TVNewspaperTravel agencies旅行社旅行社Travel magazines & leafletsInternetliflitA leaflet is a piece of paper. It is given for free to give information about something, such as sports, shopping, housing, travel and so on. 宣传单宣传单,小册子小册子香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉雪山耸峙,草原广袤,河谷香格里拉雪山耸峙,草原广袤,河谷深切深切,苍凉的茶马古道上的许多石门关及苍凉的茶马古道上的许多石门关及滇西奇观的色仓大裂谷都以其绝纱的景滇西奇观的色仓大裂谷都以其绝纱的景致向游人畅开怀抱,在雪山深处,在草致向游人畅开怀抱,在雪山深处,在草原的腹地,林海中的碧塔海、属都湖、原的腹地,林海中的碧塔海、属都湖、纳帕海等无数清幽宁静深遂神秘的高山纳帕海等无数清幽宁静深遂神秘的高山湖泊呼唤人们去撩开她们美丽的面纱。湖泊呼唤人们去撩开她们美丽的面纱。香格里拉的精华是梅里雪山,梅里雪山香格里拉的精华是梅里雪山,梅里雪山的精华是雨崩村。的精华是雨崩村。 香格里拉香格里拉属高海拔地区属高海拔地区(3300米米),不,不宜剧烈运动,不宜饮酒,多食蔬菜、水宜剧烈运动,不宜饮酒,多食蔬菜、水果,以防发生高山反应。果,以防发生高山反应。 每年每年6月到月到9月是月是香格里拉香格里拉的雨季,高的雨季,高原天气多变,你可以多带几个塑料袋原天气多变,你可以多带几个塑料袋(或浴帽),逢雨天时罩在相机上,又(或浴帽),逢雨天时罩在相机上,又防雨又防尘,还可以保护设备。夏季在防雨又防尘,还可以保护设备。夏季在草原上宿帐篷时,一定要燃篝火。草原上宿帐篷时,一定要燃篝火。 Snow mountainGrasslandCowsLocal peopleHouse and mountains1.Who first talked about Shangri-la?2.What does the word Shangri-la mean in different languages?3.Where is Shangri-la? 4.Whats the weather like in Shangri-la?5.How can you get there?1.Who first talked about Shangri-la?2.What does the word Shangri-la mean in different languages?James Hilton, a British writer, wrote the novel Lost Horizon in 1933In the Tibetan language, it means the sun and the moon in ones heart. Today it has become a common English word, meaning heaven on the earth. 3.Where is Shangri-la? 4.Whats the weather like in Shangri-la?It is in the southwest of China. The weather changes so quickly that people can experience four seasons in one day. regular flights 5.How can you get there?We can start in the city of Dali and drive northwards along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway(滇藏滇藏高速高速) 滇滇藏藏高高速速Shangri-laWe can also go there by plane from Kunming.A. Weather of Shangri-laB.Description of the scenery of the place C.History about the world- famous Chinese Shangri-laD.Brief introduction of Shangri-la E.Location (how to get there)F.The culture of Shangri-la Parts Main ideaPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6 Make a travel leaflet aboutXiang Shui.Brief introduction of the place Location EatingScenery HotelWeather开山岛开山岛 云梯关云梯关 灌河桥灌河桥