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安徽财经大学成人高等教育大学英语二复习题班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、选出与其他三项不同类的一项。( B )1. A. schedule B. moment C. control D. catch( B )2. A. shower B. adjust C. activity D. event ( B )3. A.treat B.moment C.train D.catch( B )4. A.trip B.adjust C.activity D. event ( C )5. A. justice B.careless C. extra D.straight( B )6. A. realize B.fun C. repeat D.bother( D )7.those B.the C.that D.here( C )8.who B.how C. whether D. what ( B )9. A.repeat B.fun C.realize D.bother(B )10. and B.but C.with D.so( D )11. without B.in C.on D.however( B )12. my B.he C.her D.its( D )13.this B.the C.that D.here( D )14.why B.how C.what D.whether( D )15. on B.in C. without D.however( B )16. your B.they C.her D.its二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。ahead sincerely manner choice reasonable prefer online advantage as long as comfort1. Why are you taking in such a strange manner .2. Every one of us is sincerely grateful(感激的)for your help.3. London is about five hours ahead of New York in time.4. Only 15 pounds a night? That sounds resonable .5. You have a choice you can stay here on your own or you can come with us.6. “Which coffee do you prefer , black coffee or white coffee?”“I really font mind.7. Richard has an advantage on you since he can speak French.8. I have searched the Internet and the reports of the meeting are not available(可得到的) online .9. You can go out to play as long as you keep away from the street.10. Sometimes a few words of comfort can help the one who has just failed to stand up.三、选择题( D ) 1. Oh, there are some on the grassland. Lets go and see. A. are; sheeps B. is; sheeps C. Is; sheep D. are; sheep( A ) 2. In England, cloth is sold by length or rather yard instead of by meter. A. the; / B. /; / C. the; the D. /; the( B ) 3. I have two brothers. One is a scientist, is a doctor. A. another B. the other C. other one D. other( C ) 4. London workers are out on strike. A.nineteen million B. ninteen millions C. ninteen million D. nineteen millions( D ) 5. This film is the one we saw last week. A. many more interesting than B. less more interesting C. not interesting than D. not so interesting as ( B ) 6. My grandmother gets up in my family. A. early B. earliest C. more early D. earlier ( A ) 7. him falling down, I caught him by the arm. A. Seeing B. Being seen C. Seen D. Being seeing( C ) 8. catch the train, he hurried through his work. A. In order that B. So as C. In order to D. So as to ( D ) 9. It is possible he misunderstood she said. A. what; that B. that; that C. what; what D. that; what( B ) 10. Jane drove to the airport and by the time she arrived she found the plane . A. was taken off B. had taken off C. took off D. will take off四、英翻中。1. It may be a good idea to schedule homework before dinner, since afterwards you may get too sleepy to concentrate. 在吃晚饭之前就把作业做好是好主意,因为饭后你可能会太困而没法集中注意力。 2. Make a list of everything you need to do, from taking a shower to doing homework and after-school activities. 把你需要做的事情都列一个清单,从洗澡到做作业等课后活动, 3. Good manners can make it easier to get help. 良好的礼仪习惯能让你更容易获得帮助。 4. We cant predict what is going to happen every day, so time management should be flexible. 我们无法预测每天会发生什么事情,所以在时间安排上应该灵活些。 5. You should not only have some knowledge about the city where you are going to, but also learn how to ask the way. 你不但要了解你即将去的那个城市的知识文化,同时也要学习如何问路。 6.If you cannot follow the speaker, you can repeat the key words you hear. 如果你跟不上演讲者,你可以重复你所听到的关键字。 7. However much you have, however much you have accomplished, you need help too. No matter how little you have, no matter how many problems you face, you can still give help.无论你拥有多少,有多成功,你都会需要帮助,无论你多渺小,面临着多大的问题,你都还是可以提供帮助 8. This is because most travel companies, hotels and airlines use the Internet for their business and save some of their costs. 这是因为大部分旅游公司、酒店和航空公司都是利用互联网来做业务,所以才节省了一些成本 五、中翻英。1.我们已经决定坚持我们的计划。(stick to) We have decide to stick to our plan. 2. 他们愉快地接受了邀请。(happily) They accepted the invitation happily 3. 它不仅是一位教师,还是一名著名的作家。(not only but also) it is not only a teacher,but also a famous writer 4. 只要你过得幸福,是穷还是富并不重要。(as long as, matter)It does not matter poor or rich,as long as you are happy, 5 你能专心听我讲话吗?(concentrate on) Can you concentrate on my talking? 6. 他们昼夜不停地干,只用了一个星期就把房子建成了。(round the clock) They work round the clock, so they got the house finished only a week. 7. 直到太阳升起,我们才出发。(notuntil) We have not set out until the sun rises. 8. 你的健康比任何东西都重要。 Your healthy is more important than anything else. Error! Reference source not found.复习题,第 6 页 共 6 页 Error! Reference source not found.试题(Error! Reference source not found.) 第 12 页 共12页


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