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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 复习要点(U8-U14)一、语法:1、一般过去时态。2、反意疑问句。3、感叹句。4、介词in ,on和at的用法。5、构词法:名词变形容词,形容词变副词。6、邀请和应答。请求和许可。7、一般将来时态。Will do 和be going to do的区别:二者都可以表示将来的动作或状态,有时可以互换,但又有区别。表示单纯将来的情况;Tom will visit you next week.或表示带有意愿色彩的将来;Dont worry, I will help you with your English.或表示客观上必然发生的事;I will be twenty next year.或依据事实做出科学的推测,尤其是天气预报。The radio says it will be rainy at times.以上情况应用will结构。如下列句子,不宜用will替换: I am going to see him tomorrow. Tom is going to be a doctor when he grows up. The girl is going to be sick. She looks sad. I think it is going to rain soon.8、掌握一般将来时,现在进行时和一般过去时和一般现在时的区别。二、知识点归纳:1、remember记得,反义词为forget【搭配】 remember to do sth.记得要做别忘记要做 (某事没做)remember doing sth.记得曾经做过某事(某事已做过)remember sth.记得某事remember me to sb.请代我向问好【拓展】 forget to do sth.忘记了去做某事(某事没做)forget doing sth.忘记曾经做过某事(事已做过,但忘记了)forget sth. 忘记某事【举例】Remember/Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room. 出去时别忘了关灯。I remember seeing him somewhere before.我记得曾在某地见过他。Please remember me to your parents.请代我向你的父母亲问好。I forgot to return the book to the library.我忘记将书还给图书馆了。I forgot returning the book to the library. 我忘记曾将书还给图书馆了。2、hope希望【搭配】 hope to do sth.希望做某事I hope to see you soon.hope主谓句, 希望I hope you have a good time.I hope so.希望如此。I hope not.我不希望如此。3. a bit =a little 一点点,可用来修饰形容词或副词。I was a bit/ a little tired.A bit of 后接不可数名词,a bit of bread一点面包not a bit表示“一点也不”;not a little表示“非常”He is not a bit tired. 他一点也不累He is not a little tired.他非常累。4、look afterwell=take good cake of 好好照顾5、keep healthy【搭配】 keep +形容词,保持某种状态I keep busy all the time.keep sb.形容词/介词让某人保持Please keep the door open.keep doing sth.坚持干某事Dont keep asking so many questions.keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直干某事Dont keep me waiting long.keep a diary坚持写日记He keeps a diary every day.keep animals饲养动物Farmers keep animals on the farm.6、grow up长大成人 He wants to be a teacher when he grows up.7、ago一段时间+指以现在为终点多长时间以前,不能单独使用。before通常用在某个时间点之前,还可以单独使用。【举例】They came to China three years ago. They visited him before Wednesday. I remember reading the book before.8、enjoy喜欢,喜爱,相当于 like或 love【搭配】 enjoy sth. 喜欢They enjoy Chinese food very much. enjoy doing sth.喜欢做Do you enjoy listening to music? enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得愉快He enjoyed himself.9、how do you like?=what do you think of?你觉得怎幺样?10、be away=be out外出,不在11、be away from school 离校,缺席He was away from school for two weeks.12、at the same time They got to the village at the same time.13、a moment ago=just now刚才,用于一般过去时态。14、reply用做名词,答复 make a reply 作出答复,make no reply没有答复reply 用做动词,回答reply to sb./sth.=answer sb.sth. please reply to/answer my question in English.15、sell sth, to sb.=sell sb. sth.卖给某人某物 He wants to sell his old bike to me=He wants to sell me his old bike.16、discuss business together一起谈生意17、by the way顺便问一下By the way, why did you call me?【拓展】 on the/ones way to在去某地的途中He is on his way to school. in a/theway用方法Can you do it in the same way?18、have a problem with无法解决的毛病,相当于there is something wrong withDo you have any problems with your TV set?19、putright使恢复正常 Can you put the clock right?20、have a lot of fun(doing)玩得开心We had a lot of fun in the park.21、do/take exercise=do sports进行运动,锻炼22、plan ones work carefully精心计划工作23、plan to do sth.计划做某事We are planning to start next week.24、make a plan for为制定计划Youd better make a plan for your study.25、 drive to =go toby car开车去He drives to work. drive sb. to开车送某人去He drives his son to school.26、have a rest=rest休息He had a rest for an hour=He rested for an hour.27、have a swim=go swimming游泳28、go on a trip=have a trip 进行旅行He is going on a trip to Japan.【拓展】 go on with sth.= go on doing sth.继续干(同一件事)go on to do sth.继续干(另一件事)【举例】After having a cup of tea, he went on with his work/working. He finished reading and went on to write his composition.29、 ask sb. for help 向求助Why not ask the teacher for help?ask sb. a question向提问题ask for sth.要某东西He came to ask for some water.ask sb. about sth.向询问有关的情况ask sb. (not)to do sth.请某人(不)做某事He asked me about the weather in Hainan.Tom asked us to help him with his Chinese.30、go out for a walk=have a walk=take a walk散步31、at breakfast早餐时He read morning paper at breakfast yesterday.32、say goodbye to向告别/辞行say hello to向打招呼,向问好say sorry to向道歉say good morning to向问候早安say thanks to向道谢33、 be useful to sb. 对某人有用 English is useful to everyone.be useful for sth.对某物有用Sports and games are useful for health.34、have a good/bad/ poor memory有很好/很差/很糟糕的记忆力35、all the time总是,一直,常和always做同义词组替换。The boy helps the old man all the time=The boy always helps the old man.36、 know everything about了解有关的一切know nothing/little about对一无所知know much/ a lot about 对了解很多37、move to地点,迁往,搬到They moved to Paris last year.38、good luck to sb. with sth.祝某人走运/某事顺利Good luck to you with your Chinese.39、at first=at the beginning起初,起先40、主语find宾语名词/形容词/介词短语/动词ing形式 I find English hard. 我觉得英语很难。I found him a good student.我觉得他是个好学生。I found her in the classroom.我发现他在教室里。I found a purse lying on the ground.我发现一个钱包躺在地上。41、be in/at a meeting=have a meeting开会42、 give a concert举行音乐会They gave a concert last night.give a talk做一次演讲Mr. Lin gave us a talk yesterday.give sb. a call给打电话please give me a call.go to a concert参加音乐会Thanks for asking me to the concert.be in/at a concert在音乐会上He wants to play in/at the concert.43、 a visit to去某地访问/参观Is this your first visit to China?be on a visit to=be visiting在访问They are on a visit to Beijinghave/make/pay a visit to访问/参观He will pay a visit to England.visit 可以做及物动词visit China, visit the History Museum.,visit a friend44、at that time在那时There was no hospital in the city at that time.45、more than数字=over数字,多于,超过,反义词为less than少于46、in the middle of在的中间He sits in the middle of the classroom.47、at the end of在末(指时间),在的尽头(指地点)Well have an exam at the end of this month. We met at the end of the street.48、in the end=at last=finally最后,终于They arrived there in the end.49、at the start of=at the beginning of在开始(指时间)At the beginning of the class, we sang an English song.50、 fall down(from)倒下,摔倒He fell down and broke his left leg.fall off从上掉下来The boy fell off the tree.fall into跌入(河,水中)He fell into the river./waterfall ill患病He fell ill =was ill yesterday.51、sth. happen to sb.某人发生了某事;发生在某人身上 what happened to him yesterday?昨天他出什幺事了?52、sb. happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事 I happened to see him in the park.我碰巧在公园见到他。53、have an accident 发生事故 have a little accident发生小事故54、work out演算,解决work out the maths problem. Work it /them out.55、hurry to=go toin a hurry匆忙赶往 He hurried to school =He went to school in a hurry.56、play for a team=be on a team=be amember of a team是的成员 He played for the children football team.=He was on the children football team=He was a member of the children football team.57、 be famous for以而着称/闻名Australia is famous for its sheep. be famous as以的身份出名He is famous as a singer.58、marry sb. “娶某人” 或“嫁给某人”John married kate59、marry sb. to sb.“把嫁给”He married his daughter to a rich man.be/get married to sb.“和结婚”Peter got married to Joe last year.60、last long持续久will the bad weather last long?last for一段时间,持续The meeting lasted for two hours.last from to从持续到Winter last from Nov. to Jan.【拓展】last可做形容词,表示 最后的,与the连用the last three floors刚过去的,不与the连用last night/year61、heavily, heavy 形容雨、雪大,形容风大用strong, strongly 形容太阳照得猛烈用bright, brightlyThe rain/snow was heavy last night=It rained/snowed heavily last night.There was a strong wind=The wind blew strongly.Look! The sun is shining brightly.62、write down写下,记下,其中down是副词。write down the new words=write the new words down.若是代词作宾语,只能放在动词和副词之间。write it/them down类似的短语还有:put on 穿上,上演take off 脱下turn on 打开(电器等)turn off 关掉 turn up调大(音量) turn down关小(音量) put away 把收好take away拿走 give back 归还work out算出 ring up打电话给 find out 查清,查明look up 查找throw away 丢掉think over 仔细考虑 pick up 捡起wake up把弄醒63、come out出来,出现,(花)开放The flowers start to come out in spring.【搭配】come along一道走,一起来 come after 跟随,随之后,相当于follow come back回来 come up走近,靠近 come on表示说话人的一种催促、劝说、鼓励等“快”、“来吧”64、at a bad/good time of year在一年中不好的/好的时节里65、 get “逐渐变得” get天气,长短get warm/cold/long/short turn“变得” turn颜色 turn green/yellow/red能用做联系动词的还有:look看起来显得look worried ,taste尝起来taste delicious, smell闻起来smell good, sound听起来sound great, feel觉得feel happy66、the best time to do sth.做的最好时间Its the best time to say good bye.67、Late march 三月底early spring初春early in the morning清晨 68、look unlike 看起来不象 be the most like/unlike 最像/不像The weather in China is the most unlike that in Australia.69、Autumn starts in Sep. and goes on to Nov.=Autumn lasts from Sep. to Nov.70、later on=at a later time过后,以后Hell visit the Great Wall later on.71、do some reading读书After supper, I did some reading.in the north/south/east/west of在的北/南/东/西部,在其范围之内。to the north/south/east/west of在以北/南/东/西,不在范围之内,也不接壤。on the north/south/east/west of以的北/南/东/西方,不在范围之内,接壤。Shanghai /Taiwan is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东部。Russia is on the northeast of China.俄罗斯在中国的东北部。72、North China华北 South China华南73、at times=sometimes时常,时而 It will be cloudy at times.74、There is a lot of sunshine=It is sunny.75、There will be a heavy rain=It will rain heavily.76、stay above zero保持0度以上 fall below zero下降到0度以下77、ring up给打电话Peter rang me up just now.【拓展】表示“打电话”的用语 telephone / phone / call sb.give sb. a call / ringmake a telephone / phone call to sb.78、in the daytime/day 在白天The temperature will stay above zero in the day.79、at night在夜里(下午6点至午夜)We stay in the open air at night.80、in the night在夜间The temperature will fall below zero in the night.81、on the night of特指在某晚上It happened on the night of Nov.20th.82、The rain / snow will stop later on=It will stop raining / snowing.83、Its good / better / best to do sth.最好做某事【举例】Its good to do morning exercises early in the morning. Its better to do more speaking if you learn English.【搭配】 be good for对有好处,适宜于be good to sb.对某人友好,相当于be kind /friendly to sb.be good at sth. / doing sth擅长于(做)某事,相当于do well in84、weather report for some cities across the world世界各大城市的天气预报85、weather report for the next 24 hours未来24小时天气预报(注意介词for)86、make / give a report做报告make a weather report for today.87、report to 向报告Ill report you to the headmaster.88、be sure相信,有把握【搭配】 be sure to do sth.“一定会,肯定会”表示说话人对句子主语的推测和判断。be sure of sth. / doing sth.“相信”,“有把握”,表示句子主语自信或对某事有把握。be sure 从句,表示句中主语对某事有把握I am sure (that)he will succeed=He is sure to succeed.他一定会成功。He is sure of success.他自信会成功。Be sure to do sth.的祈使句表说话人向对方提出要求,“务必”“一定要”.Be sure to come to school earlier tomorrow.明天务必早点来学校。89、 invite sb.邀请某人invite sb. to somewhere邀请某人去某地He invited me to her party.invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事He invited me to have dinner.90、go to the cinema=go to see a film去看电影91、hold on=hold on a minute=wait a moment=a moment=hold the line a second.92、right now=at the moment此刻,现在93、take a message for sb.为某人捎口信Can I take a message for you?94、leave a message 留言Please leave a message.请留言。95、give sb. the message=give the message to sb.把口信给某人96、sth. be ready某事已准备好了Supper is ready. be / get ready for sth.为作准备Im getting ready for the final exam.be ready to do sth.“准备做某事,乐意做某事”Hes ready to help others.get sth. ready 把准备好you must get your football shoes ready.97、There is no time / a little time / some time / enough time to do sth.没有时间 / 有点时间 / 些时间 /足够的时间去做某事。There is a little time for us to havelunch=We have a little time to have lunch.我们还有一点时间吃午饭。98、be the same as和相同,反义词组是be different fromEnglish names are different from Chinese names=English names are not the same as Chinese names.99、 【搭配】 turn over 翻转,把翻过来turn on 打开(电器,煤气等)turn off关掉(电器,煤气等)turn down 关小、降低音量turn up 调大音量turn right/left 向右 / 左转【举例】Turn over the stone and youll find something under the stoneHe turned on the radio and listened to the weather report.Please remember to turn off the lights when you go out.The recorder is too noisy. Turn it down, please.Turn right / left at the second crossing=Take the second turning on the right / left. 100、ask /tell sb. (not)to do sth. 请求 / 叫某人(不)做某事。101、 think hard苦苦思索He thought hard, then he had an idea.think about考虑,思考Im thinking about what to talk about.think of考虑,关心,想起I cant think of your name.think over仔细思考Please think it over before you write.think highly of高度评价He thought highly of what you did.102、be late for sth.晚了,迟了He was late for the meeting yesterday.be late for doing sth.做迟了He was late for catching the bus.103、show可做名词,“展览,演出”,也做动词,“出示,给看,说明” be on show陈列着,展览中His pictures will be on show next month. a dolphin show海豚展览Id like to see the dolphin show show sb sth=show sth. to sb.出示给Please show me your pass. show sb. around领某人参观Please show me around your school. show sb. how to do sth.指导怎样做He showed me how to drive a car. show +从句The picture shows what Bob did yesterday.104、be away from school 离校,缺课I was away from school for two weeks.105、how long /how often /how soon / how far / how many times /how heavy【比较】 how long表某一动作状态持续“多久,多长时间” for段时间 how often 表频率“多长时间一次” once /twice a week, sometimeshow soon 表示“将过多久之后”答语是 in 一段时间how far问路途有“多远”答语是two kilometers等how many times询问“多少次”答语是once, twice, three times等【举例】How long will you stay here? About two hours.How often do you go to the cinema? Once a weekHow soon will your parents come back? Theyll be back in two weeks.How many times have you been to the cinema this week? Twice.106、数字more名词,表示“再,又”Ill write two more letters.=Ill write another two letters.我将再写两封信。Would you like some more tea? No more.你还需要再添一些茶吗?不再需要。107、I hope everything goes well.=I hope everything is OK.希望一切顺利!108、help oneself to随便吃点/喝点Help yourselves to some fish, children.help oneself 随便用May I use your pen?Help yourself.请随便用109、put on“上演,穿衣”Well put on plays, too.我们也上演戏剧。put up举起,建起Put up your hand if you have any questions.put down放下Put down the bag on the floor.put away把收拾好Its hot now, please put away your sweater.put into放进,译成Put these sentences into Chinese.把句子译成中文。110、always的反义词是never,把含有always的句子变成否定句时,只需把always变成never. He is always late for school=He is never late for school7 / 7


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