2. According to the local people, its a special and magical place.1). according to: 根据;按照根据;按照 According to the weather report, it may rain this evening.2). according to后一般不接后一般不接opinion, view这类词,也不接第一人称代词这类词,也不接第一人称代词me, us等。等。 In my opinion, the film is wonderful.3. 1). magical:adj. 神奇的;迷人的神奇的;迷人的 Its a magical story. 2). magic: n. 魔法;魔术魔法;魔术 magic show:魔术表演魔术表演4. height: n. 高度;身高高度;身高 high: adj. 高的高的 Whats your height? They are flying at a height of 5,000 metres. 他们正在他们正在5000 米的高度飞行。米的高度飞行。 The house is very high.5. Does it lie off the northeast coast of Australia? 1). lie off: 表示位于表示位于(某范围之外)(某范围之外) lie to: 表示位于表示位于(某范围之外)(某范围之外) Many islands lie off Chinas east coast. Japan lies to the east of China. 2). lie in: 表示位于表示位于(某范围之内)(某范围之内) Guangzhou lies in the south of China.3). lie on: 表示位于表示位于(与之相邻(与之相邻 / 接壤)接壤) Hunan lies on the north of Guangxi.6. They wear special hats that keep the flies away.2). keep + sb./sth. doing sth.:让某人让某人/某物一直做某事某物一直做某事 He kept me waiting for half an hour.3). keep (on) + doing sth.:继续做某事继续做某事 They kept (on) working in the sun.4). keep sb./ sth. + adj.: 使使保持(某种状态)保持(某种状态) Please keep the windows open.1). keep sb. / sth. away: (使使)避开;避开; (使使)不靠近不靠近Her illness kept her away from work for two weeks.Keep the child away from the barking dog.7. The scissors that theyre holding are used to cut the wool off the sheep.a. The scissors are very sharp. He took a pair of scissors and cut her hair. b. 1). cut off: 把把从从剪剪/切下切下 He cut off some branches from the tree. 树枝树枝 The cook cut the meat off a bone. 骨头骨头 2). cut down: 砍倒(树);削减砍倒(树);削减 People should stop cutting down more trees.8. hate: v. 憎恨;讨厌憎恨;讨厌 反义词为:反义词为:love 1). hate doing sth.: 指习惯性或经常性的动作指习惯性或经常性的动作 The boys hate doing homework on Sundays. 2). hate to do sth.: 指一次性或具体的动作指一次性或具体的动作 He hates to swim on such a rainy day. 他讨厌在这样的雨天游泳。他讨厌在这样的雨天游泳。9. 1). all over: 到处;遍及各处到处;遍及各处 He looked all over for the lost book. 2). all over: 浑身;全部结束浑身;全部结束 He is wet all over. 他全身湿透了。他全身湿透了。 The game is all over. 比赛已全部结束了。比赛已全部结束了。10. I had to brush them off my clothes, .1). Brush: v. (用刷子用刷子)刷;轻触刷;轻触 We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. n. 刷子刷子 He painted the wall with a brush.2). brush off:把某物从把某物从上刷掉上刷掉/拂去拂去 The horse brushed the flies off its back.Read and work out the meaning from the context. Here we go. According to Yes, of course!我们这就看看我们这就看看据据说说是的,当然。是的,当然。 Choose one of the expressions in Everyday English and make a conversation.1. A: Lets read the story together.B: Here we go.2. A: According to my watch, its five twenty now.B: Oh, I must go home now.3. A: May I use your dictionary? B: Yes, of course.英语有两种基本语调英语有两种基本语调: :升调升调和和降调降调。 说说话人可通过语调准确地表达各种信息。话人可通过语调准确地表达各种信息。升调升调多用来表示多用来表示 “不肯定不肯定” 和和 “未未完结完结”, 在在一般疑问句、委婉的祈使句一般疑问句、委婉的祈使句和打招呼和打招呼的用语中。的用语中。降调降调表示表示“肯定肯定”和和“完结完结”, , 一般一般出现在出现在陈述句、祈使句和特殊疑问句陈述句、祈使句和特殊疑问句中。中。感叹句中多用感叹句中多用降调降调表示感叹。表示感叹。 Say the sentences aloud and decide which intonation is most likely.1. Here we go.2. Yes, of course!3. Thats really funny!Now listen and repeat.Think of a place you have visited and write down where it is and what you like about it.Think of a place you have visited. Make notes about the best things you have seen there.P81Talkwhat it is calledwhere it iswhat is special about itIts one of Five Great Mountains in China. Every year millions of people visit it. Why do you think it is special?Its in Shandong Province.Where is it?Its called Mount Tai.Whats the name of the place that you have visited?本课时主要短语和句型总结回顾1. Here we go.2. According to3. keepaway4. cutoff5. The scissors that theyre holding are used to cut the wool off the sheep.6. I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.1. One of his fingers was _ in the accident.2. Whats the _ of the mountain?3. We spent a _ evening together.4. Dont forget to _ your teeth.5. Her illness _ her _ from work for several weeks.I. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。Quiz cut off brush height cut off keepaway magical heightmagicalbrush keep away. 根据提示翻译句子。根据提示翻译句子。1. 我当时同意了,但后来又变了主意。我当时同意了,但后来又变了主意。(at that time) _ _2. 据约翰说你上周在爱丁堡。据约翰说你上周在爱丁堡。(according to) _ _3. 站着的时候别把双手插到兜里。站着的时候别把双手插到兜里。(with) _ _I agreed at that time, but later changed my mind.According to John, you were in Edinburgh last week.Dont stand with your hands in your pockets.1. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.2. Search for more information about Australia.Homework


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