科普版英语四下Lesson 9I like summer课件3

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科普版英语四下Lesson 9I like summer课件3_第3页
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Lesson9I like summer我喜欢夏天。 当句中有be动词,变一般疑问句时,将be动词提前 第一人称改为第二人称 即 I 变you we变you We are in the room. Are you in the room? Yes,we are./No,we arent. 当句中没有be动词,但有情态动词can时,变一般疑问 句时,将情态动词can提前, 第一人称改为第二人称 即 I 变you we变you I can swim. Can you swim? Yes,I can./No,I cant.当句中既没有be动词又没有情态动词can时,变一般疑问句时,需要借助于助动词do,将do提前,第一人称改为第二人称 即 I 变you we变you I have a new pen. Do you have a new pen? Yes,I do./No,I dont. 当句中有be动词,变否定句时,在be动词后面加not: They are in the box. They are not in the box./They arent in the box.当句中没有be动词,但有情态动词can时,变否定句时,在情态动词can后面加not: She can swim. She can not swim./She cant swim.当句中既没有be动词又没有情态动词can时,变否定句时,需要借助于助动词do,在do后面加not: I like football. I dont like football.Words: seasonsizn季节 favouritefevrt最喜爱的 spring spr 春天 summer sm 夏天 autumntm 秋天 winterwnt冬天 snowsn雪,下雪 busybz忙的 becausebkz因为复数:seasonsin spring 在春天in summer 在夏天in autumn 在秋天美式:fallin winter 在冬天Its cold in winter.I like snowing.反义词:freeLets talk Look! How beautiful the snow is! 看!雪多么漂亮呀! Do you like snow? 你喜欢雪吗? Yes,I do. What about you? 是的,我喜欢。你呢? I like snow,but I dont like winter because its too cold. 我喜欢雪,但我不喜欢冬天因为天太冷了。 Whats your favourite season? 你最喜欢什么季节? I like summer because I like swimming. 我喜欢夏天因为我喜欢游泳。springDo you like spring? Yes, I do / No, I dontsummerDo you like summer?Yes, I do / No, I dontautumnDo you like autumn?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.winterDo you like winter?Yes, I do. / No, I dontDo you like?Yes ,I do. / No, I dont.SpringSpring is green . is green .SummerSummer is red . is red . AutumnAutumn is yellow . is yellow .WinterWinter is white . is white .fly a kiteeat mooncakesmake a snowmanswim AskAsk & &AnswerAnswer-Do you like spring ?-Yes, I do.-Why?-Because I can fly a kite. Dialog practise:Billy and Betty Spring is coming.Its warm.Billy likes spring.He sings and dances. 春天来了,天气很暖和。比利喜欢春天,他唱歌跳舞。 Summer is coming.Its hot.Betty likes summer.She sings and dances. 夏天来了,天气很热。贝蒂喜欢夏天,她唱歌跳舞。Billy and Betty Billy likes working.Now autumn is coming.Billy is busy.He gets lots of nuts for the winter. 比利喜欢工作,现在秋天来了。比利很忙。他为冬天收集了很多坚果。 Betty doesnt like working.She likes playing.She sings and dances. 贝蒂不喜欢工作。她喜欢玩。她唱歌跳舞。Billy and Betty Now winter is coming.It is very cold.Billy is at home. He is not cold.He is happy. 现在冬天来了,天气很冷。比利在家里。他不冷,他很高兴。 Betty has no home.She is very cold.She is sad.贝蒂没有家,她很冷。她很伤心。Homework 1.1.抄写第抄写第9 9课单词包音标,每个课单词包音标,每个8 8遍遍, ,并听写。并听写。 2.2.创维新课堂第创维新课堂第9 9课全做。课全做。 3 3. .每天听磁带每天听磁带3030分钟,背诵默写第分钟,背诵默写第9 9课课文,课课文,家长签字。家长签字。 1.I like summer.(变一般疑问句,做肯定和否定回答) Do you like summer? 2.I sing and dance.(变否定句) I dont sing and dance. 3.My favourite season is spring. What is your favourite season? 4.I want a beautiful dress.(变一般疑问句和否定句) Do you want a beautiful dress? I dont want a beautiful dress. 5. I have a new bag.(变一般疑问句,做肯定否定回答) Do you have a new bag? Yes, I do./No,I dont. 将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答。 1.We are friends. Are you friends? Yes, we are./No, we arent. 2.I have two hands. Do you have two hands? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 3.She can ride a bike. 4.We like riding. Do you like riding? Yes, we do./No, we dont. 5.I think she is right. Do you think she is right? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 6.I have the head of a horse. Do you have the head of a horse? 7.They call up. Do they call up? Yes, they do./No, they dont. 将下列句子改为否定句。 1.She is my sister. She is not my sister. 2.I like snow. I dont like snow. 3.You have the feet of a deer. You dont have the feet of a deer. 4.They can sing. They cant sing. 5.I want a long ruler. I dont want a long ruler. 6.We have a beautiful watch. We dont have a beautiful watch. 7.I call up. I dont call up. 将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作肯定否定回答。 1.She can swim. 2.They are on the chair. 3.I like singing. 4.I have a new bike. 将下列句子变成否定句。 1.He is my father. 2.We like snow. 3.I want a new book. 4.I can ride a horse.GoodbyeSee you tomorrow


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