初中英语第五册Unit 2课件4

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Unit 2 单元复习与验收单元复习与验收 Designed by Xiao Bin 2005. 9. 6按要求变换句式(每空不限填一个单词)按要求变换句式(每空不限填一个单词)1. She used to be an English teacher . (变成一般疑问句)变成一般疑问句) _ an English teacher ?2. We show great interest in computer games. (写出同义句)写出同义句)We _ very _ computer games . 3. My grandpa is very old now , but he was a teacher before . (写出同义句)写出同义句) My grandpa _ be a teacher , but now he is very old . 4. She used to have straight hair , _ ? (写出反义写出反义疑问句)疑问句)5. Be quick ! Im afraid to be late . (写出同义句)写出同义句) Be quick ! Im _ late . Did she use to be are interested in used to didnt she afraid of being英汉短语互译:英汉短语互译:1.放弃放弃 _ 2.对对 感兴趣感兴趣_3.下决心下决心_ 4令某人惊奇的是令某人惊奇的是_ 5. 根本不根本不_ 6.查阅查阅 _7.处理处理 _ 8. 对对感到生气感到生气_9. 结束结束_ 10. 一个一个48岁的男人岁的男人_11.买得起买得起_ 12. 对对感到骄傲感到骄傲_13.对对注意注意_ 14. 过去常常过去常常_15. 尽某人最大的努力尽某人最大的努力_. give up be interested in make a decisionto ones surprisenot at all look up deal with be angry withend up afford to do take pride in pay attention to used to try ones best to do a 48-year- old man 1. He is a student, _?2. He isnt a student,_?3. He likes basketball, _?4. Theyll go to Shiqi tomorrow, _?5. Your mother cant swim ,_?6. Tom has had his supper,_?7. Li Ping is playing football,_?8. He went to school yesterday, _? 完成下列反意疑问句;完成下列反意疑问句;isnt he is he doesnt he wont they cant she hasnt he isn he didnt he 翻译下列重点句子:翻译下列重点句子:1.My biggest problem is that Im too busy.2.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends3. My life has changed a lot in the last few years.最大的问题是我太忙最大的问题是我太忙.我过去花太多时间和朋友一起玩游戏我过去花太多时间和朋友一起玩游戏.在过去的里我的生活改变了很多在过去的里我的生活改变了很多英英释义:选出正确的英文解释填入相应的括号内英英释义:选出正确的英文解释填入相应的括号内 ( ) 1. comic a. almost no( ) 2. hardly b. fill with fear( )3. insect c. books or magazines with stories in the form of drawing.( )4. terrify d. winged animals with 6 legs( ) 5. dark e. having little or no light cadbe单项选择单项选择: : 1. I _ frustrated when I wasnt sure of the correct answer. A. may be B. used to C. used to be D. use to be2. When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes3. _work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to4. Where _ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to5. No one likes him _. A. still B. never C. anymore D. tooCBBBC6. I am _ of spiders. A. terrify B. terror C. terrifying D. terrified7. He is afraid of _ strangers. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. seen8. It _that he has been ill for a long time. A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if 9. I always go to sleep _the light on A. in B. with C. to D. and10. Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out. A. afraid B. terrify C. terrified D. worry DBABDUNIT 2I used to be afraid of the dark.I. VOCABULARY dark, spider, insect, along, quiet, snake, outgoing, friendly, serious, funny, shy, straight, chat, miss used to do过去常常做某事 be afraid of 害怕 a couple of一些,若干 contact lenses 隐形眼镜 on the swim team 在游泳队 be terrified of 害怕,恐惧 worry about 担心notany more 不再 take sb. to 带某人到某地 be interested in 对感兴趣II. SENTENCE STRUCTURE 1. I used to be short. 2. You used to have long hair. 3. He used to be afraid of the dark. 4. She used to be terrified of being alone. 4. Did you use to wear glasses? 5. I wasnt very outgoingIII. Important points 1. used to是本课主要的语言点,意思是“过去常常过去常常”,表示过去的习惯动作或过去常常存在的状态,仅用于一般过去时。used to 后加动词原形。 A: used to句式变化如下:He used to like music. He didnt use to like music.Did he use to like music? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. What did he use to like? B: used to的反意疑问句变化:的反意疑问句变化: Jenny used to play the piano after school, didnt she? C: used to 和一般过去时的区别:和一般过去时的区别: used to 仅指过去的习惯,而且是现在已经不存在的习惯。如果用一仅指过去的习惯,而且是现在已经不存在的习惯。如果用一般过去时表示过去的习惯,则需要指出时间。般过去时表示过去的习惯,则需要指出时间。 My father used to smoke, but now he doesnt smoke any more. 这句话是否定形式的疑问句,表示期待、请求或希望肯定回答的语气。类似的句子还有: 2. Dont you remember me? 难道你不记得我了吗?难道你不记得我了吗? * used to 不能与不能与since或或for组成的时间词连用。组成的时间词连用。 Cant you play basketball? Isnt it hot here 3. Did you use to play the piano? Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in the violin.be interested in 意思是意思是 “对对感兴趣感兴趣”, 表示比较级时,将表示比较级时,将more或或less 放在放在interested前面前面Are you interested in the picture?I usedto like music, but now Im more interested in sports.He is less interested in math than English.4. People sure change. 人们确实会变的。人们确实会变的。在句中是副词,表示在句中是副词,表示“确实,的确确实,的确”常用常用作形容词,意思是确信的,无疑的,作形容词,意思是确信的,无疑的,有把握的有把握的be sure of 对对有把握有把握He is sure of his success. be sure that 确信确信Im sure that I can win.be sure to do 一定要做某事一定要做某事Be sure to see the movie, its great. make sure 确定,查明确定,查明.Make sure that they can hear you5. I used to be afraid of being alone. 我过去害怕独处。A: be afraid of sth/doing, be afraid to do sth 害怕,害怕做I used to be afraid of snakes.He used to be afraid of speaking in front of a group.He is a afraid to walk home at night.B: alone是形容词,意思是“单独的”,“独自的”The old lady lives alone in the house. 这个老妇人独自住在这座房子里。 He likes being alone. 他喜欢独处。他喜欢独处。 alone 与与 lonely的辨析的辨析 alone是形容词,做表语;是形容词,做表语;lonely可以做表语,也可以可以做表语,也可以做定语。做定语。 alone的意思是的意思是“单独的,独自的单独的,独自的”,而,而lonely则指则指“孤独的,寂寞的孤独的,寂寞的” The old man lives alone, but she doesnt feel lonely. 这位老人独自生活,但并不感到孤独。这位老人独自生活,但并不感到孤独。 6. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. 我开着我开着卧室的灯睡觉。卧室的灯睡觉。 表示附带、伴随的状况,意思是表示附带、伴随的状况,意思是“一边一边着,同时着,同时” He left with the door open. She said goodbye with tears in her eyes. 7. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but I just dont have the time any more. A. spend 动词,表示动词,表示“花费(时间、金钱等),度花费(时间、金钱等),度过过”,用法如下:,用法如下: spend (time, money) on sth. 在某事上花费(时在某事上花费(时间、金钱)间、金钱) Mary spends more than an hour on homework everyday. He spent ten dollars on the book. spend (in) doing sth 花费花费做做 He spends much time playing games with his friends after school. B. any more 意思是意思是“(不)再,再也(不)(不)再,再也(不)”,用于否定句和疑问句用于否定句和疑问句 They dont live here any more. 8. My life has changed a lot in the last few years. in the last或或in the past意思是意思是“在过去的在过去的时时间里间里”,这个短语一般要和完成时连用。,这个短语一般要和完成时连用。 He has made a great progress in the last few months. IV. 阅读难点分析阅读难点分析 1. afford 经受得起,负担得起经受得起,负担得起 I cant afford the expense. 2. he often got into trouble with the police. get into trouble with 与与产生麻烦,和产生麻烦,和发生问题发生问题 3. his mother was very patient, and she didnt give up trying to help him. give up sth. / doing sth. 放弃放弃 You have to give up smoking, its good for your health. 4. she also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would always take pride in everything good I do. even though 即使 take pride in sth 以骄傲,自豪 everything good I do 这是含有定语从句的句子,I do修饰everything good,意思是“我做的每一件好事” 5. and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me. pay attention to 注意 、选择填空 ( ) 1.I _ upset when I failed the exam. A. be B. used to C. use to be D. used to be ( ) 2. When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate. A. liking B. liked C. like D. likes ( ) 3. _ work in Microsoft? A. Did you use toB. Did you used to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to ( ) 4. Where _ live before you came here? A. did you use to B. did you used to C. use he to D. he used to ( ) 5. You didnt use to live in Beijing, _? A. didnt you B. did you C. werent you D. were you( ) 6. I am _ of spiders. A. terrified B. terror C. terrifyingD. terrify( ) 7. He is afraid of _ tigers. A. see B. seen C. saw D. seeing( ) 8. It _ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seem B. looks C. look D. seems( ( ) 9. Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out. A. afraid B. terrify C. terrified D. worry ( ) 10. Some boys of class One enjoy _music. A. listen to B. listens toC. listening to D. listened to ( ) 11. Are you _ in the _ story? A. interested, interesting B. interesting, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interested ( ) 12. He _ use to like painting. A. doesnt B. dont C. hasntD. didnt ( ) 13. Would you mind waiting for me at the gate? _ A. Sure.B. Not at all. C. Certainly. D. Yes. ( ) 14. It _ us three days to finish the work. A. spent B used C took D takes ( ) 15. Our country _ a lot in the last fifty years. A will change B has changed C change D changed 二、连词成句 1. have, did, you, curly, to, use, hair? _ 2. afraid, used, speaking, of, to, she, be, group, a, front, in, of _ 3. Im, my, problem, is, that, biggest, busy, too _ _ 4. used, spend, playing, a, of, I, to, school, games, lot, after, time _ 5. really, days, I, miss, old, the _ Happy 6.Im terrified of the dark. 我怕黑我怕黑.“be terrified of”的害怕程度比的害怕程度比 “be afraid of”大些大些.7.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on .我开灯睡觉我开灯睡觉.(表伴随表伴随) 例如例如:The teacher came into the classroom with a big smile. EXPRESSIONS FOR 3B : 1. USED TO 过去常常过去常常/经常经常2. BE AFRAID OF 害怕害怕3. GO TO SLEEP 去睡觉去睡觉 4. BE INTERESTED IN 对对感兴趣感兴趣5. BE TERRIFIED OF 害怕害怕/恐惧恐惧.6. WORRY ABOUT (=BE WORRIED ABOUT ) 担心担心.7. ALL THE TIME 一直一直/总是总是8. AFTER SCHOOL 放学后放学后9. WALK TO 走路走路/步行去步行去.10. TAKE A BUS TO 乘公交车去乘公交车去.Expressions Section B,1a: 1.exercising in gym class 在体育课上运动在体育课上运动2.painting pictures 画画画画 3a:1. these days 目前目前,如今如今 2. get up 起床起床 3. go right home 马上回家马上回家4.Sb. spend (in) doing sth.做某事花费做某事花费(时间时间/金金钱钱) on sth. 在某方面花在某方面花( 时间时间/金钱金钱) It take sb. to do sth. 花费某人花费某人(多长时间多长时间)去去 做某事做某事5. notany more =no more 不再不再 6. chat with sb. 和某人聊天和某人聊天 7.TAKE SB. TO SW. 带某人去某地带某人去某地8. HARDLY EVER 几乎没有几乎没有9. HAVE TIME =BE FREE 有空有空/时间时间10.DO ONES HOMEWORK 做作业做作业 11. GO TO BED 去睡觉去睡觉 怀念怀念,想念想念,惦念惦念12. MISS 错过错过 MISS 小姐小姐 13. IN THE LAST FEW YEARS 在过去的几年里在过去的几年里(用用于现于现 在完成时在完成时)14. DAILY LIFE 日常生活日常生活15. FAVORITE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL 在学校最喜在学校最喜欢的科目欢的科目Difficult sentences :1.My big problem is that Im too busy.最大的问题是我太忙最大的问题是我太忙.2.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends . 我过去花太多时间和朋友一起玩游戏我过去花太多时间和朋友一起玩游戏.3. My life has changed a lot in the last few years.在过去的几年里我的生活改变了很多在过去的几年里我的生活改变了很多.在句型变化中不用另找助动词在句型变化中不用另找助动词,即即My life has not changed a lot in the last few years.Has my life changed a lot in the last few years?Yes ,it has./No, it hasnt.Self check :!: 1)am afraid of (因为因为be包括包括is/ am / are) of +名词名词/动名词动名词be afraid to+ 动词原形动词原形 that +句子句子(主语主语+谓语谓语+)2) worry about 3)have to 4) miss 5) used to 你的小学生活和初中生活差别大吗?请以日记形式写出来吧!


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