贵州省贵阳市花溪二中八年级英语下册《Unit 2 Lesson 2》课件1 人教新目标版

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贵州省贵阳市花溪二中八年级英语下册《Unit 2 Lesson 2》课件1 人教新目标版_第1页
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贵州省贵阳市花溪二中八年级英语下册《Unit 2 Lesson 2》课件1 人教新目标版_第2页
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贵州省贵阳市花溪二中八年级英语下册《Unit 2 Lesson 2》课件1 人教新目标版_第3页
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1.1.支付支付5050美元的罚款美元的罚款2.2.被暂借的被暂借的3.3.至少至少/ /最多最多4.4.催还通知表格催还通知表格5.5.过期的过期的6.6.填写表格填写表格7.7.及时及时/ /按时按时8.8.曾经曾经/ /每次每次9.9.既然如此既然如此pay a fine of fifty dollarson loanat least / at mostthe form of recalloverduefill in/out the formin time/on timeat one time/ at a timein that case 1. We can stay here for _two days, so we have to leave here at 10:00p.m. tomorrow. 2. If you want to keep the book longer, you must _ it before it is _. 3. The panda has been _for many years in this country. 4. He _ of 200 yuan for breaking the traffic rules. 5. You need to _ this form if you want to be a volunteer. 6. _, I havent got anything to say. 7. We have to take a taxi, _ well be late for the plane. 8. You should take the medicine two times a day, three tablets _, after meals. 1.Can we talk loudly in the library? What must we do?2.How many books can we borrow at a time?3.How long can we keep the books?4.Should we return the books in time?5.Suppose you havent finished the books. If they are due, what must you do?6.What do you have to do if you dont return the books on time?TUNING IN P391.Li Qiang visited the public library during his study trip in London.2.He wanted to borrow some books on Western culture and customs. 3.The librarian told him to check for them in the shelves.4.Li Qiang could borrow at most five books at a time.5.He could keep the books longer than two weeks. 6.He would have to pay a fine if he failed to return the books on time.schoolFTon the computerTFcouldntTF 1.Li Qiang renewed some books at the library.2.He filled in a form with the details of two books in order to recall them. COMPREHENSION CHECK P42 1.HOW MANY BOOKS MAY I 1.HOW MANY BOOKS MAY I BORROWBORROW AT A AT A TIME?TIME?borrow & lendborrow & lend borrowfromborrowfrom (借进借进)lendtolendto(借出借出)lent lent昨天我问老师借了一些钱。昨天我问老师借了一些钱。老师昨天借了一些钱给我。老师昨天借了一些钱给我。 I borrowed some money from my teacher yesterday. My teacher lent some money to me yesterday.A: When did you borrow this book from the library?B: Last month. I have kept it for two days.borrow: 瞬间动词,不能与一段时间搭配瞬间动词,不能与一段时间搭配keep: 延续性动词,表示借用一段时间延续性动词,表示借用一段时间You may renew it and _ it for another two days.keepkeepTRANSLATION有关西方文化和风俗有关西方文化和风俗的作业的作业从从借来借来借给借给发现更多信息发现更多信息在电脑上查询(资料)在电脑上查询(资料)一次一次最多最多至少至少还书还书既然如此既然如此付罚款付罚款每本书一天罚每本书一天罚5便士便士a project on Western culture and customsborrowfromlend tofind more informationcheck for sth. on the compterat a timeat mostat leastreturn/give back booksin that casepay a finefive pence a day for each bookTRANSLATION被暂借被暂借催还这本书催还这本书书得详细资料书得详细资料书名书名作者的名字作者的名字图书编目号码图书编目号码填写表格填写表格告知某人告知某人on loanrecall the bookthe details of the bookthe title of the bookthe authors namecall numberfill in/out the formlet sb. knowIM AFRAID I CANT RETURN THEM UNTIL IVE FINISHED MY PROJECT.not until 直到直到 才才I cant return them until Ive finished my project. 瞬间性瞬间性I kept the book until Ive finished my project. 延续性延续性I cant return them until Ive finished my project.同意句转换同意句转换I _ return the book _ Ive finished my project.canafter2. IM AFRAID I CANT RETURN THEM UNTIL IVE FINISHED MY PROJECT.not until 直到直到 才才I cant return them until Ive finished my project. 瞬间瞬间倒装句倒装句 (部分倒装)(部分倒装) Not until Ive finished my project _.can I return them1.Lets wait until the bus stopped.2.She went to bed until eleven oclock. 3.Not until midnight it stopped raining.4. It was not until midnight when it stopped raining. Lets wait until the bus stops.She didnt go to bed until eleven oclock.Not until midnight did it stop raining.It was not until midnight that it stopped raining.Read, translate and recite the text.


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