山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 5 The Great Sports Personality》Cultral Corner课件 外研版选修5

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山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 5 The Great Sports Personality》Cultral Corner课件 外研版选修5_第1页
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山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 5 The Great Sports Personality》Cultral Corner课件 外研版选修5_第2页
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山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 5 The Great Sports Personality》Cultral Corner课件 外研版选修5_第3页
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CULTURAL CORNER(page 49)New York MarathonBei Jing MarathonParis Marathon Britain MarathonMarathon: The Ultimate (final) Olympic Event (Page 49 )FIND OUT THE MEANING OF THE FOLLOWING THE EXPRESSIONS. 1). ultimate 2). event 3). rise to ones feet 4). cheer 5). come from 6). castle 7). dramatically 8). fall onto the ground 最后的最后的 (体育)项目(体育)项目 站起来站起来 欢呼欢呼 来自于来自于 城堡城堡 戏剧性地戏剧性地 摔倒在地上摔倒在地上 9). pick sb. up 10). finish line 11). protest 12). declare 13). borough 14). landmark 15). extraordinary 16). competitor 17). tough 18). particularly 扶起某人扶起某人 终点线终点线 抗议抗议 宣布宣布 (自治)区(自治)区 标志性建筑标志性建筑 特别的;非凡的特别的;非凡的 竞争者竞争者 费力的,困难的费力的,困难的 特别地,尤其特别地,尤其Smart Expressions 奥运会奥运会 跑完最后几米跑完最后几米 起立起立 古希腊古希腊 作战现场作战现场 希腊人打败波斯人希腊人打败波斯人的胜利的胜利 刚开始刚开始 戏剧化地结束戏剧化地结束 跑错了方向跑错了方向 摔倒摔倒 the Olympics run the last few meters rise to ones feet ancient Greek the scene of the battle a Greek victory against the Persians at first end dramatically turn the wrong way fall onto the groundSmart Expressions pick sb. up the finishing line the starting line the toughest course to run be particularly good at sports train for sth. 扶起某人扶起某人 终点线终点线 起跑线起跑线 最难的路线最难的路线 体育特别好体育特别好 为为训练训练Translate the following sentence into Chinese1.As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few meters of the 42-kilometre race, the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer.每当领先的运动员进入体育馆来跑那全程每当领先的运动员进入体育馆来跑那全程42公公里的最后几米时,全场观众都会站起身来向他里的最后几米时,全场观众都会站起身来向他欢呼喝彩。欢呼喝彩。2.WHEN THE LEADER, AN ITALIAN, ENTERED THE STADIUM HE TURNED THE WRONG WAY AND FELL ONTO THE GROUND.当领先的那位运动员一位意大利选手跑进体育馆时,他转错了方向并摔倒在地。3.THE AMERICANS PROTESTED AND IN THE END THE AMERICAN RUNNER WAS DECLARED THE WINNER.美国人提出抗议,最终那位美国选手被宣布获胜。4. But perhaps one of the most beautiful and extraordinary marathons ever is the Great Wall Marathon, which most competitors find is the toughest course to run. 但是最漂亮最特别的马拉松赛之一是长城但是最漂亮最特别的马拉松赛之一是长城的马拉松比赛,大部分参赛者都认为它的马拉松比赛,大部分参赛者都认为它的跑道最难跑。的跑道最难跑。Para1Para2Para3Para4most people can run a marathonthe origins of the marathonthe distance of the marathon and the 1908 marathon marathons around the world1. Read the text and get the main idea of each paragraph. do it like this, paragraph1 talks about1. As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few meters of the race, the crowd2. Judge the following statement is true or false. rises to its feet to shout and cheer. keeps silent and watches him.2. In the Olympics in 1908, the Italian runner won the gold medal. America runner. 3. The New York Marathon is famous because 2 million people participated in it. watched1. What are the origins of the marathon? 2. When did the marathon become an Olympic event?3. What was the distance of the original marathon?4. What is the distance of the marathon now?Legend says a Greek soldier ran from Marathon to Athens to tell of the Greek victory. He died after arriving.In 1896.40 kilometres.26 miles-about 42 kilometres.Answer the following questions.1). The origins of the marathon. The origin of its name the scene of the battleTHE SPIRIT OF MARATHONLife is a real marathon, long and tough, which we should never give up struggling for until we hit the finishing line. The senior high school study is also a marathon, and you can never stop since you cross the starting line, no matter how difficult the journey is. 译一译译一译体育名人之语录体育名人之语录I can accept failure, but I cant accept not trying. Michael Jordan 我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。迈克尔迈克尔乔丹乔丹You will go through tough times. Its about coming through that. David Beckham 艰难的时候总会过去,艰难的时候总会过去, 只要你能坚持只要你能坚持下来。下来。 大卫大卫贝克汉姆贝克汉姆be thought to be = be considered to be被认为是被认为是It was thought that my brother had been cheated in the shop.Translate:_ It is said that he has gone abroad for further education.= He is said to have gone abroad for further education. It was reported that the new medicine had come into effect. =_ Language points.The new medicine was reported to have come into effect.人们认为我弟弟在商店里被骗。人们认为我弟弟在商店里被骗。 go abroad 动作发生早 people say 发生晚Come into effect 早发生Report 晚发生 It is beliveved that he is writing a novel. = _ 刘翔被认为是一个很棒的运动员。刘翔被认为是一个很棒的运动员。 Liu Xiang is thought to be a great sportsman.He is believed to be writing a novel.不定式的时态:不定式的时态:一般式一般式 to do 表示的动作与谓语动词是同时发生的或是在其后发生的;进行式进行式 to be doing表示的动作与谓语动词的动作是同时的,而且正在进行着,有时表即将发生,多与情态动词连用;完成式完成式 to have done主要表示过去没有实现的愿望、期待或计划等,也用来表示先于谓语先于谓语动词发生的动作或状态。 to be done to have been done 不定式的被动语态:要学习其逻辑主语方面的知识。 不定式作宾语不定式作宾语 用于表示“指示,愿望,感觉”等动词后;动词hope, demand, suggest, welcome后不能不能用不定式作宾补;动词decide, discover, explain, consider, ask, forget, imagine, learn, think, wonder 等后可接“疑问词不定式”作宾语或宾语补足语;动词feel, think, understand, suppose, prove, know, imagine, find, declare, consider, judge, guess, believe后的宾语补足语常是to be或to have过去分词。 1.2008陕西卷The message is very important, so it is supposed as soon as possible. A. to be sent B. to send C. being sent D. sending 2.2007 辽宁The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported _ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race. A. breaking B. having broken C. to have broken D. break - Is Bob still performing? - Im afraid not. He is said_ the stage already as he has become an official A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left2.rise to ones feet站起身那个学生站起来问了老师一个问题。The student rose to his feet and asked the teacher a question. 他放下书,站起身来,看着窗外。He put down his book and rose his feet,looking out of the window. 3.刚开始,刘翔遥遥领先,突然他摔倒在地上,眼睁睁地看着其他选手冲过重点线。At the very beginning, Liu Xiang was the leader. Suddenly he fell onto the ground, hopelessly watching the other runners crossing the finishing line. 4Officials picked him up and helpe d him to the finishing line, just as the second runner, an American, entered the stadium. pick sb. up在句中是“把某人扶起来”的意思。 He picked the old man up and gave him some food. _ 他扶起那位老人,给了他一些食物。他扶起那位老人,给了他一些食物。 【注意】pick up 还表示“接某人;无意间学会;拾起;接收;停下来让人搭车;(经济、病情)好转”等含义。 When my cousin worked in Japan, she picked up some knowledge of Japanese cooking. Under good treatment, Mary is beginning to pick up and will soon recover. He stopped the car to pick up a young girl. We picked up signals for help from the burning plane.学会;好转;搭车;接收PRACTICE AND CONSOLIDATION:A: BDACACBCB:BCDIn the high school marathon, I wish you would get the best scores when you reach the finishing line.


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