高三英语二轮复习 主题36“记” 人际关系课件

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高三英语二轮复习 主题36“记” 人际关系课件_第1页
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36“记记”之之人际关系人际关系核核心心 单单词词 1. dislike n& vt.不喜欢;厌恶 2friendship n友谊 3_ vt.驳回诉讼;忽视 4 _ n十几岁的青少年 5upset adj.心烦意乱的 6partner n _ 7workmate n _ 8 _ adj.感激的;表示谢意的 9 _ adj.体贴的 10honest adj.诚实的;正直的ignoreteenager伙伴;合作者伙伴;合作者同事;工友同事;工友grateful considerate 11cheat v欺骗;作弊 12perfect adj.完美的;极好的 13concern v涉及;关心 14personal adj. _ 15merciful adj. _ 16 _ adj.珍贵的 17 _ adj.热情的 18relative adj.相关的;n.亲属 19selfless adj.无私的 20communicate v交际;沟通个人的;私人的个人的;私人的仁慈的仁慈的preciousenthusiastic 特 特别关注 concern(3年2考)be concerned about/for担心;忧虑担心;忧虑show concern for 关心;关注关心;关注be concernedthatclause 担心担心be concerned with 与与有关有关as/so far as sb/sthbeconcerned 就就而言而言I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. 我担心他可能没钱,买不起东西吃。我担心他可能没钱,买不起东西吃。He asked some questions concerning the future of the company.他就公司发展提了一些问题。他就公司发展提了一些问题。核核心心 短短语语 1. be concerned about 关心;挂念 2build up true friendship建立真正的友谊 3get along _与相处;发展 4fall in love with _ 5promote friendship with增进同的友谊 6 _ 对评价很高 7help(sb)out _ 8turn to sb for help向某人求助 9be crazy _ 对狂热 10know sb well熟知某人with相爱;爱上相爱;爱上think highly/much of帮助帮助(某人某人)摆脱困境摆脱困境about 11make friends with sb和某人交朋友 12a strong personality很强的个性 13form a friendship with sb与某人建立友谊 14trust each other相互信任 15share happiness and sorrows with sb _ 16 _对忠诚 17get/keep in touch with sb取得/保持同某人的联系 18look down upon _ 19look after/take care of照顾 20keep ones promise/word守信用与某人同甘共苦与某人同甘共苦be loyal to看不起;轻视看不起;轻视核核心心 语语句句1. True friendship should be based on mutual understanding,not on mutual benefit.Moreover,both must also have similar ideals.真正的友谊应该基于相互的理解,而不是相互的利益。而且,两个人必须也有相似的理想。2A friend is someone whom you could tell everything to,like your deepest feelings and thoughts and also the one who understands what you are going through.朋友是那个你可以向他倾诉一切并且懂得你所经历的事情的人。3Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends.However,the situation is easy to change if you take my advice.很抱歉你在交友上遇到麻烦。然而,假如你听从我的建议,情况是很容易改变的。4I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand to solve this problem.如果你能帮忙解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。5There was a time when I was upset about some small things.我曾一度对一些琐事感到很烦恼。6He wonders whether it is because her friends are so concerned about her that she has calmed herself down.他在想是否因为她的朋友对她很关心,所以她的心情才平复下来。 字词入章,相得益彰字词入章,相得益彰 There was a time when I was upset about some small things.I packed up my things and went to Beijing.It was the first time that I had been there.One day I happened to meet Li Ping when I was visiting the Summer Palace.I found it easy to get along with him.It was a pleasure to be together with him chatting.Soon we became good friends.It was because I had such a friend that I wasnt upset and didnt feel lonely any longer.Not until then did I really realize the value of friends.名名 师师 招招 招招 鲜鲜如何做细节理解题三 三、识图解义题 试题中常有插图、图解或地图等。这是形象化地表现信息的形式,有的只起辅助作用,用以降低试题难度。解答这类题需要考生一边阅读一边按照空间顺序或细节描写,对照所给图以确定选项。 In the United States,there were some wellconstructed houses for native Indians,ranging from the simple brush shelter to the fivestoried pueblo. In the eastern United States,one of the existing types was that commonly known under the Algonkian name of wigwam in which the Iroquois Indians lived.The wigwams were of wagontop shape with straight sides and ends,made by bending young trees to form the round shape.Over this shape pieces of tree bark were laid to protect the Indians from bad weather.Over the bark dried grass was added.A small hole allowed smoke to escape from the top.Doorways at each end served also as windows.The Iroquois Indians built trunk walls all around their villages.The wall had only one opening.They could quickly close this opening if their enemies came near. Interestingly,the Choctaw Indians in Mississippi also lived in a wigwam of a most primitive(原始的) construction,but different from those of the Iroquois Indians.The Choctaw Indians wigwams,made from mud,cane and straw,were in the form of a beehive.The covering was made of a long,tough grass.A post in the centre supported the roof.A hole in the top admitted the light,and allowed the smoke to pass out. The tipi tenthousing of the upper lake and plains area was put up with poles set lightly in the ground,tied together near the top,and covered with bark and grass in the lake country.It was easily portable,and two women could set it up or take it down within an hour. The Pawnee,Mandan and other Indian tribes(部 落)along the Missouri built solid ringshaped structures of trunk,covered with earth and dried grass,housing a dozen families. The Wichita and other tribes of the Texas border built large ringshaped houses covered with dried grass. Apart from the regular housing,almost every tribe had some style of housing. 1Which of the following pictures shows the house for the Iroquois Indians? 答案A文中“The wigwams were of wagontop shape with straight sides and ends,made by bending young trees to form the round shape.”可知易洛魁印第安人的房子像货车一样有着直直的边,顶部为圆顶,后文提到用tree bark (树皮)做顶及trunk walls(树干墙)来保护村庄,由此可知图A应该是易洛魁印第安人的房子。 Cin a ring shape with bark and mud Dby bending young trees to form the shape Aof the same shape Bcovered with grass Cbuilt with a post in the centre Dbuilt with doorways at each end3All the native Indian houses described in the passage were_Awith openings in the trunk wallsBlarge enough for several families2According to the passage,the Pawnee Indians built their houses_Aall the native Indians built trunk walls all around their housesBall the native Indian houses were built with poles tied togetherCthe Iroquois Indians took safety into account while building their wigwamsDthe Choctaw Indians in Mississippi built their wigwams with straight sides and ends答案2.B3.B4.C4The passage suggests that_


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