七年级英语Unit4 Helping people around the worldReading(ppt)牛津版选修六

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七年级英语Unit4 Helping people around the worldReading(ppt)牛津版选修六_第1页
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UNIT 4HELPING PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLDReading 2Angelina in IndiaLanguage pointsConsolidation exercise P53Angelina in India (2006)Angelina Jolie visited: a single mother from Viet Nam a clinic a centre for the Afghan & the Vietnamese refer to make up operate honor take on set up baseon be involved in worthy assist in addition addto a sum of under the umbrella of apart from lack ofl Clauses introduced by “as”l Words and phrasesUnderline the following words and phrases in the text.L2 to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to .Although she didnt mention any names while she was talking, everyone knew who she_. 提到提到, 谈到谈到He likes to _as “Doctor Smith” instead of “Mr. Smith”. 称某人为称某人为He gave the speech without _ his notes. 查阅查阅,参考参考 refer (v.) reference (n.)reference book 参考书,工具书参考书,工具书letter of reference 调查信;调查信; 保证书保证书提到提到, 谈到谈到, 涉及涉及was referring tobe referred toreferring torefer to sb. as L2 The Un is an international group _ countries that want to 组成组成, 构成构成made up ofThese seven people made up the entire population of that village. (= form)Im glad to see you two have made up. (= to stop arguing)Thats a good riddle. Did you make it up yourself? (= to invent)Please stay with us; I could make up a bed for you on the sofa. (= to prepare)They made him up as an old man for the last act of the play. Im trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick. 组成组成补足;凑足补足;凑足和解;和好和解;和好化妆化妆编造,虚构编造,虚构整理;收拾整理;收拾1. They are busy _a new display wall in order to get all the posters put up.2. She _ all the hot water and you have to come after supper.3. We _all night, chatting.4. The survivors _ by fishing boats from nearby villages.5. We _ having to postpone our vacation on account of the bad weather.6. Just now, the teacher _ the lesson where he left off yesterday.7. You may _ more information on the UN website.8. I dont mind _a couple of hours a week to work for the city library.9. We need two more players to _ the team.end up take up use up pick up look upgive up stay up make up put up putting uphas used upstayed upwere picked upended uptook uplook upgiving upmake upL5 I visit five countries where the UN _ programs to help people. (v.)运作运作L17 The organization is involved in peacekeeping _ . (n.) 行动行动别担心,将有人给我们演示如何别担心,将有人给我们演示如何操作操作新机器。新机器。这家公司在这家公司在60多个国家多个国家经营经营快餐店。快餐店。除了立刻给我的胳膊除了立刻给我的胳膊动手术动手术,那天他们别无选择。,那天他们别无选择。 The other day they had no choice but to operate on my arm immediately.The company operates fast-food restaurants in over 60 countries.The other day they did nothing but make an operation on my arm immediately.operatesoperationsL6 I feel very _ to have been able to take on this role. ( proud and pleased)honoredbe/feel honored (to do sth.) 感到荣幸感到荣幸 (=to feel very proud and pleased)honor sb. with / for sth. 敬重;尊敬;使荣耀敬重;尊敬;使荣耀He was honored _an award for excellence in teaching.Two firefighters have been honored _their courage.I felt very honored to _.be included in the national teamwithfor an honored guest defend the honor of ones familyIt is an honor to be included in the national team. (n.)一位尊贵的客人一位尊贵的客人捍卫家族的荣誉捍卫家族的荣誉The scholarship was named in honor of the schoolmate Tao Jiawei, who has donated an amount of money to our school. 向向表示敬意表示敬意take on this role 担当(某一角色)担当(某一角色)The newly-built factory is beginning to take on new worker.The doctor suggested I should not take on too much work.On hearing the news he took on an annoyed expression.聘用聘用承担承担 呈现呈现 After graduation, he _ (从事从事) the work of environmental preservation. In the first five years, he _(不怕麻烦,费力)(不怕麻烦,费力)to do the research related to water conservation, which _(占据)(占据) much of his time. Now he is busy traveling around the country to give speeches, in which he calls on us to _(充分利用)(充分利用)solar energy. He always _(感感到骄傲)到骄傲) his work ; he believes that if everyone _(采取行动)(采取行动), our environment would be much cleaner.Phrases of “take”has been taking ontook the troubletook uptake advantage oftakes pride intook actionL9 It was actually set up just after the Second World War 设立设立 set up a political party (= to establish) 建立(事业建立(事业), 成立(组织)成立(组织)set up road blocks/ a tent (= to build/put up) 竖起,支起竖起,支起L 11 The UN _ a charter that has four main purposes. 以以.作基础作基础, 基于基于.is based onFrom my point of view it seems that Nanjing should develop an economy based on _. I believe that any great invention is based on _. Personally, I agree that the good relationship between teacher and student is supposed to be based on _.L 17 The organization _ peacekeeping operations. (= to take part in; to be connected with) is involved in如果我是你,我就不卷入他们的争论中去。如果我是你,我就不卷入他们的争论中去。If I were you, I would not get involved in their argument.L21 With the help of these armies and other _ organizations 可敬的,有价值的可敬的,有价值的 worthyThe money donated by Bill Gates has gone to some very worthy causes, such as helping the children in Africa and people infected with AIDS.你的建议值得考虑。你的建议值得考虑。Your suggestion is worthy of consideration. worthy to be considered. worth considering. It is worthwhile to consider/ considering your suggestion. worthless ( 无价值的,无益的)无价值的,无益的) valuable (贵重的贵重的, 有价值的有价值的) worthy ( 应应.的的, 可敬的可敬的, 值得的值得的, 相称的相称的) priceless (无价的无价的, 极贵重的极贵重的 )L 22 the UN assists the victims of wars assist sb. with/in (doing) sth. 援助援助, 帮助帮助In this position, you will assist in training new employees. help sb. (to) do sth./ help sb. with sth. give/ lend sb. a hand / give/lend a hand with sth. do sb. a favor give help/ assistance/ support to.帮助帮助另外另外,此外此外 in addition / in addition to (L 22) as well / as well as besides furthermore moreover L 36 They add it to a sum of money the government gives them.addto 增加;加起来增加;加起来add up 加算;合计加算;合计add up to 总计为,总数达总计为,总数达_ fertilizer to the soil will help the plants to grow more quickly.When we _ the receipts (收据收据) we realized we had spent too much.The three angles of a triangle always _180 degrees. Add 6 and 6 and you get 12. 6 plus 6 equals 12 Addingadded upadd up to a small/large sum of money 一笔钱一笔钱If there is a purse containing a large sum of money at the back seat of a taxi, I will _. To sum upsum up 总而言之总而言之总之,好学生要全面发展。总之,好学生要全面发展。_, a good student develops in an all-round way.L41 There are lots of such programs and funds the _UN.在在保护下,在保护下,在管理下管理下under the umbrella ofL 43 Apart from the urgent problems caused by warsthe UN helps countries with other problemsThe program of helping poor students return to school came under the umbrella of local government.Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops. Apart from the ending, its a really good film. as well as except for Its lack of confidence, not lack of ability, that makes most people fail. L44 with other problems such as lack of education. (n.) 缺少缺少许多人失败不是因为缺少能力,而是因为缺乏信心。许多人失败不是因为缺少能力,而是因为缺乏信心。 (= Lacking confidence makes people fail.)(= is lack of)Consolidation exercise P53 EHomework1. Written exercises: P124 A1 & A22. Oral exercises: P 53 FAlexs real problem is that he lacks confidence. (v.) refer to make up operate honor take on set up baseon be involved in worthy assist in addition addto a sum of under the umbrella of apart from lack ofRead aloudl Clauses introduced by “as”l Words and phrases


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