高考英语二轮专题复习与测试 第三篇 第三章 第二节 专题四 说明文型读写任务课件

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高考英语二轮专题复习与测试 第三篇 第三章 第二节 专题四 说明文型读写任务课件_第1页
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第三篇写作第三篇写作第三章读写任务第三章读写任务第二节读写任务写作第二节读写任务写作专题四说明文型读写任务专题四说明文型读写任务说明文型读写任务的写作,要了解说明的主说明文型读写任务的写作,要了解说明的主旨以及说明的顺序,要求学生按照合理的顺序或旨以及说明的顺序,要求学生按照合理的顺序或按一定的写作线索选用适当的连接词,将句子连按一定的写作线索选用适当的连接词,将句子连珠成串,使各句连成结构紧凑、层次分明、语义珠成串,使各句连成结构紧凑、层次分明、语义连贯的短文。说明文的大体结构有两种:总体叙连贯的短文。说明文的大体结构有两种:总体叙述细节或过程说明概括评述;现象或变化述细节或过程说明概括评述;现象或变化细节或原因阐述引发的后果和相关启示。细节或原因阐述引发的后果和相关启示。Reading or watching?Reading, which makes our mind work, is fun and valuable to us.However, its a pity that many people, having lost interest in it, prefer watching TV to reading.I share the same feeling with the author.I think reading is a wonderful thing and I like reading very much.Firstly, reading is the chief means of acquiring knowledge.Books are a treasure house of human wisdom.Almost all great people are great readers.Reading 一、观摩领悟一、观摩领悟makes a person wise, noble, polite and useful.Whats more, reading can be a good means of recreation.If the book is interesting or suits you, you can find pleasure in reading it.Last but not the least, reading develops ones imagination.In short, reading is an active and useful activity for everybody. But today there is too much for us to watch on TV.There is no doubt that programs are lively and interesting, some of which bring us fun and make usrelaxed.However, most TV programs are recreational and imaginary.They are not based on the real life.Whats worse, some violence does exist in some programmes.With harmful effects, such programmes can not help to enrich our knowledge. In my opinion, reading benefits us greatly.I hope people, especially children, will read more and watch less TV.【结构分析与解读结构分析与解读】本文为说明文本文为说明文,第一段概括第一段概括,第二段提出第二段提出主题主题(阅读的好处阅读的好处)并说明原因并说明原因,第三段发表看法,第三段发表看法(个人对看电视的看法个人对看电视的看法),第四段点题第四段点题(回应第二段回应第二段提出的主题提出的主题)并提出建议。整篇文章布局合理并提出建议。整篇文章布局合理,各各部分分配均衡。部分分配均衡。1说明文型读写任务应注意的问题。说明文型读写任务应注意的问题。(1)说明文通常会有中心句,写概要时要注意找说明文通常会有中心句,写概要时要注意找出中心句。中心句通常在文章第一段和各段的第一出中心句。中心句通常在文章第一段和各段的第一句,然后用自己的话重组文章的信息。句,然后用自己的话重组文章的信息。(2)对现象分析型说明文,可采用对现象分析型说明文,可采用“现象现象造成造成这种现象的原因这种现象的原因解决这种现象或问题的措施或建解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议议”的结构安排的结构安排。二、写作指导二、写作指导 2语篇模板。语篇模板。(1)现象说明型。现象说明型。Recently(点明现象点明现象), what amazes us most is(现现象表现形式象表现形式), it is true that(现象表现形式现象表现形式)There are many reasons explaining(现现象象)The main reason is(原因一原因一)What is more,(原因二原因二)Thirdly,(原因三原因三)Considering all these,(建议建议/措施措施)For one thing,(建议或措施的建议或措施的原因一原因一), for another thing,(建议或措施的原因建议或措施的原因二二) 栏目链接 In conclusion,(结论结论)(2)说明原因型。说明原因型。Nowadays,there are more and more(现象现象) in some big cities.It is estimated that(用具体数据说明用具体数据说明现象现象)Why have there been so many(现象现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is that (原因一原因一)Besides,(原因二原因二)The third reason is(原因三原因三)To sum up, the main cause of (现象现象) is due to(主要原因主要原因) 栏目链接 It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing,(措施建议一措施建议一)On the other hand,(措施建议二措施建议二)All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (现象现象)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左词左右的英语短文。右的英语短文。Some youths who fled from big cities to small and mediumsized cities due to stress are now coming back to the big cities,after they found things are not what they imagined,Peoples Daily reported.Zeng Jing,26,left Guangzhou at the end of last year and moved to Changping town in Dongguan city,due to high living pressures such as housing and transportation.But when she arrived and lived in the town,she became disappointed.u即学即即学即练练 “ “There are very few entertainment places in the town.I could not find any fun after supper,”she said.Whats more,she found it hard to find a boyfriend there.Men available to date were far from her requirements in terms of educational background and vision.Zeng returned to Guangzhou in October and continues struggling.But she feels different,“Despite hard work,I do not feel depressed as before.Instead,I cherish every day here now.”Zhao Wen could not adjust to life in small cities due to a different reason.Zhao left Beijing and went to Taian,Shandong province,where he did sports marketing with his uncle. He applied for approval from the local government for a new project,but after half a month,he got no reply.Finally his uncle managed it in two days by treating,flattering and sending gifts to the official in charge. 写作内容写作内容1以约以约30词概括短文的要点。词概括短文的要点。2然后以约然后以约120词就词就“城市生活城市生活”发表看法,要点包括:发表看法,要点包括:(1)读完此报道后,你对年轻人重回大城市的看法。读完此报道后,你对年轻人重回大城市的看法。(2)你大学毕业后会选择生活在大城市还是中小城市。你大学毕业后会选择生活在大城市还是中小城市。(3)为了让年轻人乐意待在中小城市,政府该做些什么?为了让年轻人乐意待在中小城市,政府该做些什么? 写作要求写作要求1在作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故在作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。文中的句子。 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。_参考范文参考范文 The report,taking the examples of Zeng Jing and Zhao Wen,tells us that some youths,after fleeing from big cities to small and mediumsized cities,are now returning for various reasons,like lacking entertainment and fairness. Reading the report,I think it quite wise for youths to choose to return to big cities.As we know,in China today,development in small or mediumsized cities_ is far behind that in big ones,so staying in big cities,youths have more opportunities to be successful.Besides,they can enjoy a more colorful life,as operas,concerts,museums and so on are easily accessible. After graduating from college,I would like to live in big cities.After all,big cities offer more fun and more job opportunities and are more open and fair,compared to small cities.Moreover,I can keep pace with the outside world,get to know the latest fashion and see new things almost every day._ In my opinion,to make youths willing to stay in mediumsized and small cities,the government should build a fairer competition atmosphere to attract talents.Besides,a better platform should be provided for the young to show their talents.


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