七年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born课件 人教新目标版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born课件 人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 9 When was he born?Deng Yapingping-pong playerBorn:Michael Jordanbasketball playerBorn: Martina Hingistennis playerBorn: David Beckhamfootball playerBorn:1973196319801975International Sports StarsDeng Yaping is a famous and outstanding athlete.She won lots of gold medals for China.A: Whos that?B: Thats Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.A: When was she born?B: She was born in 1973. Name : Time:A: Whos that? B: Thats Michael Jordan_. He is a great _American basketball playerA: When was he born?B: He was born in _ 1963 _. talented(有天赋的有天赋的)unusual(不寻常的不寻常的)A: Whos that?B: Thats _. She is a great _.A: When was she born?B: She was born in _.Martina HingisSwiss tennis player 1980A: Whos that?B: Thats _. He is a great _.A: When was he born?B: He was born in _.David BeckhamBritish football player 19751922199069 years and 5 months69 years and 5 months1981.1.131983.9.16978 days A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup? B: He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. A: When did he start hiccupping? B: He started in 1922. A: When did he stop hiccupping? B: He stopped in 1990. Who Has world record forHow longStarted StoppedCharles Smithhiccupping 69 years and 5 monthsDonna Greensneezing19221990978 daysJan 13,1981Sep16,1983A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup?B: He hiccupped for years and months.A: When did he start hiccupping?B: He started in .A: When did he stop hiccupping?B: He stopped in .69519221990AchievementAgeTiger WoodsgolfingShirley TempleWolfgangAmadeus MozartMei LanfangRonaldoLiu XuanA: Who is Shirley Temple?B: Shes a movie star.A: When did she become a movie star?B: When she was three years old.time:Name : Name : Time:Name : time: 玛蒂娜玛蒂娜辛吉斯辛吉斯(Martina Hingis,1980年9月30日生于捷克斯洛伐克的科希策)是瑞士网球女运动员。截至目前,她共获得5次四大网球公开赛四大网球公开赛(大满贯)女子单打冠军,9次大满贯女子双打冠军。她亦曾在1997年、1999年和2000年三度成为WTA单打年终世界排名第一位的球员。 在其巅峰时刻的1998年,她一举囊括了四大满贯的女子双打赛事冠军。她也曾经长期是女子国际网联女子国际网联单打和双打世界排名第一的选手(共209周WTA单打世界排名第一,至今仍是现役女子球员中在位期最长的球后),她亦曾在1997年以不足17岁之龄勇夺四大满贯女子单打赛事的其中三个冠军和余下一个亚军。辛吉斯曾经创造了多项“最年轻选手纪录”, 梅兰芳简介: 梅兰芳(1894-1961),名澜,又名鹤鸣,字畹华、浣华,别署缀玉轩主人,艺名兰芳。江苏泰州人,1894年生于北京,他出生于京剧世家,10岁登台在北京广和楼演出天仙配,工花旦,1908年搭喜连成班,1911年北京各界举行京剧演员评选活动,张贴菊榜,梅兰芳名列第三名探花。1913年他首次到上海演出,在四马路大新路口丹桂第一台演出了彩楼配、玉堂春、穆柯寨等戏,初来上海就风靡了整个江南,当时里巷间有句俗话:“讨老婆要像梅兰芳,生儿子要像周信芳”。他吸收了上海文明戏、新式舞台、灯光、化妆、服装设计等改良成分,返京后创演时装新戏孽海波澜,第二年再次来沪,演了五花洞、真假潘金莲、贵妃醉酒等拿手好戏,一连唱了34天。 回京后,梅兰芳继续排演新戏嫦娥奔月、春香闹学、黛玉葬花等。1916年第三次来沪,连唱45天,1918年后,移居上海,这是他戏剧艺术炉火纯青的顶峰时代,多次在天蟾舞台演出。综合了青衣、花旦、刀马旦的表演方式,创造了醇厚流丽的唱腔,形成独具一格的梅派。1915年,梅. 新闻动态 姓名:罗纳尔多(姓名:罗纳尔多(Ronaldo)国籍:巴西 场上位置:前锋 出生日期:1976年9月22日 身高:180cm 体重:75kg 现效力俱乐部:皇家马德里 曾效力俱乐部:克鲁塞罗、埃因霍温、巴塞罗那、国际米兰巴西国家队的主力前锋,2002年世界杯上的最佳射手。职业生涯至今保持相当高的进球率,是一部名副其实的进球机器,2次世界足球先生称号得主。 刘璇(1979年生)中国女子体操运动员,湖南人。1984年在湖南省长沙市吉祥巷读书时,就开始了体操训练,8岁时进入湖南省队,13岁入选国家队。她是20世纪90年代中国体操女队全盛时期的主力队员之一,也是中国第一位参加两届奥运会的女子体操选手。姓名:姓名:秀兰-邓波儿曾用名:曾用名:Shirley Jane Temple英文名:英文名:Shirley Temple性别:性别:女职业:职业:演员国家国家/ /地区:地区:美国地域:地域:欧美出生日期:出生日期:1928-04-23 宗教信仰:宗教信仰:星座:星座:金牛座家乡:家乡:Santa Monica California USAThe things you didYour ageMore informationYour friends ageMore informationwent to a movieswamreadate dinner by yourselfsang a songTalk about your first time:The things you didYour ageMore informationYour friends ageMore informationwent to a movieswamreadate dinner by yourselfsang a songTalk about your first time:I first went to a movie when I was 7 years old. It was an action movie called Shaolin Temple. Jack firstA: Who is Shirley Temple?B: She is a movie star.A: When did she become a movie star?B: When she was three years old.Achievement(成就,功绩成就,功绩)AgeTiger WoodsShirley TempleMozartMei LanfangRonaldoLiu Xuangolfing10 months oldmovie star3 years oldwriting music4 years oldperforming Beijing Opera10 years oldplayed for national team17 years oldWorld Championships gold medal17 years old tooto start doing things for example write music play for national team太太而不能而不能开始做某事开始做某事例如例如作曲作曲为为比赛比赛国家队国家队 the well-known Chinese pianist love music hum songs pieces of music begin to learn the accordion at the age of four take part in win the first prize in the 70-year history著名的中国钢琴家著名的中国钢琴家热爱音乐热爱音乐哼歌哼歌乐曲乐曲开始学习手风琴开始学习手风琴在在四岁的时候四岁的时候参加参加获得第一名获得第一名在在7070年的历史上年的历史上 性别:男地区:内地 职业:演奏家 李云迪生于四川重庆,自幼酷爱音乐,并流露对音乐敏感的天性。四岁开始在重庆市少年宫随谭建明学习手风琴,一年后即在重庆少儿手风琴比赛中获幼儿组第一名。七岁转学钢琴,启蒙于吴勇,九岁起师从但昭义教授,开始接受严格的专业训练,琴艺突飞猛进。94年以第一名的成绩考入四川音乐学院附中,开始从事钢琴专业的正规学习,并陆续在国内外一系列钢琴比赛中崭露头角。.


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