山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 2 Fantasy Literature》课件3 外研版选修6

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山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 2 Fantasy Literature》课件3 外研版选修6_第1页
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山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 2 Fantasy Literature》课件3 外研版选修6_第2页
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山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 2 Fantasy Literature》课件3 外研版选修6_第3页
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Students, carrying their mothers on their backs, take part in a fun race to celebrate Mothers Day early at a middle school in Hefei, East Chinas Anhui province, on May 7.MOTHERS DAY MARKED ACROSS CHINA Chinese mothers receive love, joy and happiness from their children or companions around Mothers Day. It is thoughtful to express love to mothers on a special day, but it is more important to do so every day. What a mother wants most is for those she loves to be by her side. Xu Jinguo, 58, and his mother, Li Xiufang, 87, look at photos in albums, that were taken when they and other family members travelled across the country, at home in Xujia village, Zibo of East Chinas Shangdong province, on May 7. The photo in the inset was taken on the Great Wall near Beijing. Husbands celebrating their golden wedding anniversaries present flowers to their wives of 50 years to express their love and gratitude in a residential community in Hefei, East Chinas Anhui province, on May 7. Chen Qiaohui, a first-year university student, and her mother, Chen Xiuping, dressed in baccalaureate gowns, take a photo in front of a library at Chens university, in Hengyang, Central Chinas Hunan province, on May 7. Chen borrowed the gowns from school to please her mother, who failed to continue her studies after primary school education but has dreamed of attending university. REVIEW OF WORDLIST【学习目标学习目标】1掌握与掌握与Fantasy Literature 相关的词汇相关的词汇2、能识别语篇的新词汇,短语并理解其意、能识别语篇的新词汇,短语并理解其意思。思。3、能听懂课文,理解课文中有关故事情节、能听懂课文,理解课文中有关故事情节的信息,能从文章中提取有用信息的信息,能从文章中提取有用信息ANALYZE THE REST PART OF THE TEXT listen to the tape read the text analyze the long sentences 问题展示问题展示 合作探究合作探究达标训练 学案PARA 7-10 1 close to _ 2 keep ones eyes ( ) 3 fix _ 4 cast _ 5 _ least 6 ( )shape 7 without the slightest doubt _ 重点单词: fix , light-lit , doubt 【拓展】1) Her eyes were _(fix) _ the gun. 2)I fixed my attention _ the novel . 3)My watch has stopped - it needs _(fix) 4)The time for the meeting has _ _ already.(fix) There is no _ that the Internet has replaced the radio as the most important means fixed on on fixing/ to be fixedbeen fixed doubt 6)Some researchers believe that there is not any doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. A which B what C that D whetherDOUBT-DOUBTFUL 1) n doubt about / of 对-的怀疑 对于他的话我有些怀疑。 I have some doubt about his words. 毫无疑问他会成功的 There is no doubt of his success. 2)doubt whether / if -对于-持有怀疑(用于肯定句中) 他是否是担任那工作最合适的人,有点疑问。 There is some doubt whether he is the best man for the job. 3) doubt that -怀疑-(用于否定句,疑问句) 我确信他会通过考试。 I have no doubt that he will pass the exam.4) 习惯用语 beyond / out of doubt in doubt no doubt without doubt毫无疑问地,确实可怀疑的,不确定的确实的无疑的2 DOUBT 动词 1) I doubt the truth of the news doubt + n 2) I doubt whether /if he will keep his word. doubt whether / if - 用于肯定句 3) I dont doubt that our team will win. doubt that 用于否定,疑问句 Para 11-13 1could have done_ 2 find oneself doing _ 3 _ a line 4 thick with 5be laden with 重点单词:重点单词:hesitate -hesitation 1)他毫不迟疑地回答了。他毫不迟疑地回答了。 2)他对是否参加足球队仍拿不定主意。他对是否参加足球队仍拿不定主意。 3)我舍不得花这么多钱买衣服。我舍不得花这么多钱买衣服。 4)你有问题就直截了当告诉我们。你有问题就直截了当告诉我们。 5)如果当时我能有多一点时间,我就能完成这项如果当时我能有多一点时间,我就能完成这项任务。任务。 He replied without hesitating. He is still hesitating about joining the football team / whether to join the team. I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem 问题展示问题展示 合作探究合作探究 探究一:文章的结构和思路:参考课本16页第一题 Part 1 main idea :_ paragraph 1 to _ Part 2 main idea :_ paragraph _ to _ Part 3 main idea :_ paragraph _ to _ Activities 2-4the cat behaved strangely and vanished7-12 Will entered another world 12-15 what he saw in this new worldSummary of the Passage Summary of the Passage The passage is about _and _. The cat acts The passage is about _and _. The cat acts as _ and goes to _ as _ and goes to _ through _ in the air. Will follows her through _ in the air. Will follows her and decides not to _and decides not to _Willa catWills guideanother worldthe patchreturn to his world政界元老政界元老elder statesman/stateswoman 魔幻文学魔幻文学fantasy literature她想到一个主意an idea comes to her 晚点的火车a delayed train在骨头上加肉add flesh to the bones 与有联系be associated with在喝一杯咖啡期间over a single cup of coffee 手工by hand支付pay for 本可以放弃might have given up克服困难overcome all the difficulties 对调整an adjustment to 对有吸引力appeal to 各年龄段的读者readers of all ages和的联系纽带bond betweenand 在年代in an age of对负责be responsible for使学生们特别的高兴much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren限于be restricted to 据估计It is estimated that 存款on deposit


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