人教版高中英语必修一 unit 4 earthquake Writing 教学课件

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WritingHave you ever read any English newspaper or Chinese newspaper? What are they?Which would you prefer, English newspaper or Chinese newspaper? Why?Discussion:Discussion (3m)What kind of newspaper do you usually read? Speaking task:Speaking task:China daily21 centuryNew York TimesWashington postEnglish weeklySpeaking (4m)Common talkof Xiamen Dailyan interesting title that tells the reader what your topic is Headline Main ideasDetailsDo you know what an outline is?outlineBrainstorming for writing (3m)Questions1. Why an outline is important?2. What should an outline conclude?3. Why a headline is important?4. What are the steps to finish a newspaper story?5. What is the feature of the newspaper story?1. Why an outline is important? Because an outline will prepare you to write a better story.2. What should an outline conclude? A good outline should have a headline, a list of main idea and a list of important details.3. Why a headline is important? A headline can tell the reader what the topic is, so it can attract the readers attention since the reader may not have bought the newspaper before they read the headline.4. What are the steps to finish a newspaper story? First, organize the main ideas. Next, put some details into each paragraph.5. What is the feature of the newspaper story? A newspaper story gives the most important news first and the least important news last.Read the example of a newspaper story on P31. How many parts is the story divided?Find the headline, main ideas and details of each paragraph.Pre-writing (3m)Headline :Main ideasDetailsoutlineimportantThe most important news first the least important news lastHeadlinecMain ideasDetails HeadlineCyclists ready to go on the road for blind kids.Main ideasDetails HeadlineCyclists ready to go on the road for blind kids.Main ideasFrom July 5 to 28, a team of cyclists know as Bikers for the Blind will ride their bikes 1,888 km from Lijiang, Yunnan Province, to Lhasa, Tibet.Details HeadlineCyclists ready to go on the road for blind kids.Main ideasFrom July 5 to 28, a team of cyclists know as Bikers for the Blind will ride their bikes 1,888 km from Lijiang, Yunnan Province, to Lhasa, Tibet.Details meeting, purpose:hope to raise money to help blind children, members: countries, ages, before their tripThe title of this story is “Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Blind Kids”There are two parts in the story. The first one is from the beginning to “to learn better.” The second part is from “the cyclists come form China” to the end.The main idea of the first part is that the cyclists plan to get money for blind kids. The main idea of the second part is about information about the cyclists and their project.Writing PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineOrganizationUse of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-viewConclusionWriting PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineAttract readers attentionOrganizationUse of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-viewConclusionWriting PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineAttract readers attentionOrganization Begins with big events and includes small details later.Use of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-viewConclusionWriting PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineAttract readers attentionOrganization Begins with big events and includes small details later.Begins with small details and includes big details later.Use of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-viewConclusionWriting PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineAttract readers attentionOrganization Begins with big events and includes small details later.Begins with small details and includes big details later.Use of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-viewConclusionWriting PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineAttract readers attentionOrganization Begins with big events and includes small details later.Begins with small details and includes big details later.Use of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-viewConclusionWriting PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineAttract readers attentionOrganization Begins with big events and includes small details later.Begins with small details and includes big details later.Use of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-view ObjectiveSubjectiveConclusionWriting PartNewspaper StoryShort storyHeadlineAttract readers attentionOrganization Begins with big details and includes small details later.Begins with small details and includes big details later.Use of main ideasUse of paragraphsPoint-of-view ObjectiveSubjectiveConclusionHas no conclusion General conclusionExample of newspaper story China leads world in traffic death Experts say that road traffic accidents are on the rise and China ranks first in the world in traffic death tolls. Worldwide Statistics show that the global traffic accident death toll amounted to 500,000 in 2003, with the largest share,104,000reported in China, followed by India with 86,000, the U.S. with 40,000, and Russia with 26,000, said Duan Liren , former deputy director of the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. Road accidents are The seventh leading killer in China. Prepare the outline for a short newspaper story for China Daily.Use the example to help you organizeYour outline. Assignment


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