湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版

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湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版_第3页
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Reading IIMy cousin and DIYAndrew is _ about DIY. He loves to repair things and _ his house , but he isnt good at it . Every time when he finishes , the house always looks _. Once he tried to _ in a light in his room, but he made a _, the whole house had a _ cut. He wanted to _ up a picture on the wall , but he _the pipe and _ the room with water. Another time , he _ the living room . After he finished , not onlypainted crazy decorateterribleputmistakepowerputhitfilledthe walls _ the ceiling and the floor were blue , _ his cat was blue ,too. When Suzy wanted to ask him to put up a _ above her bed , he _ the one end of the shelf much higher than the other one. The books couldnt _ there . Later , when Suzy _ him to take a course in DIY, he got _. He thinks he knows everything about DIY, but in _, Suzy knows much more than him now.fact but evenshelfmadestayadvisedangryUseful phrases and expressions be crazy about decorate the house put -in put - up fill- with- (be) full of - have a power cut make a mistake not only-but also-对对着迷着迷装修房子装修房子安装安装悬挂,张贴,搭建悬挂,张贴,搭建用用填充填充充满充满/ 装满装满停电停电犯错误犯错误不仅不仅而且而且take a course advise sb to do sth no problem on the shelf paint the house blue fail to do sth instead of - try to do sth keep (on) doing sth上课,选课上课,选课建议某人做某事建议某人做某事没问题没问题在架子上在架子上把房子粉刷成蓝色把房子粉刷成蓝色做某事失败做某事失败代替代替,不是,不是试图做,努力做试图做,努力做继续做,坚持做某事继续做,坚持做某事 look terrible make a sentence make an instruction how to make cards cut out on the other side of- be late for - 看起来很可怕看起来很可怕造句造句命令,说明命令,说明如何制作卡片如何制作卡片切开切开在在的另一边的另一边/面面迟到迟到Important language points 1.My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. be crazy about 对对着迷着迷 be fond of - 喜欢喜欢 be interested in - 对对感兴趣感兴趣Im crazy about painting. 我对绘画着了迷。我对绘画着了迷。 Shes crazy about him, ie loves him a lot. 她为他而神魂颠倒。她为他而神魂颠倒。The little girl is fond of drawing.这小女孩喜欢画画。这小女孩喜欢画画。2. He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. try to do 意思是意思是“努力去做某事努力去做某事”,表示想,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成;尽一切办法要把事情办成; try ones best to do sth 尽力做某事;尽力做某事; try -on 试穿试穿 Im trying to learn English well. 我决心(尽力)学好英语。我决心(尽力)学好英语。 She is trying a new dress on .她正在试穿一件新连衣裙。她正在试穿一件新连衣裙。We should try our best to do everything well.我们应该尽力做好每件事。我们应该尽力做好每件事。3. Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water. fill with 用用填充填充 (be) full of - 充满充满/装满了装满了He filled the glass with water.他将玻璃杯盛满水。他将玻璃杯盛满水。 The bus is full of people.车上挤满了人。车上挤满了人。The box full of books is Jims .那个装满书的箱子是那个装满书的箱子是Jim的。的。4. But he kept on painting. keep on doing 继续做某事,坚持做某事继续做某事,坚持做某事 keep sb doing sth 让某人一直做让某人一直做/ 不停地做不停地做 keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事John always kept on asking questions. 约翰总是问个不停。约翰总是问个不停。Dont keep me waiting for long.别让我久等。别让我久等。You should keep your father from smoking.5. Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor. not only but (also) 不仅不仅而且而且; 连接两个相对称的并列成分,侧重强调后连接两个相对称的并列成分,侧重强调后者,做主语时,谓语动词须遵循就近原则者,做主语时,谓语动词须遵循就近原则。He plays not only the piano but also the violin.他不仅弹钢琴,也拉提琴。他不仅弹钢琴,也拉提琴。 Not only Mr Lin but also his son likes playing the piano.林先生和他的儿子都喜欢弹钢琴。林先生和他的儿子都喜欢弹钢琴。 6. put相关短语:相关短语: put out 扑灭装扑灭装 put down 放下放下 put up 搭,竖立,张贴搭,竖立,张贴 put on: 穿上,戴上穿上,戴上 put away:把(某物)放在合适的地方把(某物)放在合适的地方 put off: 推迟,拖延推迟,拖延 put in 安装安装Later some firemen came and put out the fire. We put up our tent near a lake. Its cold outside .Put on your coat.Please put away your things.The sports meeting will be put off because of the rain.I put in a light in my bedroom yesterday.Detection Feedback1.My friend Lin Tao is crazy about _(play) basketball.2. My mother advised me _(learn) how to cook.3. She asked me to a the meeting with her.4. -What do the letters UN s for? -“United Nations.”5. I gave him advice i of money.6. The doctor a me not to smoke. 根根据汉语提示及句子意思写出单词。据汉语提示及句子意思写出单词。playing to learnattendstandinsteadadvises6. We may make (错误错误) when we do things in a hurry.7. You had better_ (go) to the factory and have a look.8. My grandma is crazy about _(make) colorful paper flowers.8. Thanks for _(出席出席) the charity show, Mr. Harrison.9. The basket is_ (fill) with eggs.mistakesgomakingattendingfull选择:选择:1.-Oops! I put in sugar salt. -Its OK. A. without B. with C. instead D. instead of2. Not only Kate but also Nick raise some money for Project Hope. A. want B. wants C. want to D. wants to3. When you are sleeping, you had better all your windows closed. A. dont keep B. not keep C. not to keep D. not keepingADB4. It made her when she heard the bad news. A. happily B. happy C. unhappily D. unhappy5. -We get knowledge from books from life. -Yes, both are important. A. either; or B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. not; butDA完成句子完成句子 1. 我想我会建议他离开公司。我想我会建议他离开公司。 I think Id _ the company.2. 我努力开窗户。我努力开窗户。 I _ the window.3. 我得修改图表我得修改图表。我出了点儿错我出了点儿错。 Ill have to alter the diagram. Ive _. 4. 她总是问着我同样的问题。她总是问着我同样的问题。 She _ me the same question.advise him to leavetried to openmade a mistakekept on asking5. 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 She _ plays well, _ writes music. 6. 我的两个儿子都很迷老摩托车。我的两个儿子都很迷老摩托车。 Both my sons _ old motorbikes. 7. 那个小女孩用纸把洞填了起来。那个小女孩用纸把洞填了起来。 That little girl _ paper.not only but also are crazy aboutfilled the hole with8.昨晚整幢大楼都停电了。昨晚整幢大楼都停电了。 The whole building _ last night.9. 我想把我的房间漆成淡蓝色。我想把我的房间漆成淡蓝色。 I want to _light blue.10.在公共场所你最好别吸烟。在公共场所你最好别吸烟。 You _in public. had a power cut paint my room had better not smoke


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