江苏省溧水县孔镇中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省溧水县孔镇中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省溧水县孔镇中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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江苏省溧水县孔镇中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第3页
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TALK ABOUT SWITZERLANDLitter is separated into different groups.Litter is separated into different groups. It It will be sent will be sent to recycle.to recycle. TALK ABOUT SWITZERLAND Laws are made to protect the environment.Laws are made to protect the environment.People People will be punished will be punished if they dont follow the laws.if they dont follow the laws. TALK ABOUT SWITZERLANDNew energy is used to reduce pollution.New energy is used to reduce pollution.Less pollution Less pollution will be produced will be produced in Switzerland.in Switzerland. TALK ABOUT SWITZERLANDLitterLitter will be sent will be sent to recycle.to recycle.People People will be punished will be punished if they dont follow the laws.if they dont follow the laws.Less pollution Less pollution will be produced will be produced by using new energy by using new energy Switzerland.Switzerland.Work out the rule Passive Voice in the simple future tense用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. The 29th Olympics _in Beijing next year. ( hold )2. I think he _ this work tomorrow morning. ( finish )3. This building _ in the zoo next year.( build )will be heldwill be finished is going to be built What will be done to protect our environment?Environment Week will be held.Environment Week will be held.TALK ABOUT ENVIRONMENT WEEKPART A ON PAGE 112Complete the following sentences1. A lot of activities (organize) in Environment Week.2. Posters (design) by Sandy.3. Leaflets (send) to all the people in the town.4. Some of the activities (hold) in the town square. will/ are going to be organizedwill/ are going to be designedwill/ are going to be sentwill/ are going to be heldTALK ABOUT THE SHOW IN THE ENVIRONMENT WEEK PART B1. When is the show going to be held? (this Friday evening)2.Where will it be held? (at the town hall)3.Who will be invited to the show?(some famous people in our town)4.What will be displayed at the show?(videos about Sunshine Town)5.What will be discussed at the show?(ways about how to protect the evironment)The show is going to be held this Friday eveningThe show is going to be held this Friday evening.It will be held at the town hall.It will be held at the town hall.Some famous people in our town will be invited to the show.Some famous people in our town will be invited to the show.Videos about Sunshine Town will be displayedVideos about Sunshine Town will be displayed.Ways about how to protect the environment will be Ways about how to protect the environment will be discussed.discussed.Pollution Help Kitty complete Part C Help Kitty complete Part C on Page 114.on Page 114.Sum up 时时 态态构构 成成例例 句句一般现一般现在在时态时态am / is / are + doneAn apple is eaten by me every day.一个苹果每天都被我吃掉。一般过一般过去去时态时态was / were + doneHe was taken to the park by his mother yesterday.昨天,他被妈妈带去了公园。一般将一般将来来时态时态will be + doneThe child will be sent to his parents next week.那个小孩子下个月将要被送回他的父母那里。将下列句子变为被动语态,每空一词。1. We ate some bananas last night. Some bananas _ _ by us last night.2. When will you hand in your homework? When _ your homework _ _ _ ?3. He looks after his father very well. His father _ _ _ very well by him.were eaten will be handed inis looked after1.明天我校将举行一次校运会。明天我校将举行一次校运会。2.这些玩具在那家商店出售。这些玩具在那家商店出售。3.昨天这些海报被他们分发给街上和行人。昨天这些海报被他们分发给街上和行人。4.旧衣服常被收集给穷人。旧衣服常被收集给穷人。5.这个周末我们将被邀请去参加一个慈善晚会这个周末我们将被邀请去参加一个慈善晚会6.在明天的会议上将讨论什么?在明天的会议上将讨论什么?A school sports meeting will be held at our school tomorrow.A school sports meeting will be held at our school tomorrow.These toys are sold in that shop.These toys are sold in that shop.The posters were handed out to the people in the street by them.The posters were handed out to the people in the street by them.Old clothes are often collected for the poor.Old clothes are often collected for the poor.We will be invited to join in a charity party.What will be discussed in tomorrows meeting?Try to write an article about your environent using the passive voice.


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